班级:_________ 姓名:_________
XB1 U3 Faster, higher, stronger
Understanding ideas学案
Learning objectives:
1. Get to know the main idea of each paragraph and analyze the text structure;
2 . Understand the author’s writing purpose and get some detailed information about Stephen Curry;
Realize that the road to success isn’t easy and we should fight for dreams.
Background information:
NBA(National Basketball Association)是北美的男子职业篮球组织,是美国四大职业体育联盟之一。其拥有30支球队分为东部联盟和西部联盟,每个联盟又被划分为3个赛区,各赛区由5支球队组成。其赛事美国职业篮球联赛(或称美国篮球联赛,简称美国职篮)也被直接称为NBA,是全世界水准最高的职业篮球赛事。
斯蒂芬·库里(Stephen Curry,1988年3月14日-),出生于俄亥俄州阿克伦,美国男子篮球运动员,司职控球后卫,现效力于NBA金州勇士队,绰号“萌神”。其控球娴熟,擅长急停跳投,是一名投射能力极为出众的控卫。他2009年被金州勇士队选中进入NBA,是一名划时代的篮球运动员,职业生涯4次获得总冠军,2次荣膺常规赛MVP,9次入选最佳阵容,9次入选全明星首发阵容。
Useful expressions:
a far cry from 与...大不相同
attach A to B 把A附在/系在B上
shiny/muddy court 光滑发亮的球场/泥泞的球场
give way倒塌;向下垮
...line the road(line v.沿...排列)
bounce in all directions 朝四面八方反弹
shot with great accuracy(n.准确性) 百发百中
be aimed at 瞄准;旨在
day in and day out 日复一日
sharpen one’s skill提高技能
sb. be thought to be某人被认为是
follow in one’s footsteps 仿效某人,继承某人的事业
carry on继续
end up doing sth.最终做...
a little-known school 一所鲜为人知的学校
far from 远离;完全不
be selected for被选中参加...
beyond one’s expectations超出某人预期
continuous efforts不懈的努力
in a row=on end连续的
set out to do sth.=set about doing=get down to doing 着手做某事
living proof生动的证明
26.hoop 篮圈(n.)
Activity 1. Predict:
( )What Curry ’s road to success is like
A. B. C.
Activity 2. Fast Reading
Match the main idea of the _________.
Match each part with its main idea.
Background Para._______ A. Winning the first NBA championship and the Warriors' first championship since 1975.
Process Para._______ B. A close-up(特写) to introduce Stephen Curry.
Ending Para._______ C. Self-belief, hard work, and perseverance make anything possible.
Comments Para._______ D. Young Stephen's continuous(持续的) effort bringing him success.
What’s the genre(体裁) of the passage _____________________
Activity 3. Read for details.
1. What’s your understanding of “a far cry from”
_____________________________________________________________________( )2. Why does the author mention the “simple basket” at the beginning of the passage
A. To show Stephen Curry's grandfather didn't treat him well.
B. To tell readers how poor Stephen's family was at the time.
C. To show that Stephen's basketball career developed from a low point.
D. To tell that Stephen didn't show his talent when he was a kid.
What did he learn from the muddy basketball court
① To be creative and flexible
Knowing _________________________, so he had to ________________________.
②Shoot accurately
Only when he shot perfectly at __________, the ball could _____________________.
What difficulties were there on his road to success
Find out what Stephen Curry has achieved.
____________________ in 2009, Stephen joined _________________________.
In 2015, Stephen ____________________________, and he led the Warriors to their first championship since 1975.
Received _______________________award for two years in a row.
What's Curry's philosophy
What's Curry's philosophy (人生哲学)
( )2. What can we learn from Stephen's success
A. An early beginning is important to success.
B. Self-belief, hard work and perseverance account for success.
C. Shooting with great accuracy is the main reason Stephen succeeded.
D. Talent plays an important role in a person's success.
Activity 4. Think & Share
1. What is Curry’s road to success like
2. What made him successful (find some evidence.)
Self-belief: ___________________________________________________________
Hard work: __________________________________________________________
Perseverance: ________________________________________________________
( )3. Choose the author’s purpose in writing the passage and give your reasons.
A. To explain why Stephen Curry was doubted by many people.
B. To inform people about Stephen Curry’s basketball skills.
C. To inspire people with Stephen Curry’s determination to succeed.
Assignment: Organize information from the passage and complete the profile of Stephen Curry.
Stephen Curry is the son of the famous basketballer Dell Curry. He spent his childhood years practising basketball on ____________________The poor conditions helped him develop his own playing style. He also learnt to _______________________ Despite this, it seemed unlikely to many people that Stephen would be a great basketball player, as he was__________________________, Nevertheless, Stephen refused to__________________ and ended up playing college ball for Davidson College. In 2009, he joined the NBA's Golden State Warriors. In 2015, he led them to their first NBA championship since 1975. Stephen achieved his dream through ______________.
Nationality: ________________________________________________________
Occupation: ________________________________________________________
Awards: ___________________________________________________________