Unit 2 More than fun Developing ideas-1(听说)
班级:______ 姓名:________学号:_________
学习主题 属于“人与自我”范畴,涉及“丰富、充实、积极向上的生活”子主题。 【课时】 共2课时
你愿意接受挑战吗? 为了丰富同学们的课余生活,学校将根据大家不同的兴趣爱好创建新的社团。期待你们的精彩方案,让我们携手打造多姿多彩的校园生活!
学 习 目 标 1. 通过听、说、读的活动获取、梳理新闻报道和采访的关键信息,并初步感知cause & effect的用法; 2. 基于对话内容,提取、归纳并内化胡念祖的爱好可以增长知识的好处; 3. 基于听力语篇,运用相关的语言表达方式,结合真实的语境描述同学们的爱好及爱好所带来的好处,引导学生认识到爱好可以丰富知识、增长见识,并对日常生活有所帮助。
教学重难点 学生能掌握并运用核心词汇和句型、时态来谈论自己的爱好及从中学到的知识。
评价任务 1.完成任务1&2,能够读准本课重点词汇,并通过观察图片来学会预测(检测学习目标1); 2.完成任务3--6,能听懂新闻报道和采访的两篇对话(检测学习目标2); 3.完成任务7&8,能朗读对话内容,并谈论自己的兴趣爱好(检测学习目标3&4);
Review some hobbies that we have learnt in last lesson.
Step 1 Warm-up
Task 1. Watch a video and learn new words by pictures.
Step 2 Pre-listening
Task 2. Look at the pictures and predict what happens.
Step 3 While-listening
Task 3. Listen and choose the best title. (P37-A1)
Task 4. Listen to more details and choose the correct answer.
When did the thing happen
(Yesterday morning. /Yesterday afternoon. /Yesterday evening.)
Where did the bird fell
(On the ground. /On the window. /On the door.)
(3)Why did the students try to help the bird
(The bird was a baby bird. /The bird hurt its head. /The bird couldn't take off again.)
( 4) How was the bird at last (It could fly. /It couldn’t fly. /Not mentioned.)
Task 5. Listen to the news report again and complete the timeline. (P38-A2)
Task 6. Listen to the interview and choose the best answer.
Ql: Why couldn't it fly before These kinds of birds have (long wings but weak legs /long legs but weak wings)
Q2: When did you start bird-watching About the age of (8 /18)
Q3: How did you get to know swifts Dad took me to (watch birds /read books) every summer holiday. And I also (read books /watch videos) about birds.
Step 4. Post-listening
Task 7. Read after the tape and practice.
Task 8. Group work: Introduce your hobbies and the benefits you get from them.
Group members Hobbies Benefits (好处)
Student A (reporter)
Student B
Student C
Student D
Step 5. Homework
Necessary Homework: Retell the interview about Hu Nianzu.
Optional Homework:
1. Finish the exercises on EKWING;
2. Write about your hobbies (what-why-how-...).
Items Great Not Bad Try Harder
I can read and understand these conversations.
I can share my hobby to my classmates.
I can know the benefits of developing hobbies.
Developing ideas 教学设计
课题 Developing ideas
课型 新授课 单元复习课□ 专题复习课□ 习题/试卷讲评课口 学科实践活动课口 其他口
单元内容分析(Analysis of the learningmaterials) 单元整体分析(Unit integral analysis):单元主题:More than fun本单元的标题是More than fun,谈论人们的爱好。爱好是人们对某事物的浓厚兴趣,从而在业余时间自愿选择参与相关活动。几乎每个人都会有自己的兴趣爱好,它是一种内在的驱动力,可以带给人们愉悦的体验。不仅如此,爱好在人们的身心健康、人文素养、人际交往等各方面都产生着积极影响,这也是我们在这个单元要讨论的话题:The benefits of hobbies。从本单元标题中就可以看出,爱好给人的感受首先就是有趣(fun)。学生有着各种各样的爱好,如打球、唱歌、画画、摄影等,这些活动让他们感到放松心情愉悦。此外,爱好会激发一个人的内在潜力。在爱好的驱动下,学生能够积极思索、钻研,并在这个过程中拓展知识、开阔视野、丰富内心。爱好也是人们交流的桥梁。学生参加学校社团活动,可以增加社交机会,收获群志同道合的朋友。通过这一话题的讨论,可以引导学生理解爱好不仅仅是日常生活的一种娱乐方式,它还可以丰富人的精神世界,对个人发展起着重要作用。本单元围绕话题the benefits of hobbies,共设计了11个主要语篇。学生通过学习和完成不同语篇,了解青少年当中常见的一些兴趣爱好,理解爱好可以充实他们的生活,给他们带来快乐,同时通过爱好他们还可以增长知识、结交朋友。Starting out:几乎每个人都会有自己的爱好,想想自己的爱好是什么,为后续的学习做好准备。Understanding ideas:爱好是人们的一种精神追求,可以给人带来快乐。Developing ideas:在追求爱好的过程中人们可以丰富知识、增长见识,并可以运用所学去帮助他人。有着相同爱好的人可以加强交流、成为朋友。Presenting ideas:与有相同爱好的同学一起组建社团,设计活动计划,并号召更多的志同道合者加入进来。
学情分析(Analysis ofthe students) 学习经验: 学生来自七年级,英语基础处于中上水平,学生积极活泼,能够主动参与课堂活动,且乐于与同伴进行合作学习。学生能够运用目标语言描述活动,但梳理、整合语篇内容的能力不足。语言水平: 学生能够谈论自己的爱好是什么,能听懂简单的新闻报道和新闻采访,但是对如何询问有关他们爱好的信息,不太熟悉,需要进行引导。主题熟悉度: 该话题贴近学生日常生活,学生学习兴趣浓厚,并且能够联系自身实际来谈论爱好,但是对爱好的积极意义理解不够深入。
本单元学习后,学生能够:1.通过关于音乐爱好的语篇学习,表达个人情感和文化认同。能够描述自己的爱好并分享与之相关的有趣经历,识别并运用“There be”结构来描述事物的存在和数量。(学习理解)2.通过听新闻报道练习听力,学习如何捕捉和理解主要信息。并通过各种爱好获取知识,提升表达因果关系的语言能力。(应用实践)3.学生能够通过写作和讨论活动,表达自己对爱好如何促进友谊和社交的理解。能够理解并通过实际活动展示爱好如何帮助他们结交朋友和组织社团。(迁移创新)
课时教学设计(Teaching plans for lessons)
语篇研读 I. 课题介绍 本课时是Unit 2 More than fun的第二课时,语篇属于“人与自我”主题范畴中的“生活与学习”主题群,涉及子主题“丰富、充实、积极、向上的生活”和“自我认识,自我管理,自我提升”。是一节典型的听说课。II. 语篇分析【what】本课时主要由两篇听力语篇构成。语篇1是一则新闻报道,描述了黑鸟坠落、无法再次飞翔,许多学生尝试帮助但无能为力,最后胡念祖同学小心翼翼地帮助了这只鸟,使其能够重新飞走。语篇2是一篇采访文。帮助雨燕的学生胡念祖接受采访,详细说明了为什么自己能够帮助雨燕重新飞翔,并介绍了自己如何通过观鸟学习知识。接着,文本介绍了学习技巧,特别是表达因果关系的词汇和短语。【why】本课时借助胡念祖“助鸟事迹”、“能够成功助鸟飞翔的原因”以及“如何通过观鸟学习知识”,让学生明白,通过爱好可以获取知识,在日常的学习以及生活当中能够主动培养积极的爱好;学生在看图、预测、听新闻报道和采访的过程中能够逐步提升获取关键信息的能力,理清故事脉络;学生通过文本朗读,加深对文本内容的理解,了解雨燕不能从地面飞翔的原因;通过一系列的叙述与采访,引导学生对人物进行剖析,培养学生的同情心和帮助他人的意识,提升学生的英语综合素养。【How】语篇1是一篇听力新闻报道,采用了客观叙述的方式,介绍了人物、时间、地点,并详细描述了胡念祖同学如何帮助雨燕再次飞走的具体行动。语篇结尾通过提出一个问题,为接下来的采访做铺垫。语言简洁明了,使用了较多的动词进行描述,增强了事件的生动性和真实感。语篇2是一个采访对话,采访回答部分通过问答形式,介绍了胡念祖如何通过观鸟活动获取知识,例如他每年暑假和父亲一起观鸟,阅读关于鸟类的书籍,以及他为学校自然俱乐部制作的海报。学习技巧部分则介绍了如何使用"because"和"so"等表达方式来表达因果关系。III. 课时教学目标1. 通过听、说、读的活动获取、梳理新闻报道和采访的关键信息,并初步感知cause & effect的用法;2. 基于对话内容,提取、归纳并内化胡念祖的爱好可以增长知识的好处;3. 基于听力语篇,运用相关的语言表达方式,结合真实的语境描述同学们的爱好及爱好所带来的好处,引导学生认识到爱好可以丰富知识、增长见识,并对日常生活有所帮助。IV. 教学重难点【重点】通过听力活动,获取并梳理校园新闻和采访的文本内容;【难点】通过小组讨论,采访并描述同伴爱好及爱好带来的好处。
教学目标 学习活动 效果评价 设计意图
通过听、说、读的活动获取、梳理新闻报道和采访的关键信息,并初步感知cause & effect的用法。基于对话内容,提取、归纳并内化胡念祖的爱好可以增长知识的好处。基于听力语篇,运用相关的语言表达方式,结合真实的语境描述同学们的爱好及爱好所带来的好处,引导学生认识到爱好可以丰富知识、增长见识,并对日常生活有所帮助。 Revision: hobbies and fun;Watch a video about and answer questions: What is their hobby (Focus on bird-watching & bird-watcher)Share what you can see from the pictures;Predict: What happened to Hu Nianzu and his classmates 课堂观察:通过观察学生表情和情绪,了解学生对本单元主题的兴趣。师生互动:通过学生的反应,了解学生能否通过图片抓住相关信息、预测听力语篇内容。 通过视频导入,引出话题,创设情景,设置问题,引发学生思考,激发学生参与话题讨论的兴趣, 激活学生关于爱好的认知。(活动层次:学习理解)通过观察、推测活动,导入主题,激活学生关于观鸟这一爱好的认知,培养学生利用图片进行推理判断的能力。(活动层次:学习理解)
Choose the best title for the school news report;Choose the correct answer for each question;Catch every detail and complete the timeline;Choose the correct answer for each question;Catch more details and complete the interviewer’s notes.Enjoy reading;Think and discuss: Why could Hu Nianzu help the bird but other students couldn’t What benefits (好处) can Hu Nianzu get from his hobby 课堂观察:观察学生能否根据恰当的听力策略获取语篇大意和细节信息,选出正确答案。课堂观察:观察学生能否提取采访主要内容和细节信息。课堂观察:观察学生表现,关注学生的语音,并及时评价。师生互动:引导学生回答问题,激发学生创造性思维。 通过听力活动,让学生抓住新闻报道的主要信息,整体了解对话内容,感知新闻故事线。(活动层次:学习理解)通过听力活动,抓住采访的细节信息,培养学生准确获取、梳理和记录关键信息的能力。(活动层次:学习理解)通过模仿朗读活动,提升学生的语音;培养学生创造性思维以及归纳、总结能力。(活动层次:应用实践)
Work in group: 1 reporter and 3 interviewees. Ask for and share the information about one’s hobbies and the knowledge that hobbies bring them.Present the report in class. Other groups assess the performance. 观察学生表现,根据学生回答引导学生发散思维,并给予必要的提示和示范。 培养学生主动学习、讨论、归纳的能力,并运用结构化知识完成课时任务。(活动层次:迁移创新)
Summarize what we’ve learned in class and consolidate the topic of hobby and its better benefits.Do self-reflection according to the reflection-form. 观察学生能否根据评价表对本节课个人表现进行评价。通过了解学生对爱好的看法,引导学生树立正确的价值观。 帮助学生更深入地理解爱好的价值,树立正确的观念;通过评价促进教与学的效果。(活动层次:迁移创新)
Homework Necessary Homework: Retell the interview about Hu Nianzu..Optional Homework: 1. Finish the exercises on EKWING;2. Write about your hobbies (what-why-how-...).
BlackboardDesign Unit 2 More than funLesson 2 Developing ideas.Hobby funBenefits knowledge ...(共32张PPT)
Unit 2More than fun
Developing ideas
playing the pan flute
playing the Guzheng
Hobbies can bring us fun!
Unit Task: Start new clubs!
New term comes! To make after-school time coloful, our school is going to start new clubs according to different hobbies! If you have any good plan, present it to us and we will run for the best!
Know more about hobbies.
Make a survey (调查) and talk about the benefits (益处) of your hobbies.
Make a plan for your new clubs.
Present your plans to the class and run for the best.
Unit 2
More than fun
Developing ideas
At the end of this lesson, we will
identify the information about the news report and the interview about hobbies by listening, speaking and reading;
make good use of the important expressions to talk about hobbies and the benefits (好处);
summarize, and internalize (内化) Hu Nianzu can get knowledge from his hobby.
Learning Objectives
Lesson Task:
Make a survey and talk about the benefits of your hobbies.
A good watcher
A good listener
A good reporter
A good speaker
What is their hobby
A good watcher
A good listener
A good speaker
A good reporter
Their hobby is .
They are bird-watchers.
A good watcher
A good listener
A good speaker
A good reporter
a girl
by using a telescope
on the grass
watching birds
telescope (望远镜)
A good listener
A good speaker
A good reporter
A good watcher
Hu Nianzu
Choose the best title of the news report.
a. There's a new kind of bird at school.
b. A student helped a bird at school.
c. Students watched birds in the teaching building.
Book P37-A1 Listen to the news report
Learning to learn
In a news report, the key information usually comes at the beginning.
A good watcher
A good listener
A good speaker
A good reporter
A good watcher
A good listener
A good speaker
A good reporter
1. When did the thing happen
Yesterday morning. /Yesterday afternoon. /Yesterday evening.
2. Where did the bird fall
On the ground. /On the window. /On the door.
3. Why did the students try to help the bird
The bird was a baby bird./
The bird hurt its head./
The bird could’t take off again.
4. How was the bird at last
It could fly./It couldn’t fly. /Not mentioned.
Listen to the radio and choose the best answer. (Handout)
A black bird flew into the teaching building.
It fell on the ground,and could not __________ again.
take off
Many students tried to help but they just___________do anything.
Hu Nianzu ___________ the bird carefully. Then he held up the bird to the __________.
looked at
The bird___________off his hands and flew away!
A good watcher
A good listener
A good speaker
A good reporter
Story Mountain
Book P38-A2 Listen again and complete the timeline.
Why could Hu Nianzu help the bird
but other students couldn’t
A reporter is interested in Hu Nianzu’s story, so she interviewed him.
A good watcher
A good listener
A good speaker
A good reporter
A good watcher
A good listener
A good speaker
A good reporter
Q1: Why couldn’t it fly before
Q2: When did you start bird-watching
These kinds of birds have (long wings but weak legs /long legs but weak wings)
Dad took me to (watch birds /read books) every summer holiday. And I also (read books /watch videos) about birds.
Q3: How did you get to know swifts
About the age of (8 /18)
Listen to the interview and choose the correct answer.
A good watcher
A good listener
A good speaker
A good reporter
Book P39-A3 Listen again and complete the interviewer’s notes.
A good watcher
A good listener
A good speaker
A good reporter
Pay attention to stress(重音) , phonetic linking (连读) and pause(停顿).
Interviewer: ...Why couldn’t it fly before
Hu Nianzu: Because it was a swift. These kinds of birds have long
wings but weak legs, so they can't take off from the ground. They need to take off from a high place.
Interviewer: You know a lot about birds.
Hu Nianzu: I love bird-watching. It’s my hobby.
How did Hu Nianzu express cause (原因) and effect (结果)
Peer assessment (互评)
Items Points
1.Fluency (流畅度) 1 2 3
2.Pronunciation (发音) 1 2 3
3.Performance (表现) 1 2 3
A good watcher
A good listener
A good speaker
A good reporter
Enjoy reading
in a low (低的) voice
Deep thinking
Why could Hu Nianzu help the bird but other students couldn’t
Because his hobby is bird-watching, and he gets knowledge from it.
What are the benefits (益处) of Hu Nianzu’s hobby
He knows birds like swifts.
He knows the habits (习性) of different birds.
He learns how to help birds.
He learns to protect (保护) the animals well.
Lesson Task:
Make a survey and talk about the benefits of your hobbies.
A good watcher
A good listener
A good reporter
A good speaker
playing the pan flute
playing the Guzheng
Hobbies can bring us fun.
What are the benefits (好处) of your hobbies
A good watcher
A good listener
A good speaker
A good reporter
Reading is my hobby, because it can give me knowledge.
I learn about English from reading books, so I can help people with their study.
I can also make good friends with others through (通过) reading.
A good watcher
A good listener
A good speaker
A good reporter
A good watcher
A good listener
A good speaker
A good reporter
Work in groups of 4.
Student A (the reporter):
ask questions, fill in the table and make a report.
Student B/C/D:
answer the questions and help A (the reporter) to make a report.
members Hobbies Benefits
Student A (reporter)
Student B
Student C
Student D
What can you get from your hobbies
Write down information in your handout
A good watcher
A good listener
A good speaker
A good reporter
What’s your hobby What are the benefits of it
My hobby is , because it can give us knowledge.
What else can you get from your hobby
That’s great! I’ll start , too.
I can also learn.../... can make me..., so...
A good watcher
A good listener
A good speaker
A good reporter
Show time
I am the reporter today.
We have different hobbies.
...likes..., because...
And ...’s hobby is..., so...
Checklist Scores
Content (内容) 1 2 3
Language (语言) 1 2 3
Performance (表现) 1 2 3
Summary and reflection
What are the benefits of our hobbies
Hobbies bring us fun.
Hobbies give us knowledge.
Youthful spirit
Brave to
Happy everyday
new world
in ourselves
Hobbies are important to us!
new world
in ourselves
Hobby is the courage
to pursue dreams.
Hobby is the power
to inspire enthusiasm.
Do what you want to do!
Be what you want to be!
Items Great Not bad Try harder
I can read and understand these conversations.
I can share my hobby to my classmates.
I can know the benefits of developing hobbies.
Necessary Homework (必做)
Optional Homework (选做)
retell the interview about Hu Nianzu.
1. finish the exercises on EKWING;
2. write about your hobbies (what-why-how-...).