Unit 6 At one with nature—Starting out & Understanding ideas 教学目标 本节课结束后,学生能够: 1. 把握文章主要内容,概括主旨大意,获取梳理龙脊梯田的建造背景和运作原理,分析判断龙脊梯田“农文旅模式”产业融合发展的具体内容,内化所学语篇知识。【语言能力】 2. 了解龙脊梯田美的深层内涵,形成人与自然和谐相处的理念,热爱并宣传大美中国的文化意识和对传统农耕文化的尊重与欣赏能力。【文化意识】 3. 培养批判性思维和创新思维,激发问题解决能力和跨学科学习能力,增强环境保护和可持续发展意识。【思维品质】 4. 提升信息获取与分析能力,提高自主学习能力,以及发展跨学科学习和终身学习的意识。【学习能力】 教学重点: 1. 梳理龙脊梯田的建造背景和运作原理,引导学生从地理、历史、文化、生态等多个学科角度全面理解梯田的美与价值,培养学生的跨学科整合能力,分析判断龙脊梯田“农文旅模式”产业融合发展的具体内容。 2. 理解龙脊梯田作为中国传统农耕文化代表的美的深层内涵,形成热爱并宣传大美中国的文化意识和对传统农耕文化的尊重与欣赏能力。 教学难点: 1. 激发问题解决能力和跨学科学习能力,理解龙脊梯田“农文旅模式”产业融合发展。 2. 形成人与自然和谐相处的理念,增强环境保护和可持续发展意识。 教学设计亮点 1. 本节课创设了一个“人与自然和谐相处”的全球探索之旅的情境,带领学生通过云旅游体验意大利、俄罗斯、中国、缅甸、英国、中国广西和其他地方人与自然和谐相处的实例,将starting out部分内容与understanding ideas部分内容进行了合理自然的衔接,后续的学生活动也基于这一情境展开。 2. 文章主要以介绍龙脊梯田的美丽、历史、建造原因、运作原理和当代价值为主线,同时以分析龙脊梯田美的深层内涵为暗线,通过明暗交替的手法,紧密围绕主题完成文本解读和课堂活动。 3. 本节课深入挖掘了龙脊梯田的当代价值,其“农业—文化—旅游”发展的模式传播了农耕文化、民俗文化和民族文化,培养学生对于中国文化的热爱,以及宣传大美中国的文化意识,增强对传统农耕文化的尊重和欣赏能力。 4. 本节课将育人价值与思想引导、价值观培养深度融合,中国文化源远流长,悠久深远,龙脊梯田只是众多杰出文化中的一个代表。通过龙脊梯田的学习培养学生不仅要牢记习近平总书记的“绿水青山就是金山银山”的理念,形成人与自然和谐相处的理念,增强环境保护和可持续发展意识,更要传播中国优秀文化,宣扬大美中国!
步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1: Lead inUse a world map as a guide to take students on a virtual journey, exploring countries where people harmoniously coexist with nature. Watch and fill in the blanks. (IW) Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks. (IW)此活动属于英语学习活动观中学习理解层次的感知与注意。 通过创设全球探索人与自然和谐相处的情境,引入主题,激活学生背景知识,激发学生学习兴趣。Step 2: ExpectationAsk Ss what they want to learn about the Longji Rice Terraces.Speak out their questions about what they want to learn about the Longji Rice Terraces. 1). Where is it 2). Who built it 3). Why did they build it 4). How long did they build it (IW)此活动属于英语学习活动观中学习理解层次的感知与注意。 通过观看视频,感受龙脊梯田的四季美,激发学生对龙脊梯田的兴趣,引发他们对该主题的问题和好奇心。这种信息差进一步激发了学生在阅读文本时的期待和愿望。Step 2: Read for main ideas1. Request Ss to use one word to summarize the main idea of each paragraph. 2. Elaborate the importance of paying attention to the first and the last sentences. 3. Guide Ss to analyze the structure of the passage. 4. Explain the function of exposition. 5. Encourage Ss to determine the purpose of the passage.1. Students will individually read the passage and summarize the main idea of each paragraph using one word. (IW) 2. Through class discussion, the importance of paying attention to the first and last sentences will be emphasized.(CW) 3. Working in pairs or small groups, students will analyze the structure of the passage. (GW) 4. Students will be encouraged to determine the purpose of the passage. (CW)此活动属于英语学习活动观中学习理解层次的获取与梳理。 阅读全文,获取每段话的主要内容,梳理文章结构,判断文章写作目的,培养学生简洁概括和归纳信息的能力。为下一步详细了解每个部分内容做好铺垫。Step 3: Read for detailed informationPara 1: 1) Lead Ss to identify the function of paragraph 1 and provide writing skills. Guide Ss to analyze the language used in parapragh 1. 3) Together with Ss to admire the beauty of Longji Rice Terraces through pictures. Para 2: Assist students in finding the people who built them, when they were built and where they were built. Para 3: Motivate students to discover the reasons behind the construction of these terraces. Para 4: Direct students to examine the working principles of Longji Rice Terraces and gain a deeper understanding of their harmonious development. Para 5: Guide students to summarize the contemporary functions of Longji Rice Terraces.Para 1: Students will actively participate in a guided discussion to identify the primary function of paragraph 1. They will analyze the language and writing techniques utilized, such as descriptive imagery, vivid adjectives. Additionally, students will immerse themselves in the beauty of the Longji Rice Terraces by observing the pictures.(IW & GW) Para 2:
Find out related information of Longji Rice Terraces’. (IW) Para 3:
Investigate reasons for constructing the terraces through analysis and discussions. (IW) Para 4:
Examine the working principles and sustainable development of the terraces. (IW) Para 5:
Summarize the modern-day functions of Longji Rice Terraces.(GW) Para 1: 此活动属于英语学习活动观中学习理解层次的概括与整合,应用实践层次的分析与判断。 分析首段作用,赏析语言,概括首段龙脊梯田美在何处——景色美。 Para 2: 此活动属于英语学习活动观中学习理解层次的获取与梳理,概括与整合。 梳理龙脊梯田的建设者,建设时间和建设范围。概括龙脊梯田美在何处——劳动人民的精神美。Para 3 & 4: 此活动属于英语学习活动观中应用实践层次的描述与阐释。 阐释龙脊梯田建设的原因和运作原理。概括龙脊梯田美在何处——劳动人民的智慧美和可持续发展美。 Para 5: 此活动属于英语学习活动观中应用实践层次的分析与判断。 分析和判断龙脊梯田的当代价值以及当地人保持传统耕作方式的原因。Step 4: SummaryLet Ss read the summary of the passage and correct five factual mistakes. Read the summary of the passage and correct five factual mistakes. (IW)此活动属于英语学习活动观中应用实践层次的内化与运用。 总结概括全文内容,巩固运用所学知识,加深对主题意义的理解。Step 5: Group workWork in groups of five and recommend Longji Rice Terraces to your friends for vacation. Get into groups of five and collaborate to recommend Longji Rice Terraces as an ideal vacation destination. If it's challenging to present all five aspects at once, each student can focus on introducing one aspect. (GW)此活动属于英语学习活动观中应用实践层次的内化与运用。 巩固所学知识,通过从不同方面介绍龙脊梯田运用所学知识,促进学生语言知识的内化,培养学生的语言能力,加深对主题意义的理解。Step 6: Group workWork in groups of four and recommend Longji Rice Terraces to your friends for vacation.Form groups of four and collaborate to craft a recommendation for Longji Rice Terraces as a vacation destination. Choose four aspects from the following five aspects. (GW)此活动属于英语学习活动观中迁移创新层次的批判与评价。 学生自主选择一个地方,评价判断该地方是否实现了人与自然的和谐相处。对所选地方进行批判性评价,并介绍该地方在实现人与自然和谐相处方面的成就。Step 7: HomeworkLet Ss choose either task to finish. Option A: Write an artical promoting the beauty of China within a 500-word limit, focusing on explaining how people lived in harmony with nature. Option B: Share photos or short videos capturing beautiful China. Work format guidelines: ① Photos: No more than 10 images, 10 MB maximum for each, offering background information of the work or detailing the inspiration behind it. ② Short videos: Format: MP4 Size: 1GB maximum, up to 5 minutes Caption: No more than 300 English or Chinese words to introduceChoose eith one task to finish after class. (IW)此活动属于英语学习活动观中迁移创新层次的想象与创造。 通过书写和拍摄介绍大美中国,有利于促进学生所学的语言结构和语言知识的内化,培养学生的语言能力,促进学生的语言能力与思维品质和文化意识的同步发展,发挥学生的想象力和创造力,加深对主题意义的理解。