Unit 5 First Aid Learning About Language (1) Vocabulary课后练习课件(共11张PPT+学习任务单+课后练习)


名称 Unit 5 First Aid Learning About Language (1) Vocabulary课后练习课件(共11张PPT+学习任务单+课后练习)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-18 14:38:54


学科 高中英语 年级 高二年级 学期 春季
课题 Unit5 First Aid Learning About Language(1):Vocabulary
教科书 选择性必修第二册
完成选择性必修第二册Unit5 First Aid 书本P52页三道习题。 Learning About Language(1):Build up your vocabulary
1.Write a word you have learnt in this unit before each definition. 1.________a part of the body that has a particular purpose, such as the heart or the brain 2.______a chemical, usually a liquid, that has a pH of less than seven 3.________ one thousandth of a metre 4.________energy sent out in waves 5._______ material used for making cloth, curtains, etc. 6.________a person who has been attacked, injured, or killed 2. Choose the right word(s) from A to C to complete a short conversation. 1.A: The price for this car Fifteen thousand dollars out the door! What a deal! B: Well, if the car hadn't been in an accident, that would be a good price, but it has a few_________ problems. A slight B minor C tiny A: Ouch! My leg really hurts! B: Why don't you take some medicine to________the pain A reduce B relax C ease 3.A: Have you treated any real emergencies in your first-aid course at the Red Cross B:Well, they let us ride along with some paramedics. Once, we gave first aid to a _____ of a traffic accident before rushing him to the hospital. A victim B patient C sufferer 4.A:Did you hear that three people died in a fire last night B:What a terrible ______ !How did it happen A accident B incident C occasion 5.A: Can I see you for a moment B: Is it a matter of ____ A urgency B emergency C seriousness 3.Read the passage about chemical burns and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box. incident loose urgent organ acid victim A chemical burn occurs when your skin or eyes come into contact with an________ or other chemicals. Such ________can be very dangerous and require_______attention. Chemical burns can even affect your internal _________if the chemicals are swallowed. First aid should be given to chemical burns immediately. For example, wrap the burnt area _______ with a clean cloth if possible. It is important to send the ______ to the hospital right away if he or she is severely burnt. 参考答案 一.organ 2. acid 3. millimetre 4. radiation/rays 5. fabric 6. victim 二.1.A/B 2.A/C 3.A 4.A 5.A 三acid 2. incidents 3. urgent 4. organs 5. loosely 6. victim(共11张PPT)
选择性必修第二册Unit5 First Aid
Learning About Language(1):Vocabulary
1.________a part of the body that has a particular purpose, such as the heart or the brain
2.______a chemical, usually a liquid, that has a pH of less
than seven
3.________ one thousandth of a metre
4.________energy sent out in waves
5._______ material used for making cloth, curtains, etc.
6.________a person who has been attacked, injured, or killed
Write a word you have learnt in this unit before each definition.
Tip 1:Figure out the words according to the definition.
Build up your vocabulary
Build up your vocabulary
Attention:For some items, there are more than one right answers .
1. slight:指轻微的,微小的,程度较小,不太明显。
例如:There was only a slight change in temperature.(温度只有轻微的变化)
2. minor:指较小的,比较重要的事物之中程度较轻的那个。
例如:He sustained only a minor injury in the accident.(他在事故中只受了轻微的伤)
3. tiny:指极小的,微小到几乎看不见,非常微小。
例如:She found a tiny bug on the leaf.(她在叶子上发现了一只微小的虫子)
Build up your vocabulary
1.A: The price for this car Fifteen thousand dollars out the door! What a deal!
B: Well, if the car hadn't been in an accident, that would be a good price, but it has a few_________ problems.
A slight B minor C tiny
1. reduce:减少,降低。
例如:The packets are measured to reduce waste. (测量包裹尺寸以减少浪费)
2. relax:休息,(使)放松;放心,镇定;松开。
例如:A bath can relax tense muscles. (泡个澡能放松紧绷的肌肉)
3. ease:减轻,缓和,放松。
例如:I gave him some brandy to ease the pain. (我给了他一些白兰地以减轻疼痛)
Build up your vocabulary
2.A: Ouch! My leg really hurts!
B: Why don't you take some medicine to________the pain
A reduce B relax C ease
Build up your vocabulary
3.A: Have you treated any real emergencies in your first-aid course at the Red Cross
B:Well, they let us ride along with some paramedics. Once, we gave first aid to a _____ of a traffic accident before rushing him to the hospital.
A victim B patient C sufferer
1.victim :受害人,受伤或在意外中死亡的人。
例如:Not all the victims of the accidents survived. (并非所有车祸的受害者都活下来)
2. sufferer :受难者或患病者,一般指遭受苦难或患病的人。
例如:Frequently sufferers of this kind of allergy are also sufferers of asthma.
Build up your vocabulary
4.A:Did you hear that three people died in a fire last night
B:What a terrible ______ !How did it happen
A accident B incident C occasion
1. accident :交通事故, 意外遭遇。强调偶然或意外发生的不幸事情。
例如:I didn't mean to break it─ it was an accident.
2. incident :既可指日常小插曲事件也可以指人为的暴力事件,
例如:His bad behaviour was just an isolated incident.
Build up your vocabulary
5.A: Can I see you for a moment
B: Is it a matter of ____
A urgency B emergency C seriousness
1.urgency: 紧急,迫切,紧急之事。
例如:This is a matter of great urgency.
2. emergency: 突发事件; 紧急情况,性命攸关。
例如:She has the ability to keep calm in an emergency.
Tip 2:Understand the words according to
the context and collocation.
Build up your vocabulary
3.Read the passage about chemical burns and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.
incident loose urgent organ acid victim
A chemical burn occurs when your skin or eyes come into contact with an________ or other chemicals. Such ________can be very dangerous and require_______attention. Chemical burns can even affect your internal _________if the chemicals are swallowed. First aid should be given to chemical burns immediately. For example, wrap the burnt area _______ with a clean cloth if possible. It is important to send the ______ to the hospital right away if he or she is severely burnt.
Tip3:Pay attention to the correct forms while filling the blanks.
Build up your vocabulary
Tip 1:Figure out the words according to the definition.
Tip 2:Understand the words according to the context and collocation.
Tip3:Pay attention to the correct forms while filling
the blanks.
Thank You!学习任务单
学科 高中英语 年级 高二年级 学期 春季
课题 Unit5 First Aid Learning About Language(1):Vocabulary
教科书 选择性必修第二册
1.帮助学生掌握本单元词汇的用法和含义。 2.提升学生分析词汇的能力,并能灵活运用词汇。 3.培养学生良好的词汇学习习惯。
完成选择性必修第二册Unit5 First Aid 书本P52页三道习题。 Learning About Language(1):Build up your vocabulary
1.Write a word you have learnt in this unit before each definition. 1.________a part of the body that has a particular purpose, such as the heart or the brain 2.______a chemical, usually a liquid, that has a pH of less than seven 3.________ one thousandth of a metre 4.________energy sent out in waves 5._______ material used for making cloth, curtains, etc. 6.________a person who has been attacked, injured, or killed 2. Choose the right word(s) from A to C to complete a short conversation. 1.A: The price for this car Fifteen thousand dollars out the door! What a deal! B: Well, if the car hadn't been in an accident, that would be a good price, but it has a few_________ problems. A slight B minor C tiny A: Ouch! My leg really hurts! B: Why don't you take some medicine to________the pain A reduce B relax C ease 3.A: Have you treated any real emergencies in your first-aid course at the Red Cross B:Well, they let us ride along with some paramedics. Once, we gave first aid to a _____ of a traffic accident before rushing him to the hospital. A victim B patient C sufferer 4.A:Did you hear that three people died in a fire last night B:What a terrible ______ !How did it happen A accident B incident C occasion 5.A: Can I see you for a moment B: Is it a matter of ____ A urgency B emergency C seriousness 3.Read the passage about chemical burns and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box. incident loose urgent organ acid victim A chemical burn occurs when your skin or eyes come into contact with an________ or other chemicals. Such ________can be very dangerous and require_______attention. Chemical burns can even affect your internal _________if the chemicals are swallowed. First aid should be given to chemical burns immediately. For example, wrap the burnt area _______ with a clean cloth if possible. It is important to send the ______ to the hospital right away if he or she is severely burnt.
一、 导入 1.简单打招呼,进入课堂主题。 二、 词汇习题讲解讲解 1.词汇填空练习: * 针对不同的词汇进行练习,帮助学生巩固词汇的用法和含义。 * 鼓励学生积极参与,并及时纠正错误。 三、 课堂总结 1. 总结本节课的主要内容,并再次强调词汇学习的重要性。 教学建议: 注重词汇的实用性:讲解词汇时,应结合实际情况,讲解其在不同语境下的运用。 采用多样化的教学方法:结合游戏、互动等形式,提高学生的参与度和学习兴趣。 鼓励学生积极参与:鼓励学生提问、讨论,并及时给予鼓励和评价。 重视词汇的积累:鼓励学生建立词汇本,并定期复习巩固。