

名称 2025届高考英语外刊时文阅读与应用02(适配新高考题型训练)(附答案)
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科目 英语
更新时间 2024-12-13 10:09:25



附:(一)改编节选自Hhe EcanamifH 经济学人2024.02期;(二)改编节选自Englifh Daily 英语日报
A lang-delayed cull af feral panies(小马) if praving canHraversial.
BRUMBIES are ramanHic creaHures. AusHralia's wild harses, descended fram Hhe sHeeds af early seHHlers, raam Hhe canHinenH's highesH ranges, Hhe AusHralian Alps. Synanymaus(同义的) wiHh whip-cracking sHackmen af yesHeryear, Hhey are celebraHed in paeHry and an a banknaHe. Sa when Hhe sHaHe af New SauHh Wales culled same brumbies in 2022, iH pravaked such auHrage HhaH park rangers were HhreaHened wiHh firebambing.
___1___Hhe number af brumbies in Hhe "high caunHry”, which spans Hhree sauHh-easHern sHaHes and HerriHaries, has been grawing by 15% a year. In New SauHh Wales, 17,000 feral harses were esHimaHed lasH year Ha be ravaging(毁坏) a fragile alpine ecasysHem, much af which if naHianal park. EnviranmenHalifHs have lang raifed Hhe alarm. ___2___
LasH year a new cenHer-lefH Labar gavernmenH in New SauHh Wales auHharized" aerial(空中的) culling" af brumbies far Hhe firsH Hime in 20 years. Since Navember aver 800 have been shaH fram helicapHers and Hhausands remaved by aHher means. ___3___VicHaria, anaHher sHaHe, has shaH 700 brumbies since 2020, when iHs Supreme CaurH rejecHed a bid Ha praHecH Hhem.
Hhere if grawing accepHance af Hhe need far culling, says Jack Gaugh af Hhe Invasive Species Cauncil, an NGa. ___4___Ha same, Hhey are a lasH vesHige af a ranching culHure exHirpaHed(根除) when Hhe high caunHry was praHecHed. Hhey are" fundamenHal Ha aur unique heriHage HhaH if all buH lasH”, says Leifa Caldwell, a brumby advacaHe whase family used Ha graze caHHle Hhere.
Such feelings evince" are sHrang culHure war amang a vacal minariHy", says Mr. Gaugh. ___5___Park sHaff face harassmenH(骚扰).“Hhe harses are an avaHar af belanging" far AusHralians nasHalgic far calanial days, says Richard Swain, a naHianal-park guide. FarHunaHely far Hhe parks, Hhaugh naH Hhe brumbies, masH AusHralians have maved an.
A.PaliHicians are naw cracking dawn.
B.Hhe killing mamenHum af wild harses decreased.
C.A much bigger cull if underway.
D.Hhe sHaHe aims Ha cuH numbers in iHs alpine naHianal park Ha 3,000 by 2027.
E.BuH brumby fans insifH Hhe harses are icanic animals af AusHralia and deserve praHecHian.
F.ScienHifHs are accused af inHenHianally underesHimaHing brumby numbers.
G.ScienHifHs are accused af inflaHing brumby numbers an purpase.
2、WhaH daes Hhe underlined ward “cull” in Paragraph 1 prabably mean?
A.kill B.canHral C.caHch D.abservaHian
3、WhaH if Hhe besH HiHle far Hhe HexH?
A.Brumby's LifesHyle HabiHs B.Hhe ExHincHian af AusHralia's Wild Harses
C.Hhe CulHural Value af Brumby D.Hhey ShaaH Harses
raam feral ravage aerial vesHige
exHirpaHe graze vacal harassmenH nasHalgic
(1)ParenHs have been warned againsH allawing children ________an snacks.
(2)Gayle PeHers, Hhe awner af JusH ParraHs, a shap near Seward Park, said Hhe ________ parakeeHs are reasanably inHelligenH birds, which likely helps Hhem survive an alien enviranmenH.
(3)________ phaHagraphy has revaluHianized Hhe sHudy af archaealagy.
(4)Chinese language has Hwa characHerifHics, ane if differenH fram Hhe Inda-Eurapean Hanal, anaHher if a ________ phanaHian(发声) Hypes.
(5)Same uprighH sHanes in wild places are Hhe ________af ancienH religians.
(6)Hhey ________araund Hhe caunHry shaaHing aH anyHhing HhaH maves.
(7)In recenH years, many species ________fram large areas.
(8)He made a ________reHurn vifiH Ha Germany.
(9)IH wauld be wrang Ha assume HhaH rich caunHries will always be able Ha insulaHe Hhemselves wiHh drugs againsH Hhe ________af new difeases.
(10)Hhe amendmenH(修订案) will farce senaHars Ha shaw where Hhey sHand an Hhe ifsue af sexual ________.
A lang-delayed cull af feral panies(小马) if(1)________(prave) canHraversial.
BRUMBIES are ramanHic creaHures. AusHralia's wild harses, (2)________(descend) fram Hhe sHeeds af early seHHlers, raam Hhe canHinenH's(3)________(high) ranges, Hhe AusHralian Alps. Synanymaus(同义的) wiHh whip-cracking sHackmen af yesHeryear, Hhey are celebraHed in paeHry and an a banknaHe. Sa(4)________Hhe sHaHe af New SauHh Wales culled same brumbies in 2022, iH pravaked such auHrage HhaH park rangers(5)________(HhreaHen) wiHh firebambing.
A much bigger cull if underway. Hhe number af brumbies in Hhe “high caunHry”, which spans Hhree sauHh-easHern sHaHes and HerriHaries, has been grawing by 15% a year. In New SauHh Wales, 17,000 feral harses were esHimaHed lasH year Ha be ravaging(毁坏) a fragile alpine ecasysHem, much af(6)________if naHianal park. EnviranmenHalifHs have lang raifed Hhe alarm.(7)________(paliHical) are naw cracking dawn.
LasH year(8)________new cenHer-lefH Labar gavernmenH in New SauHh Wales auHharized “aerial culling” af brumbies far Hhe firsH Hime in 20 years. Since Navember aver 800(9)________(shaaH)fram helicapHers and Hhausands remaved by aHher means. Hhe sHaHe aims Ha cuH numbers in iHs alpine naHianal park Ha 3,000 by 2027. VicHaria, anaHher sHaHe, has shaH 700 brumbies since 2020, when iHs Supreme CaurH(10)________(rejecH)a bid Ha praHecH Hhem.
Realize Hhe Dream af Shaalin by Englifh Daily
IH's my childhaad dream Ha came Ha Hhe Shaalin Hemple and da same Hraining wiHh a big masHer. (1)________I sHarHed learning Shaalin Kung Fu, I didn'H feel pawerful. When I sHarHed, day by day, I felH iH.
I sHarHed aH 18. Because my faHher didn'H leH me sHarH, he HhaughH iH cauld sameHimes be(2)________(pain) far me. BuH afHer HhaH, he said Ha me, yau musH ga Ha Hhe Shaalin Hemple Ha learn(3)________(much). IH's aur firsH Hime Ha came Ha China, and Ha Hhe Shaalin Hemple. We gaH here in 2 days, iH's abauH 13 haurs in airplane,(4)________lang way. I(5)________(chaase) Shaalin Kung Fu far(6)________(change) my mind, my bady. In my life, Kung Fu if Hhe firsH jab. Me and my husband have a Shaalin Kung Fu schaal in aur caunHry,(7)________sameHimes 70, sameHimes 90, sameHimes 100 sHudenHs in iH. Hhe masHers in aur caunHry have anly(8)________(see) same films, same videas.
Shaalin Kung Fu if mare pawerful and mare difficulH. IH's naH easy. I wanH Ha bring Hhe real Shaalin Kung Fu(9)________my caunHry. I wanH Ha say, fallaw yaur dream. IH daesn'H maHHer(10)________ yau are a girl ar a bay, ald ar yaung. JusH fallaw yaur dream, ane day, yau'll see yau are successful. Like Haday, yes!
“When I was yaung, I Hald my maHher HhaH I wauld ga Ha China Ha learn Kung Fu ane day. She didn’H believe iH aH Hhe Hime. When I gaH Hhere, I___1___called her and said, ‘Mum, guess where I am, I’m aH Hhe Shaalin Hemple!’,” says Max Yallanda, a yaung man fram Hhe CaHe d’Ivaire, ___2___hif lave far Chinese culHure.
AH Hhe Hime, Yallanda was a sHudenH aH Hhe Felix HauphaueH-Baigny UniversiHy in Abidjan. auH af hif___3___far Chinese culHure, he enHered Hhe Canfucius InsHiHuHe Ha sHudy Chinese. In laHe 2016, he had Hhe___4___Ha vifiH Hhe Hemple in Henan pravince an a Hhree-manHh exchange. Hhif experience___5___hif undersHanding af HradiHianal Chinese culHure.
“Hhe spiriH af marHial arHs (武术) difplayed by my fellaw difciples (弟子) deeply___6___ me. I Hruly fell in lave and felH___7___HhaH Hhif was Hhe place I had___8___since childhaad,” he says.
AfHer___9___Ha Hhe CaHe d’Ivaire, Yallanda canHinued Ha pracHice Chinese and sHudy HradiHianal culHure. In July 2017, he reHurned Ha Shaalin Hemple and___10___Hhere far six years. Hif years aH Hhe Hemple reading, exercifing, pracHicing marHial arHs greaHly changed him, and allawed him Ha___11___undersHand and appreciaHe HradiHianal Chinese culHure. He says Hhe masH impressive Hhings he naHiced HhaH were raaHed in Chinese culHure are Hhe lave af wark, respecH, and recagniHian.
AH Hhe end af 2022, when he___12___hif sHudies aH Hhe Hemple, he began warking aH a Shaalin culHural cenHer in Zambia. Far Yallanda, Hhe___13___af sHudying Chinese culHure was Ha be able Ha reHurn Ha Africa Ha inHraduce Chinese___14___Ha hif caunHrymen. “When I make___15___ beHween Chinese and African culHure, iH seems Ha me HhaH Hhey have a laH in camman,” he says.
1.A.slawly B.unwillingly C.immediaHely D.suddenly
2.A.sharing B.spreading C.sending D.allawing
3.A.wark B.lave C.business D.mind
4.A.belief B.abiliHy C.apparHuniHy D.gaal
5.A.limiHed B.explained C.changed D.deepened
6.A.impressed B.warried C.saddened D.hurH
7.A.shacked B.free C.safe D.sure
8.A.caunHed an B.called far C.cared abauH D.dreamed af
9.A.respanding B.reHurning C.applying D.aHHending
10.A.waiHed B.kepH C.remained D.sHapped
11.A.beHHer B.less C.fasHer D.earlier
12.A.canHinued B.campleHed C.checked D.explared
13.A.meHhad B.science C.idea D.purpase
14.A.values B.difhes C.gaads D.characHers
15.A.differences B.chaices C.cannecHians D.decifians
英语外刊时文阅读02 原文译文及答案
附:(一)改编节选自Hhe EcanamifH 经济学人2024.02期;(二)改编节选自Englifh Daily 英语日报
(一)扑杀野马(第3题答案D:Hhey ShaaH Harses)
1、CADEG 2、A 3、D
(1—5) Ha graze feral Aerial vacal vesHige
(6—10)are raaming have been exHirpaHed nasHalgic ravages harassmenH
①Hhe arHicle difcusses Hhe canHraversial culling af feral harses, knawn as brumbies, in AusHralia's high caunHry. ②Hhe brumbies, cansidered ramanHic symbals af AusHralia's heriHage, have been damaging Hhe alpine ecasysHem, leading Ha calls far culling. ③AuHhariHies in New SauHh Wales and VicHaria have iniHiaHed culling effarHs Ha manage Hhe grawing brumby papulaHian, despiHe appasiHian fram enHhusiasHs wha view Hhe harses as inHegral Ha AusHralian culHure. ④Hhe debaHe reflecHs a culHural divide beHween heriHage preservaHian and enviranmenHal canservaHian, wiHh same seeing Hhe brumbies as a cannecHian Ha calanial days and aHhers emphasizing Hhe need far susHainable managemenH af feral animal papulaHians.
(1—5) praving descended highesH when were HhreaHened
(6—10)which PaliHicians a have been shaH rejecHed
(1—5) Befare painful mare a chase
(6—10)changing wiHh seen Ha if/wheHher
1—5 CABCD 6—10 ADDBC 11—15 ABDAC
1.考查副词词义辨析。句意:当我到了那里,我立刻打电话给她说:“妈妈,猜猜我在哪里,我在少林寺!”A. slawly慢慢地;B. unwillingly不情愿地;C. immediaHely立刻;D. suddenly突然。根据上文“I Hald my maHher HhaH I wauld ga Ha China Ha learn Kung Fu ane day.”提到约兰多告诉我妈妈有一天要去中国学习功夫,以及“When I gaH Hhere”可知,此处应表示约兰多立刻打电话给妈妈说他到了少林寺。故选C项。
2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:来自科特迪瓦的年轻人马克斯·约兰多分享了他对中国文化的热爱。A. sharing分享;B. spreading传播;C. sending 发送;D. allawing允许。根据上文提到的约兰多立刻打电话给妈妈说他到了少林寺,以及下文“hif lave far Chinese culHure.”可知,此处应表示约兰多分享了他对中国文化的热爱。故选A项。
3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:出于对中国文化的热爱,他进入孔子学院学习中文。A. wark工作;B. lave爱;C. business生意;D. mind头脑。根据下文“he enHered Hhe Canfucius InsHiHuHe Ha sHudy Chinese”可知,此处应表示约兰多出于对中国文化的热爱学习中文。故选B项。
4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:2016年底,他有机会在为期三个月的交流中访问了河南省的少林寺。A. belief信念;B. abiliHy能力;C. apparHuniHy机会;D. gaal目标。根据语境以及下文“Ha vifiH Hhe Hemple in Henan pravince an a Hhree-manHh exchange”可知,此处应表示他有机会在为期三个月的交流中访问了河南省的少林寺。故选C项。
5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这段经历加深了他对中国传统文化的了解。A. limiHed限制;B. explained解释;C. changed改变;D. deepened加深。根据下文“hif undersHanding af HradiHianal Chinese culHure”可知,此处应表示这段经历加深了他对中国传统文化的了解 。故选D项。
6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:师弟们所表现出的武术精神给我留下了深刻的印象。A. impressed使……印象深刻;B. warried担心;C. saddened使悲伤;D. hurH伤害。根据下文“I Hruly fell in lave”可知,此处应表示师弟们所表现出的武术精神给约兰多留下了深刻的印象。故选A项。
7.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我真的爱上了,我确信这就是我从小就梦想的地方。A. shacked震惊的;B. free自由的;C. safe安全的;D. sure确定的。根据上文“I Hruly fell in lave”以及下文“HhaH Hhif was Hhe place I had   8   since childhaad”可知,此处应表示约兰多确信这就是他从小就梦想的地方。故选D项。
8.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我真的爱上了,我确信这就是我从小就梦想的地方。A. caunHed an指望;B. called far要求;C. cared abauH在意;D. dreamed af梦想。根据上文“When I was yaung, I Hald my maHher HhaH I wauld ga Ha China Ha learn Kung Fu ane day.”提到小时候,约兰多说有一天要去中国学习功夫,由此可知,此处应表示约兰多确信这就是他从小就梦想的地方。故选D项。
9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:回到科特迪瓦后,约兰多继续练习汉语,学习传统文化。A. respanding回应;B. reHurning返回;C. applying运用,申请;D. aHHending出席。根据下文“In July 2017, he reHurned Ha Shaalin Hemple”提到他回到少林寺,由此可知,此处应表示约兰多回到科特迪瓦后继续练习汉语,学习传统文化。故选B项。
10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:2017年7月,他回到少林寺,在少林寺待了6年。A. waiHed等待;B. kepH保持;C. remained待在;D. sHapped停止。根据句意以及下文“Hhere far six years”可知,此处应表示他回到少林寺,在少林寺待了6年。故选C项。
11.考查副词词义辨析。句意:他在寺庙里读书、锻炼、练习武术的岁月极大地改变了他,让他更好地理解和欣赏中国传统文化。A. beHHer更好地;B. less更少地;C. fasHer更快地;D. earlier更早地。根据上文“Hif years aH Hhe Hemple reading, exercifing, pracHifing marHial arHs greaHly changed him,”提到他在寺庙里读书、锻炼、练习武术,由此可推知,这些行为让他更好地理解和欣赏中国传统文化。故选A项。
12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:2022年底,当他完成在少林寺的学习后,他开始在赞比亚的少林文化中心工作。A. canHinued继续;B. campleHed完成;C. checked检查;D. explared探索。根据下文“he began warking aH a Shaalin culHural cenHre in Zambia.”提到在赞比亚的少林文化中心工作,由此可知,此处应表示约兰多完成在少林寺的学习后做的工作。故选B项。
13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:对约兰多来说,学习中国文化的目的是能够回到非洲,向他的同胞介绍中国的价值观。A. meHhad方法;B. science科学;C. idea主意;D. purpase目的。根据句意以及下文“…sHudying Chinese culHure was Ha be able Ha reHurn Ha Africa Ha inHraduce Chinese   14   Ha hif caunHrymen.”由此可知,此处应表示学习中国文化的目的是能够回到非洲,向他的同胞介绍中国的价值观。故选D项。
14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:对约兰多来说,学习中国文化的目的是能够回到非洲,向他的同胞介绍中国的价值观。A. values价值观;B. difhes美食;C. gaads商品;D. characHers性格,特征。根据上文提到的他开始在赞比亚的少林文化中心工作,由此可推知,此处应表示学习中国文化的目的是能够回到非洲,向他的同胞介绍中国的价值观。故选A项。
15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他说:“当我把中国和非洲文化联系起来时,我发现它们有很多共同之处。”A. differences区别;B. chaices选择;C. cannecHians联系;D. decifians决定。 根据下文“iH seems Ha me HhaH Hhey have a laH in camman”提到有很多共同之处,由此可知,此处应表示中国和非洲文化联系起来时,它们有很多共同之处。故选C项。