人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 5 Working the Land单词、短语、句型过关检测(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 5 Working the Land单词、短语、句型过关检测(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 25.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-19 00:00:44



Unit 5
1. vt.解决(难题);应付(局面);处理
2. vt.使增长;使兴旺n.增长;提高;激励
3. n.产量;产出vt.出产(作物);产生(收益、效益等)vi.屈服;让步
4. vt.(通常经过努力)获得;得到
5. vt.克服;解决;战胜
6. n.产量;输出;输出量vt.输出
7. vt.估计;估价;估算n.估计;估算
8. vt.包括;包含;由······组成
9. vt.产生;引起
10. n.闲暇;休闲;空闲
11. n.泥土;土壤;国土;领土
12. n.想象;视力;视野;影像
13. n.现实;实际情况;事实
14. adj.分布广的;普遍的;广泛的
15. 以、&vi消化vL.领会;领悟n.摘要;文摘
16. adj.完全必要的;极其重要的
17. n.可供选择的事物adj.可供替代的;非传统的
18. n.例子;实例;事例
19. n.根;根茎;根部;根源
20. n.方面;层面
1.crisis n.
2.characteristic n. adj.
3.conventional adj.
4.intense adj.
5.domestic adj.
6.celebrity n.
7.broom n.
8.grain n.
9.urban adj.
10.bomb n. vt.
11.tunnel n.
12.wheat n.
15.poverty n.
16.organic adj.
17.pesticide n.
18.bacterium n.
19.mineral n.
20.grocery n.
1. v.把······献(给);把······专用于;专心于→ adj.忠实的;挚爱的→ n.献身;奉献;忠诚
2. adj.短的;矮的;不足的,缺乏的→ v.(使)变短,缩短→ n.不足;缺少;短缺
3. vt.使相信;使确信;说服→ adj.令人信服的→ adj.坚信;深信
4. v.假定;假设;认为→ n.假定;设定;(责任的)承担;(权力的)获得→ conj.假定;假设
务)→ n.扩张;扩展;扩大
6. v.消耗;耗费(燃料、能量、时间等)→ n.消耗;消耗量;消费→
7. adj.含盐的;咸的→ n.盐
8. v.延长;延伸;扩大→
n.扩建部分;扩大;电话分机→ adj.广阔的;大规模的;广泛的
9. n.化学→ adj.与化学有关的;化学的n.化学制品;化学品→ n.化学家
10.n.营养;滋养→ adj.营养(物)的→ adj.有营养的;营养丰富的
11. n.向下(或向里)的距离;深(度)→ adj.深的→ adv.深深地;强烈地→ v.加深;(使)变深
12.- adv.全部地;完整地;完全地→ adj.全部的;完全的
2 高频短语
1. 把······用于;献身;致力;专心
2. 包括;包含;由······组成(或构成)
3. 在内心深处;本质上;实际上
4. 成功做某事
5. 负担得起做某事
6. 相应地;转而;依次;轮流
7. 富含
8. 专注于;集中(注意力、精力等)于
9. 不含有害物的;不受······伤害(或影响等的)
10. 例如;比如
3 经典句型
1. (考虑到)Yuan's hybrids made him quite wealthy, one might think he would have retired to a life of leisure.(given that引导条件状语从句)
2. (给人们印象最深的)about Yuan Longping was his ongoing ability to fulfil his dreams.(主语从句)
3.Why different crops are grown is that they put important minerals back into the ground, __________________________(使它为······做好准备)the next batch of crops.(现在分词短语作结果状语)
4.The goal of using different organic farming methods is _________________________(种植优质粮食)while avoiding damage to the environment or to people's health.(不定式作表语)
5.What keeps them from doing so is (这样一个事实)chemioal farming serves the high demand for food around the world.(同位语从句)
1.Despite hardships and barriers ahead of him, he is fully (convince) that he will accomplish the goal with his constant efforts.
2.It is this book, with whose help you have (deep) your understanding of Chinese culture, that is worth reading.
3.The festival was really a feast, (entire)holding me in its power.
4.There had been a six percent drop in the (consume) of such drinks by the end of last month.
5.Chengdu has focused on improving the surrounding countryside,rather than encouraging large-scale city (expand).
6.The real solution to the fuel (short) will have to be a new kind of car, one that does not use so much oil.
7.Taking online reading into consideration, we can challenge the (assume) that reading for pleasure continues to decrease.
8.Normally, a forest fire and the damage it causes can be very (extend),especially when you consider the financial and physical losses.
9.Thecombination of spicy, (salt),sweet and sour flavors makes Kung Pao Chicken hard to resist.
10. all his life to educating his students, the old teacher was admired for his to education.(devote)
3 句型仿写
1.考虑到学生们需要更多的锻炼,校长已经决定增加体育课。(given that引导条件状语从句) the headteacher has decided to add PE classes.
Kate failed all her exams,
is that Chinese athletes have made_remarkable achievements in the Olympic Games.
The purpose of holding the activity is
My mother's encouragement confirms me in the belief of the Chinese poetry competition.
1.tackle 2.boost 3.yield 4.attain 5.overcome 6.output7.estimate 8.comprise 9.generate 10.leisure 11.soil12.vision13.reality14.widespread15.digest16.essential17.alternative18.instance19.root20.aspect
1.危机;危急关头 2.特征;特点;品质 典型的;独特的 3.传统的;习惯的 4.热切的;十分强烈的;激烈的 5.本国的;国内的;家用的;家庭的 6.名望;名誉;名人;名流 7.扫把;扫帚;金雀花 8.谷物;谷粒;颗粒 9.城市的;都市的;城镇的 10.炸弹 轰炸;对······投炸弹 11.地下通道;地道;隧道 12.小麦;小麦籽 13.味道;特点;特色 14.肥料 15.贫穷;贫困 16.有机的;不使用化肥的;有机物的 17.杀虫剂;除害药物 18.细菌
19.矿物;矿物质 20.食品杂货店 食品杂货
1.devote;devoted;devotion 2.short;shorten;shortage 3.convince;
convincing;convinced 4.assume;assumption;assuming 5.expand;
expansion 6.consume;consumption;consumer 7.salty;salt
8.extend;extension;extensive 9.chemistry;chemical;chemist
10.nutrition;nutritional;nutritious 11.depth;deep;deeply;deepen
1.devote...to 2.be comprised of 3.deep down 4.succeed in doing
sth. 5.afford to do sth. 6.in turn 7.be rich in 8.focus on
9.free from/of 10.for instance
1.Given that 2.What impressed people most 3.making it ready for
4.to grow good food 5.the fact that
1.convinced 2.deepened 3.entirely 4.consumption
5.expansion 6.shortage 7.assumption 8.extensive 9.salty
1.Given that the students need more exercise 2.making her parents very angry 3.What makes the whole country excited 4.to build cultural bridges between different countries 5.that I will surely win the championship