辽宁省鞍山市第一中学2024-2025学年高三上学期10月二模试题 英语 (含答案,无听力原文及音频)


名称 辽宁省鞍山市第一中学2024-2025学年高三上学期10月二模试题 英语 (含答案,无听力原文及音频)
格式 docx
文件大小 39.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-18 16:33:46



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. Who is William probably talking to
A. His doctor. B. His boss. C. His wife.
2. What will the woman do next
A. Arrange a meeting. B. Pick up the man’s client. C. Drive the man to his office.
3. What does the woman like about the restaurant
A. The service. B. The food. C. The price.
4. What do’ es Jake suggest doing
A. Restarting the printer. B. Checking the connections. C. Referring to the instructions.
5. Where does the conversation take place
A. At home. B. At a supermarket. C. At the man’s office.
6. What are the speakers doing now
A. Waiting for Tina. B. Looking for a guide. C. Climbing a mountain.
7. When was the bus scheduled to leave
A. At 9: 30 am. B. At 9: 50 am. C. At 10: 10 am.
8. Who might the woman be
A. An actress. B. A director. C. A hostess.
9. What does the woman think of the award- winning film
A. It is her favorite. B. It is worthy of the award. C. It is terribly disappointing.
10. What are the speakers going to do
A. Hold a meeting. B. Watch a video. C. Attend an interview.
11. What kind of book does the man want
A. One’s life story. B. A fantasy series. C. An adventure novel.
12. Why docs the woman buy books today
A. To complete her paper. B. To prepare a birthday gift. C. To learn more about a great man.
13. Which book series will the woman take
A. Harry Potter. B. The Lord’ of the Rings. C. The Hunger Games.
14. What made the man notice the problem first
A. A call from his bank. B. A bill in his mail. C. A purchase of his own.
15. What did the bank do to fix the problem
A. They gave the man his money back at once. B. They advised the man to talk to his manager.
C. They asked the man to provide the evidence.
16. On what occasion did the problem arise according to the man
A. Shopping online. B. Opening an account. C. Making a call.
17. What does the problem warn the speakers of
A Information leaks. B. Investment traps. C. Financial crises.
18 What does Caroline Smith talk about in the Kyric Belle Show
A. Wildlife extinction. B. Latest campaigning activities.
C. Common misunderstandings of animals.
19. What does a monkey’s ear- to- ear smile suggest
A. It is quite shy. B. It feels at risk. C. It is very happy.
20. Why does the speaker deliver the speech
A. To present a charity show. B. To advertise a national 200. C. To introduce a preservationist.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Dia de los Muertos 3K and 5K Run
Dia de los Muertos Festival brings families together for a celebration and some healthy exercise. The festival includes a diverse line - up of Mexican dance, special performances, face painting, and foods. A morning 3K/5K run along the ocean will kick off the day’s events.
Admission to the festival is free after the run.
Live Oak 10K/5K & Family Fun Run
Whether you’re an experienced athlete or just “dipping your toes in the water” for the first time, we’ve got you covered. Any combination of biking or run is included at our events. You can do a relay, a team challenge or come out- to do a: fun but challenging half marathon, 10K, 5K or 1K. There’s something for the whole family at our events and some fun too!
Lam Research Heart and Soles Run
This run is to help provide students with opportunities to exercise and access to nutritious food. In the four years since its founding, the run has raised over $ 400, 000 to benefit children’s health and wellness. There are several events including a 6K run, 10K run, and a Kids Fun Run. Runners can enjoy a scenic course which starts and finishes at the back gate of Santa Clara community.
Each participant receives a cotton race shirt and finisher medal.
Rising New York Road Runners
Welcome to take part in Rising New York Road Runners events. The events are a combination of traditional running and fun movement activities. Both of them are adaptable to meet children’s needs. Registration for all Rising New York Road Runners events is completely free and made possible by the generosity of our community.
1. What can we know about Live Oak 10K/5K & Family Fun Run
A. Only experienced athletes can take part. B. Participants can play with water.
C. The family can have fun together. D. People must run at least 5K.
2 Which event is sponsored by the community
A. Dia delos Muertos 3K and 5K Run. B. Live Oak 10K/5K & Family Fun Run.
C. Lam Research Heart and Soles Run. D. Rising New York Road Runners.
3. What do: the events have in common
A. They are designed for the youth. B. They include running events.
C. Each participant will get a shirt. D. Admission to the events is free.
Two years ago, my son sat me down for a talk. “Mom, it’s time,” he said. “Hear me out: It’s time we got actual TV. And you need an iPhone.”
This funny conversation two years ago marked a change in our relationship. Perhaps for the first time, I began to really listen to John’s opinion about our home technology. Since his reasoning was sound and his suggestions were within budget, I took his advice and was pleasantly surprised with the results.
I’d known for a while that my son understands technology better than I do. On airplanes, he grabbed my phone to put it in airplane mode. He wired the speakers in our house. After something was stolen from our front yard, he picked out, set up, and now monitors our security camera. When my computer died, I took him shopping with me.
He has a busy social life, with skateboarding, basketball, and online gaming. I see our time together reducing and our shared interests shrinking. That’s why I jumped at the chance when a friend mentioned writing technology reviews. When I presented the idea to my teen, he immediately accepted.
It’s changed our relationship in surprising ways. Where he used to get annoyed quickly at my technical ignorance, he’s learned to be more patient and explain things to me in a way that I can convey to an equally unknowing audience. The parent- child dynamic is not only changed; it’s even slightly reversed (颠倒). He’s leading me. I’m asking him for help and advice.
My son has risen to the occasion. He’s taking it seriously, and to watch him mature in this way is an honor. As someone not much of a reader, he now searches instruction booklets. Without any prompting, he’s even emailed and called — yes, made an actual phone call — to customer service or tech support when products weren’t working as expected.
I never imagined being a tech reviewer, but it’s proved to be a valuable way to learn from, work with, and enjoy time with my teen.
4. What did the author think of her son’s advice
A. Worthless. B. Incomplete. C. Funny. D. Practical.
5. What does the author say about her son in Paragraph 3
A. He is skilled at technology. B. He leads a very busy life.
C. He tries to make peace with her. D. He helps with housework.
6. Why did the author accept writing technology review s eagerly
A. To make more money to support the family. B. To keep a close relationship with her son.
C. To learn more about modern technology. D. To get some products for free.
7. What made the author feel honored
A. Her son’s patience to explain technical things. B. Her son’s control of the parent-child dynamic.
C. Her son’s careful attitude towards the reviews. D. Her son’s rich knowledge of technical terms.
Every time two people talk to each other, an opportunity for relationship growth is unfolding. Many times, that opportunity isn’t taken; we aren’t about to have an in-depth conversation with the waitress who asks for our order. But connect ion is always theoretically possible, and that’s true whether we’re interacting online or face-to-face.
Close relationships are the bread and butter of happiness — and even health. Lonelines s is a stronger predictor of death rate than smoking multiple cigarettes a day. If we want to understand the role technology plays in our well- being, we need to start with the role it plays in our relationships.
And it turns out that the technology- mediated interactions that lead to positive outcomes are exactly those that are likely to build stronger relationships. Spending your time online by scheduling interactions with people you see day in and day out seems to work out in increased social integration. However, using the Internet to make up for being lonely just makes you lonelier; using the Internet to actively seek out connection has the opposite effect.
Research has found that technology- mediated interactions that don’t really address our close relationships don’t seem to do us any good — and might, in fact, do us harm. Passively scrolling (刷屏) through your Facebook feed without interacting with people has been linked to decreased well- being and increased depression post- Facebook use.
That kind of passive usage is a good example of “social snacking”. Like eating junk food, social snacking can temporarily satisfy you, but it’s lacking in nutritional content. Looking at your friends’ posts without ever responding might make you feel more connected to them, but it doesn’t build relationships.
Passive engagement has a second downside as well: social comparison. When we compare our messy lived experiences to others’ selected self-presentations, we are likely to suffer from lowered self-esteem, happiness, and well- being. This effect is exacerbated when we consume people’s digital lives without interacting with them, making it all too easy to miss the less photogenic moments of their lives.
8. What does the example of the waitress imply
A. Waitresses are often disrespected. B. Public places enhance relationships.
C. Many relationship-building chances are lost D. In-depth conversations frequently take place.
9. What might be the result of making up for loneliness through the Internet
A. Loneliness will not be relieved. B. Interaction skills will improve.
C. More connections will be made. D. Relationships will be strengthened.
10. Which of the following is an exception to “social snacking”
A. Reading a friend’s posts in silence. B. Watching online videos constantly.
C. Checking Facebook to pass the time. D. Video chatting with Mom every weekend.
11. What does the underlined word “exacerbated” probably mean in the last paragraph
A. worsened B. weakened C. realized D. improved
We live in an important time for language revitalization (复兴). More than half the world’s languages are in danger of being swallowed by dominant languages within this century. That’s why the United Nations declared 2022 - 2032 the International Decade of Indigenous (本土的) Languages.
But turning the trend of language extinction is no easy task. We know that to keep languages alive, we have to create an immersive environment. A good example of the immersion method is “language nests”, where little kids and other beginners learn from fluent elders on a regular basis. One of the first language nests was started in New Zealand in 1982 by Maori elders who worried that their language, culture, and even pride were disappearing. The elders decided to teach children their native tongue through culturally relevant song and play.
The language nest model was so successful that it migrated to Hawaii and then throughout the world. Language nests are typically physical spaces but can also be found online.
While immersion programs can have excellent outcomes, they require significant funding and resources to remain sustainable over time. The lack of capacity makes it hard: not enough content, training, and teachers. People don’t realize the cost of revitalizing languages and what it would cost to run entire educational systems in these languages. To establish the institutions, to train the people, and to make sure the proper techniques are in place to write and read in the languages are huge challenges.
Areas where one indigenous language has the most influence — such as Maori or Hawaiian may have an advantage because they begin with a fairly large speaker base and can focus funding, teacher training, and resources on that language. But countries with a high level of language diversity face a serious challenge. However, whatever it takes, it’s worthwhile for communities to preserve their ancestral tongues for generations to come.
12. What’s a language nest
A. It’s the cultural contents a language carries.
B. It’s a place where diverse languages are spoken.
C. It’s an immersive language learning environment
D. It’s an area whose indigenous language is endangered.
13. What does paragraph 4 mainly tell us about the immersion programs
A. Their popularity. B. Their significance.
C. Their challenges. D. Their consequences.
14. As for language revitalization, which area is disadvantaged
A. An area where funding is evenly distributed.
B. An area with a high level of language diversity.
C. An area with a passion for multiple ancestral tongues.
D. An area where one indigenous language has the greatest influence.
15. What’s the best title of the text
A. Revitalizing Rare Languages B. Adopting Language Nests
C. Swallowing Minor Languages D. Creating New Language Programs
Most of us assume those hyper-achievers who are always able to squeeze in their workout, eat healthy foods and pick their kids up on time must have superhuman self-control. But science points to a different answer:____16____ The only catch is that building good habits takes effort and insight. Thankfully, here are a few research-backed steps that can set you on the path to where you want to be.
1.Set a specific goal
The way you define the goal you hope to turn into a habit does matter. Goals like “meditate regularly” are too abstract, research has shown. ____17____Don’t say “I’ll meditate regularly. “ Say, “I’ll meditate for 15 minutes each day. “This is actually key to habit formation, making the task easy to carry out, but it’s often overlooked.
2.Create a detailed, cue-based plan
____18____Scientists have proven that you’ll make more progress toward your goal if you decide not just what you’ll do, but when and where you’ll be cued to do it. Making this kind of plan reduces the chances you’ll forget to follow through because the when and where in your plan will serve as cues to action.
A plan like “I’ll study Spanish for 30 minutes every weekday” is OK. But a detailed, cue-based plan like “Every workday after my last meeting, I’ll spend 30 minutes studying Spanish in my office” is more likely to stick as a habit.
3. ____19____
We’re strongly influenced by the behaviors of the people around us, evidence shows. Want to start running regularly You’re probably better off joining an established running club than asking a few friends who aren’t yet in the habit of jogging to get in shape with you.
However, it’s important not to get too crazy - if you try to train with marathoners when you’re just hoping to work up to a 5K, it can be discouraging.
4Make it fun to repeat
Research has shown you’ll persist longer and ultimately achieve more if you focus on finding ways to make goal pursuit fun. One excellent way is to try “temptation bundling”. Research shows that temptation bundling improves follow-through; it transforms goal pursuit into a source of pleasure, not pain. ____20____
A. Find the right kind of social support.
B. Tell your friends and family about your goals.
C. What we mistake for willpower is often a natural outcome of habit.
D. You’ll benefit from being more specific about what exactly you aim to do and how often.
E. Having a bite-size objective makes it less daunting to get started and easier to see your progress.
F. Now you have established a specific goal, it’s time to think about what will cue you to follow through.
G. For example, watch your favorite show while at the gym or enjoy a beloved podcast while cooking healthy meals.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Simon Griffiths is the founder of Who Gives A Crap, a company that has ____21____ the toilet paper industry.
His journey began with a ____22____ statistic — a toilet is not ____23____ to 2. 4 billion people, about 40% of the world! While volunteering in Asia and Africa, Simon ____24____ organizations doing incredible things to help people there, but the lack of sustainable funding greatly ____25____ their work.
Inspired by his experience in developing countries, Simon ____26____ to sell goods to make a difference. But what should he sell One day, Simon walked into the bathroom and a good idea ____27____ him: he could sell toilet paper and donated half profits to help fund organizations building toilets. Who Gives A Crap was born.
Too often, people buy products that ____28____ to their taste but without clever packaging, so his ____29____ was to create something that ____30____ quality and aesthetics (美学), so that people would want to put it in their bathroom.
It was not beyond their ____31____ that their goods sold well. Their donation to WaterAid Australia has grown from the initial 2, 00 AUD to 5.85 million AUD, they becoming its largest ____32____ .
When interviewed, Simon said “I tried various jobs before Who Gives A Crap. But after working in both corporate and non-profit organizations, I ____33____ I wanted to combine business with social ____34____ so I found the way to use profits from everyday products to do good ____35____ . ”
21. A. created B. occupied C. transformed D. disturbed
22. A. interesting B. shocking C. obvious D. awesome
23. A. invisible B. sensitive C. accessible D. unique
24. A. announced B. witnessed C. imagined D. suggested
25. A. took up B. weighed up C. held back D. appealed to
26. A. revealed B. revised C. resigned D. resolved
27. A. annoyed B. struck C. bothered D. chose
28. A. subscribe B. react C. stick D. correspond
29. A. intention B. attitude C. assumption D. criterion
30. A. ignored B. combined C. evaluated D. adopted
31. A. expectation B. description C. passion D. occupation
32. A. partner B. client C. opponent D. donor
33. A. blamed B. denied C. recognized D. detected
34. A. impacts B. careers C. prospects D. conflicts
35. A. globally B. immediately C. appropriately D. individually
Black Myth: Wukong, ____36____ (consider) the first Chinese-developed “Triple-A” title, topped the “most-played games” list on Steam, a leading gaming platform, ____37____ (simple) an hour after its debut on Tuesday morning. The game ____38____ (set) against the backdrop of the classic Chinese novel Journey to the West, one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature.
The novel follows the adventures of a monk and his three disciples, with ____39____ particular focus on Sun Wukong, the legendary Monkey King known for his supernatural powers and naughty nature. Celebrated ____40____ its rich cultural heritage and modern gaming aesthetics (美学), the game has become a hit in the gaming community. Although the game’s huge success in China is partly ____41____ people there know the story of Journey to the West, the fact that it has also caught the interest of international audiences, many of ____42____ lack this cultural background, suggests that Black Myth is on the right path. Many overseas players have been inspired by the game ____43____ (start) reading the original book Journey to the West. ____44____ (enthusiastic) of Black Myth have even posted videos online, _____45_____ (share) their understanding of Chinese mythology and the Journey to the West story. As the game’s pre view sessions began, many international media and invited influencers have shared detailed reviews. They have praised the game’s technical and artistic quality, as well as its cultural importance.
46. 假定你是李华,近期你发现学校附近的流浪狗(stray dogs)的数量明显增多,这给学生带来了安全隐患。请你给校英文报的编辑写封邮件,内容包括:
1. 描述现状;
2. 提出处理建议。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
Dear Editor,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
In June’s room stands a bright blue clay vase. Not a perfect or beautiful vase, it is broken in several places. It has been mended, but spiderlike cracks (裂痕) remain. It tells a story of two girls’ friendship.
Amy and June met on a plane returning from Bangkok, where their fathers, business partners, attended meetings. June sat behind Amy. Midway, Amy hesitantly turned around and gave June a bright blue clay vase. It was a small gesture, but a simple friendship between two 4-year-olds was established.
Years flew by. Amy and June grew up together, played together, studied together and became each other’s closest friend.
However, people change as they grow up. Even the most special friendships can be destroyed. As Amy’s interest s broadened, she started to see loss and loss of June. Though hurt, Jun e tried to be understanding. She was still there for Amy when Amy needed support. But when she tried to bring up her difficulties, Amy brushed her off by saying, “Later.”
June couldn’t take it anymore. So one day she invited Amy to her house, hoping to figure their problem out. Instead, a terrible quarrel broke out. “What am I to you Your friend or just your little dog ” June cried. To her shock, Amy was defensive and screamed back.
“June, I hate you!” With these words, Amy stormed out of June’s room, shutting the door hard behind her. A blue vase on the shelf jumped and fell onto the floor, crashing into several pieces. A friendship of ten years was broken, just like the vase.
One year passed. It was June’s fifteenth birthday. Instead of feeling happy, June only felt depressed. She remembered her fourteenth birthday. It’d been a great one, and they’d been so happy. Bittersweet tears filled June’s eyes. She could still remember the image of four- year-old Amy holding out the blue vase to her. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. June jumped up and rushed to open the door.
At the doorstep stood Amy, holding a small package.
Going to her room, June sat down on her bed and opened the gift.
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. Who is William probably talking to
A. His doctor. B. His boss. C. His wife.
2. What will the woman do next
A. Arrange a meeting. B. Pick up the man’s client. C. Drive the man to his office.
3. What does the woman like about the restaurant
A. The service. B. The food. C. The price.
4. What do’ es Jake suggest doing
A. Restarting the printer. B. Checking the connections. C. Referring to the instructions.
5. Where does the conversation take place
A. At home. B. At a supermarket. C. At the man’s office.
6. What are the speakers doing now
A. Waiting for Tina. B. Looking for a guide. C. Climbing a mountain.
7. When was the bus scheduled to leave
A. At 9: 30 am. B. At 9: 50 am. C. At 10: 10 am.
8. Who might the woman be
A. An actress. B. A director. C. A hostess.
9. What does the woman think of the award- winning film
A. It is her favorite. B. It is worthy of the award. C. It is terribly disappointing.
10. What are the speakers going to do
A. Hold a meeting. B. Watch a video. C. Attend an interview.
11. What kind of book does the man want
A. One’s life story. B. A fantasy series. C. An adventure novel.
12. Why docs the woman buy books today
A To complete her paper. B. To prepare a birthday gift. C. To learn more about a great man.
13. Which book series will the woman take
A. Harry Potter. B. The Lord’ of the Rings. C. The Hunger Games.
14. What made the man notice the problem first
A. A call from his bank. B. A bill in his mail. C. A purchase of his own.
15. What did the bank do to fix the problem
A. They gave the man his money back at once. B. They advised the man to talk to his manager.
C. They asked the man to provide the evidence.
16. On what occasion did the problem arise according to the man
A. Shopping online. B. Opening an account. C. Making a call.
17. What does the problem warn the speakers of
A. Information leaks. B. Investment traps. C. Financial crises.
18. What does Caroline Smith talk about in the Kyric Belle Show
A. Wildlife extinction. B. Latest campaigning activities.
C. Common misunderstandings of animals.
19. What does a monkey’s ear- to- ear smile suggest
A. It is quite shy. B. It feels at risk. C. It is very happy.
20. Why does the speaker deliver the speech
A. To present a charity show. B. To advertise a national 200. C. To introduce a preservationist.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
【答案】1. C 2. D 3. B
【答案】4. D 5. A 6. B 7. C
【答案】8. C 9. A 10. D 11. A
【答案】12. C 13. C 14. B 15. A
【答案】16. C 17. D 18. F 19. A 20. G
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
【答案】21. C 22. B 23. C 24. B 25. C 26. D 27. B 28. D 29. A 30. B 31. A 32. D 33. C 34. A 35. A
【答案】36. considered
37. simply 38. is set
39. a 40. for
41. because
42. whom 43. to start
44. Enthusiasts
45. sharing
Dear Editor,
Recently, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of stray dogs wandering around our campus vicinity. This situation poses a potential safety hazard to students.
To address this issue, I propose that our school initiate a collaboration with local animal shelters. We could organize trap-neuter-release programs and promote awareness among students about not feeding these dogs, which might attract them further. Additionally, installing signage warning of stray dogs could also serve as a precaution.
Thank you for considering this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
【答案】At the doorstep stood Amy, holding a small package. Amy looked nervous and hesitant, but she managed a small smile. “Happy birthday, June,” she said softly. June was taken aback but quickly stepped aside to let Amy in. They stood awkwardly for a moment before Amy handed over the package. “I know we haven’t talked in a while, but I wanted to give you this,” Amy said, her voice trembling slightly. June took the package, feeling a mix of emotions. A few minutes,Amy left.
Going to her room, June sat down on her bed and opened the gift. It was a notebook. Attached to it was a note that read, “Dear June, I'm sorry. I hope we can still be best friends” June finally felt relieved. She called Amy and then they decided to repair the vase together. That's why the vase told the story of two girls and a friendship.