一、 说教材分析
这次说课的内容是Module 5 Boo ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )k 5的A Life in Sport 。这是一节阅读课,是该单元最重要的部分,为该单元的语法学习提供支持,为随后的功能英语、听力和写作做好词汇和句型的准备,还为最后一篇Culture Corner 的阅读提供方法。
二、 说教学目标
根据《新课标》的教学理念和素质教育的要求, ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )阅读课应以培养学生从语篇中用英语获取信息和处理信息的能力。本篇课文的话题是人物介绍,介绍原体操运动员李宁的人生。该话题围绕体育运动和体育商业展开,所以教学目标确定为三个目标:
1、 知识目标:学习和掌握文章中体育方面的词汇和句型,如:
gymnastics, ambition, compete, tracksuit,baseball, badminton …
2、 功能目标:训练学生通过段落结构获取 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )信息的能力,并在阅读过程中注意发展学生的思维能力,同时使学生能够书面表达围绕运动及体育商业方面的话题。
3、 德育目标:通过了解李宁的成就、人格和抱负,教育学生热爱体育,争做德智体美等全面发展的合格人才。
三、 说重点、难点和关键点
该课的重点是学习通过分析段 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )落结构抓住文章主题,进而了解细节的阅读方法,并掌握体育方面的词汇、短语。学生通过阅读一篇文章能尝试到一种阅读方法会是巨大的收获,同时体育方面的词汇和表达方式专业性较强,学生不常使用,但通过这一课的学习能学到一部分这样的词汇也是这一课的目的,所以阅读方法和词汇短语是这一课的重点也是关键点。
四、 教法
1、 运用Task-based La ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )nguage teaching (任务型教学) 进行授课。本篇课文通过 brainstorm, group work, pair work,role play 等途径来完成。
2、 教学辅助手段:采用图片、多媒体电脑投影、播放音乐等形式,充分利用教学资源,扩大学生的知识面,激发学生的兴趣和求知欲。
五、 教学过程
分 Pre-reading, While-reading和Post-reading三个步骤
Step 1 、Pre-reading
Play the song “北京欢迎你 Welcome to Beijing” Then ask some questions:
We all know this ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )song is composed for the Beijing Olympic Games. Did you watch the opening ceremony of it What was the most exciting moment Who lit the Olympic flames at the ceremony Yes, it was Li Ning.
Question:What do you know about Li Ning (Brainstorm)
As we all know, h ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )e was a famous gymnast .One of his gymnastic movements is named after him in the world. He keeps a record of 14 world champions which hasn’t been broken by now ……Now he is a manager of a tracksuit company. What is the motto His motto is “Anything is possible.”….(呈现李宁体操表演图片和李宁运动服标志,并请一穿李宁运动服的同学站起来让大家看到标志。) What is the logo
【设计意图】通过大家熟悉并喜爱的歌曲《 北京 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )欢迎你》,使学生心情振奋,精神抖擞的投入课堂。用热点话题奥运会开幕式和体操明星李宁导入新课,激发学生的兴趣和热情。采用Brainstorm的形式介绍李宁,并在这个过程中,呈现本课语篇中的主要词汇和短语,为下面的阅读扫除生词障碍,同时也激活学生的已有知识,为新课的开展做热身准备。
Question:Do y ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ou want to know more about Li Ning’s life (在此时引出本文的题目:A life in sport)
Now read the text .用问题引出所学文章,产生信息沟,激起学生进行阅读的愿望。
Step 2、While-reading
Read the te ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )xt quickly and find out how many parts his life is divided into .
【设计意图】通过略读掌握文章的主旨大意 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ),并将文章从结构上分成两大部分,清晰明了。读完后两人活动交换看法,抽几位同学回答问题,以起到在班上交流的作用。
(2)Careful Reading
Questions:1.What achievements did he make before his retirement
2.Wh ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )at did he do after his retirement Is he successful Why (3 reasons)
3.Is the success of his company his only goal
Divide the s ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )tudents into 3 groups to have a contest , the group which gives more to each question will be the winner .
【设计意图】培养学生仔细阅读获 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )取信息和处理信息的能力。在抢答游戏中操练,使学生在输入与输出过程中充满竞争意识,和体育竞赛一样增强集体荣誉感。另外,通过回答第三个问题,认识到 李宁除传奇般的体育生涯外,还有着高尚的人格。他的抱负让国人为他骄傲。
Li Ning was one ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )of the best known gymnasts in the world . He was called the prince of_____. In his sports life , he won ______gold medals . In 1999 his name was on the ___ of the greatest sportsmen and sportswomen of the 20th century .
Li Ning is succes ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )sful not only as a gymnast but also is a ______.After his ______,he launched a new brand of ______, whose mark is made up of the first two letters of his name . His sports clothes came onto the market at just the right time _______sport had never been so popular .Besides, his product had a major_______ over his rivals, that is, they are cheaper . Now whether you go to a school or a university, you will see students in Li Ning ______with the familiar_______. Even some foreign gymnastic teams wear Li Ning clothes .
His next drea ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )m is to open a school for gymnasts, helping young people to achieve their sporting _______.
(4)Do exercise 5 :Matching words
Step 3、Post-reading(Role-play)
1. Do pair work
Suppose you are a r ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )eporter ,ask another student to be Li Ning . You’ll interview him about his life .
2. Homework
中国体操明星 、前奥运会金牌得主刘璇,现在 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )就读于北京大学,主修(major in)新闻(journalism)。她之所以选择新闻专业,是由于她以前常与记者接触,所以对新闻专业感兴趣,并且她觉得学习新闻可以让她学习不同领域的知识,她想将来成为一个国际体操裁判。他的人生格言(motto)是:如果你想成为一个胜利者,首先征服(conquer)你自己。
End the class with another song “Hand in Hand”.
我的板书是这样安排的: 左边 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )上半部分是brainstorm 的问题,左下半部分为本课应该掌握的词汇和短语。右上半部分为重点的句子和句式,右下半部分为所留作业。
综观整节课,为了达 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )到新课标所要求的高中课程要求,我主要通过创设教学情境,运用pair work , group work , role-play 等多种活动方式,来突破本科的教学难点,充分激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生英语学习的积极态度,把情感态度与价值观目标的实现融合在知识与能力、过程与方法目标实现的过程之中,努力为学生进一步学习英语打下了坚实的基础。Module 5 The Great Sports Personality
General Aims
Get students to lear ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )n something about some famous sportsmen and sportswomen by introducing some sports in this module and raise their awareness of fearing no hardships.
Encourage students to learn the spirits of the sportsmen.
Engage students’ interest in sports.
At the end of the l ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ecture, students shall be able to write a passage about his favorite sportsman or sportswoman in English.
Training in the ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )form of listening, function and speaking, reading, writing and grammar. Center on speaking, reading and grammar training.
Encourage students to think and read actively.
Encourage all ki ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )nds of introductions to the originates of some sports and autonomy
Specific goals
Listening: Can get ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) the gists of texts in course of listening; know how to make notes while listening.
Speaking: Be abl ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )e to expressing agreeing and disagreeing; degrees of certainty in the function.
Reading: Be aware ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) of text organization; Can use scanning and skimming skills to complete tasks; can analyze sentence structures to facilitate reading; can guess word meaning from context or clues.
Writing: Can gener ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )alize a text and summarize a text in own words; can use acquired knowledge to describe a sport or a sportsman.
Create an a ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )tmosphere with students-centered activities in which they are willing to
get involved. Get ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) Students to draw their own conclusion by participating in
different ta ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )sks. Avoid too much teacher involvement. Use English whenever
Time Allocation
The whole module is divided into 6 periods.
P1: Vocabulary and Introduction
P2: reading
P3: grammar
P4: Listening, everyday English and function and speak
P5: writing
P6: Revision and cultural cornerModule 5 The Great Sports Personality
I. 教学内容分析
本模块的话题是中学生比较 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )感兴趣的体育名人,涉及到中外各种赛事和各项体育运动的多名体育明星比如体操王子李宁、拳王阿里、肯尼亚长跑名将基普·凯诺、球王贝利以及马拉松运动。通过学习,要求同学们热爱体育运动,学习体育健儿们不畏艰难、奋力拼搏的精神。
Introduction 让大家谈论 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )和描述三位体育明星和他们所从事的运动,接着复习和学习一些有关体育运动的单词,最后谈谈大家喜爱的体育运动。
Reading and Vocabul ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ary是一篇介绍体操王子李宁的文章。通过了解李宁辉煌的运动生涯和退役后的商海中的奋斗以及他为中国体育事业而做出的不懈努力,号召学习体育健儿们不畏艰难、奋力拼搏的精神。
Function and Speaking让学生掌握一些表达是否同意的功能用语。
Everyday English通过学习 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )复习Listening中的句子学会一些非常有用的日常生活用语:what the Olympic Games are all about, up to you, not the point, so what
Cultural Corner 通过阅 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )读Marathon: the Ultimate Olympic Event的文章,了解奥运会的最后一场赛事——马拉松赛跑。
Module File 归纳了本单元的重点词汇,语法知识,功能用语和日常用语,有利于学生的复习总结,自我检验和自学的能力。
1. 教学重点
(1) 本模块的生词和短语
(2) 了解中外各种赛事和各项体育运动的多名体育明星,比如体操王子李宁、拳王阿里、肯尼亚长跑名将基普·凯诺、球王贝利以及马拉松运动
(3) 列出中国体育名人的名单并投票选出三位最伟大的,最后为三位写上简介
(4) 掌握一些表达是否同意的功能用语
2. 教学难点
(1) 让学生学习、了解通知的特点并进一步达到仿写的目的
(2) 复习不同类型的状语从句和介词做定语这两项语法项目
(3) 通过学习,要求学生热爱体育运动,学习体育健儿们不畏艰难、奋力拼搏的精神
第一课时 Introduction, Learning to learn, Task
第二课时 Reading and Vocabulary (1)
第三课时 Reading and Vocabulary (2), Reading (Workbook P93)
第四课时 Listening, Everyday English, Function
第五课时 Grammar, Writing
第六课时 Cultural Corner , Workbook, Module File
Period 1 Introduction, Learning to learn, Task
Teaching Goals:
1. To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about this module.
2. To develop Ss’ speaking ability.
3. Enable Ss to learn more words about sports.
4. Enable Ss to realiz ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )e the importance of making connections between the ways in which words are used.
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Lead-in
Purpose: To aro ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )use Ss’ interest in learning about this module and enable them to say the people’s job and the sports they play.
Show a lot of pi ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ctures about the great sports personality and ask Ss to say who the people are and which sports they play.
Step 2 New words studying
Purpose: To le ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )arn more words about sports and develop Ss’ speaking ability.
1. Turn to P41 and check the answers of activity 1.
Table tennis; Deng Yaping
Basketball; Yao Ming
Football (Soccer); Beckham
2. Learn the words about sports, and check the ball games.
badminton, basebal ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )l, basketball, table tennis, golf, football, rugby
3. Work in pairs and march the words in the box with their meanings.
Suggested answers: 1 track 2 club 3 ring 4 trainers
5 pitch 6 net 7 bat 8 tracksuit 9 stadium
Step 3 Speaking
Purpose: To enable Ss ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) to talk about their favorite sports and to realize the importance of making connections between the ways in which words are used.
1. Before speaking, as ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )k Ss to read Learning to learn and discuss what is provided for their learning strategies. Have they tried the method Is it good Is it important to make connections between the ways in which words are used Ask them to give two examples of the method.
2. Work in pair ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )s. Ask Ss to answer the questions about their favorite sport. Use the words below.
What Where How often How good Who…with
3. Choose two or three group to show their conversation.
Step 4 Task
Purpose: To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about this module.
1. Group work Ask Ss t ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )o turn to P50, and follow the instructions to make a list of names of Chinese sports personalities. Pay attention to show the time limit about 3 minutes.
Teacher can s ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )how a lot of pictures of Chinese sports personalities with PowerPoint.
2. Call back ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )the students and share their opinions together. According to the results, vote for the three greatest. Then divide the whole class into three groups. Each group writes a short fact file for one person.
If possible, compl ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ete the files with a photo and draw a medal--- gold, silver or bronze.
Step 5 Homework
1. Preview what will learn tomorrow.
2. Get some information on the internet of Li Ning.
Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary (1)
Teaching Goals:
1. To get some information of Li Ning.
2. To develop some basic reading skills—Skimming and Scanning.
3. To deal with the new words and phrases.
4. To cultivate Ss’ spirit of sports and love sports.
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Lead in
Purpose: To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about Li Ning.
Ask Ss the following question:
Do you know somethin ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )g about gymnast Can you say several famous persons of this sport Do you know who is the prince of gymnasts
Step 2 Pre-reading
New words about gymnastics
Purpose: Enable Ss to learn some new words of gymnastics.
Use the follow ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ing PowerPoint pages to learn different items in gymnastics.
( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )
( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )
( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )
Step 4 While-Reading
Purpose: To devel ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )op some basic reading skills and get some information about Li Ning and cultivate Ss to love sports and love the spirit of sports.
1. Pair work: ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )Turn to P42 and ask Ss to look at the picture and answer the question.
What can you see in the photo
Suggested answers:
Li Ning is performing on the pummeled horse at a competition.
2. Scanning: Ask Ss to scan the passage and finish activity 2.
Suggested answers:
compete — competition; fail — failure;
retire — retirement; succeed — success
3. Skimming: Ask Ss to read the passage fast and finish activity 3.
Suggested answers:
True: 1/2/4/5/8
Step 5 Post-reading
Purpose: To deal with the detail and vocabulary.
1. Group work: A ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )sk Ss to read the passage again and discuss the questions in Activity 4.
Suggested answers:
(1) Because he di ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )dn’t forget his sporting background and wanted to compete with global giants like Nike and Adidas.
(2) Because his s ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ports clothes came onto the market at just the right time, and Li Ning’s designs were attractive but comparatively cheaper.
2. Pair work: New words and phrases in the passage
1. Turn to P119 and ask Ss to read the new words in the passage.
2. Ask Ss to do Activity 5&6. After a moment, check the answers.
Suggested answers of activity 5:
1 medal 2 determined 3 launch 4 brand 5 sportswear
6 global giant 7 logo 8 rivals 9 step out 10 goal
Suggested answers of activity 6:
1 retire 2 compete 3 succeed 4 perform 5 fail 6 guarantee
Step 6 Homework
Try to find the difficult sentences for you in the passage.
Period 3 Reading and Vocabulary (2), Reading (Workbook P93)
Teaching Goals:
1. To develop a basic reading skill—analyzing the text.
2. To deal with the language points in the text.
3. To learn something about Athens 2004 Paralympics.
4. To cultivate Ss’ spirit of sports and love sports.
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Lead in
Purpose: To revie ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )w what we learnt yesterday and to develop a basic reading skill—analyzing the text.
Ask Ss to work in ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )pairs and try to analyze the text. Two minutes later, ask some students to show their opinions.
Suggested answers:
The structure of ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )the passage is very clear. There are four parts of the passage.
Part1 (the first paragraph) The success Li Ning achieved in his sport
Part2 (the s ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )econd paragraph) The reasons why Li Ning started a New sportswear company
Part3 ( the t ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )hird and fourth paragraph) the success Li Ning achieved in his business
Part4 (the fifth paragraph) Li Ning’s Dream
Step 2 Language points
Purpose: To trai ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )n Ss’ listening ability and to deal with the language points in the text.
Listen to the tap ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )e and follow it in a low voice. Then the students are divided into three groups. Each group is supposed to read through each heading, and then discuss them.
Paragraph 1.
1. They called him the prince of gymnasts.
call +宾语+宾补
Eg. We all call the baby Jack.
What do you call this kind of flower
Eg: Li Ning was called the prince of gymnasts.
2. When he retired ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) at the age of 26, he had won 106 gold medals in major competitions across the world.
①win vt.&vi. 其宾语不 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )是竞争对手而是war, game, prize, match, battle, competition之类的名词。
Eg. Tom won the 100-metre race in the sports meeting.
Our army won one victory after another.
He won 1000 yuan.
Eg: I defeated/beat him at chess.
(1)When sb. was + 数字
(2)at the age of + 数字
(3)in one’s + 十的倍数
e.g. in his early/ late twenties 在他二十出头或二十好几时
3. They included s ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ix out of seven gold medals at the 1982 World Championship, and three at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles(as well as two silver and a bronze).它们(金牌)包括1982年世界锦标赛总共七枚金牌中的六枚,1984年洛杉矶奥运会上的三枚金牌(以及两枚银牌和一枚铜牌)。
(1) include强调“包括作为整体的一部分”, 如:
The list included his name.
(2) comprise指“由许多部分组成”, 或“由许多部分构成一个整体”, 如:
Our curriculum comprises Politics, Chinese, English and History.
(3) comprehend系正式用语,指“包括在某一范围内”, 一般用于观念陈述、纲要等, 如:
The word “beauty” comprehends various concepts.
(4) embrace侧重“所包括、包含的种类多”, 如:
Natural science embraces many subjects.
(5) involve指“由于同主要的有联系而必须含有”, 如:
Housekeeping involves cooking, washing and cleaning.
4.But even thoug ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )h he had won everything it was possible to win in his sport, Li Ning retired with the feeling that he had failed.
It is +adj + ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )for sb. + to do… 这个结构的形容词常常是easy, difficult, hard, important, necessary等, 常与事物的特征有关
Eg. It is difficult for the boy to work out the problem.
It is important for ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )us to learn English well.
拓展:It is + adj. ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )+ of sb. + to do…这个结构的形容词常常是good, kind, nice, wrong, clever, silly, (im) polite等, 常与人的性格特点有关
It’s very kind of you to help me.
It was impolite of him to speak to the teacher like that.
It is wrong of you to laugh at the disabled boy.
5. make a list of 列出
6. six out of seven 七分之六,七中有六
7. gold medal, silver medal and bronze medal 金牌,银牌和铜牌
Paragraph 2.
1. But it was th ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )is sense of failure that made him determined to succeed in his new life.
第一句是强调句型。强调句 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )型的结构形式为“It + be的适当形式+被强调成分+ that /who+其他”。在该句型中, it无实际意义, 且不可用this或that 替换; 若原句的谓语用了现在时或将来时, 则be动词用is; 若原句的谓语动词用了过去时, 则be动词用was。有时为了表达需要,也可在be前加上may/ might/ must 等情态动词;若被强调部分是人, 引导词用who或that均可;若是强调其他部分,则一律用that。翻译时常加上“正是……; 就是……”等字眼,以突现其强调含义。如:
It is China tha ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )t will host the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.正是中国将在北京举办2008年奥运会。
It was the film HERO that made him know Zhang Yimou.就是电影《英雄》使他认识了张艺谋。
Eg. It was I that/who met John in the street yesterday.(强调主语)
It was John that/who I met in the street yesterday.(强调宾语)
It was in the street that I met John yesterday.(强调地点状语)
It was yesterday that I met John in the street.(强调时间状语)
一般疑问句:Is/Was it…that …
Was it you that /who met John in the street yesterday
Who was it that met John in the street yesterday
2. The bright r ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ed logo is made up of the first two pinyin letters of Li Ning’s name, L and N.
make up (1) 形成,组成;常用于被动
China is made up of 56 nationalities.
She likes to make up her face.
He made up an excuse for her coming late to school.
(4)补偿,弥补;(make up for
I must make up the loss at any cost.
Paragraph 3.
1.come onto/ into the market 上市,拿……到市场上出售
2. on the increase 增加
3. Li Ning’s desi ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )gns were attractive, and they had a major advantage over their better-known rivals—they were cheaper.
have/gain/win an advantage of/over sb.比某人强;占上风;比对手有优势
take advantage of sth.利用某物
take advantage of sb.捉弄某人
to the advantage of sb/to sb’s advantage对某人有利
4. The number of yo ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ung people with money to spend was on the increase — and sport had never been so popular.有钱消费的年轻人的数量在增加,而体育运动也变得前所未有地普及。
the number of …… 的数量;a number of 一些……
5. A pair of Nik ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )e trainers, for example, could cost up to five times as a similar Li Ning product. 比如,一双耐克运动鞋的价格可能是一双李宁牌的同类产品价格的五倍之多。
up to
His income is up to 2000 yuan a month.
He lives in the country up to now.
—What is he up to now
—He’s up to no good.
He is well up to his work.
(5)……的责任; 轮到
It’s up to me to help him with his English.
Paragraph 4.
1. In just a few ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )years, Li Ning won more than fifty percent of the national market.
more than
(1)超过;多于More than 10 students won the scholarship.
(2)不仅仅;远不止Mr. Wu is more than our teacher. He’s also our friend.
(3) more than…can/could+v.不能…其中more than表示否定,相当于 not
That’s more than I can tell you.
(4)more than+ adj/adv.非常;十分;更加I’m more than happy to hear that.
2. If you go into ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) a school or university anywhere, the chance are you will see student in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo.如果你走进任何一个地方的中学或大学校园,都有可能看到身穿印有那个熟悉标志的李宁运动服的学生们。
the chances are (that) …很可能……
3. Whenever Ch ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )inese athletes step out onto the track during the 2008 Olympics, they will be wearing Li Ning tracksuit.
Whenever, w ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )hatever, however, whoever, wherever, whichever引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter+when/what/how/who/where/which引导的让步状语从句。
Wherever you go, I’ll go with you. =no matter where
However hard he trie ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )s, he won’t be able to win the first prize.=no matter how
Whoever comes late will be punished.
Never believe whatever he says. He’s a liar.
Paragraph 5.
1. help sb. to do sth./ help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事
2. as Li Ning’s advertising slogan says 像李宁的广告标语说的一样
as an old proverb says或as an old saying goes
Step 3 Reading (Workbook P93)
Purpose: To learn something about Athens 2004 Paralympics.
Ask Ss to turn to P ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )93 and do Reading individually. Time limit: 7 minutes.
Step 4 Speaking
Purpose: To cultivate Ss’ spirit of sports
What have you learn ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) from the two passages (Respect the sportsman, love sports and love the spirit of sports.)
Step 5 Homework
1. Use the new words and expressions to make some sentences.
2. Finish the exercises on P92 of the workbook.
Period 4 Listening, Function, Everyday English
Teaching Goals:
1. To develop Ss’ listening ability.
2. To review some useful everyday English.
3. Enable Ss to show agrees and disagrees.
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Lead-in
Purpose: To arouse the Ss’ interest in listening.
Get the students ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) to talk about the foreign sports personality who they know.
Step 2 Listening
Purpose: To d ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )evelop Ss’ listening ability and study some useful everyday English.
1. Pre-listening
Ask Ss to read th ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )rough the questions, make sure they understand the questions and then ask them to guess what the listening material is about.
Suggested answers:
It’s about th ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ree foreign sports personalities. They are Muhammed Ali, Kip Keino and Pele, and the sports are boxing; running (athletics) and football(soccer).
2. While-listening
(1) Listen to Part 1of the conversation and finish Activity 2.
Suggested answers:
The third one is right.
(2) Listen to Part 2 and answer the questions of Activity 3.
1). Because he became a Muslim.
2). Poems about his fights.
3). 2.
4). With his head.
5). Just before th ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )e end of the race, he had terrible pain and had to pull out of the race.
6). His bus got stuck in a traffic jam.
(3)Ask Ss to answer a ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ny questions they can in Activity 4 and 5. Listen to the tape again, and check the answers.
Suggested answers (Activity 4):
Muhammed Ali: (1) 1964 (2)Rome (3)22
Kip Keino: (1) 5,000 (2)1,500 (3)3 minutes 34.9
Pele: (1) 17 (2)4 (3)1,280
Suggested answers (Activity 5):
1). They vo ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )te for their own greatest sports personalities of all the time.
2). Outstanding achievements and highlighted facts of their heroes.
3. Post-listening (Everyday English)
Ask Ss to finish the ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )Everyday English individually and then check the answers and give some explanation.
Suggested answers:
(1) a (2)a (3)a (4)b
复习up to的用法:见上一模块Reading的第四段讲解。
Step3 Function
Purpose: Enable Ss to show agrees and disagrees.
1. Ask Ss t ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )o read the conversation and answer the questions together.
Suggested answers:
1). I agree absolutely; you’re right about that.
2). You may be right.
3). That’s not the point; I’m afraid I don’t agree.
2. Work in pairs an ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )d make conversations with the phrases in Function. And finish activity 2&3.
Step 4 Homework
1. Use Everyday English to make a conversation with your partner..
2. Finish the rest exercise about module 5 in workbook.
Period 5 Grammar, Writing
Teaching Goals:
1. To get Ss to have knowledge of adverbial clauses.
2. To get Ss to have knowledge of prepositional phrases.
3. To develop Ss’ writing ability.
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Lead-in
Purpose: To get Ss to review what we have learnt last lesson.
Ask Ss to give b ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )rief introduction of Muhammed Ali, Kip Keino and Pele.
Step 2 Grammar Review of adverbial clauses
Purpose: To get Ss to know how to use the Grammar
Show the following contents on blackboard or PowerPoint.
the adverbial clauses and prepositional phrases.
类别 作 用 例 句
as as 表示“当……的时候”,往往和 when/ while 通用,但它着重强调主句与从句的动作或事情同时或几乎同时发生。 1.She came up as I was cooking.( 同时 )2.The runners started as the gun went off.( 几乎同时 )
when when (at or d ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )uring the time that )既可以表示在某一点的时候,又可表示在某一段时间内,主句与从句的动作或事情可以同时发生也可以先后发生。 1.It was raining when we arrived.( 指时间点 ) 2.When we were at school, we went to the library every day.( 在一段时间内 )
while while意思是“当……的时候”或“ ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )在某一段时间里”。主句中的动作或事情在从句中的动作或事情的进展过程中发生,从句中的动词一般要用延续性动词。在when 表示 a period of time 时,两者可以互换。 1.Please don't talk so loud while others are working. 2.He fell asleep while/ when reading. 3.Strike while the iron is hot.( 用 as 或 when 不可,这里的 while 意思是“趁……” )
①till, not … until …, until, before, since
Don’t get off the bus until it has stopped.
He waited for his father until(till)it was twelve o’clock.
It will be five years before he returns from England.
②hardly / scarcely … when, no sooner … than, as soon as once表示“一……就”
As soon as I have finished it , I’ll give you a call.
Once you show any fear, he will attack you.
We had hardly ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )got / Hardly had we got into the country when it began to rain.
No sooner had he arri ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ved / He had no sooner arrived than she started complaining.
③directly, immediately, the moment, the minute that… 一……就
He made for the door directly he heard the knock.
④each time, every time, by the time
Each time he came to my city, he would call on me.
Although they are poor,(yet)they are warm-hearted.
(2)even if或even though引导让步状语从句,表示“即使”,“纵然”,用来使人注意下文所强调内容的性质。
I’ll get there ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) even if(though)I have to sell my house to get enough money to go by air.
(3)no matter后接上 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )who、what、where、how等疑问词,也可以在这类疑问词后面加上ever构成whoever、whatever、wherever、however等。
Don’t trust him, no matter what / whatever he says.
Whoever breaks the law will be published.
No matter how hard the work is, you’d better try to do it well.
Child as(though)he is, he knows a lot.
Much as I like it, I won’t buy.
Try as he would, he couldn’t lift the heavy box.
3、原因状语从句:because, for, as, since, now that
项目 区别 位置 内涵 语气 能否回答why
because因为 主句前或后 直接的因果关系 强 能
as由于 主句前或后 双方都知道的原因 弱 不能
since/ now that既然 主句前
for因为(并列连词) 主句后 推断的因果关系
4、地点状语从句:where, wherever
Make a mark wherever you have any questions.
We will go where the Party directs us.
5、目的状语从句:that, so that, in order that
6、结果状语从句:that, so that, so … that, such … that …
注意:so + 形容词/副词 + that从句;such + 名词 + that从句。
7、方式状语从句:as, as if(though)
I’ll do as I am told to.
It looks as if it is going to rain.
8、比较状语从句:than, as
9、条件状语从句:if, unles ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )s, so (as) long as, in case, once, a far as, on condition that.
注意if与unless的区别:不能 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )用and连接两个unless从句,即不能有… unless …,and unless …。但if … not and if … not却不受此限。
You won’t lose your w ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )eight unless you eat less and unless you exercise more.(×)
但可以说 … unless you eat less and exercise more.
(1)连接词 + 过去分词
Don’t speak until spoken to.
Pressure can be increased when needed.
Unless repaired, the washing machine is no use.
(2)连词 + 现在分词
Look out while crossing the street.
(3)连词 + 形容词/其他
常见的有it necessary、if possible、when necessary、if any等。
(1) I don’t think ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) I’ll need any money but I’ll bring some ____________.(NMET 2000)
A. as last B. in case C. once again D. in time
解析:答案为B。句意为“带些钱以防万一”,只能选择in case。引导的条件状语从句,后面省略了I should need it。
(2) The WTO can’t l ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ive up to its name _________ it doesn’t include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.(NMET 2000)
A. as long as B. while C. if D. even though
解析:答案为C。本题考查状语从句 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )的用法。句意为“假如世贸组织不包括占世界人口五分之一的中国的话,那它就名不副实”。as long as语气过于强烈,while和even though不符合句意。
(3) Someone called ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up _________I could answer the phone.(NMET 2000)
A. as B. since C. before D. until
3. Practice Review of adverbial clauses
Purpose: To g ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )et the Ss to have knowledge of the grammar through exercises.
Activity 1 Read the se ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ntences and say which underlined clause is (a) time, (b) condition, or (c) concession.
Suggested answers: 1b 2a 3c
Activity 2 Choose the best words to complete the sentences.
Suggested answers: 1(b) 2(c) 3(a) 4(a) 5(b) 6(c) 7(b)
Activity 3 Complete ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) the sentences with the words and phrases in the box.
Suggested answers:1 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )until 2 Ever since 3 before 4 while 5 as soon as 6 Whenever
Activity 4 Complete the sentences with information about yourself.
Suggested answers: (Students’ own answers)
Step 3 Grammar Review of prepositional phrases
Purpose: To get Ss to know how to use the Grammar
1. Show the following contents on blackboard or PowerPoint.
What’s the use of prepositional phrases
2. Practice To get Ss ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )to have general impression of the grammar through exercises.
Activity 5 Complete the phrases with the prepositions in the box.
Suggested answers: 1.in 2. from 3. with 4. on
Activity 6 Rewrite the sentences with prepositional phrases.
Suggested answers:
1). Did you see that boy in the David Beckham shirt
2). A student with Nike trainers on stood at the door.
3). I don’t know the girl with long hair and blue eyes.
4). “Look at that boy.” “The one on the motorbike ”
5). A man with a baseball bat walked into the room.
6). An official from the ministry came to speak to us.
7). I was stopped by an old man in a blue suit.
8). That’s my friend who’s in the local sports club.
3. Conclusion
Purpose: To give brief Instructions of the adverbial clauses
Ask the Ss to make a brief conclusion of the adverbial clauses.
in something/ red等颜色表示处于什么状态,或穿着什么颜色的衣服
from some place 从什么地方来
with something 表示伴随的东西
on something 在什么上面,特别指骑的交通工具上,如:自行车,摩托等
海、陆、空、车、偶、被by,单数、人类know to man。
原状because of,、 owing to、 due to表语形容词
before、after表一点, ago、later表一段。
与之相比beside,除了last but one。
but for否定用虚拟,复合介词待后言。
如大体掌握如上介词用法口诀,就不易出错 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )。当然,至于介词的详尽用法,同形词又是连词及副词等内容此章不讲。下面对该口诀分别举例帮助你理解消化。
例:in the morning 在早上
in the afternoon 在下午
in the evening 在晚上
in the day 在白天
例: at dawn, at daybreak 在黎明时候
at noon 在中午
at night 在夜间
at midnight 在午夜
at six o'clock 在6点钟
at 7:30 (seven thirty) 在7点半
at half past eleven 在11点半
at nine fifteen 在9点15分
at ten thirty a.m. 在上午10点30分
seven to five 5点差7分(半小时以上)
five minutes after two 2点过5分
at a quarter to two 1点45分
at the weekend 在周末
即在"来年",在"某月",在"某年某月" (但在某年某月某日则用on),在四季,在第几周等都要用in。
例;in 1986 在1986年
in 1927 在1927年
in April 在四月
in March 在三月
in December 1986 1986年12月
in July l983 1983年7月
in spring 在春季 in summer 在夏季 in autumn 在秋季 in winter 在冬季
in the fist week of this semester 这学期的第一周
in the third week 在第三周
阳光、灯、影、衣、冒 in,
例:Don't read in dim light. 切勿在暗淡的灯光下看书。
They are reviewing their lessons in the bright light.他们在明亮的灯光下复习功课。
They are sitting in the shade of a tree. 他们坐在树阴下乘凉。
a prisoner in irons 带着镣铐的囚犯
He went in the rain to meet me at the station. 他冒雨到车站去接我。
The poor dressed (clothed) in rags in old society. 旧社会穷人们衣衫褴褛.
以及:in the bright sunlight 在明亮的阳光下
a merchant in disguise 乔装的商人
the woman in white (black, red, yellow) 穿着白(黑、红、黄)色衣服的妇女
in uniform 穿着制服
in mourning 穿着丧服
in brown shoes 穿着棕色鞋
in his shirt sleeves 穿着衬衫
例: They will come back in 10 days. 他们将10天以后回来。
I'll come round in a day or two. 我一两天就回来。
We'll be back in no time. 我们一会儿就回来。
Come and see me in two days' time. 两天后来看我。(从现在开始)
after... (从过去开始)
1. The home ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )improvements have taken what little there is _________my spare time.(NMET 2001)
A. from B. in C. of D. at
解析:答案为C。本题考查句子结构中介词 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )of的有法。what引导的从句作谓语have taken的宾语,而从句中的基本句型为“there is little of …”,表示“……有很少”,what修饰little提到了从句句首。注意正确把握句子结构和介词用法,要明白of my spare time和in my spare time的区别。
2. ____________ production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year. (NMET 2000)
A. As B. For C. With D. Through
解析:答案为C。本题考查 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )with的复合结构作状语的用法。“with + 名词 +不定式/分词/名词/形容词/介词短语等”可在句中作伴随、时间、原因、条件等状语。本题中with的复合结构作伴随状语。
3. After she ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) considered the problem, she got a tall box to stand ________.
A. on B. up C. above D. by
解析:答案为A。不定式“to stand + ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) 介词”作定语修饰a tall box,其中被修饰词在逻辑意义上是不及物动词,只有加上吊尾介词,句子意思才完整。吊尾介词往往由于受到汉语的影响而缺少,吊尾介词使用的场合有:
(1)定语从句中,先行词被一个不及物动词所修饰,不及物动词后要接介词,先行词被“动词 + 介词”组成的短语动词所修饰,介词常在句尾。
He is the man I just spoke to.
I can’t imagine what it is like.
(3) 强调句型,特殊疑问句中由于被强调部分和疑问词位置变更,常出现吊尾介词。
It was the poor boy that we gave the books to.
What for Where to Who with
a room to live in, a bench to sit on
There is nothing to worry about.
She is a good girl to work with.
(5)某些形容词后接不定式或“动词 + 介词”型短语,动词的不定式形式表“反射”,常用吊尾介词。
②The river is good to swim in.
The box is too heavy to carry.
③be worth doing sth ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ), be worthy of being done / to be done, want/ require / need doing
Step 4 Writing
Purpose: To get Ss to know how to a notice.
1. Read
Ask the students to re ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ad the notice in our textbook, finish activity 1, and find the features of notice.
Suggested answers (Activity 1): 1(a) 2(b) 3(c)
2. Write
Ask Ss to write a similar notice. Pay attention to the following:
Choose a different sport.
You are the t ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )rainer for your school team. Write a notice for the team giving information about the net event.
Use the notice above to give you ideas.
Next event Final, badminton youth championship
Place Guangdong Provincial Olympic Gym, Guang Zhou
Date April 10th
Bus leaves at 8:00a.m., outside northern gate of school
Back at 7:00a.m. April 11th
Notes remember to bring tracksuit, trainers, reserved badminton racket and daily commodities
Please reach on time
P.S. Any problems, please contact me at 5896148 before 9th.
Zhang Ying
(Written by Yang Jiay ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )i and Chen Honghong in Nanxiong Middle School; Directed by Amy Dong)
Dear boys and girls:
There will be ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) a basketball match oh the school playground this afternoon. The players are our senior two teams. Class 2 VS class 12, the two teams are strong and ability. So we won't regret to watch it. It must be very wonderful! But when we are watching the match please don't get close to the playground line, otherwise, the basketball will beat on you. May you have a good time.
School PE group
18th, May, 2006
(Written by L ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )iu Liping and Wang Caijiao in Nanxiong Middle School; Directed by Amy Dong)
Step 5 Homework
1. Grammar on Workbook P91
2. Review the new words and phrases that we have learnt.
Period 6 Cultural Corners, Workbook, Module File
Teaching Goals:
1. Enable Ss to get some information about marathon.
2. To deal with the exercise in workbook.
3. Enable Ss to make a conclusion of this module.
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Lead-in
Purpose: To activate Ss’ and arouse them to talk about marathon.
Ask the students t ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )o discuss the following question in group of four or five:
What do you t ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )hink is the most exciting and hardest in the Olympics (Students’ own answers)
Step 2 Cultural Corner
Purpose: With readi ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ng the passage, enable Ss to get some information about marathon.
1. Ask Ss to read thr ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ough the passage and answer the following questions.
Q1. What are the origins of the marathon
Q2. Why is the marathon of the last Olympic event
Suggested answers:
A1. Legend says a Gr ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )eek soldier ran from Marathon to Athens to tell of the Greek victory.
A2. Because it is supposed to be the hardest event.
2. Ask Ss to find t ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )he difficult sentences in Cultural Corner and review the grammar in this module.
Step 3 Workbook
Purpose: To deal with the exercise in workbook.
First, check Ss w ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )hether they have finished the homework. And then give some instructions of the confusing exercises.
Step 4 Module File
Purpose: Enable the ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )Ss to make a conclusion of this module and to deepen what we have learned in the module.
Ask the Ss to ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) look at Module File of Module 5 and try to recall what we have learnt in the module. Then tick the things they are sure that they know and put a question mark next to the points they are not sure of and a cross to what they don’t know.
Help the studen ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ts to share their ideas and deal with the difficult or confusing points.
Step 5 Assessment
1. Individual work for self-assessment
In this modu ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )le, you have learnt about the famous sports personality. How do you evaluate yourself in studying this module
Items Not very well OK Very well Problems and things to improve
I learnt __________________________________________.
I would like to know about __________________________.
I’m still not sure about ______________________________.
I’m confused about ___________ ___________________.
2. Group work:
Group Assessment
姓 名
总 评 价
Step 6 Homework
1. Find more exercises ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) about the adverbial clauses and prepositional phrases.
2. Get a general impression of Module 6.
Ⅴ. 补充练习
1. Don’t be afraid of asking for help ____ it is needed.
A. unless B .since C. although D .when
2. He made a mis ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )take, but when he corrected the situation _____ it got worse.
A. until B. when C. before D. as
3. Come and see me whenever _______.
A. you are convenient B. you will be convenient
C. it is convenient to you D. it will be convenient to you
4. Roses need special care _____ they can live through winter.
A. because B. so that C. even if D. as
5. You are saying t ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )hat everyone should be equal, and this is _____ I disagree.
A. why B. where C. what D. how
6. You should tr ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )y to get a good night’s sleep _____ much work you have to do.
A. however B. no matter C. although D. whatever
7. Who do you think is up to_____ your position when you retire
A. taking over B. take over C. take in D. taking in
8. When do you think the USA _____ war upon Japan
A. spoke B. declared C. announced D. attacked
9. You will find the plan _____ most of your suggestion.
A. be included B. includes C. including D. to include
10. It was _____ he had a lot of work to do _____ he went to the factory at once.
A. that; that B. which; that C. because; that D. that; because
11. An atom of hydrogen weighs 1/16th _____ an oxygen atom.
A. as much as B. as many as C. as good as D. as well as
12. _______ all my ambitions the greatest is ______ a teacher.
A. In; to be B. Of; to be C. In; being D. Of; being
13. Helen had to shout _______.
A. making herself hear B. to make herself hear
C. making herself heard D. to make herself heard
14. It was ______ back home after the experiment.
A. not until, midnight B. until midnight that he didn’t go
C not until midnigh ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )t that he went D. until midnight when he didn’t go
15. _______ he arrives, we won’t be able to leave the camp.
A. Without B. Unless C. Except D. Even
I was persuaded to do the job, _________ I didn’t want to.
I talked to Henry ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )_______ the football players were resting in the middle of the
The students li ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )stened carefully ________ they should fail to follow the speaker.
_______ she got anything to eat, she would save it for her children.
They promised to wait _______ the clock struck twelve.
Hard ________ the task is, he is determined to finish it.
_________ she ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )may have told you, I still think she is not to be trusted.
I will not buy it ________ the price is fair.
The parent birds will ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) not go their separate ways _______ the young birds leave
the nest.
The pianist waited for silence _______ he began to play.
The letter “V” is a _____(象征,符号) of victory.
Such action will a_________ our cause.这样的行动有益于我们的事业。
The young tennis play ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )er has often c_________ against famous players, but so far he has always been beaten.那位年轻的网球运动员常与著名球员对抗比赛, 可是到目前为止, 他总是输的。
The doctor p_________ the operation.医生进行手术。
He gave his son some ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) money for the p_________ of his school books.他给他儿子一些钱买课本。
The new football s______ can hold eighty thousand people.
As a t_________(教练), he must be strict with his players.
He devoted himself to teaching and r______ at the age of sixty.
One q_________ of wood is that it can burn.木材的一个特性是可以燃烧。
But it was thi ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )s sense of failure that made him d_________ to succeed in his new life. 但就是这种失败感使他决心在新的生活中取得成功。
It is well-k ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )nown that the population of the earth is _____ _____ ______(在不断
Feeling very ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) weak, the patient still can’t _ __ ____ ____ _____ (站起来).
His income is _ __ ____ (达到) 2000 yuan a month.
As long as you work hard, you can _____ _____ _______ (实现报负).
It is said that two c ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ompanies are now ______ ______ (与……竞争) you for the contract.
All substances ____ ____ _____ _____ (组成)atoms.
Many students are on ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )the sports field taking part all 1. ------
kinds of sports. ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) A ball game is going on among Class I 2. ------
and Class II .Do you ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )see the students over there Some 3. ------
young men are practi ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )cing the highly jump. One of them is 4. ------
a best high jumper ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )in our school . He practices very hard 5. ------
everyday .He wants to ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) break the school record at the 6.------
sports meet in ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )next spring. On this corner of the 7. ------
field ,you can s ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )ee other group of students. Their teacher 8. ------
is telling them how th ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )row discus. Our students 9. ------
love sports. They ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ) want to keep fit so as to serve for 10.------
their country better in the future.
Module 5 参考答案
一、1---5 DCCDB 6---10 AABBC 11---15 ABDCB
二、1.even if /even though/ although / though 2. while 3.in case
4.Whenever /Each time 5. until /till 6. as 7. Although/
Though 8. unless 9. until /till 10. before
三、1. symbol 2. advantage 3. competed 4. performed
5. purchase 6. stadium 7. trainer 8. retired
9. quality 10. determined
四、1. on the increase 2. rise to his feet 3. up to
4. achieve your ambition 5. competing with
6. are made up of
1.part后加in。take part in是一固定词组,为“参加”之意。
4.改highly为high ,high jump为“跳高”的意思。
6.everyday改为every day,因为前者是形容词,意为“日常的”而后者是名词词组,意为“每天”。
7.去掉in,时间名词前面如果有next, last, this, that等限定词修饰,就再不能加其它介词。