UNIT 4 Stage and screen
押头韵: Alliteration
1. 英语新闻报道
Spirits Sales Slumped Sharply. (白酒销量急剧下降。)
2. 书名、文章标题
Pride and Prejudice(傲慢与偏见)
How a Woman Withers. (散文:一个女人是怎样衰老的)
如果翻译为How a woman gets old, 不仅俗,也招人嫌,和wither “凋谢,凋零”搭配,不仅押韵,还表达出女人是“花”这样的美好隐喻。
Fast and Furious(速度与激情) Wolf Warriors(战狼) Tiny Time(小时代) Gossip Girl (绯闻女孩)
4. 英语谚语
Practice makes perfect.
No cross, no crown.(直译:没有十字架,就没有王冠-------不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。)
There is no royal road to learning.(学问无坦途)
5. 其他
如family and friends,perceptions and practice(理念与实践),cyber celebrity(网红),traffic rules and regulations
(交通规则),Micky Mouse.
每个成人都害怕3D (divorce, debt, death),成功需要3P精神(perseverance毅力,patience耐心,perspiration汗水),
fame and fortune(名和利)
Starting out
To learn to study different kinds of entertainment
To learn to study the differences between
the Deheyuan Grand Theatre and the Globe Theatre.
Learning objectives
Look at the posters and answer the questions.
1. Which of these types of entertainment are you most familiar with
Warming up
1. Which of these types of entertainment are you most familiar with
Sichuan Opera
Chinese Spring Festival Gala
1. Which of these types of entertainment are you most familiar with
Waiting for Godot
1. Which of these types of entertainment are you most familiar with
Chinese crosstalk
1. Which of these types of entertainment are you most familiar with
What other types of entertainment have you seen Which do you like most Why
Peking Opera
Er ren zhuan
tap dance
/ p nt ma m /
comic sketch
street dance
2. What other types of entertainment have you seen
3. Which do you like most Why
Henan Opera,Yue Opera,Huangmei Opera as well as talk shows,etc.
I like talk shows most. Talk show is an entertainment form in which a host talks to various celebrities, performers, or professionals about various topics, often(but not always)including jokes in their conversation.
Watch the video and answer the questions.
1. What theatres are mentioned in the video
2. What are the differences between them In what ways are they similar
Video watching
The Theatres that Time Never Forgot
Since ancient times,people have enjoyed themselves at the theatre. Here we’ll visit two historical theatres,one in the East and one in the West,and listen to the stories each has to tell.
The Deheyuan Grand Theatre,located in the Summer Palace in Beijing,was built in the Qing Dynasty for the royal family. It is regarded as the place where Peking Opera developed into its current form.
Great masters of Peking Opera,such as Yang Xiaolou and Tan Xinpei, performed on the stage here. The theatre has three floors. From top to bottom,they are the Fu stage,the Lu stage and the Shou stage. In English,they are called the Happiness stage,the Prosperity stage and the Longevity stage. The stages have special doors for actors to jump out of the floor,and equipment to help them fly through the air. A well and five ponds under the Shou stage are used in water scenes. They also serve to make sound effects louder.
Today,visitors to the Deheyuan theatre are still amazed by its structure and beautiful paintings.
The first Globe Theatre was created by a group of actors, one of whom was William Shakespeare. It opened in London in 1599 and became a huge success,until it burnt down in a fire in 1613. The Globe Theatre we see today is by the River Thames,close to the site of the original building.
As in Shakespeare’s day,the cheapest tickets are the standing tickets under an open sky. The big difference is that audiences today can watch plays with both male and female actors:acting in Shakespeare’s time was a job for men only!
The theatre has a round shape and the stage area has three main elements:a blue roof painted with stars,the stage itself and a hidden door in the floor.
If you are a fan of William Shakespeare,you must come to the Globe to see a play. As Shakespeare himself said,“All the world’s a stage.”
What theatres are mentioned in the video
The Deheyuan Grand Theatre and the Globe Theatre.
Watch the video and answer the questions.
The Deheyuan Grand Theatre is a Chinese-style theatre built in the Qing Dynasty for the royal family, with Peking Opera as the main performance form. The theatre has three stages representing happiness, prosperity and longevity. Under the longevity stage, there is a well and five ponds.
2.What are the differences between them
The first Globe Theatre was built in London by a group of actors including William Shakespeare. It burnt down in 1613 and was rebuilt close to the site of the original building. The theatre has a round shape and the stage area has three main elements.
Both of the theatres have a long history. They are both specially designed for better stage effects.
3. In what ways are they similar
Peking Opera
The basic skills of Peking Opera include dance movements and special acrobatic([ kr 'b t k] ) movements while singing or reciting, which are necessary requirements mastered by all actors and actresses.
Peking Opera
masks / facial makeup
Orchestras in Peking Opera
stage set
the quintessence of Chinese culture(国粹)
roles in Peking Opera
Peking Opera
Peking Opera is our national opera. it came into being/effect after 1790 and has about 200 years of history. There are four main roles in Peking Opera: Sheng, Dan, jing and Chou.
Sheng: It’s a common name of male characters and composed of Lao Sheng and Xiao Sheng. Lao Sheng refers to the middle-aged man with a beard who acts as the decency figure; for example, Zhugeliang in ‘Empty City Scheme’.
Xiao Sheng means young man without a beard. Zhangsheng in ‘The Story of the West Room’ is a representative of Xiao Sheng.
Dan: The general name for female characters can be divided into Zhengdan, Huadan, Laodan, Wudan. Zhengdan is also called ‘Qingyi’ who mainly plays the part of the strong-minded middle-aged woman who behaves elegantly. Huadan refers to little girls who often live in the bottom of society. Laodan refers to the senior woman and Wudan indicates the female who is good at fighting.
Jing: Painted face often refers to male characters with unique appearance or personality, such as Baozheng and Caocao.
Chou: It is a comic role or villainous character or righteous person. The actor's nose is painted by a piece of white powder, making him or her easily recognizable.
Definition: Cross Talk is a comic dialogue, characterized by two actors, humorously talking back and forth; the contents of this performance always include jokes and funny dialogues to amuse the audience.
Types of cross talk:
The general principle distinguishing different types of cross talk is the number of performers involved.
Monologue comic talk only involves one performer on the stage. Jokes and speeches are the main styles.
Comic cross talk engages two performers to communicate with each other. One is the comic who delivers the lines that make the audiences laugh while the other one plays a supportive role to carry on the dialogue.
Group cross talk refers to a performance with more than two people involved. This is usually a dialogue among the actors, presented more or less as a depiction of the Beijing people’s leisure activities.
附文本:Hamlet’s Soliloquy (独白)
To be or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing, end them. To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
附文本:Hamlet’s Soliloquy (独白)
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
附文本:Hamlet’s Soliloquy (独白)
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscover'd country from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pitch and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry,
And lose the name of action.
Which entertainment do you like most Why Write a passage.