A篇 B篇 C篇 D篇 七选五 完形填空1-5 完形填空6-10 完形填空11-15
A. 增加食品制造商的销售量。
B. 为消费者提供清晰的营养信息。
C. 减少不健康食品的生产。
D. 调节市场价格。
答案:B. 为消费者提供清晰的营养信息。
解析: 文本中提到,食品分级系统是一个公共卫生倡议,旨在根据食品和饮料的营养成分对它们进行分类。其主要目的是通过提供清晰的、一目了然的信息,赋予消费者权力,帮助他们做出更健康的选择。
A. 非糖甜味剂的存在。
B. 产品的营养值。
C. 人工色素的使用。
D. 糖和不健康脂肪的含量。
答案:C. 人工色素的使用。
解析: 文本中提到,分级标准不仅考虑了过量消费可能影响健康的有害成分,如糖和不健康脂肪,还包括了营养值,例如纤维、蛋白质和必需的维生素和矿物质的存在。而人工色素并未在文中被提及为分级标准之一。
A. 食品分级系统是一项全球性倡议。
B. 食品分级系统教育消费者做出更健康的选择。
C. 食品分级系统仅适用于饮料。
D. 食品分级系统旨在改善食品的味道。
答案:B. 食品分级系统教育消费者做出更健康的选择。
解析: 文本的主要观点强调了食品分级系统如何教育消费者,并帮助他们通过清晰的标签信息做出更健康的食品选择,从而促进更健康的饮食习惯和公共健康。
4. 段落大意题:
- 正确答案:B. The design and interior features of the Xiaomi SU7.
- 第二段主要描述了SU7的设计和内饰特点,包括其流线型外观、宽敞的内部空间和先进的技术集成。
- 其他选项解释:
- A. The price and range of the Xiaomi SU7:这些信息在第一段提到,而不是第二段。
- C. The performance and technology of the Xiaomi SU7:虽然提到了技术,但第二段更侧重于设计和内饰。
- D. The public's response to the launch of the Xiaomi SU7:公众的反应在文章的后半部分提到,而不是第二段。
5. 推理推断题:
- 正确答案:C. Xiaomi's goal was to offer an affordable yet high-performance EV to disrupt the market.
- 原文中提到小米SU7的起售价显著低于特斯拉Model 3,且续航里程至少700公里,这表明小米旨在提供一款性价比高的电动汽车,以颠覆市场。
- 其他选项解释:
- A. Xiaomi aimed to compete with high-end luxury car brands:原文没有提到小米旨在与高端豪华车品牌竞争。
- B. Xiaomi intended to enter the EV market with a high-priced flagship model:原文明确提到小米SU7的起售价低,与此选项相矛盾。
- D. Xiaomi's primary focus was on designing a car with the lowest possible price:原文强调的是性价比,而不仅仅是最低价格。
6. 猜词题:
- 正确答案:D. A technology that integrates the battery cells with the car's body structure.
- 原文中提到的CTB技术指的是电芯与车身结构集成的技术,这有助于提高车辆的性能和稳定性。
- 其他选项解释:
- A. A type of high-performance engine:CTB技术与发动机类型无关。
- B. A technology that improves battery life:CTB技术涉及电池与车身的集成,而不是电池寿命。
- C. A chassis design for better stability:CTB技术可能有助于稳定性,但原文中并没有直接提到底盘设计。
7. 主旨大意题:
- 正确答案:C. The story of Xiaomi's entry into the electric vehicle market with the SU7.
- 整篇文章讲述了小米以其SU7车型进入电动汽车市场的故事,包括其特点、市场定位和对行业的潜在影响。
- 其他选项解释:
- A. The design and features of the Xiaomi SU7:虽然文章提到了SU7的设计和特点,但这不是文章的主旨。
- B. The challenges faced by Xiaomi in the EV market:文章没有特别提到小米在EV市场面临的挑战。
- D. The global impact of Xiaomi's HyperEngine technology:文章没有讨论HyperEngine技术的全球影响。
8. 细节理解题:
- 正确答案:B. a questionable tool for removing faulty genes
- 原文提到了CRISPR技术可能排除而不是帮助人们生活的可能性,表明作者对这种技术的使用持谨慎态度。
- 其他选项解释:
- A. a necessary evil in treating severe diseases:原文并没有将CRISPR描述为“必要的恶”,而是强调了其潜在的排除个体的风险。
- C. a promising technology to conserve resources:原文没有提到资源保护,而是讨论了消除遗传差异的道德问题。
- D. a logical approach to improving human genetics:原文中作者质疑了这种逻辑,认为它可能导致排除个体,而不是改善人类遗传。
9. 推理题:
- 正确答案:B. compare genetic selection to eugenic thinking
- 原文中提到了“common sense” ableism与优生学思维的相似之处,指出它们都旨在清除不可接受的人类变异。
- 其他选项解释:
- A. trace the evolution of genetic selection in history:原文没有追溯遗传选择的历史演变。
- C. offer an example of campaigns to remove bad genes:原文没有提供具体的运动例子,而是讨论了这种思维的一般概念。
- D. reveal the root of the societal view on genetic differences:原文没有揭示社会对遗传差异观点的根源,而是批评了这种观点。
10. 修辞手法分析题:
- 正确答案:B. It highlights the potential dangers of overreaching in genetic modification.
- 原文中使用“utopian future”来暗示一个理想化的未来,其中通过基因编辑消除所谓的“坏”基因,但实际上作者认为这种做法是有问题的。
- 其他选项解释:
- A. It evokes a sense of idealism and progress in genetic engineering:这与作者的意图相反,作者批评了这种理想化的未来。
- C. It suggests that such a future is impossible and therefore not worth discussing:原文并没有说这样的未来不可能,而是批评了追求这种未来的想法。
- D. It emphasizes the author's support for a future free of genetic diseases:作者并没有支持一个没有遗传疾病的未来,而是批评了这种追求。
11. 主旨大意题:
- 正确答案:C. In Defense of Our Bad Genes
- 文章主要讨论了保护遗传多样性的重要性,反对将某些基因标记为“坏”并试图消除它们。
- 其他选项解释:
- A. The Dark Side of CRISPR:虽然文章讨论了CRISPR的潜在负面影响,但主旨更广泛地涉及了对遗传差异的辩护。
- B. In the Wake of Genetic Selection:文章并没有集中在遗传选择的后果上,而是集中在对遗传差异的价值辩护上。
- D. The Promise and Price of Gene Editing:虽然文章提到了基因编辑的潜在好处和代价,但主旨更侧重于辩护遗传差异的价值。
12. 段落分析题:
- 问题: According to Paragraph 1, what is the core message of Brian Nosek's advice
- 正确答案: C. There is a need for a more self-reflective approach in the scientific community.
- 解析: 第一段提到了Brian Nosek的建议,即“假设你错了”,这是一个追求更好科学的战略。这个建议的背景是科学本身的性质,以及科学方法的变化和改进。因此,核心信息是需要在科学界采取更加自我反思的方法。
- 其他选项解释:
- A. Scientists should always be confident in their methods.
- 错误,因为文章强调的是自我反思和质疑,而不是盲目自信。
- B. The scientific method is unchanging and universal.
- 错误,因为文章明确指出科学方法会随着时间和理论的发展而变化。
- D. Methodological reformers are often criticized unfairly.
- 错误,虽然文章提到了改革者面临的批评,但这并不是Nosek建议的核心信息。
13. 词义猜测题:
- 问题: In the context of the article, what does the term "methodological reformers" most likely refer to
- 正确答案: B. Scientists who advocate for changes in scientific methods.
- 解析: 文章中提到了方法论改革者面临的争议和批评,这表明他们是那些主张改变科学方法的人。
- 其他选项解释:
- A. People who are against scientific reforms.
- 错误,因为“methodological reformers”是指支持改革的人,而不是反对改革的人。
- C. Individuals who are resistant to change in their scientific work.
- 错误,因为抵抗变化的人不会被称为改革者。
- D. Critics who question the value of scientific methods.
- 错误,因为批评者质疑科学方法的价值,而改革者是提出改进建议的人。
14. 推理题:
- 问题: What is a potential benefit of adopting the "assume you are wrong" strategy according to the author
- 正确答案: A. It can reduce personal attacks in scientific debates.
- 解析: 文章中提到,从“假设你错了”的立场出发,批评更容易被解释为建设性的建议,而不是个人攻击。
- 其他选项解释:
- B. It may lead to a decrease in the motivation of scientists.
- 错误,虽然这是一个担忧,但文章并没有明确说这会减少科学家的动力。
- C. It will make scientific conclusions more reliable.
- 错误,文章没有直接说这个策略会使科学结论更可靠,而是说它有助于响应证据。
- D. It can improve the public's understanding of science.
- 错误,文章讨论了这个策略可能在公众沟通中适得其反,而不是改善公众理解。
15. 联系实际的选择题:
- 问题: Considering the "assume you are wrong" strategy, which of the following applications in non-scientific fields is most likely to align with the principles discussed in the article
- 正确答案: C. Promoting a culture in educational institutions where teachers and students actively seek feedback to improve learning outcomes.
- 解析: 这个选项与文章中提倡的策略相符,即通过接受反馈和批评来改进,这与教育领域中寻求反馈以改善学习成果的文化相一致。
- 其他选项解释:
- A. Encouraging business leaders to always trust their initial instincts in making decisions.
- 错误,这与文章提倡的自我反思和接受批评的策略相悖。
- B. Training politicians to be more defensive about their policies to avoid admitting faults.
- 错误,这与文章中提倡的开放性和接受批评的态度相反。
- D. Advising journalists to stick to their narratives regardless of opposing views to maintain consistency.
- 错误,文章中提倡的是从可能错误的角度出发,接受批评和反馈,而不是坚持自己的观点不顾反对意见。
16. 空格前文提到Grammarly的训练数据包含大量的标准无错句和人工纠正的句子,软件会查看用户写作中的每行文字,如果看起来不合语法,会尝试找出与其训练输入中最相似的普遍假定错误。 这里适合填入的是关于Grammarly如何工作的进一步解释或补充信息。最合适的选项是:
- F. Developers also add certain rules to the patterns Grammarly has taught itself. 这个选项说明了开发者还会添加特定的规则到Grammarly自学的模式中,这与前文提到的软件如何识别错误是相符合的。
17. 空格提到了语言技术的进步,特别是语音识别,这涉及到另一种统计猜测——一段声音是否与某行文字匹配。 这里适合填入的是关于语言技术其他应用的信息。最合适的选项是:
- B. One Grammarly feature that works fairly well is tone analysis. 这个选项提到了Grammarly在语气分析方面的功能,这与前文提到的语音识别和邮件发送前的语调评估相呼应。
18. 空格讨论了语法是语言的真正魔力,将单词组合成结构,将这些结构组合成句子,并以映射到意义的方式进行。 这里适合填入的是强调计算机在处理语法和意义上的局限性。最合适的选项是:
- G. In this decisive structure—meaning connection, machines are no match for humans. 这个选项强调了在结构—意义连接的决定性环节中,机器无法与人类匹敌,这与前文提到的计算机分析语法句子和人类理解非语法句子的能力相呼应。
19. 空格提到计算机可以相当好地分析语法句子,标记名词和动词短语等,但它们难以分析难以分析的句子,因为它们不合语法。 这里适合填入的是关于计算机在理解意图和意义上的局限性。最合适的选项是:
- C. To correct such writing requires knowing what the writer intended. 这个选项说明了纠正这类写作需要知道作者的意图,这与前文提到的计算机在处理不合语法句子时的挑战相符合。
20. 空格讨论了计算机不理解意图和意义,它们工作在公式上,而人类可以理解即使不合语法的句子,因为能够猜测他人的思维内容。 这里适合填入的是关于Grammarly可能错过错误的信息。最合适的选项是:
- A. Grammarly can seem to miss more errors than it marks. 这个选项提到了Grammarly似乎错过的错误比它标记的要多,这与前文提到的计算机在理解意图和意义上的局限性相呼应。
21. D. suspected
- 解析: 文章提到自18世纪以来,数学家们已经怀疑即使是公平的硬币也倾向于稍微更频繁地落在某一侧。其他选项与上下文不符。
- 其他选项:
- A. confirmed:文章中没有提到数学家们已经确认了这种偏见。
- B. denied:否认与文章内容相矛盾,因为文章讨论了偏见的存在。
- C. recorded:记录并不涉及对偏见的怀疑或确认。
22. A. confirmed
- 解析: 证明这种微小的偏见需要成千上万次仔细记录的硬币投掷,意味着之前的怀疑已被证实。其他选项与上下文不符。
- 其他选项:
- B. denied:否认与文章内容相矛盾。
- C. for example:例如并不适用于此处的语境。
- D. vice versa:反之亦然,与此处内容无关。
23. A. nightmare
- 解析: 进行成千上万次硬币投掷的实验室测试在后勤上是一场噩梦。其他选项与上下文不符。
- 其他选项:
- B. context:上下文与此处讨论的后勤问题无关。
- C. intervention:干预不适用于描述实验室测试的困难。
- D. delay:延迟并不直接关联到实验室测试的困难。
24. C. challenge
- 解析: Franti ek Barto 对这个挑战感兴趣,意味着他想探究硬币投掷的偏见问题。其他选项与上下文不符。
- 其他选项:
- A. coinage:造币与文章内容无关。
- B. discipline:学科不适用于描述硬币投掷的问题。
- D. phrase:短语不适用于描述Barto 感兴趣的问题。
25. D. count on
- 解析: 他最初无法召集足够的志愿者来研究这个问题,意味着他依赖于志愿者的帮助。其他选项与上下文不符。
- 其他选项:
- A. cooperate with:合作并不直接关联到召集志愿者的问题。
- B. round up:围捕与此处内容无关。
- C. shrug aside:忽视不适用于描述Barto 对志愿者的需求。
26. D. session
- 解析: 一个12小时的马拉松硬币投掷会话,意味着长时间的硬币投掷活动。其他选项与上下文不符。
- 其他选项:
- A. analysis:分析并不直接关联到硬币投掷的活动。
- B. race:比赛与此处内容无关。
- C. interview:面试不适用于描述硬币投掷的活动。
27. A. upward
- 解析: 硬币以一侧向上翻转后,以相同侧向上落地的比例为50.8%,意味着硬币保持了初始的向上状态。其他选项与上下文不符。
- 其他选项:
- B. evenly:均匀并不适用于描述硬币投掷的结果。
- C. downward:向下与文章内容相反。
- D. uniformly:一致也不适用于描述硬币投掷的结果。
28. A. volunteers
- 解析: 从六个国家招募了47名志愿者进行硬币投掷实验。其他选项与上下文不符。
- 其他选项:
- B. gamblers:赌徒与文章内容无关。
- C. psychologists:心理学家不适用于描述参与硬币投掷的人。
- D. statisticians:统计学家不适用于描述参与硬币投掷的人。
29. C. subtle
- 解析: 几乎1%的偏见是非常微妙的,意味着它很小但可被检测到。其他选项与上下文不符。
- 其他选项:
- A. accidental:偶然的意味着不是故意的,与文章内容无关。
- B. dominant:主导的与此处内容无关。
- D. prejudiced:有偏见的与文章内容无关。
30. A. mechanics
- 解析: 硬币的整个轨迹,包括它落在正面还是反面,可以通过力学定律来计算。其他选项与上下文不符。
- 其他选项:
- B. relativity:相对论与硬币投掷的力学无关。
- C. geometry:几何学与硬币投掷的力学无关。
- D. chemistry:化学与硬币投掷的力学无关。
31. B. instead
- 解析: 硬币在空中不围绕它们的对称轴翻转;相反,它们倾向于偏移中心,意味着它们倾向于以初始的“向上”侧保持更长时间。其他选项与上下文不符。
- 其他选项:
- A. moreover:此外与此处内容无关。
- C. likewise:同样与此处内容无关。
- D. initially:最初与此处内容无关。
32. D. perceptible
- 解析: 1%的偏见在仅仅几次硬币投掷中是可感知的,意味着它足够大以至于可以被注意到。其他选项与上下文不符。
- 其他选项:
- A. insignificant:不显著与文章内容相反。
- B. accessible:可访问的与此处内容无关。
- C. inclusive:包容的与此处内容无关。
33. C. backing up
- 解析: 这项研究的结论应该消除对硬币投掷轻微偏见的任何持续怀疑,意味着结论支持了偏见的存在。其他选项与上下文不符。
- 其他选项:
- A. reversing:反转与此处内容无关。
- B. integrating with:与...集成与此处内容无关。
- D. rejecting:拒绝与此处内容相反。
34. D. anchoring
- 解析: 改变硬币的起始位置可以防止偏见影响你的硬币投掷比赛,意味着起始位置是一个关键因素。其他选项与上下文不符。
- 其他选项:
- A. concealing:隐藏与此处内容无关。
- B. shifting:转移与此处内容无关。
- C. perceiving:感知与此处内容无关。
35. C. unaware of
- 解析: 如果你的朋友没有意识到这个微小的偏见,你可能会从你的轻微优势中受益。其他选项与上下文不符。
- 其他选项:
- A. favourable to:有利于与此处内容无关。
- B. opposed to:反对与此处内容无关。
- D. suspicious of:怀疑与此处内容无关。
36. - 原文:“was the fame of her beauty”表明这里需要一个连词来连接前后句,表示“她的美貌是如此的有名”。
- 答案:such
37. - 原文:“from all they would stand up for the cause of Helen’s husband”表明这里需要一个宾格代词来指代前面提到的“all”。
- 答案:whom
38. - 原文:“where the most beautiful woman on earth was”需要一个动词的被动形式来完成句子,表示“地球上最美丽的女人在哪里可以被找到”。
- 答案:to be found
39. - 原文:“The chieftains responded”后需要一个从句来说明他们如何回应,这里需要一个表示他们有义务这样做的表达。
- 答案:as
40. - 原文:“They eagerly arrived for the great expedition, cross the sea and lay mighty Troy in ashes.”需要一个动词的现在分词形式来修饰前面的“expedition”,表示“跨越海洋”的动作。
- 答案:crossing
41. - 原文:“Odysseus, who was one of shrewd men in Greece”需要一个形容词最高级形式来完成句子,表示“奥德修斯是希腊最精明的人之一”。
- 答案:shrewdest
42. - 原文:“sowing it with salt seed”需要一个名词来完成句子,表示“用盐作为种子播种”。
- 答案:salt
43. - 原文:“thus prove that he had all his wits about him”需要一个动词的现在分词形式来完成句子,表示“因此证明了他完全清醒”。
- 答案:proving
44. - 原文:“Disguised as a peddler he went to the court Achilles was said to be”需要一个连词来连接两个从句,表示“伪装成小贩,他去了据说阿喀琉斯所在的宫廷”。
- 答案:where
45. - 原文:“and he had no trouble at all in making him disregard what his mother had said and go to the Greek camp with him”需要一个动词原形来完成句子,表示“并且他毫不费力地让他不顾他母亲的话,和他一起去希腊营地”。
- 答案:go
题目:The Distraction of Mobile Phones: A Call for Balance
By SunShijie(HuBei HuangZhouMiddleSchool)
In the contemporary tableau captured in the image, a couple is engrossed in their mobile phones, oblivious to the sumptuous feast before them. This scene is a microcosm of a broader societal trend where digital devices often supplant genuine human interaction, leading to a state of alienation.
The proliferation of smartphones has ushered in an era where connectivity knows no bounds. These devices, with their myriad functionalities, have become the hub of our digital lives. They empower us to navigate the vast expanse of the internet, to chronicle our musings on social platforms, and to capture and share the fleeting moments of our existence with unprecedented ease.
However, this convenience comes at a cost. The very technology that promised to bring us closer has, in many instances, driven us apart. The couple in the image, potentially once bound by shared experiences and conversations, now finds their attention riveted to the glow of their screens. Their phones have become the interloper, the third wheel in their relationship, diluting the potency of their connection.
It is imperative that we strike a balance. We must not allow the allure of our mobile devices to eclipse the value of face-to-face engagement. To foster meaningful relationships and to preserve the sanctity of our interactions, we ought to cultivate the art of presence. When in the company of loved ones, we should stow away our phones and immerse ourselves in the richness of the moment.
In conclusion, while mobile phones are a testament to human ingenuity, they should not become the arbiters of our social lives. Let us use them as tools to enhance our experiences, not as substitutes for the authentic human touch. After all, it is the warmth of a shared meal, the depth of a heartfelt conversation, and the joy of a shared laugh that truly nourishes the soul.
This refined composition employs a sophisticated lexicon and a diverse array of sentence structures, including metaphorical language and a direct appeal to the reader, to address the impact of mobile phones on interpersonal relationships.
1. 高分句型1: "This scene is a microcosm of a broader societal trend where digital devices often supplant genuine human interaction, leading to a state of alienation."
- 解析: 这句话使用了比喻("a microcosm" 表示“微观世界”),将图片中的场景比作社会趋势的一个缩影,强调了手机对人际关系的影响。
- 拓展: "Just as a single drop can reflect the sun, this image mirrors the pervasive impact of technology on our social fabric."
2. 高分句型2: "The proliferation of smartphones has ushered in an era where connectivity knows no bounds."
- 解析: 这里使用了拟人("connectivity knows no bounds"),赋予了“连通性”以生命,强调了智能手机带来的无限连接。
- 拓展: "The ubiquity of smartphones has catapulted us into an epoch of boundless interconnectivity, redefining the contours of our social landscape."
3. 高分句型3: "However, this convenience comes at a cost."
- 解析: 这句话简洁而深刻,指出了便利性背后的牺牲。
- 拓展: "Yet, this facade of convenience conceals a more profound sacrifice, the erosion of authentic human bonds."
4. 高分句型4: "The couple in the image, potentially once bound by shared experiences and conversations, now finds their attention riveted to the glow of their screens."
- 解析: 使用了对比("once bound... now finds"),突出了过去与现在的差异,强调了手机对关系的冲击。
- 拓展: "Once united by the threads of shared stories and laughter, the couple is now ensnared by the luminescence of their screens, a stark contrast to their former unity."
5. 高分句型5: "It is imperative that we strike a balance."
- 解析: 使用了强调("imperative"),强调了找到平衡的重要性。
- 拓展: "Urgently, we must navigate the delicate balance between the digital and the tangible, ensuring that technology serves as an enhancer, not a barrier, to our human connections."
6. 高分句型6: "Let us use them as tools to enhance our experiences, not as substitutes for the authentic human touch."
- 解析: 这句话使用了祈使句("Let us..."),直接向读者发出呼吁,强调了手机的正确使用方式。
- 拓展: "May we wield these devices as conduits for enriching our lives, rather than allowing them to supplant the irreplaceable warmth of human contact."
Alienated (疏远的) - 描述人们因为过度使用手机而与他人疏远的状态。
Sumptuous (豪华的) - 形容食物的丰盛和精美。
Interpersonal (人际的) - 与人与人之间的关系有关。
Proliferation (激增) - 描述智能手机数量的快速增长。
Connectivity (连通性) - 指设备之间的连接能力。
boundless (无界限的) - 强调连通性没有限制。
Addicted (上瘾的) - 描述人们对智能手机的依赖。
Side effects (副作用) - 指过度使用手机可能带来的负面影响。
Imperative (必要的) - 强调找到平衡的重要性。
Artifice (手段) - 在这里指手机作为增强体验的工具。
Substitutes (替代品) - 强调手机不应成为人际交往的替代品。
Authentic (真实的) - 描述真实的人际关系。
Nourishes (滋养) - 描述人际关系对精神的滋养作用。
Ubiquity (普遍存在) - 强调智能手机的无处不在。
Catapulted (弹射,推动) - 描述智能手机如何推动我们进入一个新时代。
I wondered, “Could it be him ” The name was as familiar as a long-lost melody, stirring a whirlwind of emotions. With a heart pounding in my chest, I dialed the number, the digits dancing beneath my trembling fingers. The line connected, and a voice, rich with the resonance of years past, answered. It was Mike, the boy who had once been a part of my daily rhythm, now a man, his voice steady yet filled with an undercurrent of gratitude. We exchanged words, a floodgate of memories and emotions, and arranged to meet.
When we were able to get together, he told me his road to the law. Over a cup of coffee, the aroma of which transported us back to the days when we were both younger, Mike narrated his journey. The Law Library had been his sanctuary, a second home where he had found solace in the pages of justice and order. His dedication to learning criminal law had been unwavering, a beacon of his determination to reform. He spoke of the nights he spent poring over legal tomes, the days he argued in mock trials, and his dreams that were now a reality. He had become a paragon of the very justice he had once only read about, a judge, a guardian of the law, a symbol of hope for those who, like his younger self, yearned to dream against the odds.
His tale was a narrative of triumph, a chronicle of the indomitable spirit of a boy who, guided by a mentor's unwavering belief, had scaled the heights of success. It was a testament to the power of education, the impact of mentorship, and the resilience of the human will. As we sat there, I realized that my role had been but a catalyst in his journey, and Mike's own resolve had been the fire that had lit his path.
1. "With a heart pounding in my chest, I dialed the number, the digits dancing beneath my trembling fingers."
-解析:这句话使用了形象生动的比喻("heart pounding" 和 "digits dancing"),传达了紧张和期待的情绪。
-拓展:"As my pulse raced with anticipation, each number I pressed seemed to echo with the fervor of a thousand hopes."
2. "The line connected, and a voice, rich with the resonance of years past, answered."
-解析:这里使用了拟人化("voice, rich with the resonance"),赋予声音以深度和历史感。
-拓展:"The connection was established, and the voice on the other end, laden with the echoes of bygone eras, responded with a depth that transcended time."
3. "He had become a paragon of the very justice he had once only read about, a judge, a guardian of the law, a symbol of hope for those who, like his younger self, learned to dream against the odds."
-解析:这句话通过一系列并列的名词短语("a paragon of justice", "a judge", "a guardian of the law")强调了Mike的成就。
-拓展:"He had ascended to become an emblem of righteousness, a beacon of legal integrity, and a testament to the transformative power of aspiration against adversity."
4. "His tale was a narrative of triumph, a chronicle of the indomitable spirit of a boy who, guided by a mentor's unwavering belief, had scaled the heights of success."
-解析:这句话使用了复杂的名词结构("a narrative of triumph", "a chronicle of the indomitable spirit")来描述Mike的故事。
-拓展:"His journey was an epic of victory, a saga that bore witness to the unyielding resolve of a soul, nurtured by the steadfast faith of a guide, reaching the pinnacle of achievement."
1. 续写词数:约150词,要求考生在有限的字数内完整表达思想。
2. 段落开头语:提供了两段的开头语,为考生的写作提供了方向。
3. 文笔要求:文笔好,用词高级,句式和修辞手法多样,这要求考生展示其语言运用的熟练度和创造性。
- 背景:故事发生在多伦多,涉及一位20岁的教师和一名10岁的街头孩子Mike。
- 人物:教师和Mike,后者失去了父母,与精神不稳定的祖母同住。
- 情节:教师每天带Mike吃早餐,教他新技能,发现Mike想成为强盗的梦想后,决定引导他学习法律。
- 发展:教师制定了计划,带Mike去市法律图书馆学习,后因工作变动和个人生活变化与Mike失去联系。
- 高潮:多年后,教师在多伦多偶然发现Mike的名字出现在“法官和律师”的名单上。
1. "I wondered, “Could it be him ”":这个开头语暗示了教师对Mike身份的怀疑和希望,为续写段落设定了情感基调。
2. "When we were able to get together, he told me his road to the law.":这个开头语表明了两人重逢的场景,为Mike讲述自己如何走上法律道路的故事铺垫。
- 第一段:可以描述教师对Mike身份的确认过程,以及他们重逢时的情感交流。可以运用比喻、拟人等修辞手法,增强情感表达。
- 第二段:Mike讲述自己如何从街头孩子成长为法律专业人士的过程。这里可以详细描述他在图书馆的学习经历,以及教师的影响如何激励他追求正义。1
考试时间:2024年11月29日 上午8:00-10:00 星期五
4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。第二部分阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题; 每小题 2.5分, 满分37.5分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
Understanding the Food Grading System: A Consumer's Guide
In recent years, there has been a growing awareness among consumers about the nutritional value of the food and beverages they consume. In response to this demand for transparency, cities like Shanghai have begun implementing food grading systems. This guide aims to provide insight into how these systems work, their benefits, and how consumers can use this information to make informed choices.
The Food Grading System Explained:
The food grading system is a public health initiative designed to classify food and beverage items based on their nutritional content. The system typically uses a letter grading scale, such as A, B, C, and D, where A represents the healthiest options and D indicates products high in sugars, saturated fats, trans fats, and non-sugar sweeteners.
How It Works:
Nutritional Analysis: Foods and beverages are analyzed for their content of key nutrients and non-nutrients that can affect health when consumed in excess.
Grading Criteria: The grading criteria consider not only the presence of harmful components like sugars and unhealthy fats but also the nutritional value, such as the presence of fiber, protein, and essential vitamins and minerals.
Labeling: Once graded, products are labeled with their respective grades. This labeling is usually done at the point of sale, allowing consumers to make healthier choices with ease.
Benefits of the Food Grading System:
Empowering Consumers: The system empowers consumers by providing them with clear, at-a-glance information about the health impact of their food choices.
Healthier Choices: By understanding the grading, consumers are more likely to choose higher-grade items, leading to improved dietary habits and public health.
Encouraging Manufacturers: Food and beverage manufacturers are incentivized to improve the nutritional profile of their products to achieve better grades, which can boost sales and market competitiveness.
Using the Food Grading System:
As a consumer, you can utilize the food grading system in the following ways:
Read Labels Carefully: Before making a purchase, take a moment to read the grade on the product's label. Opt for items with higher grades (A or B) whenever possible.
Make Comparisons: Compare the grades of different products within the same category to choose the healthier option.
Educate Others: Share your knowledge about the food grading system with friends and family to spread awareness and promote healthier eating habits.
The food grading system is a powerful tool in the fight against diet-related health issues. By understanding and utilizing this system, consumers can take control of their dietary choices and contribute to a healthier society. As more cities and countries adopt similar initiatives, the global shift towards healthier food options becomes more attainable.
This text is designed to be informative yet approachable, providing readers with a clear understanding of food grading systems and their implications for consumer choices.
1.What is the primary purpose of the food grading system according to the text
A. To increase sales for food manufacturers.
B. To provide clear nutritional information for consumers.
C. To reduce the production of unhealthy food items.
D. To regulate food prices in the market.
2. Which of the following is NOT part of the criteria used for grading food and beverages in the system described
A. The presence of non-sugar sweeteners.
B. The nutritional value of the product.
C. The use of artificial coloring.
D. The content of sugars and unhealthy fats.
3. What is the main idea of the informational text
A. The food grading system is a global initiative.
B. The food grading system educates consumers on making healthier choices.
C. The food grading system only applies to beverages.
D. The food grading system is designed to improve the taste of food.
The Tale of Xiaomi SU7: A Leap into the Future of Electric Vehicles
Once upon a time in the bustling heart of China, a tech giant by the name of Xiaomi decided to embark on a daring venture. Known for their smartphones and a plethora of gadgets, Xiaomi set its sights on the electric vehicle (EV) market, a realm dominated by the likes of Tesla and BYD. The year was 2021, and the stage was set for a new chapter in Xiaomi's legacy with the announcement of their first electric car, the SU7.
The SU7 was not just any car; it was a symbol of innovation and a testament to Xiaomi's commitment to the future. With a starting price point significantly lower than that of Tesla's Model 3, the SU7 aimed to disrupt the market with its affordability and impressive range of at least 700 kilometres on a single charge. This was a bold claim, one that pitted the SU7 against the best in the industry.
The design of the SU7 was a masterpiece of aerodynamics and aesthetics, boasting a drag coefficient of Cd0.195, which was the lowest globally at the time. Its sleek, futuristic silhouette and spacious interior, complete with a 3000mm wheelbase, made it a head-turner and a comfortable ride. The car's interior was a continuation of Xiaomi's ethos of human-centred design, with a luxurious yet warm ambiance, digital dashboard, and a large central control screen that seamlessly integrated with Xiaomi's smart ecosystem
Under the hood, the SU7 was powered by Xiaomi's HyperEngine, a motor that promised both efficiency and a thrilling acceleration. Coupled with Xiaomi's proprietary CTB (Cell to Body) technology, the car not only boasted an enhanced driving range but also a lower centre of gravity for improved stability
Thehandling characteristics of the SU7 was nothing short of exceptional, thanks to its advanced chassis technology and full-stack in-house intelligent driving features. Whether navigating city streets or cruising on highways, the SU7 offered precise steering, stable suspension, and intelligent driving assistance that instilled confidence and ease
The launch of the SU7 was met with an overwhelming response. Within minutes of opening pre-orders, the SU7 had already broken records with thousands of orders pouring in, a testament to the public's excitement and trust in Xiaomi's foray into the EV market. This was not just a car; it was a statement, a declaration of Xiaomi's ambition to become one of the world's top five car manufacturers within the next 15 to 20 years
The story of the SU7 is one of courage and determination, led by Xiaomi's founder, Lei Jun. He personally drove the car, learned to race, and participated in winter and summer tests, ensuring that every aspect of the car met the high standards he set. His hands-on approach and belief in the team's passion for cars were instrumental in the SU7's success.
In the annals of automotive history, the Xiaomi SU7 will be remembered as a trailblazer, a car that not only captured the imagination of the public but also redefined what it means to be a high-performance electric vehicle. It is a story of a company that dared to dream and, in doing so, created a legacy that will echo through the ages.
4. What is the main idea of the second paragraph
A. The price and range of the Xiaomi SU7.
B. The design and interior features of the Xiaomi SU7.
C. The performance and technology of the Xiaomi SU7.
D. The public's response to the launch of the Xiaomi SU7.
5. What can be inferred about Xiaomi's strategy with the SU7 from the passage
A. Xiaomi aimed to compete with high-end luxury car brands.
B. Xiaomi intended to enter the EV market with a high-priced flagship model.
C. Xiaomi's goal was to offer an affordable yet high-performance EV to disrupt the market.
D. Xiaomi's primary focus was on designing a car with the lowest possible price.
6. Based on the context, what does the term "CTB technology" most likely refer to
A. A type of high-performance engine.
B. A technology that improves battery life.
C. A chassis design for better stability.
D. A technology that integrates the battery cells with the car's body structure.
7. What is the main idea of the passage
A. The design and features of the Xiaomi SU7.
B. The challenges faced by Xiaomi in the EV market.
C. The story of Xiaomi's entry into the electric vehicle market with the SU7.
D. The global impact of Xiaomi's HyperEngine technology.
Science should guide policy, but caution is needed when technologies like CRISPR have the potential to exclude rather than assist people to live their lives.
CRISPR can be used to treat disease. Yet the far-reaching, more worrying promise of this technology — one about which scientists seem at once excited and cautious — lies in its ability to eliminate from the gene pool what medical science identifies as faulty or abnormal genes that cause difference in individual people. Certainly, goes the logic of CRISPR’s promise, the goal of ridding future generations of terrible diseases that cause suffering and death and exhaust resources, seems an unquestionable enterprise.
This logic is consistent with wider societal views. The idea that ridding society of genetic differences that count as defect is an undeniable “good” continues to be pervasive. Editing out a gene-linked condition, supporters may argue, is different from editing out a person, and curing disease is a good thing. But our genetic conditions are not simply entities that can be clipped away from us and our genetic conditions form a fundamental part of who we are.
Using genome manipulation tools and performing genetic selection is equal to a new form of eugenic thinking grounded in what the communications studies scholar James L. Chemey calls “common sense” ableism, a belief system that allows people to simultaneously deny any commitment to distasteful eugenic principles while also holding them up. Ultimately, “common sense” ableism embodies a similar goal of cleansing unacceptable human variations that the campaigns to eliminate the supposedly inferior have held in the past.
People with “bad” genes shouldn’t be edited out of existence in some version of a utopian future. Evaluating the quality of life of another person is morally questionable in a society based on the concept that all people are of equal value regardless of their individual differences.
Expanding diversity in all its forms, including disability, strengthens the human community ethically and biologically because it opens the public and private sphere to a variety of perspectives, experiences and ideas to live together with mutual flourishing.
Genome editing is powerful in reshaping medical treatments, but it can also be harmful by editing out the kinds of people that medical science, and the society it has shaped, categorize as diseased or genetically contaminated — people who are understood as having bad genes. We should be reminded that bad genes don’t necessarily lead to bad lives, just as good genes don’t necessarily lead to good lives. If CRISPR is put to use to eliminate rather than to treat genetic difference, we as a society would essentially instrumentalize this moralistic and reductionist assumption..
8. According to the passage, which of the following best describes the author's view on the use of CRISPR to eliminate genetic defects
A. The author fully supports the use of CRISPR for the betterment of human health.
B. The author is concerned about the potential misuse of CRISPR to exclude individuals with genetic differences.
C. The author believes that CRISPR should only be used for treating severe diseases with clear genetic causes.
D. The author argues that CRISPR technology is inherently flawed and should not be used at all.
9. What can be inferred from the author's discussion about "common sense" ableism
A. The author believes that ableism is a rational approach to genetic diversity.
B. The author suggests that "common sense" ableism is a subtle form of discrimination that is widely accepted.
C. The author thinks that "common sense" ableism is a new concept introduced by James L. Chemey.
D. The author argues that "common sense" ableism is a positive development in the field of genetics.
10. The author employs the term "utopian future" to describe a society that edits out "bad" genes. What is the rhetorical effect of this term
A. It evokes a sense of idealism and progress in genetic engineering.
B. It highlights the potential dangers of overreaching in genetic modification.
C. It suggests that such a future is impossible and therefore not worth discussing.
D. It emphasizes the author's support for a future free of genetic diseases.
11. What is the main argument of the passage
A. CRISPR technology has the potential to cause more harm than good if not used cautiously.
B. Genetic diversity should be preserved because it enriches society ethically and biologically.
C. The societal view that genetic defects should be eliminated is morally and ethically flawed.
D. The use of CRISPR to treat diseases is a clear and unquestionable good.
“Assume you are wrong.” The advice came from Brian Nosek, a psychology professor, who was offering a strategy for pursuing better science.
To understand the context for Nosek’s advice, we need to take a step back to the nature of science itself. You see despite what many of us learned in elementary school, there is no single scientific method. Just as scientific theories become elaborated and change, so do scientific methods.
But methodological reform hasn’t come without some fretting and friction. Nasty things have been said by and about methodological reformers. Few people like having the value of their life’s work called into question. On the other side, few people are good at voicing criticisms in kind and constructive ways. So, part of the challenge is figuring out how to bake critical self-reflection into the culture of science itself, so it unfolds as a welcome and integrated part of the process, and not an embarrassing sideshow.
What Nosek recommended was a strategy for changing the way we offer and respond to critique. Assuming you are right might be a motivating force, sustaining the enormous effort that conducting scientific work requires. But it also makes it easy to interpret criticisms as personal attacks. Beginning, instead, from the assumption you are wrong, a criticism is easier to interpret as a constructive suggestion for how to be less wrong — a goal that your critic presumably shares.
One worry about this approach is that it could be demoralizing for scientists. Striving to be less wrong might be a less effective motivation than the promise of being right. Another concern is that a strategy that works well within science could backfire when it comes to communicating science with the public. Without an appreciation for how science works, it’s easy to take uncertainty or disagreements as marks against science, when in fact they reflect some of the very features of science that make it our best approach to reaching reliable conclusions about the world. Science is reliable because it responds to evidence: as the quantity and quality of our evidence improves, our theories can and should change, too.
Despite these worries, I like Nosek’s suggestion because it builds in cognitive humility along with a sense that we can do better. It also builds in a sense of community — we’re all in the same boat when it comes to falling short of getting things right.
Unfortunately, this still leaves us with an untested hypothesis: that assuming one is wrong can change community norms for the better, and ultimately support better science and even, perhaps, better decisions in life. I don’t know if that’s true. In fact, I should probably assume that it’s wrong. But with the benefit of the scientific community and our best methodological tools, I hope we can get it less wrong, together.
12. According to Paragraph 1, what is the core message of Brian Nosek's advice
A. Scientists should always be confident in their methods.
B. The scientific method is unchanging and universal.
C. There is a need for a more self-reflective approach in the scientific community.
D. Methodological reformers are often criticized unfairly.
13. In the context of the article, what does the term "methodological reformers" most likely refer to
A. People who are against scientific reforms.
B. Scientists who advocate for changes in scientific methods.
C. Individuals who are resistant to change in their scientific work.
D. Critics who question the value of scientific methods.
14. What is a potential benefit of adopting the "assume you are wrong" strategy according to the author
A. It can reduce personal attacks in scientific debates.
B. It may lead to a decrease in the motivation of scientists.
C. It will make scientific conclusions more reliable.
D. It can improve the public's understanding of science.
15.Considering the "assume you are wrong" strategy, which of the following applications in non-scientific fields is most likely to align with the principles discussed in the article
A. Encouraging business leaders to always trust their initial instincts in making decisions.
B. Training politicians to be more defensive about their policies to avoid admitting faults.
C. Promoting a culture in educational institutions where teachers and students actively seek feedback to improve learning outcomes.
D. Advising journalists to stick to their narratives regardless of opposing views to maintain consistency.
第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
Artificial-intelligence systems like Grammarly, an automated grammar-checker, are trained with data. For instance, translation software is fed sentences translated by humans, Grammarly's training data involve a large number of standard error-free sentences and human-corrected sentences. 16 The software then looks at a user's writing: if a line of words seems ungrammatical, it tries to spot how the generally supposed mistake is most closely similar to one from its training inputs.
17 Advances in language technology have been impressive in, for example, speech recognition, which involves another sort of statistical guess—whether or not a stretch of sound matches a certain line of words. 18 It can rate the tone of an email before you send it, after being trained on texts that have been assessed by humans, for example as “admiring” or “confident”.
But grammar is the real magic of language, joining words into structures, joining those structures into sentences, and doing so in a way that maps onto meaning. 19 Computers can analyze grammatical sentences fairly well, labeling things like nouns and verb phrases. But they struggle with sentences that are difficult to analyze, precisely because they are ungrammatical—in other words, written by the kind of person who needs Grammarly.
20 To correct such writing requires knowing what the writer intended. But computers don't work in meaning or intention, they work in formulae. Humans, by contrast, can usually understand even sentences that are not grammatically correct, because of the ability to guess the contents of other minds. Grammar-checking computers illustrate not how bad humans are with language, but just how good.
A. Grammarly can seem to miss more errors than it marks.
B. One Grammarly feature that works fairly well is feeing analysis.
C. To correct such writing requires knowing what the writer intended.
D. Grammarly has some obvious strengths in understanding meaning or intentions.
E. Computers outpace humans at problems that can be solved with pure maths.
F. Developers also add certain rules to the patterns Grammarly has taught itself.
G. In this decisive structure—meaning connection, machines are no match for humans.
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Heads or Tails
Careful: It’s not 50-50
The phrase “coin toss” is a classic synonym for randomness. But since the 18th century, mathematicians have _________ that even fair coins tend to land on one side slightly more often than the other. Proving this tiny bias, _________, would require hundreds of thousands of carefully recorded coin flips, making laboratory tests a logistical (后勤的,组织协调的) _________.
Franti ek Barto , currently a Ph.D. candidate studying the research methods of psychology at the University of Amsterdam, became interested in this _________ four years ago. He couldn’t _________ enough volunteers to investigate it at first. But after he began his Ph.D. studies, he tried again, recruiting 47 volunteers from six countries. Multiple weekends of coin flipping later, including one 12-hour marathon _________, the team performed 350,757 tosses, breaking the previous record of 40,000.
With one side initially upward, the flipped coin landed with the same side facing _________ as before the toss 50.8 percent of the time. The large number of throws allows _________ to conclude that the nearly 1 percent bias isn’t a fluke (侥幸). “We can be quite sure there is a bias in coin flips after this data set,” Barto says.
The leading theory explaining the _________ advantage comes from a 2007 physics study by Stanford University statisticians, whose calculations predicted a same-side bias of 51 percent. From the moment a coin is launched into the air, its entire track — including whether it lands on heads or tails — can be calculated by the laws of __________. The researchers determined that airborne coins don’t turn around their symmetrical axis (对称轴); __________, they tend to move off-center, which causes them to spend a little more time high in the air with their initial “up” side on top.
For day-to-day decisions, coin tosses are as good as random because a 1 percent bias isn’t __________ with just a few coin flips, says statistician Ameli, who wasn’t involved in the new research. Still, the study’s conclusions should eliminate any lasting doubt regarding the coin flip’s slight bias. “This is great experiment-based evidence __________ the bias,” she says.
It isn’t difficult to prevent this bias from influencing your coin-toss matches; simply __________ the coin’s starting position before flipping it should do the trick. But if your friends are __________ the tiny bias, you may as well benefit from your slight advantage. After all, 51 percent odds beat a casino’s house advantage. “If you asked me to bet on a coin,” Barto says, “why wouldn’t I give myself a 1 percent bias ”
21.A.confirmed B.denied C.RecordedD.suspected
22.A.therefore B.however C.for exampleD.vice versa
23.A.nightmare B.context C.InterventionD.delay
24.A.coinage B.DisciplineC.ChallengeD.phrase
25.A.cooperate withB.round up C.shrug asideD.count on
26.A.analysis B.race C.interview D.session
27.A.upward B.evenly C.DownwardD.uniformly
28.A.VolunteersB.gamblers C.PsychologistsD.statisticians
29.A.AccidentalB.dominant C.subtle D.prejudiced
30.A.MechanicsB.relativity C.geometry D.chemistry
31.A.moreover B.instead C.LikewiseD.initially
32.A.InsignificantB.AccessibleC.inclusive D.perceptible
33.A.reversing B.integrating withC.backing upD.rejecting
34.A.ConcealingB.shifting C.PerceivingD.anchoring
35.A.favourable toB.opposed toC.unaware ofD.suspicious of
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper from of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
The fairest woman in the world was Helen. 36 was the fame of her beauty that there was not a single young prince in all of Greece that didn’t wish to marry her. When her suitors assembled in her home to make a formal proposal for her hand there were so many from such powerful families that her reputed father King Tyndareus, was afraid to select one from amongst them, fearing that the others would unite against him. He therefore demanded first a solemn path from all 37 they would stand up for the cause of Helen’s husband, whoever he might be, if any wrong was done to him through his marriage. Then Tyndareus chose Menelaus, the brother of Agamemnon, and made him King of Sparta as well.
So matters stood when Paris gave the golden apple to Aphrodite. The Goddess of Love and Beauty knew very well where the most beautiful woman on earth was 38 (find). She led the young shepherd straight to Sparta, where Menelaus and Helen received him graciously as their guest. The ties between guest and host were strong. But Paris broke that sacred bond. Menelaus, trusting completely to it, left Paris in his home and went off to Crete.
Menelaus returned to find Helen gone, and he called upon all of Greece to help recover her. The chieftains responded 39 they were obliged to do. They eagerly arrived for the great expedition, 40 (cross) the sea and lay mighty Troy in ashes. Two of the first rank, however, were missing: Odysseus. King of the Island of Ithaca, and Achilles, the son of Peleus and the sea nymph Thetis. Odysseus, who was one of 41 (shrewd) men in Greece, did not want to leave his house and family to embark on a romantic adventure overseas for the sake of a faithless woman. He pretended, therefore, that he had gone mad, and when a messenger from the Greek
Army had arrived, the King was plowing a field and sowing it with salt 42 seed. But the messenger seized Odysseus’ little son and put him directly in the way of the plow. Instantly the father turned the plow aside, thus 43 (prove) that he had all his wits about him. However reluctant, he had to join the Army.
Achilles was kept back by his mother. She sent him to the court of Lycomedes and made him wear women’s clothing, hiding him among the maidens. Odysseus was dispatched by the chieftains to bring him out. Disguised as a peddler he went to the court 44 Achilles was said to be, with gay ornaments in his pack such as women love, and also some fine weapons. While the girls flocked around the trinkets, Achilles fingered each of the swords and daggers. Odysseus knew him then, and he had no trouble at all in making him disregard what his mother had said and 45 (go) to the Greek camp with him.
So the great fleet made ready.
第一节 (满分15分)
第2节 (满分25分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
I was twenty then, teaching a class of thirty students in Toronto including Mike, a 10-year-old street kid. Having lost his father and mother, he lived with a mentally-disturbed grandmother.
He was always hungry, so each day I’d take him for breakfast before class. Each noon after I shared my lunch with him, I taught him new skills—using a microscope, constructing a camera etc.
One day Mike told me of his dream. Most kids in the class wanted to be doctors, teachers or some such thing, but not Mike! His desire was to be a gangster (强盗)! And he was serious about it.
I believed all children had a gift for what he wanted to be. If he wanted to be a gangster, I’d do all I could to help him become the very best “gangster”.
I had a plan. Every Saturday after we had breakfast, I took him to the Law Library of the city. I explained to him a good gangster had to know something about criminal law, and reading up on law was the only way to learn. His young mind was interested, and he dove in.
That was how we spent each Saturday morning that year. I’d drop him off at the law library. Three hours later, I’d return, pick him up for lunch and after a review of his morning’s work, take him home.
The following year I taught in another school far away, which prevented me continuing to participate physically with him on Saturday mornings. But I provided him with public transportation tickets so he could keep up his regular study at the library.
Later I got married and moved to London. Sadly, and to my great regret, I lost contact with Mike.
Years passed. I often thought of him, wondering what had become of him. Then, one day, I was back in Toronto on business, looking up the number of a former colleague in the telephone directory, and there, Mike’s name as part of a title of “JUDGES and LAWYERS” danced off the page into my eyes.
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I wondered, “Could it be him ”
When we were able to get together, he told me his road to the law.