Unit 2 A Life’ Work Writing An expository essay 教学设计 -2024-2025学年高中英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第三册


名称 Unit 2 A Life’ Work Writing An expository essay 教学设计 -2024-2025学年高中英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第三册
格式 docx
文件大小 2.5MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-12-24 17:20:00



外研版选择性必修第三册 Unit 2 A Life’s Work
Writing an expository essay
单元主题:本单元的主题语境是“人与自我”,涉及的主题语境内容是工匠精神。本单元的内容从《庖丁解牛》的寓言故事开始,依次介绍了与美国著名摄影师Bill Cunningham,中国京剧表演艺术家梅兰芳,“两弹一星”元勋科学家邓稼先、于敏和钱学森,故宫钟表修复师王津以及“样式雷”家族等相关的学习内容,旨在引导学生在了解这些名人的事迹后,学习他们的工匠精神,克服困难,迎接挑战,培养钻研探索的精神,发现自己的人生价值,用持之以恒的精神实现人生理想。本堂课是外研版选择性必修第三册第二单元 A life’s work 中Developing Ideas的一节读写课。
通过对“样式雷”家族的介绍,学生能够加深对工匠精神的理解和认识,并且初步了解和掌握说明文的写作内容和写作方法。 在写作过程中,要求学生学习说明文的结构,并能仿照阅读部分,选取中国历史中的一些具有影响力的任务来完成写作任务。也注重了培养学生的文化意识,毕竟文化意识的培养有助于学生增强国家认同和家国情怀,学会做人做事,成长成为有文明素养和社会责任感的人。
本文是一篇人物的说明文。文章共4段,第一段进行了简单的介绍;第二三段举例说明样式雷优秀的品质;第四段进行了总结和评价了样式雷家族。作者使用了分总的结构;时态在描述人物的过往是用一般过去时,而在最后一段对人物评价时应采用一般现在时。重点词汇和句型:dominate, admirable, incredible, be associated with, skill, diligence, humility, innovation, ture craftwork...;So...is/was 主 that...(倒装句), 主句,介词 which/whom...(定语从句),With…and…,人物... ;过度性词语为:also,in addition to…
通过问卷调查,发现学生主要存在以下几种问题:1. 语法知识的欠缺,比如时态的误用;平时缺乏相关主题词汇的积累和造句能力,以及语言素材的积累。2. 学生的作文没有构思,不注意体裁,未理提纲的作文章法太乱,语言质量差。最难克服的就是学生往往陷入中文写作的思维和惯例,写成的都是老师看不懂的“中式英文”。3.不注重同伴与教师的评价。作文发下去,只注重分数。
一. 教学目标:
Read the passage and know how to write an expository essay
Make the students write their own essay
Interactive approach ,brainstorm,discussion
A projector and a computer
Teaching procedures
Step 1:Leading in and checking their homework(4mins).
Before the class, ask some students to present the information they have gathered about The Lei family.(Their homework is to read a letter from Lily, a friend of mine,then gather some information about the Lei family or other people like them. )
Dear friends,
I’m Lily, a friend of Ms. Wang’s. I come from USA. This summer ,I travelled some places of interest in China, such as the Summer Palace, Yuanmingyuan . I surprisedly find that these places were all built by members of the same family — the Lei family. So, I surfed the Internet , a passage caught my attention. After reading it, I am strongly passionate about this kind of people in China. Can you recommend someone in China and write a passage like this for me
Looking forward to your reply.
PS The passage about the Lei family is attached.
Then show them a short video about the Lei family to lead in today’s topic.
Purposes:创设语境,引出话题。 创设出这堂课的主题—通过写一封介绍人物的说明文来帮助lily,并且通过这封邮件,引出“样式雷”的文章)。
Step 2. Pre-writing
Then ,the student should read the passage .There are something the students must know after reading this passage :1. The main idea of this passage; 2.The tense, layout, linking words and sentences of an expository essay by ;3.The spirt of the craftsmanship .
Activity 1: Read for understanding(Read to know the Lei Family(7mins).
The students are given 7mins to read this passage individually and I’ll choose someone to answer and check them
Para. 1 (brief introduction) For ______ generations, the Lei family were behind the marvels of imperial architecture. So incredible was their skill that many of their buildings _______ earthquakes and remained ________ over hundreds of people.
Para. 2&Para. 3 (qualities and examples) 1.The Lei family were also pioneering engineers, who used a grid system to plan their projects in minute detail.—quality_________ They took careful notes and made models of their projects, many of which have survived to this day and are registered as part of UNESCO’s Memory of the World Programme .—quality_____ 3.Each generation conscientiously learnt their craft and undertook ambitious projects, many of which took years to complete. ---quality__________ 4.Yet they did not seek fame, and even today, their great works are associated more with the imperial court than with them. ---quality_________
Para. 4 (conclusion) With their above qualities, the Lei family leave behind their buildings and the legacy that ______________is a treasure that can be everlasting.
Purposes: 以表格的形式,更直观地培养学生的语言理解能力和归纳能力(特别是处理第二和三段降低了学生的寻找信息的难度,给出例子让学生归纳品质)。
Activity 2: Read for thinking(7mins)
First, tell the features of an expository essay.
An expository essay contains a fair and balanced analysis of an event, a situation or an idea. It commonly begins by clearly stating what it aims to explain or analyze. The main body comprises paragraphs with supporting evidence and facts. It concludes by reviewing the main theme of the essay in light of all the evidence that has been presented.
After that, the students should discuss with their partners to fill in the chart(tense and layout of this passage). Some students will be asked to write their linking words and sentences on the blackboard.
Step 3.While-writing(12mins)
The students choose one person who demonstrates the spirit of craftsmanship to complete the notes.(2mins)
Then ,The students use what they’ve learnt to help Lily and write an essay for her.(10mins)
Attention: Please keep in mind the three parts to be included in an expository essay: beginning, main body and conclusion.Try to use the words and expressions you have learned.
Purposes: 给学生时间完成写作,目的在于让他们把刚才学到的东西进行消化,转化并能表达总结的观点。培养学生的学习能力(合作学习,探究学习),语言能力。学生通过写作这一步骤培养学生对语言的生成能力和能够运用常规句法语法进行综合运用,并培养他们的学习模仿能力,并能形成总结的创造力。
Step 4.Post-writing(7mins)
The students check their essay with their partners . But they must refer to the following standards.
Questions Your evaluation Evaluator
Do you use the right tense 3 2 1
Is your essay complete (brief introduction, qualities and example, conclusion) 6 4 2
Do you use the linking words or sentences 5 3 1
How is the handwriting 3 2 1
Have you learnt the craftsmanship spirit from them 3 2 1
After that , some students present their essays on the platform. (show one of them )
Purposes:学生进行自我评价和完善本次作文。对教与学的行为实施评价是改进的必要措施。此外,当同学们完成评价后, 一两位同学上讲台来展示他们得作品,借此对中国传统文化进行宣扬,增加自我的文化自信。
One possible version:
Born into a family of craftsmen, Luban is the originator of Chinese architecture and carpenters. His inventions, such as the saw, the curved ruler, the umbrella and so on, freed carpenters from heavy labor and multiplied their labor efficiency.
He was also a creator who created a saw simply by observing the leaves of a plant. Throughout his life Luban continued to study and create many useful tools. So useful are his tools that people still use them .
People established the Luban Prize for Construction to let future generations remember Luban’s innovation and persistent of the craftsman spirit, which is also the spiritual strength of the continuous progress of the Chinese nation.
Step 5. Summary(2mins)
Praise the students ,and tell them I’ll choose some for Lily. Lily will be more than pleasured to see these essays. As a Chinese, it’s our duty to spread our traditional culture to foreigners. As a youth in China, it’s vital to learn from the old and create more. They should remember the spirit of the craftsmanship and the qualities they have.
Step 6. Homework (2mins)
Enjoy a short video about Luban, a famous craftsman in Chinese history and write down something useful.
2.Finish writing this article.
内容包括:1.人物简介及事迹 2.意义或启示
3.Do a research:
Do you know people around you who spend their whole lives doing the same thing (These thing don’t have to be great or influential.) Do you find some qualities from After that ,think about yourself. What kind of people do you want to be And what kind of qualities do you have to realize your value in life Write an essay about it.
People Qualities The people I want to be Qualities
Purposes:通过做调查的 过程,让学生去发现普通人中或他们熟悉的人物中的一些具有工匠精神的人们,了解他们的品质及相似之处。并要求他们写下自己未来要从事什么职业,以及需要具备什么样的品质才能实现自己的人生价值。体现了人与自我这一大主题。(创新)
课题信息:教材版本( 外研版 )、第(选择性必修第三册 )册、第( 二 )单元、第( 5 )课、课题(Writing an expository essay )
我的学习目标 基础目标: 1)理解性技能:我能把握人物说明文的主要内容,结构以及语言特征; 2)表达性技能:我会根据表达的目的进行写作,从而帮助Lily了解更多中国文化和历史文物。 2. 发展目标: 文化知识:我能通过分析,思考和鉴别语篇包含或反映的社会文化视角,做出正确的价值判断。了解工匠精神,升华工匠精神。 2)学习策略:元认知策略:我能计划、监控自己的写作过程,并依据标准对写作行为和成果进行评价与反思; 认知策略:我能利用图片等手段收集、整理信息;根据语篇类型和特点,了解篇章的主要内容和写作意图。 3)情感策略:我能有合作学习的意识,乐于分享学习观点和具有乐于助人的精神。
我的研究 前测目的 呈现方式 信息技术推送、分析工具
任务一 Finish a writing status questionnaire for high school(高中学生写作现状的调查问卷) 为了了解高中生的写作现状以及对英语写作的认识和看法,以便更好地服务教学 收集的相关信息 数智化创新服务AI办公平台 Surf the Internet
任务二 Read an E-mail from Lily,a friend of mine.And surf the internet to know something about the Lei family.Besides,the students should find out someone to recommend. Dear friends, I’m Lily, a friend of Ms. Wang’s. I come from USA. This summer ,I travelled some places of interest in China, such as the Summer Palace, Yuanmingyuan . I surprisedly find that these places were all built by members of the same family — the Lei family. So, I surfed the Internet , a passage caught my attention. After reading it, I am strongly passionate about this kind of people in China. Can you recommend someone in China and write a passage like this for me Looking forward to your reply. PS The passage about the Lei family is attached. Yours, Lily PS. You can send a link to a web page or screen recording. 创设语境,引出话题。 创设出这堂课的主题—通过写一封介绍人物的说明文来帮助lily,并且通过这封邮件,引出“样式雷”的文章)。 文字说明
我的问题 Who is the Lei family What did they do to attract Lily’s attention How can I get information about the Lei family Which Chinese person like the Lei family should I recommend to Lily 分析工具the Internet(Little Red Book, Google,Sohu....)
课题信息:教材版本( 外研版 )、第(选择性必修第三册 )册、第( 二 )单元、第( 5 )课、课题( Writing an expository essay )
课 堂 进 程 环节 目标 主问题/主任务/追问补问 反馈方式(技术工具) 信息技术突破点(动画、图片、视频;学科专用软件;数字平台、工具、资源等) 所需时间 学生可能出现的问题及对策 环节小结与过渡
Step1:Leading in and checking their homework Show the students ’ homework and lead in the Lei family. Got the information about the Lei family briefly Lead in Screen recording A short video 4mins 没有做好充分资料的收集,通过视频来引出样式雷并补充相关信息 After the video and show the students the passage about the Lei family on their books.
Step 2: Pre-writing Show the students the passage that Lily found. Then , the student should read the passage. Activity 1: Read for understanding(Read to know the Lei Family Activity 2: Read for thinking There are something the students must know after reading this passage : 1.The main idea of this passage; 2.The tense, layout, linking words and sentences of an expository essay by ; 3.The spirit of the craftsmanship . Know more detailed information about the Lei family and the structure 词云和表格 词云图片凸显出本篇文章的主题以表格的形式,更直观地培养 学生的语言理解能力和归纳能力(特别是处理第二和三段降低了学生的寻找信息的难度,给出例子让学生归纳品质)。 PPT 14 mins 部分学生不能再有限的时间里找到相关信息,说明文的结构以及归纳出工匠品质,通过讨论和ppt为学生提供相关信息 The students must know how to write an expository essay, which provided the material and direction for the subsequent writing.
Step 3:While-writing The students choose one person who demonstrates the spirit of craftsmanship to complete the notes. Then ,The students use what they’ve learned to help Lily and write an essay for her. Make the students digest what they have just learned and express their opinion freely. Cultivate their ability to learn and imitate. writing 12 mins 学生不能在有限时间完成写作。补充相关短语,句型 Collect information about students’ completion.
Step 4.Post-writing The students check their essay with their partners . But they must refer to the following standards. After that , some students present their essays on the platform. The evaluation of teaching and learning behavior is a necessary measure for improvement. Students conduct self-evaluation and improve their essays. Projection screen 希沃 7mins 部分学生不能准确评估,给予他们相关分数帮助他们对自己与他人的作文进行正确评估 After the evaluation,I should publicize the tradition Chinese culture and increase the student’s cultural confidence.
Step 5. Summary Praise the students ,and tell them I’ll choose some for Lily. Lily will be more than pleasured to see these essays. As a Chinese, it’s our duty to spread our traditional culture to foreigners. As a youth in China, it’s vital to learn from the old and create more. They should remember the spirit of the craftsmanship and the qualities they have. Enhance students’ cultural awareness and emphasize the craftsman spirit. summarize pictures PPT 2mins “Tell Chinese stories in English” introduce beautiful China and influential people to foreign countries.
课题信息:教材版本( 外研版 )、第(选择性必修第三册 )册、第( 二 )单元、第( 5)课、课题(Writing an expository essay )
基础题 检测目标 通过观看视频,记下可以使用的单词及了解鲁班的工匠精神。(理解) 评价标准 分层推送、反馈工具及精准辅导方式
Enjoy a short video about Luban, a famous craftsman in Chinese history and write down something useful. 传承中国文化---介绍鲁班(范文) 生于工匠世家的鲁班,是我国建筑鼻祖和木匠鼻祖。他的发明,比如锯子.曲尺,伞等,使工匠们从繁重的劳动中解放出来,劳动效率成倍提高。 他也是一个创作者,他仅仅通过观察一种植物的叶子,而创造出锯子。他一生中,鲁班不断研究和创造来很多有用的工具。他的工具是如此的有用,以至于人们仍然使用他们。鲁班为我们树立了一个好榜样,他是值得我们崇拜和尊敬的。 鲁班奖的设立是为了让后世子孙牢记鲁班的创新和坚持不懈的工匠精神,也是中华民族不断进步的精神力量。 One possible version: Born into a family of craftsmen, Luban is the originator of Chinese architecture and carpenters. His inventions, such as the saw, the curved ruler, the umbrella and so on, freed carpenters from heavy labor and multiplied their labor efficiency. He was also a creator who created a saw simply by observing the leaves of a plant. Throughout his life Luban continued to study and create many useful tools. So useful are his tools that people still use them . People established the Luban Prize for Construction to let future generations remember Luban’s innovation and persistent of the craftsman spirit, which is also the spiritual strength of the continuous progress of the Chinese nation. 水平1: 能分析语篇类型和语言特点,识别语篇为传递意义而选用的主要词汇和语法结构,并了解中国优秀人物。 水平2: 使用所学语言知识和文化知识,综合运用学习策略,确切地进行书面表达,传递信息。 水平3:在理解及运用地基础上进行创新,并结合生活实际,对人物说明文类地文章进行再次巩固。 推送工具:自行制作的爱AI动画。(用英语讲好中国故事) 反馈工具:希沃投频 精准辅导方式:国家中小学智慧教育平台中的学习资源 基础教育精品课
变式题 检测目标 高考真题的加入,能使课程更贴合高考导向,并让学生真切感知高考的难度及能力要求。(运用)
2.Finish writing this article. 你们学校正举办主题为“用英文讲中国故事”的征文活动。请你以一位中国历史人物为题写一篇短文投稿, 内容包括:1.人物简介及事迹 2.意义或启示
综合题 检测目标 通过做调查的 过程,让学生去发现普通人中或他们熟悉的人物中的一些具有工匠精神的人们,了解他们的品质及相似之处。并要求他们写下自己未来要从事什么职业,以及需要具备什么样的品质才能实现自己的人生价值。体现了人与自我这一大 主题。(创新)
3.Do a research: Do you know people around you who spend their whole lives doing the same thing (These thing don’t have to be great or influential.) Do you find some qualities from After that ,think about yourself. What kind of people do you want to be And what kind of qualities do you have to realize your value in life Write an essay about it. People Qualities The people I want to be Qualities