Unit 5 First Aid Using Language(1) Listening and speaking教学设计+课后练习+学习任务单


名称 Unit 5 First Aid Using Language(1) Listening and speaking教学设计+课后练习+学习任务单
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-18 14:33:30


学科 英语 年级 高二 学期 春季
课题 Unit5 First Aid Using Language(1) :listening and speaking
教科书 英语选择性必修第二册
1. 了解一些国家的急救电话号码。 2. 听一个男孩拨打999急救电话的录音,理解电话内容和接线员的指令,了解急救电话的特点和拨打急救电话的要求。 3. 能够模仿听力中的急救电话,与同伴分角色表演溺水场景下拨打急救电话的对话。
教学重点: 学会用英语描述所遇到的紧急情况,能听懂英语急救指令,并关注接线员所使用的祈使句和表示顺序的信号词,体会其语言的清晰和简练。
2. 能够与同伴分角色表演溺水场景下拨打急救电话的对话。
教学难点: 1. 描述所遇到的紧急情况。 2. 描述溺水场景下的急救措施和步骤。
Step 1 Pre - listening
Activity1 Check the emergency numbers of the countries. Reference: Australia 000, Canada 911, China 120, Japan 119, Most European countries 112, New Zealand 111, South Korea 119, the UK 999&112, the US 911.
Activity 2 Match the pictures below to the medical emergencies.
Reference: bad cut/bleeding 1, sprained ankle 2, poisoning 3, heart attack 4, drowning 5
Q: Would you call 120 for these medical emergencies How would you describe the situations Poisoning : A small child has taken my or someone else’s medicine and is unresponsive
(not reacting to sb/sth).
Heart attack: A man is grasping the left side of his chest tightly. He might be struggling to breathe and dealing with a lot of pain. Drowning: There is a man far out in the water who does not seem to be able to swim. He might be drowning. 【设计说明】活动一通过让学生课前查找资料了解相关国家的急救电话号码,为后面的输出拨打急救电话做准备。活动二通过图片配对,有助于学生对于这些紧急情况有直观的了解,同时学生需判断这些情况是否需要拨打急救电话,及拨打电话后如何描述这几种情况。这为听力部分的问题3如何描述爷爷的情况以及问题4判断爷爷的病症做好铺垫。
Step2 Listening Activity 1 Listen to a 999 call in England and answer the questions.
1. Why did the boy call 999 2. Who else was in the room with the boy and his grandfather 3. How did the boy describe the old man’s condition
His breathing has gotten really .
I think he’s ! His face looks . He’s started to again. His lips . He’s making . He’s not again. He’s not ! 4.Which situation do you think the boy’s grandfather suffered from A. Poisoning B. Heart Attack C. Drowning Reference:
Q1:Because his grandfather was having a serious health problem and they needed an ambulance. Q2:The boy’s mother. Q3: bad, dying, funny, breathe, lips are blue, making strange noises, not breathing again,not breathing anymore.
Q4: B Q: How did the boy sound He sounded panic-stricken. Activity 2 Listen again. Number the following instructions the operator gave. ______ Press down, twice a second. ______ Check to see if there is food in his mouth. ______ If your mother needs a break, change places. ______ Put him on his back. ______ Remove any pillows. ______ Tell your mum to put her hand in the middle of his chest. Reference: 5 3 6 1 2 4
Q: How did the operator make the instructions successful use the imperative: simple & clear use words such as first , next, then, after that, and finally. Q: How did the operator sound She sounded calm.
【设计说明】活动一通过4个问题厘清拨打这个紧急电话的目的,家中的人员(为后面的采取急救措施做好准备),如何描述病人的情况,及判断病症。其中问题3和问题4是难点。问题3设计为填空的形式,一方面降低难度,另一方面让学生重点关注与症状相关的词汇,为后面的输出拨打急救电话时的描述症状做好语言储备。学生在问题3中了解到爷爷的身体状况,这就为问题4判断病症做好了铺垫。活动二通过给接线员的指令排序,一方面了解急救的措施,另一方面让学生可以学会通过使用祈使句和信号词让指令变得更加清晰明确。这两个活动都关注了打电话双方的语气,为输出部分拨打电话做好说话者语气的准备。 Step 3 Speaking
Activity 1 The pictures below show what to do to rescue someone from drowning. In groups, discuss what is going on in each picture. Picture 1 Lay the victim on his back. Check for a response. Picture 2 If he does not respond, call for an ambulance. Picture 3 Observe the victim’s chest for 5-10 seconds to check to see if he is breathing. Picture 4 If the victim has breathing difficulties, check inside his mouth and remove any grass or sand. Open his airway by gently lifting up his chin. Picture 5 Perform mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing twice. Pinch his nose and cover his mouth with your mouth, and then below air in for one second each time. Picture 6 Perform CPR by clasping your hands together and pushing down on the center of his chest thirty times, followed by two more rescue breaths. Continue the process until help arrives. Activity 2 In pairs, role-play an emergency call. One of you will be the friend of a drowning victim (Role A), and the other will be a telephone operator giving first-aid instructions(Role B).
Sample Conversation B: Hello, this is emergency. A: Hi, it’s my friend. We are at the swimming pool and I think he’s drowning. We need an ambulance! B: OK. Could you tell me your address A: We are at the pond in Zhongshan Park. B: And your phone number A: Oh, it’s xxx. Please hurry! I think he’s dying. B: And are you with him now A: Yes. B: I’ll tell you what to do. First, is he on his back A: No, he’s on his side. B: Well, you’ll need to roll him over then. A: OK. B: Next check for a response. When you call to him, does he answer A: No! B: So, is he breathing A: No! B: Listen to me. Turn his head to the side, and put your finger in his mouth to make sure that there is nothing in it. A: OK... I’ve done that. B: Then turn his head back up, and lift his chin back. A: Yes, OK. B: Just be calm and do what I tell you next. Breathe into his mouth until his chest rises. Do this twice. A: OK...now what B: Now push down on the middle of his chest really hard and really fast. Every thirty pushes, stop and give him two more breaths. A: Alright. That’s it B: Yes, keep doing this until the ambulance arrives. And don’t hang up the phone! I’ll be right here if you need more help. The ambulance is on its way. A: OK. Thank you.
【设计说明】活动一学生通过6幅图片,讨论关于溺水者的急救措施,为后面的拨打急救电话做好相关话题的语言准备。活动二学生通过角色扮演,学会为溺水者拨打急救电话,及如何提供急救措施帮助溺水者脱险。这一活动是将本节课上获取的信息和技能做了综合运用,同时通过这部分的输出检测学生在前面各个环节的落实程度。 Step 4 Homework
Create a conversation of making an emergency call for other medical emergency.
【设计说明】课后作业与课堂上的输出保持一致,但又有所提升。除了课堂上的listening 部分的心脏病和speaking 部分的溺水这两种情况外,日常生活中还有哪些情况需要我们拨打急救电话?引导学生发散性思维,可以借助网络和图书馆等途径查找相关资料,与同伴完成新一轮的对话。3幅图片仅供参考。作业练习
学科 英语 年级 高二 学期 春季
课题 Unit5 First Aid Using Language(1) :listening and speaking
教科书 英语选择性必修第二册
Create a conversation of making an emergency call for other medical emergency.
Role A: the friend of the victim
Role B: a telephone operator
Sample Conversation
B: Hello, this is emergency. A: Hi, it’s my sister. We are at home and I think she’s choking. We need an ambulance! B: OK. Could you tell me your address A: We are in Flat 2 on the third floor on Zhongshan Street.. B: And your phone number A: Oh, it’s 655-112. B: How old is her A: She is ten. Please hurry! I think she’s dying. B: And are you with her now A: Yes, I am. B: I’ll tell you what to do. First, is she standing on her feet A: No, she’s sitting at the table. B: Well, you’ll need to help her to her feet. A: OK. B: Next slap her back.
A: OK. B: So, has the obstruction been forced out A: No! I don’t know what to do. What can I do B: Listen to me. Stand behind him, and wrap your arms around her waist. A: OK... I’ve done it. B: Then make a fist with one hand and place it in the upper part of her stomach. A: Yes, OK. B: Just be calm and do what I tell you next. Grab your fist with your other hand tightly, push up and into his stomach in one motion. A: Alright. That’s it B: Yes, keep doing this until the obstruction is forced out. And don’t hang up the phone! I’ll be right here if you need more help. The ambulance is on its way. A: OK. Thank you.学习任务单
学科 英语 年级 高二 学期 春季
课题 Unit5 First Aid Using Language(1) :listening and speaking
教科书 英语选择性必修第二册
1. 了解一些国家的急救电话号码。 2. 听一个男孩拨打999急救电话的录音,理解电话内容和接线员的指令,了解急救电话的特点和拨打急救电话的要求。 3. 能够模仿听力中的急救电话,与同伴分角色表演溺水场景下拨打急救电话的对话。
查找课本P54 练习一的相关国家的急救电话号码。
2. 了解一些急救常识和施救方法,如CPR的操作步骤。
Match the pictures below to the medical emergencies.
Listen to a 999 call in England and answer the questions.
1. Why did the boy call 999 2. Who else was in the room with the boy and his grandfather 3. How did the boy describe the old man’s condition
His breathing has gotten really .
I think he’s ! His face looks . He’s started to again. His lips . He’s making . He’s not again. He’s not ! 4.Which situation do you think the boy’s grandfather suffered from A. Poisoning B. Heart Attack C. Drowning 【学习任务三】 Listen again. Number the following instructions the operator gave. ______ Press down, twice a second. ______ Check to see if there is food in his mouth. ______ If your mother needs a break, change places. ______ Put him on his back. ______ Remove any pillows. ______ Tell your mum to put her hand in the middle of his chest. 【学习任务四】 The pictures below show what to do to rescue someone from drowning. In groups, discuss what is going on in each picture.
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4 Picture 5
Picture 6
【学习任务五】 In pairs, role-play an emergency call. One of you will be the friend of a drowning victim (Role A), and the other will be a telephone operator giving first-aid instructions (Role B).
A: Hello, this is emergency. B: Hi, it’s my friend. ...... A: ......