北师大版(2019)必修第一册Unit 1 Life Choices Topic Talk 词汇检测导学案(含答案)


名称 北师大版(2019)必修第一册Unit 1 Life Choices Topic Talk 词汇检测导学案(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 25.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 北师大版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-12-19 16:50:39



Unit 1 Life Choioce
Topic talk
1. 较年长、地位较高的 adj _____________
2. 充满压力的;紧张的 adj _____________
3. 有挑战性的 adj _____________
4. 不同;相异;有区别 vi _____________
5. 以前的;先前的 adj _____________
6. 校园 n _____________
7. 日程安排;时刻表 n_____________
8. 期待;预期;期望 n_____________
9. 自信;信心 n _____________
10. 章节;重要篇章 n _____________
11. 总而言之 _____________
12. 一套公寓 n _____________
13. 班;轮班 n _____________
14. 压力 n _____________
15. 空闲;闲暇 n _____________
16. 恢复过来 v _____________
17. 伤;损伤 n _____________
18. 使受伤 v _____________
19. 不幸地;遗憾地 adv _____________
20. 幸运地;幸亏 adv _____________
21. 挑战; n _____________
22. 出现;发生 v _____________
23. secondary adj _____________
24. dynamic adj _______________
petence n _____________
petent adj _____________
senior / junior:
词块:senior / junior secondary / high school
词族:stress — stressed — stressful
3. challenging:challenge + -ing
challenge:词源义 — 贬义的挑刺到褒义的挑战;
词块:face / meet / rise to the challenge
take on / take up the challenge
solve / overcome the challenge
4. differ:构词法:differ — difference
词块:differ from
previous:pre- (before 在前) + via (road 路);
派生词 previously
词块:previous to
6. dynamic:词块:dynamic personality / music
7. campus:词块 on campus
8. schedule:在英式英语中,schedule指工作计划、日程安排,timetable指时间表、时刻表。
词块:ahead of / on / behind schedule;
名词动词化:as scheduled,schedule sb / sth to do sth
9. expectation:expect + -ation
10. confident:词源 con- (together 共同)+ -fid-(trust 信任)+ -ent
词族 :confident — confidently — confidence;
词块 :be confident about / of / that从句
confidence:词块:have / lose confidence in sb
increase / build up one’s confidence,
lack / gain confidence
11. competence: compete — competence
12. chapter:隐喻:由具体的篇章到抽象的篇章
13. apartment:apartment是美式英语,对应的英式英语是flat
14. shift:词块:shift from ... to, day / night shift
15. pressure:press + -ure
词块: blood pressure, under pressure, put pressure on sb
16. leisure:词块:leisure time / activities
17. recover:re- (back / away 再,重新) + cover- (= cup- 抓住,得到) → 重新获得 ;
派生词 recovery
词块:recover from
re-前缀:表示again:remind, revise, repeat, review
表示 back / away:recover, remove, reduce, return
18. injury:词族:injure — injured — injury
词块:suffer (from) an injury, a head / leg / knee injury,
personal injury
19. plus:反义词 minus;熟词生义:优点
词块:on the plus side
20. unfortunately:un- + fortunate + -ly
同义词 unluckily,反义词 fortunately / luckily
词族:fortune — fortunate — fortunately —
unfortunate — unfortunately
21. arise:a- (向上) + rise (升起)
词块:arise from
(1)n [C] & [U] 日程安排;时刻表
[英文释义]a plan of things that will happen or of work that must be done (timetable)
a class / train schedule
The majority of holiday flights depart and arrive on schedule.
Thanks to your help, we accomplished the task ahead of schedule.
The tunnel project has already fallen behind schedule.
[英文释义] to plan that sth will happen at a particular time:
As scheduled, we have English Talent Show today.
① schedule sth (for sth):
The summer sale is scheduled for tomorrow.
② schedule sb / sth to do sth:
The trip is scheduled to start on December 21 in New York City. 2017 全国
confidence n [U]
(1)信赖;信任 trust or strong belief in sb / sth else:
have / lose confidence in sb
lack of confidence in sb / sth
gain / win / earn sb’s confidence
(2)自信;信心 the feeling that you’re sure about your own abilities, opinions, etc.:
increase / build up one’s confidence
I gained so much confidence that I went back to school as a new person.
Naturally, shy people might not have enough confidence to start up conversations with strangers.
(3)确信;把握 the feeling that sth will happen or is true:
We have full confidence that we shall succeed.
confident adj 有信心的;自信的:a confident smile
(be) confident about sth: I feel confident about the interview.
(be) confident of (doing) sth:
We are confident of our success.
(be) confident + that 从句:
We are confident that the environment will be improved by our further efforts.
【拓展】 confidently adv 自信地;确信地
confidential adj 机密的;机要的
(1)v. recover的词源义是“come back, return; regain health; get again”,它的基本义——重新获得 “get again (regain)”
(2) vt. (意识、知觉等)恢复 to get back the use of your senses, control of your emotion, etc.:
eg. It took her a few minutes to recover consciousness.
(3) vi. (从疾病或病态等中) 恢复过来 to get well again after being ill,hurt, etc.; to return to a normal state:
eg. The economy is at last beginning to recover. How can Linda recover from her illness in this room when it’s so dirty and dusty
(4)vt. 重新获得 to find or get back sth that was lost or stolen:Police have recovered the stolen car. We worked hard to recover the lost time.
challenge ■ vt
(1)向……挑战;邀请……比赛:challenge sb (to sth)
eg. I challenged him to a game of chess.
(2)对……质疑 to question whether sth is right, legal, etc.:challenge a view
(3)考验……的能力 to test sb’s ability and skills:
eg. The job doesn’t really challenge her.
challenging adj 有挑战性的
eg. Challenging as the activity was, everyone enjoyed it and all the participants benefited a lot from it.
1. I need to make a workable ______________(时间表).
2. I went back to the UK earlier than ___________________ (原计划).(2016 全国改)
3. We make every effort to ensure trains run ___________________ (依照计划;按时). (2020 全国改)
4. Having worked for two days, Steve managed to finish his report _______________ schedule.(2015 天津)
5. The trip _______________ (schedule) to start on December 21 in New York City and continue on to Milan, Paris and Bangkok.(2017 全国改)
1. Every day, you’ll learn some new English vocabulary, idioms and phrasal verbs. And you’ll feel more confident __________________ working and making friends in English. (2010 湖北)
2. It’s important that children learn to read _________ confidence.
3. Once you are confident _________ your power over bad situations, problems are just stepping stones to success. (2010 广东)
4. The little girl walked ___________ (confident) onto the stage, ready for her first speech.
二. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子
1.____________________________________________________________________________________________ (自信) will help you make better choices because you can see what the best outcome would be for your well-being. (2015 全国)
2. ____________________________________ (我们相信) the environment will be improved by our further efforts to reduce pollution. (2013 辽宁)
1.要有充足的睡眠,这会帮助我们的眼睛从疲劳中恢复过来。(2007 天津书面表达)
2. 在我的精心照料下,我妈妈迅速恢复了健康。(2013 北京书面表达)
2.originally scheduled
3. as scheduled
4. on
5. is scheduled
1.in / of / about
Having confidence in yourself / Having self-confidence / Being self-confident / Being confident in yourself
We are confident / We have confidence that
Have enough sleep, which will help our eyes recover from tiredness.
With my special care, my mother recovered quickly.