课题:Module 6 Unit2 The WWF is working hard to save them all.
科目:英语 教学对象:八年级学生 课时:第二课时
本模块以“Animals in danger”为话题,以学习动词不定式的用法为主线,介绍了当前濒临灭绝,需要人类保护的动物的情况, 并重点介绍了大熊猫的保护情况。在此基础上,学生可以根据自己的建议制定更合理的动物保护措施。
1. 语言知识目标 词汇 Research,baby,situation,scientist,produce,in order to,government,nature, nature park,develop,feed, symbol 词组句型 The WWF is working hard to save all the animals . 功能 :表达如何保护动物措施 话题: 以了解动物生存现状为基础,讨论如何保护动物为话题。 2.语言技能目标 听:听懂有关动物特点的短文,提高学生实际应用能力。 说:动词不定式to do sth的熟练运用及掌握 读:了解动物生存的现状, 通过阅读, (1)掌握和巩固动词不定式的用法(2)掌握阅读技巧和方法。 写:(1). 能用动词不定式的不同句式正确表达观点 (2). 能写出其他动物的特点、生存现状和保护措施. 演示与表达 能让全班学生收集有关资料并做好学生作品的汇报。 3.过程与方法 用学生感兴趣的问题来调动学生的学习兴趣和求知的主动性,激发学生的学习热情。通过探讨这些问题引入新单词的学习,同时引入课文内容, 通过观看课文配套的动画视频引入阅读练习,通过学生个人思考、小组交流等练习,达到对课文内容的把握与总结。 4.情感态度与价值观 通过播放公益广告激发学生的保护动物的意识。
本课的话题是动物,这是学生很熟悉也较感兴趣的话题, 但同时对学生的知识储备要求较高。首先要求学生通过多种途径了解动物的特点及生存的现状。其次在教师预设的任务中,要使学生有话可说,但是这个话题涉及较多的知识,学生掌握的难度较大, 如果材料处理不当,会导致学生有话想说,却无法用英语表达的尴尬场面。因此在具体安排教学活动时,要注意适当降低难度,通过开展生动有趣的活动达到提高综合运用语言能力的目的。
本课采用任务型教学方式,进行任务前设计,任务中设计和任务后设计,遵循输入为先,输出为后的语言交际原则,紧紧围绕保护动物这一话题展开讨论,引导和鼓励学生不断发现问题,解决问题,培养了学生保护动物的意识, 培养了学生的主人翁意识和忧患意识,丰富了学生的知识,拓展了学生的视野,有效的进行了理想、人生责任的教育, 实现了预定的教学目标。
重点:有关濒危动物的写作 ; 难点:不定式做目的状语 。
教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
Teach some new words: research,baby,situation,scientist,produce,in order to,government,nature,nature park,develop,feed, symbol Learn some new words and try to make sentences with them. The students will be able to learn and use new words and phrases
1. Ask the Ss to talk about the most special animal in China---panda to lead in. 2. Show some interesting questions about panda. 3. The teacher sum up: The situation is very difficult! The Chinese government set up the nature parks and developing other plans to protect pandas. The World Wide Fund for Nature also does something to help. 4. Learn new words and expressions through last two activities, and then learn them together. 1.Discuss the situation of the animals in danger 2. Help the Ss to talk about: Scientists(科学家) think panda is from the cat family. Research(研究) shows baby(婴儿) pandas start to eat bamboo when they are 1 year old. Pandas like eating apples and drinking water. Pandas can eat for 14 hours a day. Pandas produce(生育) babies once a year. The panda is a symbol(象征) of China. The students will be able to learn the key structures: Scientists do a lot of research to help pandas produce more babies and help baby pandas live. The government is setting up nature parks to protect pandas in the wild.
1. Let the ss watch the flash of this passage. 2. Help the Ss read the passage by themselves and choose the best heading for each paragraph and then check the answers. 3. Help them find why the pandas are in danger 4. The teacher sum up: these verb infinitive phrases are all for purpose. 5. Help them do some exercises. 1. Watch the flash of this passage. 2. Read the passage by themselves and choose the best heading for each paragraph 3. Talk in groups to find why the pandas are in danger 4. Do activity 3 in groups: complete the sentences. 5. More examples to practise: We study hard (learn) English well. He gets up early (get) to school on time. They exercise every day (keep) healthy. 6. Complete the passage with the words in the box. 1.Read the passage. 2.The students can express how to save the animals in danger.
1.Show the questions of My Poster: Which animal is in danger Where does it live What does it feed on How difficult is the situation Why is it in danger What can we do to save it 2. The teacher adds some words to connect these answers into a passage in order to tell them how to write a composition. 3. Show some good works in class. 4. Show a public service ads flash about protecting endangered animals. 1. The whole class talk about these questions. 2. Talk about the passage. One or more students try to say more about the animals. Get them to say and repeat it. Then the next student to show his ideas. Then discuss the ideas together. 3. Work in groups to make their own poster for an endangered animal. 4. Try to write a passage about an animal in danger after class. 1. Let them think of some ways how to protect animals in danger. 2. Love the animals and protect them. 3. Choose an animal and write a passage about the situation of the animal and what we can do for it.
课堂情况1、注意力2、活动参与的主动性3、与同伴的合作集中不集中(原因)主动不主动(原因)合作愉快不合作(原因)习 题情况1、是否独立完成2、完成情况3、遇到困难是否(原因)全部部分(原因)困难点是否解决掌握情况已掌握单词已掌握句型未掌握句型、单词错题失误原因是 否已解决自我反思 自评: 等;小组互评: 等;教师评价: 等。(A、B、C、D等级)
Unit2.The WWF is working hard to save them all. research,baby,situation,scientist,produce,in order to,government,nature, nature park,develop,feed, symbol The WWF is working hard to save all the animals .
九.教学反思可以从如下角度进行反思(不少于200字):1.本节课由于我备课充分,能调动学生的积极性,所有上课效果很好。同时我又能够驾驭课堂,时刻关注后进生,不让其分心,适当提问他们。问题难易适中照顾全部,就自然吸引住学生。所以,本节课让学生感受到一种自然气氛。这样,授课就事半功倍。 2、精彩瞬间:本节课利用多媒体辅助教学结合教材重点、难点及英语学科特点,从视、听、说等方面使学生得到锻炼,实行自主、合作、交流的学习方式,在愉快、轻松的氛围培养了学生语言交际能力,促进了英语口语和写作能力,激发了学生学习的兴趣。 3、思考的问题:如何在课文教学中体现情感态度和价值观 这是一篇关于保护濒危动物的课文,课前我精心制做了课件, 唤起学生对爱护动物、保护动物的意识。在我的这堂课中,我十分注重感情的渗入,从一张熊猫的照片渗入,一步步把学生带入我所要的情景中来,学生们在课堂上对于保护濒危动物的意识逐渐唤醒,让我也真切体会到了他们不是没有感情,只是没有一个恰当的表达机会,也让我深刻意识到今后在自己的课堂上应该更多地创设这样的机会给学生们,而不仅仅是一节课的情感教育. 英语课程是一门思想性很强的学科,英语能直接反映人们的思想感情和传播科学文化知识,并体现出中西方文化的差异.因此,英语教学要充分发挥起思想情感的教育作用,挖掘教材内在的思想教育因素,、价值观上受到很好的教育和熏陶. 充分调动和发挥学生的主体作用,让学生乐于开口,勇于实践,让每个层次的学生都有所收获,以达到实施素质教育的目的。4.存在的问题: 通过教师评课,使我认识到自己本课存在的不足之处。(1 ).个别问题设计的有些难,没有考虑到部分学生的程度。(2).对任务型教学研究还不够,同时如何促进初中学生英语写作,还需要作深入地研究。在今后的英语课堂教学中加以改进,以不断提高自己的业务水平。