Luis scanned the field. The soccer ball was tucked (盘带) between his feet. He searched and searched until… there! His friend Nicholas was wide open. He passed the ball to Nicholas. Nicholas trapped the ball and swung his leg back, kicked, and…
GOAL!!! Luis leaped up and down, celebrating. Just then, Devon walked up, his face twisted in anger. Devon had started playing soccer during breaks with them a few weeks ago. He was a nice enough guy when he felt like things in the game had gone his way. But when he felt like they hadn’t, watch out.
“Why didn’t you pass the ball to me, Luis ” Devon shouted.
“Guy, you weren’t open. It’s just that simple.” Luis responded.
“I’m fast though!” Devon protested, his voice still loud and angry.
Luis ignored him. He didn’t like being dragged into arguments. So that’s what he did with Devon most of the time —just ignored him. It almost always worked.
“I don’t like the way that Devon talks after soccer,” Nicholas said. Luis looked up from his book. They took the same bus after school.
“What do you mean ” he asked as Nicholas sat down.
“He’s always yelling at people and bragging (吹嘘) about himself.” Luis nodded. That was true. “It isn’t right,” Nicholas continued. “It makes soccer less fun. I want to tell him that he can’t play with us anymore. I already talked to all the other guys and they all agreed with me.” Nicholas said. His eyes were set in determination.
The bus started to slow down for Nicholas’ stop. Nicholas stood up, swinging his backpack back onto his shoulder. Luis watched as Nicholas ran off the bus. Although everyone had been getting a bit sick of Devon ruining soccer for a while, shutting him out seemed too extreme. He spent the rest of the ride trying to figure out what he should do.
The next day Luis asked Devon if he could talk with him. Devon kept playing soccer with them for the rest of the school year.
文章讲述了 Luis 和 Nicholas 等一群孩子在课间踢足球,Luis 传球给 Nicholas 使其进球后,Devon 却因未接到球而愤怒质问 Luis。Devon 平时在比赛不如意时就会发火且爱吹嘘自己,这让大家对他有些不满。Nicholas 向 Luis 表示想让 Devon 退出球队,因为他的行为影响了大家踢球的乐趣,且其他队员也都同意这一想法。然而,Luis 觉得这样做太极端,于是在第二天找 Devon 谈话,希望他能意识到自己的问题并改正,而不是直接将他排斥在外。最终 Devon 认识到错误并做出改变,在接下来的一学期都和大家一起愉快地踢球,还为球队做出了贡献,整个团队也变得更加团结。
伏笔:Devon 在比赛不如意时就会发火且爱吹嘘,这为 Nicholas 提出不想让他再一起踢球做铺垫,也暗示了 Devon 的行为已经引起了大家的反感。回应:Luis 找 Devon 谈话,直接指出他的问题,促使 Devon 认识到错误并改正,从而化解了团队的危机,使情节得以转折和发展。
伏笔:Luis 不喜欢卷入争吵,所以大多数时候选择忽视 Devon,这为他后来主动找 Devon 谈话做对比,突出 Luis 为解决问题所做出的努力和改变。回应:Luis 克服自己的习惯,主动与 Devon 沟通,展现了他的担当和解决问题的积极态度,推动故事向积极方向发展。
伏笔:Nicholas 与 Luis 同乘校车并交流对 Devon 的看法,且提到已和其他队员商量好不让 Devon 踢球,为 Luis 的思考和后续行动营造了紧张的氛围,也促使 Luis 必须尽快做出决定。回应:Luis 经过思考后决定找 Devon 谈话,而不是随大流地排斥他,体现了 Luis 的善良和理性,同时也避免了团队矛盾的进一步激化。
伏笔:Devon 虽然有不好的行为,但在比赛中仍积极参与,暗示他对足球的热爱,为他后来愿意改正错误并继续和大家踢球提供了内在动力。回应:Devon 在认识到自己的问题后,努力改正,并且在之后的比赛中为球队做出贡献,实现了从问题制造者到团队贡献者的转变,深化了文章关于成长和团队合作的主题。
伏笔:文章开头描述的激烈足球比赛场景,以及 Luis 和 Nicholas 的默契配合,与 Devon 引发的矛盾形成对比,突出了团队和谐的重要性,也为后来 Devon 改变后团队更加团结做铺垫。回应:在 Devon 改变行为后,整个团队重新找回了快乐和团结,比赛变得更加精彩,再次强调了良好人际关系和团队氛围对于活动的积极影响,升华了文章主旨。
情感线:Luis 起初有些紧张和忐忑,担心 Devon 不接受他的建议甚至会引发更大的矛盾,但同时又怀着真诚和友善,希望能够帮助 Devon 认识到问题并改善团队氛围。Devon 则从最初的惊讶、抵触逐渐转变为羞愧和反思,开始意识到自己的行为给大家带来的不良影响,情感上有了明显的起伏和转变。
故事线:详细描述 Luis 如何鼓起勇气找 Devon 谈话,选择的地点和时机,比如在课间操场的角落,趁其他同学不注意时。谈话过程中,Luis 诚恳地指出 Devon 的问题,同时也表达了大家对他球技的认可和希望他留下来的意愿,例如 “我们都知道你球踢得不错,也很想和你一起玩,但你的那些行为让大家有些不开心”。Devon 的反应从一开始的生气反驳,如 “我怎么了,我只是表达自己的想法”,到后来逐渐沉默、低头思考,展现出他内心的挣扎和转变,为下文他的改变做铺垫。
主旨升华句:“True friendship is not about avoiding conflicts, but having the courage to face them and the kindness to help each other grow. In that quiet corner of the playground, we took the first step towards a better team and a stronger bond.”(真正的友谊不是逃避冲突,而是有勇气去面对并以善良之心帮助彼此成长。在操场那个安静的角落,我们朝着更好的团队和更紧密的关系迈出了第一步。)
情感线:Devon 充满感激和决心,感激 Luis 给他的机会,决心用实际行动来证明自己的改变,重新融入团队。整个团队则从之前的不满和分裂倾向,转变为对 Devon 的接纳和支持,大家一起享受足球带来的快乐,情感上更加和谐、积极,对团队充满热爱和自豪。
故事线:讲述 Devon 在后续比赛中的具体改变,如在进球后不再吹嘘,而是和队友们拥抱庆祝;在队友失误时,给予鼓励而不是指责。可以描述一场关键比赛,Devon 发挥出色,帮助球队取得胜利,队友们纷纷为他欢呼的场景,“Devon 带着球突破对方防线,一脚射门,球进了!全场沸腾,队友们跑过来将他紧紧围住,那一刻,我们不再是有矛盾的个体,而是一个团结的整体”。通过这些细节,体现 Devon 的成长以及团队的团结协作,最后点明这次经历对大家的重要意义,即学会了包容、理解和共同成长。
主旨升华句:“In the game of soccer and the game of life, we learned that everyone makes mistakes, but it's how we respond to them that defines us. By embracing change and forgiveness, we created a team that was not only stronger on the field but also in our hearts, united by the spirit of sportsmanship and friendship.”(在足球比赛和人生这场游戏中,我们明白了每个人都会犯错,但我们对待错误的方式决定了我们的人生。通过接纳改变和宽容,我们打造了一支不仅在球场上更强大,而且在内心深处也更强大的团队,被体育精神和友谊的力量紧紧相连。)
The next day Luis asked Devon if he could talk with him. His heart was pounding as he approached Devon, who was kicking a stone around in the schoolyard. “Hey, Devon,” Luis said, trying to sound calm. Devon looked up, a bit startled. “Can we talk for a minute ” Luis continued. Devon shrugged and followed him to a secluded spot under a tree. Luis took a deep breath and began, “Devon, you know we all like playing soccer together, but lately, your behavior after the games has been a bit much. We just want to have fun and enjoy the sport.” Devon's eyes widened, and he opened his mouth to argue, but Luis held up his hand. “I know you don't mean to, but it makes it less enjoyable for everyone. We really want you to stay on the team, but you need to work on this.” Devon's face flushed, and he looked down at his feet. After a moment, he nodded. “I guess I didn't realize. I'll try to do better.”
Devon kept playing soccer with them for the rest of the school year. At the next game, everyone was a bit nervous about how Devon would act. But when he scored a goal, instead of bragging, he ran over to his teammates and high-fived them. The team cheered, and Luis felt a sense of relief. As the season progressed, Devon became a more positive presence. He encouraged his teammates during tough plays and was the first to offer a hand when someone fell. The team grew closer, and their games were filled with laughter and camaraderie. “True friendship is not about avoiding conflicts, but having the courage to face them and the kindness to help each other grow. In that quiet corner of the playground, we took the first step towards a better team and a stronger bond.”
The next day Luis asked Devon if he could talk with him. He found Devon sitting alone on a bench, looking sullen. Luis walked over slowly and sat down beside him. “Devon, I want to talk to you about something important,” he said softly. Devon glanced at him warily. “I know you love soccer, and so do we. But the way you've been acting after the games has been causing some problems.” Luis paused, choosing his words carefully. “We don't want to exclude you, but we need to have a good time together.” Devon's expression softened, and he muttered, “I just get so caught up in the moment.” Luis nodded. “I understand, but we need to find a better way to handle it.” They talked for a while longer, and Devon promised to make an effort to change.
Devon kept playing soccer with them for the rest of the school year. In the following matches, Devon was a different player. He cheered for his teammates, offered constructive feedback, and was more focused on the team's success than his own glory. One particular game was tied in the final minutes, and Devon made a brilliant pass that led to the winning goal. The team erupted in celebration, and Devon was at the center of it, beaming with pride. This experience taught them all the value of communication, forgiveness, and teamwork. “In the game of soccer and the game of life, we learned that everyone makes mistakes, but it's how we respond to them that defines us. By embracing change and forgiveness, we created a team that was not only stronger on the field but also in our hearts, united by the spirit of sportsmanship and friendship.”
The next day Luis asked Devon if he could talk with him. Luis explained how everyone enjoyed his contribution to the game, but his reactions when things didn't go his way were becoming a problem. Luis added,"The other guys said that if you keep yelling at them, then they want to shut you out." At first, Devon's brows furrowed, but slowly, his expression softened as he listened. At break that day, Luis hurried out onto the field, told Nicholas what he'd told Devon and asked Nicholas to give Devon a chance.
Devon kept playing soccer with them for the rest of the school year: He made an effort to curb his temper and even started apologizing if he caught himself getting too aggressive. It wasn't perfect immediately, but everyone noticed the change. Gradually, Devon began to celebrate others' successes as much as his own and his fits of anger became rare. Luis felt proud of himself for finding a way to include Devon. And the games became more enjoyable for everyone involved.