Unit 4
Living with technology
Integrated Skills
By the end of this class, you will be able to:
1.understand the purpose and content of time capsules;
2.interpret Einstein’s message to future generations in the 1939 time capsule;
3.discuss detailed information about their time capsules for 2050;
What is it
What is a time capsule
Time capsule is something that will show people in the future___________. We put ______things in the box and bury it in the _____________.
how we lived
school garden
What was in Einstein’s
time capsule
Step3 Reading
Step3 Reading
1.When was it designed
to be opened ?
3.What was inside
2.Where was it buried?
4. Why did Einstein
make it
It was designed to be opened in the year ______
It was buried 50 feet ___________ in a park.
He wanted to show the future generations _____________in America then.
It was filled with ______.
some objects
and a letter
below the ground
what life was like
However,his message was also colored by the dark times he lived in. He mentioned a few social problems before concluding that he believed future generations would read his message with a “feeling of proud and justified superiority”.
How would the future generations feel when reading the message
The future generations would read his message with a feeling of ______________________________
Read the Albert Einstein's message to the future
Step3 Reading
proud and justified superiority.
Born in a prosperous era,
one should not fail to live up to it.
Born at the right time,
one should strive in that time."
Step4 Conclusion
What can be in a time capsule
·meaningful items
·a letter
·unearthed time
· burial place
·feeling / hope/ goals/ dreams
· purpose
Make a time capsule.
What would you choose and write
I will put a ____,____,_____ in the time capsule, which shows what my high school life was like. Besides, they serve as a commitment to my dream that___________________________.
It will be buried in ______(where), and it is designed to be opened in ______(when) ,hoping that the future me / generations would read this message with a feeling that _________________.
dream/ feelings
Step5 Group sharing:
polish your writing
make your time capsule