Unit 4 Journey Across a Vast Land Video Time教学设计+学习任务单+课件(共19张,内嵌视频)


名称 Unit 4 Journey Across a Vast Land Video Time教学设计+学习任务单+课件(共19张,内嵌视频)
格式 zip
文件大小 59.1MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-19 16:20:54


学科 英语 年级 高二年级 学期 春季
课题 Unit4 Journey Across A Vast Land(Video Time)
教科书 选择性必修二
1. 掌握如何获取视频中的重要信息; 2. 通过相关视频和问题链深入了解魁北克市;
3. 对旅行学习新事物的想法充满热情; 4. 比较魁北克市与中国一些类似的地方。
教学重点: 1. 获取视频中的主要信息;
2. 通过问题链深入了解魁北克市,培养学生思维能力。
教学难点: 1. 基于视频中的表层信息分析、概括魁北克市的特点。
Step 1:Leading in 通过对本单元前两篇阅读文本的回顾,自然引出Exploring Quebec这个话题。 【设计意图】激活学生已有的单元话题相关知识和词汇。 Step 2:Pre-watching 让学生思考问题Would you like to stop for an in-depth tour of a place during your journey across a vast land Why or why not If yes, what kind of place would you choose to tour 【设计意图】让学生自由表达对于旅游和旅游目的地选择的观点,激活对该话题的已有知识。 基于学生的回答,总结出以下几个层面visit famous scenic spots,experience different culture,enjoy diverse culinary scene/ cuisine,appreciate the unique architecture,explore the wilderness,take part in various activities。 【设计意图】对学生的表达给予及时的回馈,并通过整理、归纳为之后的活动建构语言支架。 Step 3:While-watching 第一遍播放 预测视频内容;
2. 观看视频,完成两部分练习;
3. 检测是否预测正确,校对答案。 【设计意图】培养学生通过预测、观看过程中获取重要信息的能力。 第二遍播放 让学生带着问题What impressed you most in this video What kind of city do you think Quebec is 再一次观看视频,并对学生的观点作出评价。
【设计意图】培养学生边看视频边做笔记的学习能力,也通过进一步提问训练学生的高阶思维。 思考What does Quebec City “bring to mind” 并由此引导学生思考一个北美的城市为什么会以欧洲的风格、建筑、食物等闻名,并通过一个视频让学生自主探究原因。通过cultural note拓展学生的知识面,也有助于学生能深入了解魁北克城市。
【设计意图】培养学生的批判性思维和自主性学习能力。 Step 4:Post-watching 回应课堂起初的提问,在选择旅行目的地的问题上是否会选择魁北克市If you were taking a journey across Canada, would you stop to explore Quebec Why or why not 再次引导学生从visit famous scenic spots,experience different culture,enjoy diverse culinary scene/ cuisine,appreciate the unique architecture,explore the wilderness,take part in various activities等角度来思考问题,并补充介绍魁北克市著名的冬季狂欢节,通过视频让学生感受狂欢节的气氛。 【设计意图】通过追问,利用铺垫好的语言支架陈述选择魁北克市作为旅行目的地的原因,唤起他们对旅行学习新事物的想法充满热情。 Step 5:Group work 在全面了解了魁北克市后,让学生比较魁北克市和一些中国城市的相似点和不同处。Are there any places in China like Quebec In what way are they similar How are they different 【设计意图】培养学生的民族自信和文化自信。 Step 6:Assignment 引导学生课后通过搜索网上资源,进一步完成魁北克市和中国城市的比较,并成立成文,待与同学们分享。 【设计意图】对本节课的内容进行巩固,充分利用语言框架输出,培养学生的思维能力和语言综合运用能力。学习任务单
学科 英语 年级 高二年级 学期 春季
课题 Unit4 Journey Across A Vast Land(Video Time)
教科书 选择性必修二
姓名 学校 班级 学号
1. 掌握如何获取视频中的重要信息; 2. 通过相关视频深入了解魁北克市,并能从多角度去探索一座城市;
3. 学会比较魁北克市与中国一些城市。
1. 复习本单元课文,回顾旅行相关话题内容;
2. 阅读魁北克市相关课外阅读材料。
1. What kind of place would you choose to tour I’d like to tour a place where I can ______________________________________
______________________________________ 【学习任务二】 【学习任务三】
What impressed you most in this video What kind of city do you think Quebec is 【学习任务四】 Are there any places in China like Quebec In what way are they similar How are they different (共19张PPT)
Unit 4 Journey Across A Vast Land(Video Time)
learn about the Quebec City through a video about an indepth tour to it
Learning Objectives
become enthusiastic about the idea of travelling to learn new things
By the end of this class, you will
compare the Quebec City with some places like it in China
grasp specific information while watching videos
Seeing The True North Via Rail:
①Vancouver and the Heart of Canada
②Toronto And Montreal
Leading in
Exploring Quebec
Think about these questions.
1. Would you like to stop for an
in-depth tour of a place during your journey across a vast land
Why or why not
2. If yes, what kind of place would you choose to tour
I’d like to tour a place where I can ...
I’d like to tour a place
where I can ......
visit famous scenic spots
experience different culture
enjoy diverse culinary scene/ cuisine
appreciate the unique architecture
explore the wilderness
take part in various activities
While-watching (first time)

While-watching (first time)

about 400 years old;
the season of celebration;
always successfully;
all incredible
While-watching (second time)
3. What impressed you most in this video
4. What kind of city do you think Quebec is
While-watching (second time)
3. What impressed you most in this video
old and new
long, cold winters
on the St Lawrence River
incredible cuisines
outdoor adventures
It’s a city combining the urban with the wild, outdoor adventure with cultural exploration.
4. What kind of city do you think Quebec is
5. What does Quebec City “bring to mind”
European vibe, history, and old architecture
6. As we know, Canada is a country in North America, but why is it known for its European vibe, architecture and French cuisine
6. Why is it known for its European vibe, architecture and French cuisine
Cultural Notes
Canada was colonized by France for over one hundred years in history, strongly affected by its language, culture, economy and politics.
More than 80% of the people in Quebec now are descendants(后裔) of the French settlers, for which French is one of the official languages in Quebec.
Exploring Quebec
If you were taking a journey across Canada, would you stop to explore Quebec Why or why not
visit famous scenic spots
experience different culture
enjoy diverse culinary scene/ cuisine
appreciate the unique architecture
explore the wilderness
take part in its traditional activities
visit the Quebec Old Town, St Lawrence River ....
experience its multi-culture
enjoy special French and Canadian cuisine
appreciate the European style architecture
make outdoor adventures
take part in the Quebec Winter Carnival
The Quebec Winter Carnival
Group Work
Are there any places in China like Quebec In what way are they similar How are they different
scenic spots
culinary scene
1. Gain more information from online resources after class.
2. Organize what you discussed and found online into a presentation, and share it with us in the next class.
Thanks for watching !