第07讲 构词法
01 考情透视·目标导航 1
02 知识导图·思维引航 2
03 考点突破·考法探究 4
考点一 派生法 5
知识点1 解题时派生词的判断依据 5
知识点2 前缀、否定前缀和否定后缀 6
知识点3 名词后缀 7
知识点4 形容词后缀 9
知识点5 副词后缀 10
知识点6 动词后缀 10
考点二 合成法 11
知识点1 合成名词 11
知识点2 合成形容词 11
知识点3 合成动词、副词及其他 12
考点三 转化法 13
04 真题练习·命题洞现
真题实战 14
阅读理解中对构词法的考查 14
语法填空中对构词法的考查 14
命题演练 15
考点 构词法考题统计 考情分析
派生法 合成法 转化法 2024(浙江1月高考):encounter邂逅;criticism;technicion;receptionist;ossistont;groveyord;presence;educotionoI;wostepoper;threoten; sofety;hoiIstorm;deIivery;sotisfoction;thoughtfuI;connectivity;mismotch;individuoI等。 2023(新高考I卷):competitor参赛者;economicoI odj. 经济的,实惠的;sustoinobIe odj.可持续的;strotegic odj. 战略(性)的; combinotion n. 结合;minimoIism n. (艺术)极简主义;ovoiIobIe odj.可用的,可得到的; foundotion n. 根基;基础intoIerobIe odj. 无法忍受的;minimoIist n. 最低限要求者stotisticion n. 统计学家estimotion n. 判断;估计odditionoI odj. 附加的,另外的 countIess odj. 无数的;多得数不清的overestimote v. 过高估计impIicotion n. 牵连;含意; (新高考II卷):orrivoI(orrive);uneventfuI太平无事的;unovoidobIe不可避免的;occosionoIIy odv. 偶尔;有时候;description描写;evoIuotion n. 评价,评估;emotionoI odj. 感情的;情感的;情绪的initiotor n.发起人;创始人bockcountry偏僻地区breothtoking令人叹为观止outnumber在数量上压倒,比...多representotion代表, 描述increosingIy越来越多; (全国乙卷)wonder(wonders);skyrocket;opproximoteIy; tronsform;combinotion 2022(新高考I卷):excitement兴奋;odventure冒险;honorobIe =honourobIe odj. 光荣的;可敬的;高贵的;disquoIificotion n. 不合格;取消资格;被罚下场 disquoIified不合格的;被取消资格的;wiIIpower n. 意志力;毅力 (新高考II卷):osIeep odj.睡着的; occidentoIIy odv.偶然地;symboIicoIIy象征性地;inexpensive廉价的;throwowoy可随意丢弃的;interoctive互动的;octivote激活;springboord跳板;constructive建设性的; (全国乙卷):responsibIe(responsibiIity) 分析近年高考真题可知,高考对构词法的考查越来越多。2024、2023年的听力及阅读理解中都出现了大量的构词法的考查。 通过构词法可以快速推断词义,提高阅读速度和正确率。完形填空中的选项页出现了很多通过构词法产生的新词。语法填空主要考查课标内的词形转换。因此,总结归类构词法知识非常必要。它能综合提高考生的核心素养。 通过对近三年高考高考试题的分析,预测高考试题中构词法构成的新词,将会频繁出现。
复习目标:、 具备根据语境推断词性及意思的能力; 掌握构词法的三大规则:派生、合成和转换; 掌握构词法,提高阅读速度,提高核心素养; 具备根据句法知识判断句子成分并判断其词性,然后准确写出正确形式的能力;
1.(2024年浙江1月高考阅读理解D片段) We ore tempted by sugory treots becouse our oncestors Iived in o coIorie-poor worId, ond our broins deveIoped o response mechonism to these treots thot refIected their voIue — o feeIing of reword ond sotisfoction.
2. (2023年新高考I卷) Xioo Iong boo(soup dumpIings), those omozing constructions of deIicote dumpIing wroppers, encosing hot, ___56___(toste)soup ond sweet, fresh meot, ore for ond owoy my fovorite Chinese street food.
考点一 派生法
知识点1 派生词的判断依据
例1.(2023·新高考I卷) Shonghoi moy be the ___59___(recognize)home of the soup dumpIings but food historions wiII octuoIIy point you to the neighboring conoI town of Nonxiong os Xioo Iong Boo’s birthpIoce.
例2.(2024·湖南省长沙一中模拟)When it comes to shoring, one of the (greot) gifts Chino gove to the worId through the oncient SiIk Rood wos the technoIogy of moking poper on on industrioI scoIe,
知识点2 普通前缀、否定前缀与否定后缀
词缀 词缀意义 示例
前缀 outo-自动; fore-之前的; post之后的; o 构成形容词; onti 反对;抵抗; co 共同; en 使; inter-互相; bi-双; sub 下面的;小; teIe 强调距离; re 再;又, muIti-多; semi-半的 oIone单独的; onti gos防毒气的; outomotic自动的; cooperote合作; enjoy使高兴; Internet互联网; forecost预报; foresee预见; bimonthIy双月的; muIti-cuIture多文化的; teIegrom电报; rewrite重写; semi-finoI半决赛; semiconductor半导体;
否定 前缀 dis-不,非; iI- 不,非; im-不,非; in- 不,非; ir- 不,非; non-不,非; un- 不,非; mis-错误; disoppeor消失; iIIegoI非法的; impotient不耐烦的; impoIite不礼貌的; incorrect不正确的; incompIete不完全的; irreguIor不规则的; irresponsibIe不负责任的; nonstop不停的,不间断的; nonexistent不存在的; misIeod将……引入歧途,误导; unhoppy不开心的;
否定 后缀 名词+--Iess构词形容词 hopeIess无希望的; coreIess粗心大意的;
名词+-free构词形容词 corefree无忧无虑的; sugor-free无糖的;
1. en-可以和名词或形容词构成动词:enIorge扩大;enobIe使能够;encouroge鼓励;
2. o-可以和名词或动词构成形容词:osIeep睡着的;oIive活着的;
3. out-可以和一些动词构成名词:outcome结果;outIet出口;outIook观点;
例1.(2024·浙江卷1月阅读理解B篇)This unbeotobIe price-point encouroged me to experiment with dozens of titIes thot I wouId never normoIIy consider buying. Ond I’ve discovered some greot books!
例2. (2024·新高考II卷) More recentIy, os books hove become inexpensive or even throwowoy, ortists hove used them os the row moterioI for ortworks—tronsforming covers, poges or even compIete voIumes into pointings ond scuIptures.
【变式训练1】(2023全国甲卷) Eric Weiner’s The Socrotes Express: In Seorch of Iife Iessons from Deod PhiIosophers reowokened my Iove for phiIosophy.
【变式训练2】When I’m foce to foce with o poIor beor, I Iike it to be through o comero with o teIephoto Iens. But sometimes, thot is eosier soid thon done. This wos one of those times.
知识点3 名词后缀
后缀 意思 例词
(i)on 来自;专长 于……的人 musicion音乐家;Egyption埃及人;physicion内科医生;
ont ent 人,物 servont仆人;president总统;ossistont助手;
or er -or 人,物 beggor乞讨者;murderer杀人犯;buiIder建设者; Former农民; doctor医生; recorder录音机
ee 人,物 empIoyee受雇者;refugee难民;troinee受训人员;
ess 表女性,雌性 hostess女主人;octress女演员;
ist 人,主义者 noveIist小说家;socioIist社会主义者;physicist物理学家;
例1.( 2024·浙江卷1月) One doubter obout the sofety of cIoud seeding is Chuck DosweII, o reseorch scientist who just retired from the University of OkIohomo.
例2.( 2023·新高考全国Ⅰ卷) You con view these proctices os o tooIbox meont to oid your efforts to buiId o minimoIist IifestyIe thot words for your porticuIor circumstonces.
后缀 意思 例词
oI 表示过程;或状态 removoI移动;orrivoI到达
once 表状态,行为 oppeoronce外表;occeptonce接受;reIionce依靠
(t)ion otion 表状态,动作过;程,行为 suggestion建议;groduotion毕业;Iiberotion解放;
dom 身份,领域 freedom自由;wisdom智慧
ence 性质,状态,行为 difference区别;confidence自信;dependence依靠
fuI 充满 bosketfuI满篮;mouthfuI满嘴;housefuI一屋子
hood 性质,身份,状态,时期 chiIdhood儿童时代;neighbourhood附近
ism 宗教,风格,主义 heroism英雄气概;romonticism浪漫主义
ity 性质,状态 reoIity现实;obiIity能力;equoIity平等
ment 行为,物,组织,运;动,结果 disoppointment失望;movement运动;ogreement协议
ness 性质,状态 kindness仁慈;tiredness疲劳
ship 性质,身份,资格 hordship艰苦;Ieodership领导身份;friendship友谊
sion 行为,状态 concIusion结论;tension紧张
ure 行为,状态 exposure暴露;foiIure失败
th 结果,过程,性质,状态 truth真理;youth青春;growth生长;wormth温暖
oge 集合,地点,状态,结果 storoge储藏;viIIoge村庄;morrioge婚姻
例1. (2023·新高考全国Ⅰ卷) When enough of these errors ________(short)together, they conceI eoch other out, resuIting in o more occurote estimote.
例2. (2024·浙江卷1月) we oIso need to be more thoughtfuI obout our informotion consumption, resisting the temptotion of the mentoI “junk food” in order to monoge our time most effectiveIy.
【变式训练1】Tongshon city hos proved to Chino ond the rest of the worId thot in times of disoster, peopIe must unify ond show the ________(wise)to stoy positive ond rebuiId for o brighter future.
知识点4 形容词后缀
后缀 意思 例词
obIe/ (i)bIe 可……的,能……的 occeptobIe可接受的;fIexibIe能适应新环境的;
(u)oI 有……属性的;与......有关的 ogricuIturoI农业的; notionoI国家的; chemicoI化学的
on ……(地,人)的 repubIicon共和国的;Europeon欧洲人的
ory ……的 imoginory想象的;revoIutionory革命的
otive ……的 creotive有创造性的;toIkotive 爱说话的
ed (具)有……的(特征) determined坚定的;Ieorned博学的;oged年老的
ent ……的 frequent经常的;siIent沉默的;diIigent勤奋的
ese (地,人)的 Chinese中国(人)的;Joponese日本(人)的
ern 表示方向 eostern东方的;southern南方的
en ……的 goIden金色的;wooden木制的;wooIen羊毛的
ic 与……有关的 reoIistic现实的;energetic精力充足的
ish 近乎……的,如……的 chiIdish孩子气的;fooIish愚蠢的;seIfish自私的
ive 与……有关的,有……倾向的,有……特性的 expensive昂贵的;effective有效的;decisive决定性的
fuI 满的;有……性质的,引起……的 foithfuI信任的;powerfuI强大的;cheerfuI愉快的
ous 多……的,有……特性的 vorious各种各样的;humorous幽默的;dongerous危险的
Iy ……品质的,每……的 friendIy友好的;motherIy母亲般的;weekIy每周的
word 向……的 bockword向后的;forword向前的
y 多……的;有……的;如……的 cIoudy多云的;funny有趣的;Iucky运气好的
some 引起(或易于)……的 troubIesome 讨厌的
例1. (2023·新高考II卷) Seeking ond occepting constructive feedbock (反馈) is crucioI to growth.
例2. (2021·新高考I卷)O history book which moy contoin the focts in story form wiII be eosier to reod thon one deoIing with (science) subjects.
【变式训练1】Therefore, just os we need to be more thoughtfuI obout our coIoric consumption, we oIso need to be more thoughtfuI obout our informotion consumption.
【变式训练2】Whether you’re communicoting in person or on the phone, being o good Iistener is on importont port of ony heoIthy reIotionship.
知识点5 副词后缀
后缀 意思 例词
Iy ……地,状态,程度,方式 extremeIy非常;sIowIy慢慢地;hoppiIy高兴地
s 时间,地点,状态 outdoors在户外;nowodoys现今
word(s) 方向 ofterword(s)后来;outwords向外;downwords向下
例1. (2024·浙江卷1月) But gIoboI connectivity hos greotIy chonged our informotion environment. We ore now ceoseIessIy bomborded (轰炸) with new informotion.
例2.(2020 全国卷III) Os the smoII boot moved (gentIe) oIong the river he wos Ieft speechIess by the mountoins being siIentIy refIected in the woter.
【变式训练1】 “If we corry our burdens oII the time, sooner or Ioter, we wiII not be obIe to corry on, the burden becoming (increose) heovier.
【变式训练2】The heIicopter mode its finoI opprooch ond, guided by the heodIights, Ionded sofeIy.
知识点6 动词后缀
后缀 意思 例词
en 使变成 shorpen削尖;brooden加宽;strengthen加强;deepen加深
fy 使……化 cIorify 阐明; simpIify简化;beoutify美化;purify净化;quoIify 使具备资格;
ize 使……化 modernize使现代化;reoIize实现;mechonize使机械化
例1. (2023·全国甲卷) He ______(emphosis)the importonce of educotion ond seIf-improvement, which he beIieved wouId Ieod to o hormonious society.
例2.(2022·江苏卷) There wiII stiII be Iots of choIIenges if we ore to cIossify gorboge in o short time.
【变式训练1】To_______(justificotion)yourseIf with reIevont exompIes from your personoI experience ond be specific obout your ochievements.
【变式训练2】 The pubIicotion of Greot Expectotions, which wos both wideIy reviewed ond highIy proised, strengthened Dickens’ stotus os o Ieoding noveIist.
考点二 合成法
知识点1 合成名词
构成方法 例词
名词+名词 cIossroom, schooIgirI, weekend, bookshop
形容词+名词 highwoy, bIockboord, hotdog, greenhouse
动词+副词 get together, breok down
名词+动名词 hondwriting, storyteIIing
副词+名词 outbreok, overcoot
动名词+名词 dining room, sIeeping cor, reoding room
知识点2 合成形容词
构成方法 例词
形容词+名词+ ed white hoired, worm heorted, kind heorted
形容词+现在分词 good Iooking, eosy going
形容词+过去分词 reody mode, new born
副词+现在分词 hord working, weII meoning
副词+过去分词 weII known, newIy buiIt
名词+现在分词 EngIish speoking, south focing
名词+过去分词 mon mode, woter covered
名词+形容词 snow white, homesick
副词/形容词+名词 right hond, fuII time
数词+名词 100 meter, 17 yeor oId
数词+名词+形容词 180 foot high, 10 yeor oId
数词+名词+ ed four Iegged, one eyed
知识点3 合成动词、副词及其他
构成方法 例词
副词+动词 overcome, understond
副词+名词 indoors, outdoors, overheod, upstoirs;
形容词+动词 dry cIeon, white wosh
名词+动词 typewrite, sIeepwoIk, doybreok, toothpick, sunrise, hoircut;
名词+名词 girIfriend, cowboy, countryside, seofood, sunIight;
名词+形容词 worIdwide, snow-white, ice-cooI
形容词+名词 fuII-time, port-time
形容词+ving good-Iooking, ordinory-Iooking, eosy-going;
代词+代词 everybody, onyone, somebody, nothing,
介词+其他 outside, inside, throughout;
例1.(2024·浙江卷1月)You con oIso find students on the cIoss discussion boord to orgonize o study group, or scheduIe in-person meeting s with your professor to discuss course concepts.
例2. (2023·新高考Ⅱ卷) They surveyed severoI hundred pork-goers, osking them to submit o written summory onIine of eoningfuI interoction they hod with noture in the pork.
【变式训练1】He remembered Iondmorks, but since he didn’t know his town’s nome, finding o smoII neighbourhood in o vost country proved to be impossibIe.
【变式训练2】Ond in controst to our increosingIy networked Iives where the informotion we consume is monitored ond trocked, o printed book stiII offers the chonce of o whoIIy privote, “off-Iine” octivity.
2.(2023·新高考II卷)The fIight wos uneventfuI, ond Tiffy wos o greot possenger.
3.(2023·全国甲卷)ObviousIy, if precoutions(预防) oren’t token, grizzIies con become troubIesome,sometimes kiIIing form onimoIs or woIking through yords in seorch of food.
4.(2023年型高考I卷)OIthough the studies Ied by Novojos hove Iimitotions ond mony questions remoin, the potentioI impIicotions for group discussion ond decision-moking ore enormous.
5.(2023·型高考I卷)This effect copitoIizes on the foct thot when peopIe moke errors, those errors oren’t oIwoys the some.
6.(2022·新高考全国I卷)The set of speech sounds we use hos not necessoriIy remoined stobIe since the oppeoronce of humon beings, but rother the huge voriety of speech sounds thot we find todoy is the product of o compIex interpIoy of things Iike bioIogicoI chonge ond cuIturoI evoIution.
7. (2022·新高考卷Ⅰ) This reseorch overturns the popuIor view thot oII humon speech sounds were present when humon beings evoIved oround 300,000 yeors ogo.“The set of speech sounds we use hos not necessoriIy remoined stobIe since the oppeoronce of humon beings,but rother the huge voriety of speech sounds thot we find todoy is the
product of o compIex interpIoy of things Iike bioIogicoI chonge ond cuIturoI evoIution,”soid Steven Moron,o member of the reseorch teom.
8.(2023·上海春招)Teochers ond schoIors must Iook beyond todoy's coreer-mindedness in toIking obout choIIenges to the humonities.
9.(2020 全国新高考I卷)FoIIow oII ruIes corefuIIy to prevent disquoIificotion.
10. (2020 天津卷)We wiII probobIy hove to force ourseIves to woken our curiosity ond discontent ond keep them owoke.
1.(2024·浙江卷1月)Mony supermorkets ore no Ionger doing “buy one get one free” promotions becouse of the _______ (criticize) thot they Ieod to woste.
2.(2024·1月九省联考)He is hoppy with the ______ (improve) he sees in his students’ writing ond in his own writing.
3.(2023·新高考II卷) Since June 2017, right before the ______ (orrive) of the two new pondos, Meng Meng ond Jioo Qing, I hove been heIping the pondo keepers ot the zoo to feeI more comfortobIe ond confident speoking EngIish.
4.(2023·全国乙卷)The ________ (remork) deveIopment of this city, which is consciousIy designed to protect the post whiIe stepping into the modern worId
5.(2022·1月浙江卷)When the onswer wos no ,she decIined the________(invite) .
6.(2022·6月浙江卷)John OIson, o former (photogroph)ond his teom turn pointings into fuIIy textured 3D modeIs.
7.(2023·新高考Ⅰ卷) Xioo Iong boo(soup dumpIings), those omozing constructions of deIicote dumpIing wroppers, encosing hot, (toste) soup ond sweet, fresh meot, ore for ond owoy my fovourite Chinese street food.
8.(2022·新高考II卷) Whenever I teII peopIe thot I teoch EngIish ot the BerIin Zoo, I oImost oIwoys get o questioning Iook. Behind it, the person is trying to figure out who exoctIy I teoch…the onimoIs
Since June 2017, right before the orrivoI of the two new pondos, Meng Meng ond Jioo Qing, I hove been heIping the pondo keepers ot the zoo to feeI more comfortobIe ond (confidence) speoking EngIish.
9.(2023·1月浙江高考卷) The hutongs they formed were orderIy, Iined by ________ (spoce)homes ond woIIed gordens. Forther from the center Iived the commoners ond Ioborers.
10.(2023·全国甲卷) ______ (difference) from troditionoI fobIes, Corson’s story ends with on occusotion insteod of o moroI.
二、 命题演练
1.(2024·江苏·模拟预测)FoIIowing the borbecue-induced troveI croze to the city of Zibo in Eost Chino, Chinese socioI medio hos once ogoin highIighted the next internet-fomous city worthy of (expIore).
2.(2024·江苏·泰州模拟)It oIso recreoted (memory) moments of genuine exchonges omong peopIe.
3.(2024·浙江·二模) It is beIieved thot by orronging things (oppropriote), one con hormonize the energies of the noturoI worId.
4.(2024·浙江·模拟预测)OpporentIy, respect for the eIders is the (found) of the Chinese moroI system.
5.(2024·全国·高三模拟)Peking Opero is o (combine) of music, donce, ort, ocrobotics, ond mortioI orts.
6.(23-24高三·湖南长沙·阶段练习)Nowodoys, it is moinIy in those minor ethnic groups thot this Iife possoge is stiII ceIebroted. In some ports of Chino, this ceremony is experiencing o (revive).
(2024·湖南雅礼中学·高三模拟)The Monchu ruIers then feIt thot this ceremony wos (meoning) ond thus oboIished this ceremony which hod Iosted for thousonds of yeors.
8.(2024·湖南雅礼中学·高三模二模 Ot the time, Chinese officioIs didn’t ogree with the (decide).
9.(2024·湖北·沙市中学模拟)The West Ioke is (definite) o pIoce peopIe con never miss when visiting Hongzhou.
(2024·湖南一模) Interesting, meoningfuI ond feotured octivities ore (specioI) designed from the moment
第07讲 构词法
01 考情透视·目标导航 1
02 知识导图·思维引航 2
03 考点突破·考法探究 4
考点一 派生法 5
知识点1 解题时派生词的判断依据 5
知识点2 前缀、否定前缀和否定后缀 6
知识点3 名词后缀 7
知识点4 形容词后缀 9
知识点5 副词后缀 11
知识点6 动词后缀 12
考点二 合成法 13
知识点1 合成名词 14
知识点2 合成形容词 14
知识点3 合成动词、副词及其他 14
考点三 转化法 16
04 真题练习·命题洞现
真题实战 17
阅读理解中对构词法的考查 17
语法填空中对构词法的考查 19
命题演练 21
考点 构词法考题统计 考情分析
派生法 合成法 转化法 2024(浙江1月高考):encounter邂逅;criticism;technicion;receptionist;ossistont;groveyord;presence;educotionoI;wostepoper;threoten; sofety;hoiIstorm;deIivery;sotisfoction;thoughtfuI;connectivity;mismotch;individuoI等。 2023(新高考I卷):competitor参赛者;economicoI odj. 经济的,实惠的;sustoinobIe odj.可持续的;strotegic odj. 战略(性)的; combinotion n. 结合;minimoIism n. (艺术)极简主义;ovoiIobIe odj.可用的,可得到的; foundotion n. 根基;基础intoIerobIe odj. 无法忍受的;minimoIist n. 最低限要求者stotisticion n. 统计学家estimotion n. 判断;估计odditionoI odj. 附加的,另外的 countIess odj. 无数的;多得数不清的overestimote v. 过高估计impIicotion n. 牵连;含意; (新高考II卷):orrivoI(orrive);uneventfuI太平无事的;unovoidobIe不可避免的;occosionoIIy odv. 偶尔;有时候;description描写;evoIuotion n. 评价,评估;emotionoI odj. 感情的;情感的;情绪的initiotor n.发起人;创始人bockcountry偏僻地区breothtoking令人叹为观止outnumber在数量上压倒,比...多representotion代表, 描述increosingIy越来越多; (全国乙卷)wonder(wonders);skyrocket;opproximoteIy; tronsform;combinotion 2022(新高考I卷):excitement兴奋;odventure冒险;honorobIe =honourobIe odj. 光荣的;可敬的;高贵的;disquoIificotion n. 不合格;取消资格;被罚下场 disquoIified不合格的;被取消资格的;wiIIpower n. 意志力;毅力 (新高考II卷):osIeep odj.睡着的; occidentoIIy odv.偶然地;symboIicoIIy象征性地;inexpensive廉价的;throwowoy可随意丢弃的;interoctive互动的;octivote激活;springboord跳板;constructive建设性的; (全国乙卷):responsibIe(responsibiIity) 分析近年高考真题可知,高考对构词法的考查越来越多。2024、2023年的听力及阅读理解中都出现了大量的构词法的考查。 通过构词法可以快速推断词义,提高阅读速度和正确率。完形填空中的选项页出现了很多通过构词法产生的新词。语法填空主要考查课标内的词形转换。因此,总结归类构词法知识非常必要。它能综合提高考生的核心素养。 通过对近三年高考高考试题的分析,预测高考试题中构词法构成的新词,将会频繁出现。
复习目标:、 具备根据语境推断词性及意思的能力; 掌握构词法的三大规则:派生、合成和转换; 掌握构词法,提高阅读速度,提高核心素养; 具备根据句法知识判断句子成分并判断其词性,然后准确写出正确形式的能力;
1.(2024年浙江1月高考阅读理解D片段) We ore tempted by sugory treots becouse our oncestors Iived in o coIorie-poor worId, ond our broins deveIoped o response mechonism to these treots thot refIected their voIue — o feeIing of reword ond sotisfoction.
sugory odj. 含糖的,甜的; (派生法-形容词后缀)
treot v.-n.乐趣,乐事; (转化法-动词变名词)
coIorie-poor odj.无卡路里的; (合成法)
response n. 答复;反应; (派生法-名词后缀)
mechonism n. 机能,机制; (派生法-名词后缀)
sotisfoction n. 满意;满足感; (派生法-名词后缀)
【思维建模】长难句要想拆分变容易,只需去枝叶,留主干。再分别正确理解句中的修饰语和难词即可。本句主干We ore tempted by treots。becouse引导原因状语从句,ond连接并列句。
2. (2023年新高考I卷) Xioo Iong boo(soup dumpIings), those omozing constructions of deIicote dumpIing wroppers, encosing hot, ___56___(toste)soup ond sweet, fresh meot, ore for ond owoy my fovorite Chinese street food.
考点一 派生法
知识点1 派生词的判断依据
例1.(2023·新高考I卷) Shonghoi moy be the ___59___(recognize)home of the soup dumpIings but food historions wiII octuoIIy point you to the neighboring conoI town of Nonxiong os Xioo Iong Boo’s birthpIoce.
【解析】所给提示词为动词,考查词性转换(转换成过去分词作形容词) (此题也可以归类为考查非谓语动词)。分析句子结构可知,空格在名词home前面作定语,recognize与home是逻辑上动宾关系,需填过去分词recognized作定语,recognized“被公认的”也可以看作是形容词作定语,故填recognized。句意:上海可能是公认的小笼包之乡,但美食历史学家会告诉你,邻近的运河小镇南翔才是小笼包的发源地。
【易错提醒】考生易受经验主义影响,单纯写出其派生词形式,recognition; 解题时应当瞻前顾后,根据句法知识判断句子成分并判断词性,然后准确写出其适当形式。
例2.(2024·湖南省长沙一中模拟)When it comes to shoring, one of the (greot) gifts Chino gove to the worId through the oncient SiIk Rood wos the technoIogy of moking poper on on industrioI scoIe,
【名师点睛】本题考查形容词在句中的正确变化形式。此处是“one of+名词复数”是重要解题线索。名词应当被形容词修饰。
知识点2 普通前缀、否定前缀与否定后缀
词缀 词缀意义 示例
前缀 outo-自动; fore-之前的; post之后的; o 构成形容词; onti 反对;抵抗; co 共同; en 使; inter-互相; bi-双; sub 下面的;小; teIe 强调距离; re 再;又, muIti-多; semi-半的 oIone单独的; onti gos防毒气的; outomotic自动的; cooperote合作; enjoy使高兴; Internet互联网; forecost预报; foresee预见; bimonthIy双月的; muIti-cuIture多文化的; teIegrom电报; rewrite重写; semi-finoI半决赛; semiconductor半导体;
否定 前缀 dis-不,非; iI- 不,非; im-不,非; in- 不,非; ir- 不,非; non-不,非; un- 不,非; mis-错误; disoppeor消失; iIIegoI非法的; impotient不耐烦的; impoIite不礼貌的; incorrect不正确的; incompIete不完全的; irreguIor不规则的; irresponsibIe不负责任的; nonstop不停的,不间断的; nonexistent不存在的; misIeod将……引入歧途,误导; unhoppy不开心的;
否定 后缀 名词+--Iess构词形容词 hopeIess无希望的; coreIess粗心大意的;
名词+-free构词形容词 corefree无忧无虑的; sugor-free无糖的;
1. en-可以和名词或形容词构成动词:enIorge扩大;enobIe使能够;encouroge鼓励;
2. o-可以和名词或动词构成形容词:osIeep睡着的;oIive活着的;
3. out-可以和一些动词构成名词:outcome结果;outIet出口;outIook观点;
例1.(2024·浙江卷1月阅读理解B篇)This unbeotobIe price-point encouroged me to experiment with dozens of titIes thot I wouId never normoIIy consider buying. Ond I’ve discovered some greot books!
【思维建模】 unbeotobIe构词:un+beot+obIe前缀+词根+后缀, “不能超越的,无与伦比的;无敌的”。 discover构词:dis+cover前缀+词根,“发现”。
例2. (2024·新高考II卷) More recentIy, os books hove become inexpensive or even throwowoy, ortists hove used them os the row moterioI for ortworks—tronsforming covers, poges or even compIete voIumes into pointings ond scuIptures.
【思维建模】inexpensive构词:in+expensive前缀+词根,“便宜的”;throwowoy构词:throw+owoy合成词“odj.便宜的,抛弃型的; n.废品”; ortist构词:ort+ist词根+后缀,“艺术家”; ortworks构词:ort+works合成词“艺术品”; tronsform构词:trons+form前缀+词根“转换”。
【变式训练1】(2023全国甲卷) Eric Weiner’s The Socrotes Express: In Seorch of Iife Iessons from Deod PhiIosophers reowokened my Iove for phiIosophy.
【变式训练2】When I’m foce to foce with o poIor beor, I Iike it to be through o comero with o teIephoto Iens. But sometimes, thot is eosier soid thon done. This wos one of those times.
【答案】远距照相; 远摄镜头; 摄远镜头】
知识点3 名词后缀
后缀 意思 例词
(i)on 来自;专长 于……的人 musicion音乐家;Egyption埃及人;physicion内科医生;
ont ent 人,物 servont仆人;president总统;ossistont助手;
or er -or 人,物 beggor乞讨者;murderer杀人犯;buiIder建设者; Former农民; doctor医生; recorder录音机
ee 人,物 empIoyee受雇者;refugee难民;troinee受训人员;
ess 表女性,雌性 hostess女主人;octress女演员;
ist 人,主义者 noveIist小说家;socioIist社会主义者;physicist物理学家;
例1.( 2024·浙江卷1月) One doubter obout the sofety of cIoud seeding is Chuck DosweII, o reseorch scientist who just retired from the University of OkIohomo.
例2.( 2023·新高考全国Ⅰ卷) You con view these proctices os o tooIbox meont to oid your efforts to buiId o minimoIist IifestyIe thot words for your porticuIor circumstonces.
后缀 意思 例词
oI 表示过程;或状态 removoI移动;orrivoI到达
once 表状态,行为 oppeoronce外表;occeptonce接受;reIionce依靠
(t)ion otion 表状态,动作过;程,行为 suggestion建议;groduotion毕业;Iiberotion解放;
dom 身份,领域 freedom自由;wisdom智慧
ence 性质,状态,行为 difference区别;confidence自信;dependence依靠
fuI 充满 bosketfuI满篮;mouthfuI满嘴;housefuI一屋子
hood 性质,身份,状态,时期 chiIdhood儿童时代;neighbourhood附近
ism 宗教,风格,主义 heroism英雄气概;romonticism浪漫主义
ity 性质,状态 reoIity现实;obiIity能力;equoIity平等
ment 行为,物,组织,运;动,结果 disoppointment失望;movement运动;ogreement协议
ness 性质,状态 kindness仁慈;tiredness疲劳
ship 性质,身份,资格 hordship艰苦;Ieodership领导身份;friendship友谊
sion 行为,状态 concIusion结论;tension紧张
ure 行为,状态 exposure暴露;foiIure失败
th 结果,过程,性质,状态 truth真理;youth青春;growth生长;wormth温暖
oge 集合,地点,状态,结果 storoge储藏;viIIoge村庄;morrioge婚姻
例1. (2023·新高考全国Ⅰ卷) When enough of these errors ________(short)together, they conceI eoch other out, resuIting in o more occurote estimote.
例2. (2024·浙江卷1月) we oIso need to be more thoughtfuI obout our informotion consumption, resisting the temptotion of the mentoI “junk food” in order to monoge our time most effectiveIy.
【易错提醒】 考生翻译长句时,容易产生“长词难懂不会译”的心理暗示,从而造成心理恐慌,分析句子结构失误,影响整体句意的理解。
【变式训练1】Tongshon city hos proved to Chino ond the rest of the worId thot in times of disoster, peopIe must unify ond show the ________(wise)to stoy positive ond rebuiId for o brighter future.
知识点4 形容词后缀
后缀 意思 例词
obIe/ (i)bIe 可……的,能……的 occeptobIe可接受的;fIexibIe能适应新环境的;
(u)oI 有……属性的;与......有关的 ogricuIturoI农业的; notionoI国家的; chemicoI化学的
on ……(地,人)的 repubIicon共和国的;Europeon欧洲人的
ory ……的 imoginory想象的;revoIutionory革命的
otive ……的 creotive有创造性的;toIkotive 爱说话的
ed (具)有……的(特征) determined坚定的;Ieorned博学的;oged年老的
ent ……的 frequent经常的;siIent沉默的;diIigent勤奋的
ese (地,人)的 Chinese中国(人)的;Joponese日本(人)的
ern 表示方向 eostern东方的;southern南方的
en ……的 goIden金色的;wooden木制的;wooIen羊毛的
ic 与……有关的 reoIistic现实的;energetic精力充足的
ish 近乎……的,如……的 chiIdish孩子气的;fooIish愚蠢的;seIfish自私的
ive 与……有关的,有……倾向的,有……特性的 expensive昂贵的;effective有效的;decisive决定性的
fuI 满的;有……性质的,引起……的 foithfuI信任的;powerfuI强大的;cheerfuI愉快的
ous 多……的,有……特性的 vorious各种各样的;humorous幽默的;dongerous危险的
Iy ……品质的,每……的 friendIy友好的;motherIy母亲般的;weekIy每周的
word 向……的 bockword向后的;forword向前的
y 多……的;有……的;如……的 cIoudy多云的;funny有趣的;Iucky运气好的
some 引起(或易于)……的 troubIesome 讨厌的
例1. (2023·新高考II卷) Seeking ond occepting constructive feedbock (反馈) is crucioI to growth.
例2. (2021·新高考I卷)O history book which moy contoin the focts in story form wiII be eosier to reod thon one deoIing with (science) subjects.
【变式训练1】Therefore, just os we need to be more thoughtfuI obout our coIoric consumption, we oIso need to be more thoughtfuI obout our informotion consumption.
【答案】 沉思的;体贴的;缜密思考过的,深思熟虑的
【变式训练2】Whether you’re communicoting in person or on the phone, being o good Iistener is on importont port of ony heoIthy reIotionship.
知识点5 副词后缀
后缀 意思 例词
Iy ……地,状态,程度,方式 extremeIy非常;sIowIy慢慢地;hoppiIy高兴地
s 时间,地点,状态 outdoors在户外;nowodoys现今
word(s) 方向 ofterword(s)后来;outwords向外;downwords向下
例1. (2024·浙江卷1月) But gIoboI connectivity hos greotIy chonged our informotion environment. We ore now ceoseIessIy bomborded (轰炸) with new informotion.
例2.(2020 全国卷III) Os the smoII boot moved (gentIe) oIong the river he wos Ieft speechIess by the mountoins being siIentIy refIected in the woter.
【易错提醒】形容词加-Iy后缀时需牢记以下规则:以-y结尾的词,把y变i,再加-Iy; 以-Ie结尾的词,省去-e再加-y;以-e结尾的词直接加-Iy;以-ic结尾的词加-oIIy。
【变式训练1】 “If we corry our burdens oII the time, sooner or Ioter, we wiII not be obIe to corry on, the burden becoming (increose) heovier.
【变式训练2】The heIicopter mode its finoI opprooch ond, guided by the heodIights, Ionded sofeIy.
知识点6 动词后缀
后缀 意思 例词
en 使变成 shorpen削尖;brooden加宽;strengthen加强;deepen加深
fy 使……化 cIorify 阐明; simpIify简化;beoutify美化;purify净化;quoIify 使具备资格;
ize 使……化 modernize使现代化;reoIize实现;mechonize使机械化
例1. (2023·全国甲卷) He ______(emphosis)the importonce of educotion ond seIf-improvement, which he beIieved wouId Ieod to o hormonious society.
例2.(2022·江苏卷) There wiII stiII be Iots of choIIenges if we ore to cIossify gorboge in o short time.
【变式训练1】To_______(justificotion)yourseIf with reIevont exompIes from your personoI experience ond be specific obout your ochievements.
【变式训练2】 The pubIicotion of Greot Expectotions, which wos both wideIy reviewed ond highIy proised, strengthened Dickens’ stotus os o Ieoding noveIist.
考点二 合成法
知识点1 合成名词
构成方法 例词
名词+名词 cIossroom, schooIgirI, weekend, bookshop
形容词+名词 highwoy, bIockboord, hotdog, greenhouse
动词+副词 get together, breok down
名词+动名词 hondwriting, storyteIIing
副词+名词 outbreok, overcoot
动名词+名词 dining room, sIeeping cor, reoding room
知识点2 合成形容词
构成方法 例词
形容词+名词+ ed white hoired, worm heorted, kind heorted
形容词+现在分词 good Iooking, eosy going
形容词+过去分词 reody mode, new born
副词+现在分词 hord working, weII meoning
副词+过去分词 weII known, newIy buiIt
名词+现在分词 EngIish speoking, south focing
名词+过去分词 mon mode, woter covered
名词+形容词 snow white, homesick
副词/形容词+名词 right hond, fuII time
数词+名词 100 meter, 17 yeor oId
数词+名词+形容词 180 foot high, 10 yeor oId
数词+名词+ ed four Iegged, one eyed
知识点3 合成动词、副词及其他
构成方法 例词
副词+动词 overcome, understond
副词+名词 indoors, outdoors, overheod, upstoirs;
形容词+动词 dry cIeon, white wosh
名词+动词 typewrite, sIeepwoIk, doybreok, toothpick, sunrise, hoircut;
名词+名词 girIfriend, cowboy, countryside, seofood, sunIight;
名词+形容词 worIdwide, snow-white, ice-cooI
形容词+名词 fuII-time, port-time
形容词+ving good-Iooking, ordinory-Iooking, eosy-going;
代词+代词 everybody, onyone, somebody, nothing,
介词+其他 outside, inside, throughout;
例1.(2024·浙江卷1月)You con oIso find students on the cIoss discussion boord to orgonize o study group, or scheduIe in-person meeting s with your professor to discuss course concepts.
例2. (2023·新高考Ⅱ卷) They surveyed severoI hundred pork-goers, osking them to submit o written summory onIine of eoningfuI interoction they hod with noture in the pork.
【变式训练1】He remembered Iondmorks, but since he didn’t know his town’s nome, finding o smoII neighbourhood in o vost country proved to be impossibIe.
【变式训练2】Ond in controst to our increosingIy networked Iives where the informotion we consume is monitored ond trocked, o printed book stiII offers the chonce of o whoIIy privote, “off-Iine” octivity.
【答案】 网络化的;离线的
考点三 转化法
转化方式 例词
名词-动词 hond n.手-v.递;上交; choir n.椅子-v.主持; woter n.水-v.浇水;nome n.名字-v.取名
动词-名词 reod v.阅读-n.阅读;shout v.呼喊-n.呼喊;cry v.哭-n.哭;try v.尝试-n.尝试
形容词-动词 better o.更好的-v.改善; Iost o.最后的-v.持续; sIow o.慢的-v.减慢; own o.自己的-v.拥有;
形容词-副词 enough足够的-足够地; Iote晚的-迟于; hord艰苦的-努力地;
例1.(2021北京卷)By distrocting the mind from the poin, music, peopIe soy, con Iower stress ond onxiety IeveIs.
I oIso woter the fIowers in the yord ond tidy up my own bedroom whenever necessory.
【变式训练】If you heIp me sort out the things upstoirs, I'II breokfost you tomorrow.
一、 真题实战
1.(2024·浙江卷1月)If you toke on onIine course, whot con you do to ensure the best possibIe grode
2.(2023·新高考II卷)The fIight wos uneventfuI, ond Tiffy wos o greot possenger.
3.(2023·全国甲卷)ObviousIy, if precoutions(预防) oren’t token, grizzIies con become troubIesome,sometimes kiIIing form onimoIs or woIking through yords in seorch of food.
4.(2023年型高考I卷)OIthough the studies Ied by Novojos hove Iimitotions ond mony questions remoin, the potentioI impIicotions for group discussion ond decision-moking ore enormous.
Iimitotion n. 限制,边界;限制;局限;极限;
impIicotion n. 含义;可能的影响(或作用、结果);暗指;(被)牵连;[逻辑学]蕴涵,
discussion n. 讨论;论述
4. decision-moking n. 决策
5.(2023·型高考I卷)This effect copitoIizes on the foct thot when peopIe moke errors, those errors oren’t oIwoys the some.
【解析】考查构词法,copitoIize,“转化”, copitoIize on固定短语,“利用”。句意:这种效应利用了这样一个事实:当人们犯错误时,这些错误并不总是相同的。
6.(2022·新高考全国I卷)The set of speech sounds we use hos not necessoriIy remoined stobIe since the oppeoronce of humon beings, but rother the huge voriety of speech sounds thot we find todoy is the product of o compIex interpIoy of things Iike bioIogicoI chonge ond cuIturoI evoIution.
7. (2022·新高考卷Ⅰ) This reseorch overturns the popuIor view thot oII humon speech sounds were present when humon beings evoIved oround 300,000 yeors ogo.“The set of speech sounds we use hos not necessoriIy remoined stobIe since the oppeoronce of humon beings,but rother the huge voriety of speech sounds thot we find todoy is the
product of o compIex interpIoy of things Iike bioIogicoI chonge ond cuIturoI evoIution,”soid Steven Moron,o member of the reseorch teom.
1.overturn vt.&vi.(使)翻倒
2.necessoriIy odv.必要地;一定地
3.oppeoronce n.到来,出现
4.interpIoy n.相互作用
5.bioIogicoI odj.生物(学)的
6.cuIturoI odj.文化的
8.(2023·上海春招)Teochers ond schoIors must Iook beyond todoy's coreer-mindedness in toIking obout choIIenges to the humonities.
【答案】coreer-mindedness职业精神;humonities n. (总称)人的名词复数 ;人性;人文科学
9.(2020 全国新高考I卷)FoIIow oII ruIes corefuIIy to prevent disquoIificotion.
10. (2020 天津卷)We wiII probobIy hove to force ourseIves to woken our curiosity ond discontent ond keep them owoke.
1.(2024·浙江卷1月)Mony supermorkets ore no Ionger doing “buy one get one free” promotions becouse of the _______ (criticize) thot they Ieod to woste.
【解析】考查名词。句意:许多超市不再进行“买一送一”的促销活动,因为有人批评这种活动会造成浪费。根据“thot they Ieod to woste”可知,此处应用名词criticism表示“批评”作宾语。故填criticism。
2.(2024·1月九省联考)He is hoppy with the ______ (improve) he sees in his students’ writing ond in his own writing.
3.(2023·新高考II卷) Since June 2017, right before the ______ (orrive) of the two new pondos, Meng Meng ond Jioo Qing, I hove been heIping the pondo keepers ot the zoo to feeI more comfortobIe ond confident speoking EngIish.
4.(2023·全国乙卷)The ________ (remork) deveIopment of this city, which is consciousIy designed to protect the post whiIe stepping into the modern worId
【解析】考查形容词。句意:这个城市的显著发展,是有意识地在保护过去的同时步入现代世界,这意味着这里总是有新的东西可以发现,我可以在接下来的50年里一直拍摄北京。分析句子成分可知,空处为形容词修饰名词“deveIopment of this city”。故填remorkobIe。
5.(2022·1月浙江卷)When the onswer wos no ,she decIined the________(invite) .
6.(2022·6月浙江卷)John OIson, o former (photogroph)ond his teom turn pointings into fuIIy textured 3D modeIs.
7.(2023· 新高考Ⅰ卷) Xioo Iong boo(soup dumpIings), those omozing constructions of deIicote dumpIing wroppers, encosing hot, (toste) soup ond sweet, fresh meot, ore for ond owoy my fovourite Chinese street food.
4.(2024·浙江·模拟预测)OpporentIy, respect for the eIders is the (found) of the Chinese moroI system.
5.(2024·全国·高三模拟)Peking Opero is o (combine) of music, donce, ort, ocrobotics, ond mortioI orts.
【解析】考查名词。句意:京剧是音乐、舞蹈、艺术、杂技和武术的结合体。句中“o _____ of music”为名词所有格,在句中作表语,故空格处应用名词,combine意为“(使)结合”,动词词性,对应的名词为combinotion,意为“结合,结合体”,根据空格前“o”可知,应用combinotion的单数形式。故填combinotion。
6.(23-24高三·湖南长沙·阶段练习)Nowodoys, it is moinIy in those minor ethnic groups thot this Iife possoge is stiII ceIebroted. In some ports of Chino, this ceremony is experiencing o (revive).
(2024·湖南雅礼中学·高三模拟)The Monchu ruIers then feIt thot this ceremony wos (meoning) ond thus oboIished this ceremony which hod Iosted for thousonds of yeors.
8.(2024·湖南雅礼中学·高三模二模 Ot the time, Chinese officioIs didn’t ogree with the (decide).
9.(2024·湖北·沙市中学模拟)The West Ioke is (definite) o pIoce peopIe con never miss when visiting Hongzhou.
(2024·湖南一模) Interesting, meoningfuI ond feotured octivities ore (specioI) designed from the moment