人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 First Aid Project课件(共21张PPT)+课后练+教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 First Aid Project课件(共21张PPT)+课后练+教学设计
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-18 22:36:27


选择性必修二 Unit 5 First Aid( Project)
1. Learn some common knowledge of first aid techniques.
2. Learn how to perform first aid treatment in certain situations.
Nowadays there are a lot of unexpected accidents.
What would you do in such situations
Project 1: Learn and teach others about first aid
Look at the photos below and name the medical emergencies.
Choose one of the medical emergencies
and research how to perform first aid for it.
Tip: You can search online or refer to books and discuss with group members to find out the proper first aid measures.
How to give first aid for sprained ankle
1.Have the victim sit down and elevate the foot;
2.Put an ice pack on the ankle to reduce the swelling;
3.Put a firm bandage around the foot and ankle.
How to give first aid for nosebleed
1.Keep the head higher than the level of the heart;
2. Stay upright, do not lie down;
3. Apply ice to the nose;
4. Pinch all the soft parts of the nose together between the thumb and index finger.
How to give first aid for choking
1.If the person can cough, don’t do anything;
2.If he/she can’t cough and is turning blue in the face, hit him/her between the shoulder blades (肩胛骨) with the flat of the hand three or four times.
How to give first aid for broken arm
1. Do not move the broken bone if possible. Do not move the victim;
2. Support the broken arm in the most comfortable position;
3. Keep the arm still using a sling or get the victim to support the broken arm with the other arm;
4. Get medical help immediately.
How to give first aid for bleeding
1. Put a bandage on the wound;
2. Apply pressure to reduce the bleeding.
Do you know other medical emergencies
1. in shock
2. unconscious
3. allergic reaction
4. swallow poison
5. overdose on drugs
6. fall-fell
7. an electric shock
8. frostbite
What is it
a first-aid kit
Project 2: Make your own first-aid kit
When to use
How to use
First-aid manual
to gain information on how to treat an injured person at the scene
Refer to the contents page to find the relevant information for the situation.
When to use
How to use
Medical alcohol
an open wound
Use gauze or cotton balls to wipe the liquid over a wound in order to clean it.
When to use
How to use
a small wound
Cover a wound with a bandage.
When to use
How to use
Gauze, medical tape and scissors
a large wound
Cover a wound with gauze and then tape it securely to the body. If a wound is bleeding heavily, use gauze to press down on it until bleeding stops or help arrives.
When to use
How to use
Plastic gloves
when dealing with blood or dangerous fluids
Put on gloves before offering first aid.
When to use
How to use
Elastic bandages
sprains or broken bones
For an ankle sprain, wrap a bandage securely around the ankle for support and to hold down swelling. For a break, use a bandage to secure a splint to the arm or leg.
When to use
How to use
heart attack
Give one pill to someone suffering a mild heart attack.
Important numbers
Emergency medical service
Fire department
Police department
1. Work in groups and make an instruction leaflet for giving first aid for the emergency you choose;
(Later we will combine all the leaflets to make a first-aid manual for our class.)
2. Present your first-aid kit to the class. Introduce and explain the use of each item.作业练习
学科 英语 年级 高二年级 学期 春季
课题 选择性必修二 Unit 5 First Aid(第七课时 Project)
教科书 英语选择性必修第二册
1.Work in groups and make an instruction leaflet for giving first aid for the emergency you choose. 2. Present your first-aid kit to the class. Introduce and explain the use of each item. 参考答案: 1.How to give first aid for nosebleed (1)Keep the head higher than the level of the heart; (2)Stay upright, do not lie down; (3)Apply ice to the nose; (4)Pinch all the soft parts of the nose together between the thumb and index finger. 2.Introduce and explain the use of each item in a first-aid kit. (1) First-aid manual: It can be used to gain information on how to treat an injured person at the scene. When you use it, just refer to the contents page to find the relevant information for the situation. (2)Medical alcohol: It can be used to treat an open wound. When you use it, you should use gauze or cotton balls to wipe the liquid over a wound in order to clean it. (3)Bandages: They can be used to treat a small wound. When you use it, you should cover a wound with a bandage. (4)Gauze, medical tape and scissors: They can be used to treat a large wound. Cover a wound with gauze and then tape it securely to the body. If a wound is bleeding heavily, use gauze to press down on it until bleeding stops or help arrives. (5)Plastic gloves: They can be used when you are dealing with blood or dangerous fluids. Put on gloves before offering first aid. (6)Elastic bandages: They can be used for sprains or broken bones. For an ankle sprain, wrap a bandage securely around the ankle for support and to hold down swelling. For a break, use a bandage to secure a splint to the arm or leg. (7)Aspirin: It can be used for a heart attack. Give one pill to someone suffering a mild heart attack.教学设计
学科 英语 年级 高二年级 学期 春季
课题 选择性必修二 Unit 5 First Aid(第七课时 Project)
教科书 英语选择性必修第二册
1. 学生掌握关于急救的基本知识; 2. 学生学会在特定情况下采取正确的急救措施。
教学重点: 学生掌握关于急救的基本知识
教学难点: 学生学会在特定情况下采取正确的急救措施
项目一:学习急救知识,制作急救手册 (1)让学生观察活动1中的图片,学习这些意外伤害的英文表达。 (2)学生四至六人一组,每组选择一项意外伤害作为主题,通过上网或查阅图书等途径收集并记录该项意外伤害可能发生的场景以及正确的急救方法。教师提醒学生查找信息时尽量参考权威渠道的信息,注意甄别信息真伪。 (3)完成宣传页的制作。教师指导各小组整合收集的信息并制作有关该项意外伤害的急救知识宣传页。师生一起讨论制定出宣传页的评价标准,例如:内容是否科学且具有实效性 文字表述是否准确且逻辑清晰 图文搭配是否合理 急救步骤的描述是否准确 教师注意提示各小组在合理分工的基础上也要做到通力合作。 (4)教师让学生通过“头脑风暴”列出更多意外伤害的情况。教师及时讲授相关英文表达,帮助学生进一步拓展本单元主题词汇。 项目二:制作班级医疗急救包 (1)让学生两人一组了解急救包中应包含的物品名称、使用方法、注意事项等信息。 (2)教师组织学生讨论确定班级急救包中应包含的物品。教师注意引导学生制作急救包时要结合实际情况,充分利用身边现有资源,如使用自己或朋友家里多余的医疗物品等。师生一起确定物品清单后,让学生分组准备物品和相关使用说明。 (3)组织学生收集各自准备的急救物品并放入急救包,请各组学生分头制作图文并茂的班级急救包使用说明书。最后,教师带领学生选出最佳使用说明书并放入急救包,放在教室固定位置进行展示。 (4)让学生分小组以急救宣传员的身份介绍并展示急救包的作用和使用方法,以及日常安全防护的意义。最后,请几个学生在班上进行宣讲,师生一起评选出最佳宣传员。