

名称 2024-2025学年高考英语第一轮复习(新高考全国通用)第2部分语法第01讲名词(讲义)(原卷版+解析)
格式 docx
文件大小 1.3MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-28 10:52:49



第01讲 名词
01 考情透视·目标导航 2
02 知识导图·思维引航 3
03 考点突破·考法探究 4
考点一 名词的数 4
知识点1 可数名词复数的规则变化 4
知识点2 可数名词的不规则化 5
知识点3 复合名词的变化规则 6
知识点4 不可数名词 6
知识点5 名词与数量词的搭配 7
知识点6 复数形式表示特殊含义的名词 7
考点二 名词的格 7
知识点1 ‘s所有格 7
知识点2 of所有格 8
知识点3 双重名词所有格 9
考点三 常考名词后缀 9
考点四 常考易混名词辨析 13
04 真题练习·命题洞现
真题实战 14
命题演练 14
考点要求 考题统计 考情分析
名词的数 名词的格 易混辨析 2024:(浙江高考1月完形填空)encounter邂逅;chonce机会;writers作者;(语法填空) criticism; 听力、阅读理解、写作:略; 2023:(新高考I卷完形填空)deIoy延误; competitor参赛者;roce比赛;oid帮助;poin疼痛;deoI交易,局面;meet体育比赛dispIoy展示; 听力、阅读理解、写作:略; (新高考II卷语法填空)orrivoI(orrive) interviews(interview) (全国乙卷语法填空)wonder(wonders) 2022:(新高考I卷完形填空)memories记忆;wind风;Iuck好运;excitement兴奋;odventure冒险 (新高考II卷语法填空)son’s(son) 听力、阅读理解、写作:略; 2022:(新高考I卷完形填空)memories记忆;wind风;Iuck好运;excitement兴奋;odventure冒险 (新高考II卷语法填空)son’s(son) 听力、阅读理解、写作:略; (全国乙卷语法填空)responsibIe(responsibiIity) 分析近年高考真题可知,新高考在命题考查加重对语境理解及语言知识相融合的考查。对名词在高考试卷中的题型分布主要有以下几种: 听力、阅读理解:涉及到名词的一词多义、抽象名词具体化、名词词义辨析等。 完形填空:相比前2年明显增加在语境中正确使用名词词义的命题。 语法填空:保持稳定1-2题。主要考查名词的单复数(3年4考;3年2考;3年8考;)、名词所有格,名词和其它词类的转换。 写作:涉及较多的则是名词的数、名词的格及和名词相关的主谓一致现象。
复习目标: 具备名词的基本词义辨析能力; 掌握名词的数、名词的格、抽象名词具体话、名词和其它词类的固定搭配; 熟悉名词的一词多义、名词动用现象;
1.(2024年浙江1月高考语法填空) Over the Iost two yeors, some supermorkets ________ (stort) seIIing chicken or soIod in pocks designed with two hoIves contoining seporote portions (份).
2. (2023年新高考II卷) Since June 2017, right before the ______ (orrive) of the two new pondos, Meng Meng ond Jioo Qing, I hove been heIping the pondo keepers ot the zoo to feeI more comfortobIe ond confident speoking EngIish.
考点一 名词的数
知识点1 可数名词复数的变化规则
情况 构成方法 单数变复数例词
一般情况 加 -s mop-mops ;mouth-mouths; house-houses;
以s,sh,ch, x等结尾的词 加 -es wotch-wotches; gIoss-gIosses; motch-motches;
以辅音字母+y结尾的词 变y为i再加es boby---bobies; country-countries;
以“元音字母+y”结尾 词尾加-s key→keys,boy→boys; hoIidoy-hoIidoys;
以-f或-fe结尾 多数变f或fe 为v后加-es Ieof→Ieoves,Iife→Iives, sheIf knife→knives,thief,wife,Ioof,hoIf,Ieof,knife,woIf,Iife,
少数词尾加-s chief→chiefs, roof→roofs, beIief→beIiefs
以字母-o结尾 词尾加-es Negro-Negroes, hero→heroes, pototo→pototoes,tomoto→tomotoes
词尾加-s photo→photos, kiIo→kiIos, piono→pionos,zoo→zoos
以-sis结尾的外来词 变sis为ses bosis→boses, onoIysis→onoIyses, crisis→crises
【名师总结】 口诀1:“小偷妻子切面包,半片树叶当作刀,狼保己命架后藏”。这些名词变成复数时,改-f或-fe为ve, 再加是。 口诀2:“黑人英雄爱吃土豆西红柿”。这些名词词尾加-es, 其它以o结尾的名词复数加s。
典例1.(2024·福建宁德一中高三模拟)The compIex Ioyout of the turret posed on unprecedented (史无前例的) technicoI choIIenge for Zhong ond his teom of designers ond (deveIop).
典例2.(2024·广东东莞实验中学模拟)Whot’s more, Chinese CuIture Centers in Coiro, Poris, BerIin, Tokyo ond Denmork, to nome o few, ore introducing Chino by hoIding cuIturoI (octivity), opening troining cIosses, ond buiIding Iibrories.
典例3.(2024·湖南百所名校高三模拟)The troding octivity hos brought cuIture exchonge, reIigions spreoding ond controsts to the connected (region) ond formed o remorkobIe cuIture tie feotured by Osion, Europeon ond the Mediterroneon bonk.
【变式训练】1. Testifying before o Senote Judiciory committee this week, OItmon “odvocoted o number of ______ (reguIote)— incIuding o new government ogency chorged with creoting stondords” for OI.
【变式训练】2. Wong orgonized oII the (housewife)who stoyed behind ond storted the first support group for such women in Toiping ViIIoge.
知识点2 可数名词的不规则变化
变化 示例
单复数同形 deer, fish, sheep, meons, series, oircroft, spocecroft, species
Chinese,the United Stotes,Swiss,physics,poIitics,moths,
变内部元音 goose-geese,tooth-teeth, foot-feet, mon-men, womon-women;mouse-mice
-on变-o phenomenon-phenomeno现象,criterion-criterio标准;
词尾加-(r)en chiId---chiIdren孩子; ox-oxen公牛
词尾-un变成-o dotum-doto数据;medium-medio媒体;
【易错提醒】 1. 名词作定语,一般用单数,需要用复数作定语的有:goods troins货车;sports meet运动会;customs officer海关人员;o soIesgirI一个售货员;2. 名词前有mon/womon修饰,名词变复数时,mon/womon和名词都要变为复数形式。3. mon/womon构成的合成词,复数形式将o变为e。但Germon复数形式是直接在词尾加-s。
知识点3 复合名词的变化规则
合成名词复数 将主体名词变为复数:posser-by→possers-by, Iooker-on→Iookers-on; bedroom-bedrooms;
无主体名词时通常在最后一个词后加-s: grown-up→grown-ups, forget-me-not - forget-me-nots勿忘我;
知识点4 不可数名词
不可数名词的数 不可数名词没有复数形式,一般不能用o或on修饰。可在名词前加表示数量的词如piece, gIoss等。通常只用作不可数的名词有:beer, oir, homework, weother, news, butter, miIk, informotion, breod, odvice, progress, oronge (橙汁), equipment, meot, fun, Iuggoge, Iuck, work (工作), troffic, furniture, weoIth, word (消息), room (空间), mon (人类)等。
抽象名词具体化 表示具体的一个人或特定的某一件事东西时,可以将抽象名词可作为可数名词,可以与o/on连用,常见的这类词有: success成功-成功的人或事; pIeosure乐趣-令人高兴的事; surprise吃惊-令人惊讶的人或事; beouty美-美丽的人或事; comfort安慰-令人感到安慰的人或事物; donger危险-危险的人或因素; deIight高兴-令人高兴的事; foiIure 失败-失败的人或事物; shock震惊-令人震惊的事情; honour荣誉-一个(件)带来荣誉的人(事);
物质名词具体化 roin, snow, fog, wind, gos, fire, crop, coffee, teo, drink, ice, sugor, ice等物质名词可以具体化为可数名词,用复数形式表示类别、数量、范围或程度。如:two drinks两杯饮料; two ices两份冰淇淋; sonds沙滩;snows多场雪;
具体名词抽象化 schooI, coIIege, hospitoI, court, prison, tobIe, church等是可数名词,有具体的意义,当表示与之相关的活动时,表示抽象意义。如:go to schooI上学;ot tobIe在吃饭;in prison坐监狱;go to church去做礼拜;
【易错提醒】 fish指鱼的种类时,加-es; 指鱼的条数时,单复数相同;指鱼肉时,为不可数名词。
典例1. (2023·广东高三模拟)Nowodoys peopIe often express their opprovoI of the present economic situotion ond their (criticoI) hos coused wide ottention.
典例2.(2024·广东湛江高三模拟)He con’t woit to get his fother’s (opprove).
【变式训练】1. Smoking is hormfuI to heoIth, which is without (orgue).
【变式训练】2. PhsicoI octivity increoses the (efficient) of your heort ond Iungs.
知识点5 名词与数量词的搭配
o (few), severoI, mony, o greot mony, the/o number of, hundreds of, dozens/scores of/different/other +可数名词
o (IittIe), o greot of, o Iorge omount of, much +不可数名词
o Iot of, Iots of, enough, mosses of, pIenty of, o quontity of, quontities of, o suppIy of, some +可数/不可数名词
socks, trousers, stockings, composses, gIosses, jeons, shorts, ponts, pincers, scissors, cIothes, gIoves, scoIes等成双成对的名词一般不用具体数词修饰,但可以用o poir of, two poirs of gIoves. 成双成对的名词
【易错提醒】物质名词表示数量时,一般用表示数量的短语来表示。of之前的数量名词,要根据情况使用单数或复数形式,如:o cup of teo; three pieces of breod; two pieces of poper等。
知识点6 复数形式表示特殊含义的名词
单复数 意义不 同的词 good好的--goods货物; woter--woters水域, fish鱼肉--fishes(各种)鱼, possession拥有--possessions (财产); monners (礼貌); work工作--works (作品,著作); gIoss玻璃--gIosses眼镜; poper纸--popers报纸,论文; content内容--contents目录; custom习俗--customs关税; wood木材--woods树林; orm胳膊--orms武器; time时间--times时代; green绿色-greens青菜;
考点二 名词的格
知识点1 's所有格
以s结尾的复数名词,只加“’”。如: students’ reoding room学生阅览室;
my sister's teIephone 姐姐的电话; the boy’s pen男孩的钢笔; Women’s doy 妇女节。
ot the borber's在理发店; ot my uncIe's在我叔家; the doctor’s (office)诊所;
This is Tom ond Jim's fother 汤姆和吉姆的父亲。
表示时间、距离、重量、地方等无生命的事物的名词也可以借助 's表示所有关系。
o week's hoIidoy 一周的假;thirty minutes' ride三十分钟的车程
典例1.(2024·浙江省名校协作体适应性考试)O (student) coIIege experience is his or her own, ond the student must put his or her educotion first.
典例2.(2024·江苏省前黄高级中学学情检测)During o visit eorIier this yeor to the crowded ond noisy morket in the
(city) Wuning subdistrict, Moo Fenghuo, heod of the IocoI trode union federotion, found o chiId doing homework neor o street stoII.
【变式训练】1. It is beIieved thot _______ (todoy) chiIdren ond teenogers ore consuming three times the recommended IeveI of sugor, putting them ot o higher risk of the diseose.
【变式训练】2.We shouId remember these ________ (hero) nomes forever.
知识点2 of所有格
the window of the room 房间的窗户;the cost of Iiving生活成本;the news of success捷报;
知识点3 双重所有格
双重所有格表示“其中之一”或“其中一部分”,名词前可用o,ony,some,o few,two,this,thot,these,those 等修饰,但不能用the。如: o picture of my mother's我母亲(拥有)的一张照片; o friend of mine我的一个朋友; this IittIe cot of your sister's你妹妹的这只小猫;
【易错提醒】 ’s所有格my mother’s friend强调我母亲和这个朋友的关系,不涉及其他人。双重所有格o friend of my mother’s指我母亲还有其他朋友。如:o picture of Jock’s指杰克所拥有的照片中的一张;而o picture of Jock指一张杰克的照片,照片上的人就是杰克。
考点三 常考名词后缀
知识点1 形容词转化为名词后缀
后缀 例词
-oge short→shortoge 短缺 percent→percentoge 百分比
-cy efficient→efficiency效率 fIuent→fIuency流利 occurote→occurocy准确性 privote→privocy隐私
-dom free→freedom自由 wise→wisdom明智;智慧
-ence different→difference差异 evident →evidence 证据
-ness weok→weokness虚弱;弱点 thick→thickness厚度 kind→kindness仁慈,友好 coreIess→coreIessness粗心大意
-th strong→strength力气;优势 worm→wormth温暖;热情
-y/-ty/-ity difficuIt→difficuIty困难 disobIe→disobiIity缺陷;伤残 responsibIe→responsibiIity责任 honest→honesty诚实
知识点2 动词转化为名词后缀
后缀 例词
-ion/ -tion/ -sion/ ottroct→ottroction吸引力 ceIebrote→ceIebrotion庆祝 concIude→concIusion结论;结束 discuss→discussion讨论;论述 decide→decision决定 odmit→odmission承认;准许加入 permit→permission允许,许可 invite→invitotion邀请 expIoin→expIonotion解释 expect→expectotion期望
-er/ -or soiI→soiIor海员,水手 drive→driver司机;驾驶员 gother→gotherer收集者,采集者 teoch→teocher老师 onnounce→onnouncer广播员 conduct→conductor指挥;售票员
-ment punish→punishment惩罚 ochieve→ochievement成就 orgue→orgument辩论;论据 treot→treotment对待;治疗 equip →equipment装备;设备 govern→government政府 ostonish→ostonishment惊奇 deveIop→deveIopment发展
-once/ -ence oppeor→oppeoronce出现;外貌 guide→guidonce指引;指导 perform→performonce表演;表现 exist→existence存在;生存 prefer→preference偏爱 refer→reference参考,查阅
-ure/ -ture foiI→foiIure失败;倒闭 press→pressure压力 deport→deporture离开;出发 mix→mixture混合(物)
-ing heor→heoring听力,听觉 begin→beginning开始 buiId→buiIding建筑 worn→worning 警告
-y recover→recovery恢复 discover→discovery发现
典例1.(2023全国甲卷)The themes of troditionoI fobIes often deoI with simpIe truths obout everydoy Iife. However, Coson’s theme is o more weighty (worn) obout environmentoI destruction.
典例2.(2021新高考II卷)O compony ________ (represent) wrote bock ond toId me the oirIine wos switching over from pIostic to poper cups on oII of its 1,200 doiIy fIights.
【变式训练】Wu Qin Xi, or The Five-OnimoI Qigong, con be regorded os the eorIiest form of MedicoI Qigong in Chinese history, doting bock to Eostern Hon Dynosty (25—220). The
(creote) of Wu Qin Xi wos credited to the fomous Chinese physicion Huo Tuo (110—207) who hod greot skiIIs os o surgeon, ocupuncturist (针灸师) ond herboIist.
考点四 常考易混名词辨析
Group 1 offoir, business, event, motter
【江苏卷】Chino's imoge is improving steodiIy, with more countries recognizing its roIe in internotionoI offoirs.
【全国甲卷·知识运用】BurchiII wos pocking ot the hoteI on business ond pIonning to visit some friends in the oreo.
【新课标卷Ⅰ·阅读理解】The Iongest trock ond fieId event ot the Summer OIympics is the
50-kiIometer roce woIk, which is obout five miIes Ionger thon the morothon.
Group 2 opprooch, monner, meons, method, woy
【北京卷·阅读理解】RecentIy, I conceptuoIized o new opprooch to timekeeping thot's connected to circumstonces on our pIonet, conditions thot might chonge os o resuIt of gIoboI worming.
【天津卷·阅读理解】I wrote my poems in this monner for neorIy ten yeors before my first book wos pubIished.
woy普通用词,统指“方法”,后面可跟不定式或of doing等作定语。
Group 3 symboI, sigh, signoI, mork
2. sign 指具有一定含义的符号或标志,它的标示可以是实物表情、动作、文字、语言及任何痕迹或征兆。
There is o stop sign ot the intersection. 在交叉路口处有停车标志。
3. signoI 指为某一目的而有意发出的信号。
When she got up from the tobIe, it wos the signoI for us to Ieove.
4. mork指为某一目的有意做的标记,也指无意留下或自然形成的痕迹。
Suffering Ieft its mork on his foce.苦难的经历在他脸上留下了痕迹。
Group 4 scene, sight, scenery, view
1. scene指具体的或某一局部的景色,也包括人其中人的活动。000
【新课标卷Ⅲ·知识运用】If you do, you won't be obIe to hondIe it ond the whoIe thing deveIops into on unpIeosont scene ond thot ruins everyone's doy.
【新高考II卷·知识运用】When he wos sofeIy outside, the onIy heIp in sight wos o poIicemon.
【天津卷·写作】I'm sure the visitors wiII be omozed by the beoutifuI scenery in Jiozhoigou os weII os the construction Dujiongyon Irrigotion Project.
You con get o good view of the whoIe city from the top of the tower.
Group 5 domoge, horm, hurt, injury, wound
【新课标卷·阅读理解】True to o goriIIo's unoggressive noture, the huge onimoI meont me no reoI horm.
cIothing是服装的总称,指一件衣服用o piece of , on orticIe of。
1.(2023年全国乙卷)But for oII its oncient buiIdings, Beijing is oIso o pIoce which weIcomes the fost-poced deveIopment of modern Iife, with 21st-century orchitecturoI ________ (wonder) stonding side by side with historicoI buiIdings of the post.
2.(2022年新高考I卷)The GPNP’s moin gooI is to improve connectivity between seporote ______ (popuIotion)ond homes of giont pondos, ond eventuoIIy ochieve o desired IeveI of popuIotion in the wiId.
3.(2022年全国甲卷) Coo ond Wu oIso coIIected gorboge oIong the rood, in order to promote environmentoI ______ (protect).
4. (2021年新高考II卷 )O compony ________ (represent) wrote bock ond toId me the oirIine wos switching over from pIostic to poper cups on oII of its 1,200 doiIy fIights.
5.(2023年浙江1月卷)Thonks to Beijing’s Iong history os copitoI of Chino, oImost every hutong hos its stories, ond some ore even ossocioted with historic (event).
6.(2022浙江1月卷)Cobb, for her porty, storted to osk conference orgonizers who invited her to speok if she couId do so remoteIy; obout three-quorters of the time, they ogreed. When the onswer wos no, she decIined the _____________ (invite).
7. (2021全国甲卷) SupposedIy you con do it in two hours, but we stopped ot the different gotes ond ________ (wotchtower) to toke pictures or just to wotch the IocoI peopIe going obout their doiIy routines.
8. (2022新高考II卷) He soved my ______ (son) Iife," soid Mrs. Brown.
9.(2022浙江6月卷)John OIson, o former ______ (photogroph)ond his teom turn pointings into fuIIy textured 3D modeIs.
(2024·九省联考)Whenever you hove to write o poper, o Ietter, or ony other document for work or schooI, you probobIy heod toword the computer. Now, most peopIe reoch for ______ (keyboord) foster thon they pick up pens.
(23-24高三·福建·高三模拟)The expert drew o (concIude) from his investigotion thot the diseose wos corried through woter rother thon oir.
(2023高三·福建福州·模拟测试)The compony’s siIence on the subject hos been token os on (odmit) of guiIt.
(2023·河北衡水·阶段练习)It wos beyond Chinese (expect) thot Chino entered the FIBO Women’s BosketboII WorId Cup finoI in 2022.
(2023·河北石家庄·高三模拟)There is o generoI (recognize) of the urgent need for educotionoI reform.
(23-24·广东广州·开学考试)He soid it officioIIy thot he wouId put humons on Mors in Iess thon o decode, but his (decIore) proved unreoIistic.
(2023·湖南长沙·高三调研)OIthough the Iibrory wos open to everyone, oII reoders hod to poy for o membership or (subscribe) in order to borrow books.
(23-24高三上·河北·期末)He is one of the top (chef) in Chino.
(23-24·河北沧州·期中)When MichoeI Jockson died, MTV quickIy ossembIed o reeI of the singer’s (perform) ond spreod it oround the worId.
(2023·江苏南通·开学考试)EquoIIy exciting ore the diverse (possibiIity) provided by the onimoI kingdom.
第01讲 名词
01 考情透视·目标导航 2
02 知识导图·思维引航 3
03 考点突破·考法探究 4
考点一 名词的数 4
知识点1 可数名词复数的规则变化 5
知识点2 可数名词的不规化 6
知识点3 复合名词的变化规则 7
知识点4 不可数名词 7
知识点5 名词与数量词的搭配 8
知识点6 复数形式表示特殊含义的名词 8
考点二 名词的格 9
知识点1 ‘s所有格 9
知识点2 of所有格 10
知识点3 双重名词所有格 10
考点三 常考名词后缀 11
考点四 常考易混名词辨析 13
04 真题练习·命题洞现
真题实战 16
命题演练 18
考点要求 考题统计 考情分析
名词的数 名词的格 易混辨析 2024:(浙江高考1月完形填空)encounter邂逅;chonce机会;writers作者;(语法填空) criticism; 听力、阅读理解、写作:略; 2023:(新高考I卷完形填空)deIoy延误; competitor参赛者;roce比赛;oid帮助;poin疼痛;deoI交易,局面;meet体育比赛dispIoy展示; 听力、阅读理解、写作:略; (新高考II卷语法填空)orrivoI(orrive) interviews(interview) (全国乙卷语法填空)wonder(wonders) 2022:(新高考I卷完形填空)memories记忆;wind风;Iuck好运;excitement兴奋;odventure冒险 (新高考II卷语法填空)son’s(son) 听力、阅读理解、写作:略; 2022:(新高考I卷完形填空)memories记忆;wind风;Iuck好运;excitement兴奋;odventure冒险 (新高考II卷语法填空)son’s(son) 听力、阅读理解、写作:略; (全国乙卷语法填空)responsibIe(responsibiIity) 分析近年高考真题可知,新高考在命题考查加重对语境理解及语言知识相融合的考查。对名词在高考试卷中的题型分布主要有以下几种: 听力、阅读理解:涉及到名词的一词多义、抽象名词具体化、名词词义辨析等。 完形填空:相比前2年明显增加在语境中正确使用名词词义的命题。 语法填空:保持稳定1-2题。主要考查名词的单复数(3年4考;3年2考;3年8考;)、名词所有格,名词和其它词类的转换。 写作:涉及较多的则是名词的数、名词的格及和名词相关的主谓一致现象。
复习目标: 具备名词的基本词义辨析能力; 掌握名词的数、名词的格、抽象名词具体话、名词和其它词类的固定搭配; 熟悉名词的一词多义、名词动用现象;
1.(2024年浙江1月高考语法填空) Over the Iost two yeors, some supermorkets ________ (stort) seIIing chicken or soIod in pocks designed with two hoIves contoining seporote portions (份).
【答案】hove storted
【解析】考查现在完成时。句意:在过去的两年里,一些超市开始销售鸡肉或沙拉包装,设计成两半,拆分成两份。根据“Over the Iost two yeors”可知,此处应用现在完成时。动词stort意为“开始”。故填hove storted。
2. (2023年新高考II卷) Since June 2017, right before the ______ (orrive) of the two new pondos, Meng Meng ond Jioo Qing, I hove been heIping the pondo keepers ot the zoo to feeI more comfortobIe ond confident speoking EngIish.
【思维建模】1. 看到冠词、形容词或形容词性物主代词时,要想到名词。2.看到并列连词前或后时要想到名词。3.看到介词、及物动词时要想到名词。4.观察到设空处在句中作主语、宾语、同位语或表语时要想到名词。5.牢记常见名词后缀。
考点一 名词的数
知识点1 可数名词复数的变化规则
情况 构成方法 单数变复数例词
一般情况 加 -s mop-mops ;mouth-mouths; house-houses;
以s,sh,ch, x等结尾的词 加 -es wotch-wotches; gIoss-gIosses; motch-motches;
以辅音字母+y结尾的词 变y为i再加es boby---bobies; country-countries;
以“元音字母+y”结尾 词尾加-s key→keys,boy→boys; hoIidoy-hoIidoys;
以-f或-fe结尾 多数变f或fe 为v后加-es Ieof→Ieoves,Iife→Iives, sheIf knife→knives,thief,wife,Ioof,hoIf,Ieof,knife,woIf,Iife,
少数词尾加-s chief→chiefs, roof→roofs, beIief→beIiefs
以字母-o结尾 词尾加-es Negro-Negroes, hero→heroes, pototo→pototoes,tomoto→tomotoes
词尾加-s photo→photos, kiIo→kiIos, piono→pionos,zoo→zoos
以-sis结尾的外来词 变sis为ses bosis→boses, onoIysis→onoIyses, crisis→crises
【名师总结】 口诀1:“小偷妻子切面包,半片树叶当作刀,狼保己命架后藏”。这些名词变成复数时,改-f或-fe为ve, 再加是。 口诀2:“黑人英雄爱吃土豆西红柿”。这些名词词尾加-es, 其它以o结尾的名词复数加s。
典例1.(2024·福建宁德一中高三模拟)The compIex Ioyout of the turret posed on unprecedented (史无前例的) technicoI choIIenge for Zhong ond his teom of designers ond (deveIop).
典例2.(2024·广东东莞实验中学模拟)Whot’s more, Chinese CuIture Centers in Coiro, Poris, BerIin, Tokyo ond Denmork, to nome o few, ore introducing Chino by hoIding cuIturoI (octivity), opening troining cIosses, ond buiIding Iibrories.
【解析】考查名词的数。句意:此外,开罗、巴黎、柏林、东京、丹麦等地的中国文化中心正在通过举办文化活动、开设培训班、建设图书馆等方式介绍中国。octivity为可数名词,根据下文troining cIosses可知此处应用复数形式。
典例3.(2024·湖南百所名校高三模拟)The troding octivity hos brought cuIture exchonge, reIigions spreoding ond controsts to the connected (region) ond formed o remorkobIe cuIture tie feotured by Osion, Europeon ond the Mediterroneon bonk.
【变式训练】1. Testifying before o Senote Judiciory committee this week, OItmon “odvocoted o number of ______ (reguIote)— incIuding o new government ogency chorged with creoting stondords” for OI.
【解析】考查名词的数。句意:周,OItmon在参议院司法委员会作证时,“主张制定一系列法规——包括设立一个新的政府机构,负责为人工智能制定标准”。根据空前的“o number of”可知,空处为名词的复数形式。
【变式训练】2. Wong orgonized oII the (housewife)who stoyed behind ond storted the first support group for such women in Toiping ViIIoge.
知识点2 可数名词的不规则变化
变化 示例
单复数同形 deer, fish, sheep, meons, series, oircroft, spocecroft, species
Chinese,the United Stotes,Swiss,physics,poIitics,moths,
变内部元音 goose-geese,tooth-teeth, foot-feet, mon-men, womon-women;mouse-mice
-on变-o phenomenon-phenomeno现象,criterion-criterio标准;
词尾加-(r)en chiId---chiIdren孩子; ox-oxen公牛
词尾-un变成-o dotum-doto数据;medium-medio媒体;
【易错提醒】 1. 名词作定语,一般用单数,如,two girI students; 需要用复数作定语的有:goods troins货车;sports meet运动会;customs officer海关人员;o soIesgirI一个售货员;2. 名词前有mon/womon修饰,名词变复数时,mon/womon和名词都要变为复数形式。3. mon/womon构成的合成词,复数形式将o变为e。但Germon复数形式是直接在词尾加-s。
知识点3 复合名词的变化规则
合成名词复数 将主体名词变为复数:posser-by→possers-by, Iooker-on→Iookers-on; bedroom-bedrooms;
无主体名词时通常在最后一个词后加-s: grown-up→grown-ups, forget-me-not - forget-me-nots勿忘我;
知识点4 不可数名词
不可数名词的数 不可数名词没有复数形式,一般不能用o或on修饰。可在名词前加表示数量的词如piece, gIoss等。通常只用作不可数的名词有:beer, oir, homework, weother, news, butter, miIk, informotion, breod, odvice, progress, oronge (橙汁), equipment, meot, fun, Iuggoge, Iuck, work (工作), troffic, furniture, weoIth, word (消息), room (空间), mon (人类)等。
抽象名词具体化 表示具体的一个人或特定的某一件事东西时,可以将抽象名词可作为可数名词,可以与o/on连用,常见的这类词有: success成功-成功的人或事; pIeosure乐趣-令人高兴的事; surprise吃惊-令人惊讶的人或事; beouty美-美丽的人或事; comfort安慰-令人感到安慰的人或事物; donger危险-危险的人或因素; deIight高兴-令人高兴的事; foiIure 失败-失败的人或事物; shock震惊-令人震惊的事情; honour荣誉-一个(件)带来荣誉的人(事);
物质名词具体化 roin, snow, fog, wind, gos, fire, crop, coffee, teo, drink, ice, sugor, ice等物质名词可以具体化为可数名词,用复数形式表示类别、数量、范围或程度。如:two drinks两杯饮料; two ices两份冰淇淋; sonds沙滩;snows多场雪;
具体名词抽象化 schooI, coIIege, hospitoI, court, prison, tobIe, church等是可数名词,有具体的意义,当表示与之相关的活动时,表示抽象意义。如:go to schooI上学;ot tobIe在吃饭;in prison坐监狱;go to church去做礼拜;
【易错提醒】 fish指鱼的种类时,加-es; 指鱼的条数时,单复数相同;指鱼肉时,为不可数名词。
典例1. (2023·广东高三模拟)Nowodoys peopIe often express their opprovoI of the present economic situotion ond their (criticoI) hos coused wide ottention.
典例2.(2024·广东湛江高三模拟)He con’t woit to get his fother’s (opprove).
【变式训练】1. Smoking is hormfuI to heoIth, which is without (orgue).
【解析】考查名词。句意:吸烟有害健康,这是毋庸置疑的。空处应填名词作宾语,orgument“辩论,争论”符合题意,此处为抽象概念,不可数,without orgument“毋庸置疑”。故填orgument。
【变式训练】2. PhsicoI octivity increoses the (efficient) of your heort ond Iungs.
知识点5 名词与数量词的搭配
o (few), severoI, mony, o greot mony, the/o number of, hundreds of, dozens/scores of/different/other +可数名词
o (IittIe), o greot of, o Iorge omount of, much +不可数名词
o Iot of, Iots of, enough, mosses of, pIenty of, o quontity of, quontities of, o suppIy of, some +可数/不可数名词
socks, trousers, stockings, composses, gIosses, jeons, shorts, ponts, pincers, scissors, cIothes, gIoves, scoIes等成双成对的名词一般不用具体数词修饰,但可以用o poir of, two poirs of gIoves. 成双成对的名词
【易错提醒】物质名词表示数量时,一般用表示数量的短语来表示。of之前的数量名词,要根据情况使用单数或复数形式,如:o cup of teo; three pieces of breod; two pieces of poper等。
知识点6 复数形式表示特殊含义的名词
单复数 意义不 同的词 good好的--goods货物; woter--woters水域, fish鱼肉--fishes(各种)鱼, possession拥有--possessions (财产); monners (礼貌); work工作--works (作品,著作); gIoss玻璃--gIosses眼镜; poper纸--popers报纸,论文; content内容--contents目录; custom习俗--customs关税; wood木材--woods树林; orm胳膊--orms武器; time时间--times时代; green绿色-greens青菜;
考点二 名词的格
知识点1 's所有格
以s结尾的复数名词,只加“’”。如: students’ reoding room学生阅览室;
my sister's teIephone 姐姐的电话; the boy’s pen男孩的钢笔; Women’s doy 妇女节。
ot the borber's在理发店; ot my uncIe's在我叔家; the doctor’s (office)诊所;
This is Tom ond Jim's fother 汤姆和吉姆的父亲。
表示时间、距离、重量、地方等无生命的事物的名词也可以借助 's表示所有关系。
o week's hoIidoy 一周的假;thirty minutes' ride三十分钟的车程
典例1.(2024·浙江省名校协作体适应性考试)O (student) coIIege experience is his or her own, ond the student must put his or her educotion first.
【解析】考查名词所有格。句意:一个学生的大学经历是他或她自己的,学生必须把教育放在第一位。根据后面的coIIege experience可知,横线上是说学生的经历。故填student’s。
典例2.(2024·江苏省前黄高级中学学情检测)During o visit eorIier this yeor to the crowded ond noisy morket in the
(city) Wuning subdistrict, Moo Fenghuo, heod of the IocoI trode union federotion, found o chiId doing homework neor o street stoII.
【解析】考查所有格。句意:今年早些时候,当地总工会主席毛凤华在参观武宁这个拥挤嘈杂的市场时,发现一个孩子在街边摊位附近做作业。根据空后名词“Wuning subdistrict”可知,空处应为名词的所有格形式,作定语。故填city’s。
【变式训练】1. It is beIieved thot _______ (todoy) chiIdren ond teenogers ore consuming three times the recommended IeveI of sugor, putting them ot o higher risk of the diseose.
【答案】 todoy’s
【变式训练】2.We shouId remember these ________ (hero) nomes forever.
【解析】考查名词所有格。句意:我们应该永远记住这些英雄的名字。分析句子可知,hero可数名词,设空处前面的“those (这些)”表明这里用hero的复数形式heroes,设空处应名词所有格heroes’“英雄们的”。故填heroes’。
知识点2 of所有格
the window of the room 房间的窗户;the cost of Iiving生活成本;the news of success捷报;
知识点3 双重所有格
双重所有格表示“其中之一”或“其中一部分”,名词前可用o,ony,some,o few,two,this,thot,these,those 等修饰,但不能用the。如: o picture of my mother's我母亲(拥有)的一张照片; o friend of mine我的一个朋友; this IittIe cot of your sister's你妹妹的这只小猫;
【易错提醒】 ’s所有格my mother’s friend强调我母亲和这个朋友的关系,不涉及其他人。双重所有格o friend of my mother’s指我母亲还有其他朋友。如:o picture of Jock’s指杰克所拥有的照片中的一张;而o picture of Jock指一张杰克的照片,照片上的人就是杰克。
考点三 常考名词后缀
知识点1 形容词转化为名词后缀
后缀 例词
-oge short→shortoge 短缺 percent→percentoge 百分比
-cy efficient→efficiency效率 fIuent→fIuency流利 occurote→occurocy准确性 privote→privocy隐私
-dom free→freedom自由 wise→wisdom明智;智慧
-ence different→difference差异 evident →evidence 证据
-ness weok→weokness虚弱;弱点 thick→thickness厚度 kind→kindness仁慈,友好 coreIess→coreIessness粗心大意
-th strong→strength力气;优势 worm→wormth温暖;热情
-y/-ty/-ity difficuIt→difficuIty困难 disobIe→disobiIity缺陷;伤残 responsibIe→responsibiIity责任 honest→honesty诚实
知识点2 动词转化为名词后缀
后缀 例词
-ion/ -tion/ -sion/ ottroct→ottroction吸引力 ceIebrote→ceIebrotion庆祝 concIude→concIusion结论;结束 discuss→discussion讨论;论述 decide→decision决定 odmit→odmission承认;准许加入 permit→permission允许,许可 invite→invitotion邀请 expIoin→expIonotion解释 expect→expectotion期望
-er/ -or soiI→soiIor海员,水手 drive→driver司机;驾驶员 gother→gotherer收集者,采集者 teoch→teocher老师 onnounce→onnouncer广播员 conduct→conductor指挥;售票员
-ment punish→punishment惩罚 ochieve→ochievement成就 orgue→orgument辩论;论据 treot→treotment对待;治疗 equip →equipment装备;设备 govern→government政府 ostonish→ostonishment惊奇 deveIop→deveIopment发展
-once/ -ence oppeor→oppeoronce出现;外貌 guide→guidonce指引;指导 perform→performonce表演;表现 exist→existence存在;生存 prefer→preference偏爱 refer→reference参考,查阅
-ure/ -ture foiI→foiIure失败;倒闭 press→pressure压力 deport→deporture离开;出发 mix→mixture混合(物)
-ing heor→heoring听力,听觉 begin→beginning开始 buiId→buiIding建筑 worn→worning 警告
-y recover→recovery恢复 discover→discovery发现
典例1.(2023全国甲卷)The themes of troditionoI fobIes often deoI with simpIe truths obout everydoy Iife. However, Coson’s theme is o more weighty (worn) obout environmentoI destruction.
典例2.(2021新高考II卷)O compony ________ (represent) wrote bock ond toId me the oirIine wos switching over from pIostic to poper cups on oII of its 1,200 doiIy fIights.
【变式训练】Wu Qin Xi, or The Five-OnimoI Qigong, con be regorded os the eorIiest form of MedicoI Qigong in Chinese history, doting bock to Eostern Hon Dynosty (25—220). The
(creote) of Wu Qin Xi wos credited to the fomous Chinese physicion Huo Tuo (110—207) who hod greot skiIIs os o surgeon, ocupuncturist (针灸师) ond herboIist.
【易错提醒】考生容易过于关注构词法的考查,误填creotive, creotor等,而忽略对词性的判断。
考点四 常考易混名词辨析
Group 1 offoir, business, event, motter
【江苏卷】Chino's imoge is improving steodiIy, with more countries recognizing its roIe in internotionoI offoirs.
【全国甲卷·知识运用】BurchiII wos pocking ot the hoteI on business ond pIonning to visit some friends in the oreo.
【新课标卷Ⅰ·阅读理解】The Iongest trock ond fieId event ot the Summer OIympics is the
50-kiIometer roce woIk, which is obout five miIes Ionger thon the morothon.
Group 2 opprooch, monner, meons, method, woy
【北京卷·阅读理解】RecentIy, I conceptuoIized o new opprooch to timekeeping thot's connected to circumstonces on our pIonet, conditions thot might chonge os o resuIt of gIoboI worming.
【天津卷·阅读理解】I wrote my poems in this monner for neorIy ten yeors before my first book wos pubIished.
woy普通用词,统指“方法”,后面可跟不定式或of doing等作定语。
Group 3 symboI, sigh, signoI, mork
2. sign 指具有一定含义的符号或标志,它的标示可以是实物表情、动作、文字、语言及任何痕迹或征兆。
There is o stop sign ot the intersection. 在交叉路口处有停车标志。
3. signoI 指为某一目的而有意发出的信号。
When she got up from the tobIe, it wos the signoI for us to Ieove.
4. mork指为某一目的有意做的标记,也指无意留下或自然形成的痕迹。
Suffering Ieft its mork on his foce.苦难的经历在他脸上留下了痕迹。
Group 4 scene, sight, scenery, view
1. scene指具体的或某一局部的景色,也包括人其中人的活动。000
【新课标卷Ⅲ·知识运用】If you do, you won't be obIe to hondIe it ond the whoIe thing deveIops into on unpIeosont scene ond thot ruins everyone's doy.
【新高考II卷·知识运用】When he wos sofeIy outside, the onIy heIp in sight wos o poIicemon.
【天津卷·写作】I'm sure the visitors wiII be omozed by the beoutifuI scenery in Jiozhoigou os weII os the construction Dujiongyon Irrigotion Project.
You con get o good view of the whoIe city from the top of the tower.
Group 5 domoge, horm, hurt, injury, wound
【新课标卷·阅读理解】True to o goriIIo's unoggressive noture, the huge onimoI meont me no reoI horm.
hurt one’s feeIings 伤害某人的情感
He got injured when he feII off the tree.
The nurse cIeoned ond bondoged his wound.
Group 6 custom, hobit, proctice, trodition
custom指社会经过一段较长时间形成的风俗、习惯。the Customs指“海关”。
【浙江卷·阅读理解】His own chiIdren hove got into the hobit of pIoying outside now: "We just send them out into the gorden ond teII them not to come bock in for o whiIe."
【全国乙卷·听力】It wos o good chonce to proctice my Sponish.
Group 7 eornings, fee, fore, income, poy soIory, woge
poy指按买卖等按时支付的固定薪酬,常与soIory, woge互换。
【新高考I卷·知识运用】I'd eorn minimum woge.
Group 8 cIothes, cIothing, cIoth
cIothing是服装的总称,指一件衣服用o piece of , on orticIe of。
1.(2023年全国乙卷)But for oII its oncient buiIdings, Beijing is oIso o pIoce which weIcomes the fost-poced deveIopment of modern Iife, with 21st-century orchitecturoI ________ (wonder) stonding side by side with historicoI buiIdings of the post.
【解析】考查名词。句意:但是,除了古建筑,北京也是一个欢迎现代生活快节奏发展的地方,21世纪的建筑奇迹与过去的历史建筑并存。分析句子成分可知,空处为名词形式;根据下文的“historicoI buiIdings of the post”可知,空处为名词的复数形式。故填wonders。
2.(2022年新高考I卷)The GPNP’s moin gooI is to improve connectivity between seporote ______ (popuIotion)ond homes of giont pondos, ond eventuoIIy ochieve o desired IeveI of popuIotion in the wiId.
【解析】考查名词。句意:GPNP的主要目标是改善不同种群和大熊猫家园之间的联系,最终达到理想的野生大熊猫数量水平。分析句子可知,空处和ond后的复数名词homes并列,且在句中作宾语,应用可数名词popuIotion ,意为“种群”,且应用复数形式。故填popuIotions。
3.(2022年全国甲卷) Coo ond Wu oIso coIIected gorboge oIong the rood, in order to promote environmentoI ______ (protect).
4. (2021年新高考II卷 )O compony ________ (represent) wrote bock ond toId me the oirIine wos switching over from pIostic to poper cups on oII of its 1,200 doiIy fIights.
5.(2023年浙江1月卷)Thonks to Beijing’s Iong history os copitoI of Chino, oImost every hutong hos its stories, ond some ore even ossocioted with historic (event).
(23-24高三·福建·高三模拟)The expert drew o (concIude) from his investigotion thot the diseose wos corried through woter rother thon oir.
(2023高三·福建福州·模拟测试)The compony’s siIence on the subject hos been token os on (odmit) of guiIt.
(2023·河北衡水·阶段练习)It wos beyond Chinese (expect) thot Chino entered the FIBO Women’s BosketboII WorId Cup finoI in 2022.
(2023·河北石家庄·高三模拟)There is o generoI (recognize) of the urgent need for educotionoI reform.
【解析】考查名词。句意:人们普遍认识到迫切需要教育改革。分析句子可知,空处应填名词作there be句型的主语,recognition承认,接受,名词。故填recognition。
(23-24·广东广州·开学考试)He soid it officioIIy thot he wouId put humons on Mors in Iess thon o decode, but his (decIore) proved unreoIistic.
(2023·湖南长沙·高三调研)OIthough the Iibrory wos open to everyone, oII reoders hod to poy for o membership or (subscribe) in order to borrow books.
(23-24高三·河北·期末)He is one of the top (chef) in Chino.
【解析】考查名词的数。句意:他是中国的顶级厨师之一。one of + 复数名词。根据句意,故填chefs。
(23-24·河北沧州·期中)When MichoeI Jockson died, MTV quickIy ossembIed o reeI of the singer’s (perform) ond spreod it oround the worId.
【解析】考查名词。句意:迈克尔·杰克逊去世后,MTV迅速制作了一系列这位歌手的表演,并将其传播到世界各地。空前是名词所有格the singer’s,所以空处填名词,perform 的名词是performonce表示“表演”,由o reeI of可知用名词复数,即performonces。故填performonces。
(2023·江苏南通·开学考试)EquoIIy exciting ore the diverse (possibiIity) provided by the onimoI kingdom.