Unit 1 People of Achievement Video Time课件(共16张,内嵌视频)


名称 Unit 1 People of Achievement Video Time课件(共16张,内嵌视频)
格式 pptx
文件大小 50.1MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-19 15:29:29



Mei Lanfang: Great Artist, Cultural Ambassador
By the end of today's lesson, we will be able to:
1. Tell Mei Lanfang’s achievement in Beijing Opera and his contribution to promote cultural exchange.
2. Understand the value of Mei Lanfang’s success as a great artist and a cultural ambassador.
Video Time: Mei Lanfang: Great Artist, Cultural Ambassador
Activity 1:Share your knowledge about Mei Lanfang.
What does the name Mei Lanfang remind you of
Artist, Beijing Opera, The Drunken Beauty.
Read the title and the lead part on P12 and predict what the video might be about
Activity 2:Get prepared for viewing.
Match the time phrases with the events in Mei Lanfang’s life.
Activity 2:Get prepared for viewing.
at age 8
in his 20s
in 1919
after eight years of attempts
over 50 years on stage
in 1961
in 1894
born in Beijing
succeeded in taking Beijing Opera to the USA
died of heart disease
developed a style called the “Mei Lanfang School”
began to travel and perform abroad
started to learn Beijing Opera
became known internationally for his acting skill
Activity 3: Watch the video to check the answers.
Match the time phrases with the events in Mei Lanfang’s life.
at age 8
in his 20s
in 1919
after eight years of attempts
over 50 years on stage
in 1961
in 1894
born in Beijing
succeeded in taking Beijing Opera to the USA
died of heart disease
developed a style called the “Mei Lanfang School”
began to travel and perform abroad
started to learn Beijing Opera
became known internationally for his acting skill
Activity 3: Watch the video to check the answers.
Watch the video for the second time and complete the sentences. (P12 While You Watch)
The great Indian author Rabindranath Tagore was inspired to write a poem about Mei Lanfang.
In the USA, many fans stood in long queues after the performances to shake his hand.
Mei Lanfang brought Beijing Opera abroad so that more people could understand and appreciate the beauty of Chinese culture and art.
When Japanese troops invaded China, Mei Lanfang refused to do any performances for their entertainment.
Activity 4: Watch the video to get the key information.
Watch the video for the second time and complete the sentences.
The great Indian author Rabindranath Tagore _____________________ about Mei Lanfang.
In the USA, many fans __________________ after the performances to shake his hand.
Mei Lanfang brought Beijing Opera abroad so that more people could __________________ of Chinese culture and art.
When Japanese troops invaded China, Mei Lanfang_______________________.
Activity 4: Watch the video to get the key information.
Watch the video for the second time and complete the sentences. (P12 While You Watch)
The great Indian author Rabindranath Tagore was inspired to write a poem about Mei Lanfang.
In the USA, many fans stood in long queues after the performances to shake his hand.
Mei Lanfang brought Beijing Opera abroad so that more people could understand and appreciate the beauty of Chinese culture and art.
When Japanese troops invaded China, Mei Lanfang refused to do any performances for their entertainment.
Activity 4: Watch the video to get the key information.
Watch the video for the second time and complete the sentences.
The great Indian author Rabindranath Tagore ______________________ about Mei Lanfang.
In the USA, many fans __________________ after the performances to shake his hand.
Mei Lanfang brought Beijing Opera abroad so that more people could ___________________________ of Chinese culture and art.
When Japanese troops invaded China, Mei Lanfang _______________________ ________________.
was inspired to write a poem
stood in long queues
understand and appreciate the beauty
refused to do any performances
for their entertainment
How did Mei Lanfang bring Beijing Opera to the world step by step
Activity 4: Watch the video to get the key information.
Events effects
International visitors to China saw his fascinating performances. His fame began to __________________.
He often entertained guests from other countries. He _____________with people from all over the world.
In 1919, he began to travel abroad, giving performances in Japan and the Soviet Union. 1. His tours were _____________.
2. Audiences ___________by this elegant opera from the Orient.
After eight years of attempts, he and his opera group finally brought Beijing opera to the USA. 1. They received ______________ from city leaders and local celebrities wherever they went.
2. America’s Pomona College and the University of Southern California both conferred(授予) ___________________on Mei Lanfang.
Activity 4: Watch the video to get the key information.
How did Mei Lanfang bring Beijing Opera to the world step by step
Activity 4: Watch the video to get the key information.
Events Effects
His fascinating performances were seen by International visitors to China. His fame began to __________________.
He often entertained guests from other countries. He ________________ with people from all over the world.
In 1919, he began to travel abroad, giving performances in Japan and the Soviet Union. 1. His tours were _______________.
2. Audiences _____________ by this elegant opera from the Orient.
After eight years of attempts, he and his opera group finally brought Beijing opera to the USA. 1. They received ______________ from city leaders and local celebrities wherever they went.
2. America’s Pomona College and the University of Southern California both conferred(授予) ________________________ on Mei Lanfang.
spread around the world
became friends
a great success
were fascinated
a warm welcome
honorary Doctor of Arts degrees
How did Mei Lanfang become a legend in the art of Bejing Opera
Because of his great acting skill and because of his contribution to the development of Beijing Opera.
Why is Mei Lanfang greatly loved by so many people
Because of his great kindness to all people and his deep love for his country.
Activity 5: Reflect on Mei Lanfang’s success.
To conclude, what is the value of Mei Lanfang’s success
As a cultural ambassador, Mei Lanfang shared Beijing opera with audiences around the world, promoting cultural exchange and understanding.
By showcasing the art of Beijing Opera, Mei Lanfang helped to strengthen the cultural identity of China, making it more recognized internationally.
His performances inspired other artists and performers, influencing the development of new art forms, both within China and abroad.
Mei Lanfang helped build bridges between nations, contributing to peaceful and cooperative international relations.
Activity 5: Reflect on Mei Lanfang’s success.
Explore: Who else have committed themselves to the development of China’s culture
As a high school student, what can we do to introduce our Chinese culture to the world
Finish the exercise on the worksheet.