Unit 5UNIT 5 FIRST AID Using Language(2) Reading and Writing教学设计(2份+学习任务单+课后练)


名称 Unit 5UNIT 5 FIRST AID Using Language(2) Reading and Writing教学设计(2份+学习任务单+课后练)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-18 22:38:40


学科 英语 年级 高二 学期 春季
课题 Unit 5 First Aid (Reading and Writing)
教科书 高中英语选择性必修第二册
By the end of this class, stundets will be able to: 1. Linguistic ability read for the main idea of a story and master the operation steps of Heimlich manoeuvre; analyse the structure of the text; Thinking abilities study the structure and language features of a narrative essay; write a narrative essay that shares a story about providing first aid 3. Cultural awareness learn to be a helpful person to help those who are in trouble. 4. Learning strategies acquire learning resources from videos and websites; reflect on and evaluate the learning process and outcome.
教学重点: To enable students to: 1. study the structure and language features of a narrative essay; 2. write a narrative essay that shares a story about providing first aid; 教学难点: To enable students to: 1. learn to be a helpful person to help those who are in trouble. 2. learn to be a helpful person to help those who are in trouble.
Activity 1: Video-watching Video watching: Watch a short video and think what you can learn from it. Q: 1.What is young Sheldon suffering from 2.How is he finally saved [Designing purpose] The video offers a visual and auditory input about how First Aid knowledge performed. Introduction of First Aid stimulates Ss’ motivation in reading and thinking. In this activity, Ss’ learning strategies and thinking abilities of comparing, analyzing and reflecting are enhanced. Activity 2: Predicting Learn the title and the photo beside, predict the content of the text. [Designing purpose] Raising questions based on the title and the pictures is intended to help enhance Ss’ linguistic ability of predicting and cultivate the learning strategies of autonomous learning. Activity 3: Scanning Read the article and put A-E in the correct places in the text. [Designing purpose] Scanning for specific information helps Ss get a clear picture of the basic structure of the passage, navigating Ss’ reading for further information. Ss’ linguistic ability is highly facilitated in this activity. Activity 4: Detailed reading tell the story of choking accident. How to perform the Heimlich manoeuvre on adults Para 4 How to help children who are suffering from choking What purpose does the quote serve Review: three factors/ elements of a story [Designing purpose] Ss locate, analyze specific information, infer for hidden message and the way information is presented through intensive reading and an in-depth analysis of how First Aid performs, which offers Ss a chance to enhance linguistic knowledge and thinking abilities such as analyzing, inferring and illustration. Activity 5: Writing task 1. Choose a proper title for the story. 2. Writing a passage on First Aid within 15 minutes. 3. Show sample writing.What can you learn from John Snow [Designing purpose] Improve students’ writing skills through writing a paper within time. Besides, students’ knowledge to help others are enlarged. Activity 6: Assignment: 1. Get more information about First Aid through 2. Read the book “Cardiopulmonary and Brain Resuscitation” written by Shen Hong. [Designing purpose] It requires Ss’ further extensive reading, offering a stimulus for autonomous reading, mind exchanging and a stage for innovation.学习任务单
学科 英语 年级 高二 学期 春季
课题 Unit 5 FIRST AID -- Using Language: Listening and Speaking
教科书 英语 选择性必修第二册 人教社
了解一些国家的急救电话号码,学会用英语描述紧急情况。 听一个999急救电话的录音,理解电话内容和接线员的指令,了解急救电话的特点和拨打 急救电话的要求。 模仿听力中的急救对话,与同伴分角色扮演溺水场景下拨打急救电话的对话。
1. 了解不同国家的急救电话号码。
2. 了解不同医疗紧急情况的英文名称及相应的急救方法。
Predict the content: Study the questions in Item 3 and infer as much information as possible.
Study Question 2 and answer: Who were involved in the emergency call ____________________________________________________________________________ Where were they when the emergency took place ____________________________________________________________________________ Study Question 4 and answer: Why did the boy call 999 ____________________________________________________________________________ Which medical emergency do you think the boy’s grandfather suffered from ____________________________________________________________________________
While listening to the dialogue, circle the sequence adverbs you hear, and then complete Item 4 in the textbook. first → next → then → after that → finally
【学习任务三】 What factors contribute to the success of this emergency call Use the Strategy Tip -- Follow instructions to help you complete the mind-map. 【学习任务四】 Study the script and summarize how to make an emergency call. What the caller should do: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Operator may ask about: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Extra points to pay attention to: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 【学习任务五】 Brainstorm typical languages used in an emergency call. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________
Visit the following websites to learn more about calling emergency services.之江汇教育广场
学科 英语 年级 高二 学期 春季
课题 Unit 5 FIRST AID -- Using Language: Listening and Speaking
教科书 书 名:英语 选择性必修第二册 人教社教材 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2020年5月
Match the following words from the dialogue with their definitions. Ambulance Breathe Conscious Compress Emergency Operator Instructions Panic Creative Writing. Write a short story (150-200 words) from the perspective of the boy, describing the events of the emergency and how he felt throughout the situation. Be sure to include details on what happened, how he communicated with the operator, and how he and his mother managed until the ambulance arrived. Example starter: "It was a regular afternoon when suddenly, my grandfather's breathing worsened. Panic surged through me as I dialed the emergency number..." 参考答案: Match the following words from the dialogue with their definitions. Ambulance - B. A vehicle equipped for taking sick or injured people to and from the hospital. Breathe - C. To take air into the lungs and then expel it. Conscious - H. Aware and able to respond to one's press - G. To press or squeeze together. Emergency - F. A situation requiring immediate action. Operator - E. A person who answers calls and helps direct them. Instructions - D. Directions given to someone to follow. Panic - A. A state of sudden, intense fear or anxiety. Creative Writing. "It was a regular afternoon when suddenly, my grandfather's breathing worsened. Panic surged through me as I dialed the emergency number. 'Hello, this is the ambulance,' said the operator. 'Hi, it’s my grandfather ... his breathing has gotten really bad. We need an ambulance!' I responded, my voice shaking. The operator remained calm and collected, asking for our address and phone number. I quickly provided the details: '18 West Highgate. Phone number 655-212. Please hurry! I think he’s dying!' The operator then guided me through the steps to help my grandfather breathe. I moved him onto his back and removed the pillows, as instructed. My heart pounded as I checked his mouth for food, relieved to find none. But then, his lips turned blue, and he stopped breathing again. Tears welled up in my eyes as I relayed the operator’s instructions to my mother, urging her to press down on his chest twice per second. The moments dragged on, feeling like an eternity. I held onto hope, clinging to the operator's calm voice, until finally, the distant sound of a siren grew louder. Relief washed over me as the ambulance arrived, and I thanked the operator profusely. My grandfather’s life hung in the balance, but knowing we had done everything we could filled me with a sense of courage and hope."教学设计
学科 英语 年级 高二 学期 春季
课题 Unit 5 FIRST AID -- Using Language: Listening and Speaking 高二
教科书 英语 选择性必修第二册 人教社
了解一些国家的急救电话号码,学会用英语描述紧急情况。 听一个999急救电话的录音,理解电话内容和接线员的指令,了解急救电话的特点和拨打 急救电话的要求。 模仿听力中的急救对话,与同伴分角色扮演溺水场景下拨打急救电话的对话。
该板块的听力录音为英国999救援机构的接线员与一个男孩之间的对话,活动主题是“学习拨打急救电话”(Learn to call emergency services)。接线员接通电话后首先表明身份、询问需求,男孩说明情况和需求后,接线员与他确认地址与电话。接下来,接线员向男孩了解了病人的基本情况,随后针对症状发出指令,指导男孩和妈妈实施急救。通过学习该板块,学生能够积累急救电话常用的表达和句式,听懂接线员的急救指令,并运用所学语言与同伴模拟拨打急救电话。 教学重点: 积累不同国家的急救电话号码和更多急救方法的知识。 听懂急救电话的内容和接线员的指令。 把握急救电话特点和拨打急救电话的要求。
教学难点: 运用所学语言清晰、迅速、有效地与接线员沟通。
2. 深入思考学习急救知识和技能的意义,培养应对突发事件和意外伤害的能力。
Activity 1 Ask students to explain what 120 stands for in China. Then invite students to match different countries with the corresponding emergency numbers. Ask students to brainstorm medical emergencies that require immediate attention. Match the pictures in Item 2 to the medical emergencies. Ask students to work in pairs and share personal experiences of calling emergency service. If none of them has such experiences, share two examples with the class: Friendly_Coconut My grandma had a stroke while babysitting me as a kid. I had to call 911, having a vague idea of what was going on because of the Baby-sitters Club books. Fortunately, because she got medical attention right away, the physical effects of the stroke were not permanent. She’s still going strong over 20 years later! Bacon_Bitz My parents had gone on a walk, probably an hour total. They left my 8 & 6 yr old sisters with me (4yrs old). Glass got broken, I got a huge cut, my 6 yr old sister called 911 and my parents came home to an ambulance in the driveway! My 8 yr old sister applied pressure to the wound and my other sister called 911 because she had just learned about it that week in school. Activity 2 Predict the content: Study the questions in Item 3 and infer as much information as possible (Handout Task 1). Who were involved in the emergency call → The boy, his grandfather and someone else. Where were they when the emergency took place → In the room. (They were probably at home.) Why did the boy call 999 → The boy’s grandfather was suffering from a medical emergency. Which medical emergency do you think the boy’s grandfather suffered from → Heart attack. Listen and check the predictions. Answer the questions in Item 3. Try to use original expressions from the conversation. Study the Strategy Tip -- Follow instructions -- in Item 4. Draw students’ attention to the use of imperatives and sequence adverbs when giving instructions. Remind students to calm down and pay attention while listening to instructions. Listen again, circle the sequence adverbs they hear (Handout Task 2), and then complete Item 4. first → next → then → after that → finally Ask students to consider the factors that contribute to the success of this emergency call. Use the Strategy Tip -- Follow instructions to help them complete the mind-map (Handout Task 3). Activity 3 Study the script and summarize how to make an emergency call. Caller: State the emergency. (Tell the operator clearly what has happened.) Explain the purpose of the call. Give the exact address and phone number. Listen carefully to the operator’s questions and answer them. Follow the instructions given. Operator may ask about: The location of the emergency, including the street address. The phone number you are calling from. The nature of the emergency (What the emergency is). Details about the emergency, such as a description of injuries or symptoms being experienced by a person having a medical emergency. Extra points: Stay calm and Speak clearly. Put the phone on speaker and continue helping. Only end the call after being told to do so. Brainstorm typical languages used in an emergency call. What’s your emergency / What emergency are you reporting What’s your location / What’s the address Can you repeat it / So the address is ... Is the patient male or female How old is he/she Is he/she conscious / breathing Tell me exactly what happened. / What’s happening now Are you with the patient right now Are you alone Is anyone helping / Is anyone giving CPR Activity 4 Study the pictures in Item 6. Work in groups and describe what is happening in each picture. Lay the victim on his back. Check for a response by patting his shoulders and talking loudly into each ear. If he does not respond, call for an ambulance or have someone else do so. Observe the victim’s chest for 5-10 seconds to check to see if he is breathing. If the victim has breathing difficulties, check inside his mouth and remove any grass or sand. Then open his airway by gently lifting up his chin. Perform mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing twice. Pinch his nose and cover his mouth with your mouth, and then blow air in for one second each time so that their chest rises slightly. Perform CPR by clasping your hands together and pushing down on the centre of his chest thirty times, followed by two more rescue breaths. Continue the process until help arrives. Pair work: role-play an emergency call. In the call, the caller should: State the emergency. Explain the purpose of the call. Give the exact address and phone number. Listen carefully to the operator’s questions and answer them. Follow the instructions given. In the call, the operator should: Ask about the location of the emergency, the phone number, the nature of the emergency and details about the emergency. Give simple and direct instructions by using the imperative and sequence adverbs. Calm the caller down if he/she is panicking. Sample Conversation O = Operator B = Boy O: Hello, this is emergency. B: Hi, it's my friend. We are at the swimming pool and I think he's drowning. We need an ambulance! 0: OK. Could you tell me your address B: We are at the pond in Zhongshan Park. O: And your phone number B: Oh, it's ... it's 138-1234-5678. Please hurry! I think he's dying! 0: And are you with him now B: Yes. 0: I'll tell you what to do. First, is he on his back B: No, he's on his side. 0: Well, you'll need to roll him over then. Can you do that B: OK. What next 0: Now check for a response. When you call to him, does he answer B: No! 0: So, is he breathing B: No! 0: Does he have a pulse Is his heart beating B: Let me check ... no! 0: Listen to me! Turn his head to the side, and then put your finger in his mouth to make sure that there is nothing in it. B: OK ... I've done that. 0: Now turn his head back up, and lift his chin back. B: Yes, OK. 0: Just be calm and do what I tell you next. The ambulance is on the way. Breathe into his mouth until his chest rises. Do this twice. B: OK ... now what 0: Now push down on the middle of his chest really hard and really fast. Every thirty pushes, stop and give him two more breaths. B: That's it 0: Yes, keep doing this until the ambulance arrives. And don't hang up the phone! I'll be right here if you need more help. The ambulance is on its way. B: OK! Assignment Polish the dialogue and get ready for class presentation. Complete all exercises in the worksheet.