Book 5 Unit 1 Growing up 教学设计
单元主题 本单元主题语境是“人与自我”,涉及的主题语境内容是认识自我、丰富自我、完善自我。本单元以成长为话题,从诗歌《如果》的节选到不同年龄段学生对成长和成人的理解,从对未来的人生规划,回忆人生中令人难忘的时刻到小说《小王子》节选部分的阅读,从不同角度引导学生理解成长的责任与意义,倾诉成长的烦恼与困惑,最终帮助学生树立坚定的人生目标,形成积极的生活态度。
单元目标 学生能够围绕本单元的主题语境内容,基于单元提供的诗歌、个人访谈、电子邮件、在线留言板、小说节选、书评等多模态语篇,综合运用各种语言技能,读懂与成长和成人相关的语篇内容,听懂并谈论与寄宿生活、成长中的重要时刻相关的对话,讨论并加深对人生中一些关键时刻的认识,恰当运用将来进行时谈论夏令营的时间安排或对未来的计划,阅读并理解小说中人物的态度和思想,深化对单元主题意义的理解与挖掘;同时能够运用本单元所学知识为自己制定一年的自我提升规划,制作个人成长档案,反思自己的成长历程,理解成长的意义,学会面对压力,学会自我激励与积极生活,树立正确的人生观与价值观,实现知识和思维能力的拓展与迁移;能够恰当运用各种学习策略,在自主、合作与探究式学习的过程中,结合单元提供的反思性和评价性问题不断监控、评价、反思和调整自己的学习内容和进程,激发英语学习的兴趣,提高分析和解决问题的能力及理解和表达能力,最终促进自身语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力的综合提升。
课时安排: 课时1:Starting out+Understanding ideas 课时2:Using language 课时3:Developing ideas 课时4:Writing
Starting out板块教学设计
课型 Listening + Viewing
主题语境 人与自我——认识自我、丰富自我、完善自我
内容分析 本板块旨在激活学生已有的语言、背景知识,为接下来整个单元的学习活动做铺垫和预热。活动1呈现了一段与成人礼相关的视频,介绍了不同时期、不同文化背景下成人礼的不同庆祝方式,从而引发学生思考成人礼的真正含义。活动2要求学生通过听与读的方式欣赏诗歌《如果》的节选, 并谈一谈“成为一个真正的人”需要具备哪些品质,以及对自己成长影响最重要的品质。
教学目标 在本板块学习结束时,学生能够: 看懂视频,了解与成人礼相关的背景知识,初步感知成长的意义; 读懂诗歌《如果》的节选,感受诗歌之美,领悟其主旨大意,发现并归纳“成为一个真正的人”需要具备的品质; 说出在成长过程中最重要的品质有哪些并发表自己的观点。
教学重点 引导学生读懂诗歌,了解英文诗歌的基本知识,领悟其主旨大意并归纳成年人需要具备的品质。
教学难点 引导学生感受诗歌所传递与表达的情感并思考在成长过程中最重要的品质是什么,思考成长的意义。
教学策略 视听教学法、交际教学法
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Activity 1 Teacher plays the video and asks students to watch it carefully. Teacher asks students to answer the first question. Teacher plays the video again if needed. Teacher asks students to work in groups and discuss the second question. Teacher invites some students to share their answers. Students watch the video carefully. Students answer the first question. Students watch the video again if needed. Students work in groups and discuss the second question. Some students share their answers with the class. To arouse students’ interest in the topic. To let students have a basic understanding of coming-of-age ceremony.
Activity 2 Teacher plays the audio and asks students to listen to the poem carefully. Teacher asks students to read the poem. Teacher asks students to answer the first question individually. Teacher invites some students to share their answers. Teacher asks students to read the poem againand tick the answers in Question 2. Teacher invites some students to share their answers and add their own ideas. Teacher asks students to work in groups to answer the last question. Teacher invites some students to share the answers. Students listen to the poem carefully. Students read the poem. Students answer the first question individually. Some students share their answers with the class. Students read the poem again and tick the answers in Question 2. Some students share their answers with the class and add their own ideas. Students discuss the last question in groups. Some students share the answers with the whole class. To help students learn some basic knowledge of English poems. To help students have a further understanding of growing up.
Understanding ideas板块教学设计
课型 Reading
主题语境 人与自我——认识自我、丰富自我、完善自我
内容分析 本板块呈现了一篇体现单元主题的课文,语篇类型为专栏文章。课文中三位来自不同国家的学生分别表达了自己对于18岁的理解与定位。读前的导入活动帮助学生明确在我国做不同事情的法定年龄,激活学生对法定年龄的已有知识,为课文学习做铺垫。读中活动考查学生对课文标题的理解和提取关键信息的能力。读后活动通过判断主旨大意、理解细节信息和回答开放性问题等活动,启发学生深入思考,理解文本内容,积极探究主题意义。
教学目标 在本板块学习结束时,学生能够: 通过阅读课文,获取文章的主要信息,并根据文章内容准确理解标题的含义,为文章另选一个合适的标题; 准确获取关键信息,并学会辨别事实和观点,进一步理解课文内容; 体会成年的意义与责任,思考如何完善自己、提升自己,树立正确的生活观与积极的人生观。
教学重点 引导学生读懂课文,获取文章的重要信息,学会辨别事实和观点,把握三位学生对成年的理解与定位。
教学难点 引导学生体会成年的意义与责任,加深对主题意义的认识与思考。
教学策略 P-W-P模式
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Activity 1 Teacher asks students to look at the pictures and think about the age when people are allowed to do the six things on the book. Teacher divides the class into several groups to discuss about the question. Teacher invites some students to share the answers. Teacher asks students to think about more examples and the legal ages to do them. Teacher invites some students to share the answers. Students look at the pictures and think about the age when people are allowed to do the six things on the book individually. Students work in groups and discuss the question. Some students share the answers with the class. Students think about more examples and the legal ages to do them. Some students share the answers. To help students get familiar with the topic in advance. To activate the students’ existing background knowledge.
Activity 2 Teacher asks students to look at the title and pictures, then try to guess the meaning of the title. Teacher asks students to read the passage quickly and check the answer. Teacher asks some students to share the answers. Students look at the title and pictures and guess what the title means. Students read the passage quickly and check the answer. Some students share the answers with the whole class. To help students understand the meaning of the title.
Activity 3 Teacher asks students to read the passage quickly and choose the best title according to the personal understanding. Teacher invites some students to share their answers with the whole class and give the reasons. Teacher asks others to express different ideas and give reasons. Teacher divides the class into several groups to discuss how to choose or give a proper title. Teacher invites some groups to share their answers and others to make comments. Students read the passage quickly and choose the best title according to the personal understanding. Some students share their answers with the whole class and give the reasons. Other students express their different ideas and give reasons. Students work in groups and discuss how to choose or give a proper title. Some groups share their answers with the class and other students make some comments. To help students grasp the main idea of the passage through fast reading. To help students figure out the methods of choosing a proper title.
Activity 4 Teacher asks students to go through the table quickly and have a basic understanding of the task. Teacher asks students to read the passage carefully and pick out the relevant information to complete the table. Teacher invites some students to check the answers with other students. Teacher asks students to read the passage again and helps them analyse the structure of the passage. Teacher asks students to answer the questions raised in the introduction part. Teacher invites some students to share their answers with the class. Students go through the table quickly and have a basic understanding of the task. Students read the passage carefully and pick out the relevant information to complete the table. Some students check the answers with other students. Students read the passage again and analyse the structure of the passage with the help of the teacher. Students try to answer the questions raised in the introduction part. Some students share their answers with the class. To help students have a deep understanding of the information. To practise students’ ability to sort the specific information of the passage.
Activity 5 Teacher asks students to read the four sentences individually and decide if they are facts or opinions. Teacher invites some students to share their answers with the class and help them summarise how to tell facts from opinions. Teacher asks students to work in groups and find more sentences about opinions and discuss if they agree or not. Teacher invites some students to share their answers and give proper reasons. Students read the four sentences individually and decide if they are facts or opinions. Some students share their answers with the class and summarise how to tell facts from opinions with the help of the teacher. Students work in groups and find more sentences about opinions and discuss if they agree or not. Some students share their answers with the class and give proper reasons. To help students distinguish facts from opinions. To have students interpret the text through the details.
Think & Share Teacher asks students to go through the four questions and think about them individually. Teacher asks students to discuss the questions in groups. Teacher invites some students to share the answers with the class. Students go through the four questions and think about them individually. Students discuss the questions in groups. Some students share the answers with the class. To help students focus on the meaning of growing up and responsibility. To help students apply what they have learnt to express their ideas.
Using language板块教学设计
课型 Reading + Listening + Speaking
主题语境 人与自我——认识自我、丰富自我、完善自我
内容分析 本板块是单元话题下语法、词汇和听说结合的综合活动。语法部分的主要内容为将来进行时,两个小语篇话题分别为夏令营第一天的时间安排和对未来的规划。前者是一张有关暑期夏令营的宣传海报,后者以电子邮件的形式描述了作者对自己未来的具体规划。综合语言运用部分的话题为“难忘的时刻”,首先通过一篇短文引导学生思考人生是个“苦乐参半”的过程,鼓励学生要学会珍惜人生中一些难忘的时刻;听力活动是两位学生谈论对寄宿生活的憧憬或感受;接下来的听说部分呈现了人生的一些重要时刻。本板块旨在帮助学生深度聚焦语言的意义和功能,通过真实语境下的思考和交际运用,全方位提高学生的综合语言运用能力。
教学目标 在本板块学习结束时,学生能够: 熟悉并会运用将来进行时; 听懂会话内容,理解其大意并获取细节信息来完成表格; 运用听力材料中的相关结构表达担忧或者顾虑,并给出鼓励与建议; 与同伴分享自己人生中一个最难忘的时刻。
教学重点 1. 引导学生发现和理解将来进行时的用法并在真实语境中进行运用; 2. 指导学生根据邮件内容,阐述自己的未来规划; 3. 引导学生通过完成听力活动,学会表达关心、鼓励或提供建议这三类不同的语用功能,进一步感知成长过程中的苦与乐。
教学难点 引导学生在真实语境中运用将来进行时; 引导学生了解在人生不同阶段会经历的特殊时刻,从而加强对主题意义的理解,树立积极的生活态度。
教学策略 任务型教学法、交际教学法、听说教学法
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Activity 1 Teacher asks students to read sentence (a) and sentence (b) in the box and pay special attention to the words in bold. Teacher asks students to work in groups, compare the two sentences and discuss the two questions. Teacher invites some students to share their answers. Teacher instructs students to look for more sentences with the future continuous tense in the reading passage and summarise its use in their own words. Teacher asks some students to share the answers and others to make some comments. Students observe the two sentences in the box and pay attention to the words in bold. Students compare sentence (a) with sentence (b) and discuss the two questions in groups. Some students share their answers with the class. Students look for more sentences with the future continuous tense in the reading passage and summarise its use in their own words. Some students share the answers with the class and other students make some comments. To help students find out the structure and function of the future continuous tense. To help students get familiar with the future continuous tense.
Activity 2 Teacher asks students to look at the picture about the schedule of a summer camp and get the detailed information of it. Teacher asks students to work in pairs and make “ask and answer” dialogues according to the example below the picture. Teacher invites some pairs to perform their dialogues and ask other students to give some comments. Students look at the picture about the schedule of a summer camp and get the detailed information of it. Students work in pairs and make “ask and answer”dialogues according to the example below the picture. Some pairs perform their dialogues in the whole class and other students give their comments. To encourage students to apply the future continuous tense in dialogues.
Activity 3 Teacher asks students to read the email and summarise its main idea. Teacher invites some students to share their answers. Teacher asks students to fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in the brackets and use the future continuous tense where possible. Teacher invites some students to share the answers and give the reasons. Students read the email and summarise its main idea. Some students share their answers with the class. Students fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in the brackets and use the future continuous tense where possible. Students share the answers with the class and give the reasons. To help students consolidate the application of the future continuous tense in a real context.
Activity 4 Teacher asks students to underline the structures or sentences about descriptions of the future plan in Diana’s email individually. Teacher asks students to work in groups and discuss their own plans for the future according to the email. Teacher invites several groups to share the answers. Teacher asks students to write a reply to Diana to tell her about their own plans for the future individually. Teacher invites some students to display their works and others to make comments. Teacher gives suggestions on accuracy, coherence and appropriacy and asks students to modify their works after class. Students underline the structures or sentences about descriptions of the future plan in Diana’s email individually. Students work in groups and discuss their own plans for the future according to the email. Some groups share the answers. Students write a reply to Diana to tell her about their own plans for the future individually. Some students display their works and others make comments. Students listen to the teacher’s suggestions on accuracy, coherence and appropriacy and modify their works after class. To have students write a reply and make better use of the future continuous tense.
Activity 5 Teacher asks students to read the passage individually and answer the first question. Teacher checks the answers with the class. Teacher asks students to work in groups and discuss the second question. Teacher encourages several groups to share the answers with the class. Students read the passage individually and answer the first question. Students check the answers with the teacher. Students work in groups and discuss the second question. Several groups share the answers with the class. To help students have a better understanding of the unit theme and take a positive attitude towards life.
Activity 6 Teacher asks students to go through the two questions, figure out the purpose of the activity and get ready for listening. Teacher plays the audio and asks students to infer the relationship between the speakers and get the main idea of the conversation. Teacher asks some students to share the answers. Students go through the two questions quickly, figure out the purpose of the activity and get ready for listening. Students listen to the audio, infer the relationship between the speakers and get the main idea of the conversation. Some students share their answers with the whole class. To train students’ skills in grasping the main idea of a conversation through listening.
Activity 7 Teacher asks students to read the given information of the table and find out the purpose of the activity. Teacher plays the audio again and asks students to complete the table. Teacher asks students to listen for the third time and check the answers by themselves. Teacher invites some students to share the answers with the class. Teacher asks students to work in pairs and talk about other difficulties the girl may face and make suggestions. Teacher invites several pairs to share their opinions. Students read the given information of the table and find out the purpose of the activity. Students listen to the audio again and complete the table. Students listen to the audio for the third time and check the answers by themselves. Some students share the answers with the class. Students work in pairs and talk about other difficulties the girl may face and make suggestions. Some pairs share their opinions with the class. To make students get the details of the listening material.
Activity 8 Teacher asks students to get familiar with the three pragmatic functions of some expressions and invites students to talk about the relevant expressions they know. Teacher asks students to put the expressions from the conversation into the correct boxes. Teacher checks the answers with the class. Students get familiar with the three pragmatic functions of some expressions and talk about the relevant expressions they know. Students put the expressions from the conversation into the correct boxes. Students check the answers with the teacher. To help students learn how to express concerns, give encouragement and make suggestions.
Activity 9 Teacher divides students into pairs and asks them to discuss a challenging moment in their life using the expressions in this section. Teacher invites several pairs to present their stories in front of the class. Teacher asks students to think what kind of encouragement or suggestions they have got in their challenging moments. Teacher invites some students to make some comments. Students work in pairs and discuss a challenging moment in their life using the expressions in this section. Several pairs present their stories in front of the class. Students try to think what kind of encouragement or suggestions they have got in their challenging moments. Some students make some comments. To help students consolidate the three pragmatic functions of some expressions and introduce a challenging moment in their life.
Activity 10 Teacher asks students to look at the eight pictures and predict the content of the listening material according to the key words beside the pictures. Teacher plays the audio and asks students to check their prediction and tick the words and expressions mentioned in the conversation. Teacher plays the audio again and asks students to check the answers. Teacher invites some students to share their answers. Students look at the eight pictures and predict the content of the listening material according to the key words beside the pictures. Students listen to the audio, check their prediction and tick the words and expressions mentioned in the conversation. Students listen to the audio again and check the answers. Some students share their answers with the class. To make students get the main idea and the details of the listening material.
Activity 11 Teacher asks students to read the contents of the online message board individually and figure out the purpose of the activity. Teacher asks students to complete the online message board with the correct form of the words and expressions in Activity 10. Teacher checks the answers with the class. Students read the contents of the online message board individually and figure out the purpose of the activity. Students complete the online message board with the correct form of the words and expressions in Activity 10. Students check the answers with the teacher. To help students understand the special moments in life and feel the happiness and bitterness in them.
Activity 12 Teacher divides students into pairs and asks them to share a most memorable moment from their life using the words and expressions in this section. Teacher invites several pairs to give presentations in front of the class and asks other students to make some comments. Teacher asks students to think about their performances and find out how well they understand their partners and give an effective response. Students work in pairs and share a most memorable moment from their life using the words and expressions in this section. Several pairs give presentations in front of the class and other students make some comments. Students think about their performances and find out how well they understand their partners and give an effective response. To encourage students to further practise describing a most memorable moment in life.
Developing ideas板块教学设计
课型 Reading + Writing
主题语境 人与自我——认识自我、丰富自我、完善自我
内容分析 本板块呈现了从另一角度反映单元主题的课文,语篇类型为小说,节选自Antoine de Saint-Exupéry的《小王子》。故事从孩子的视角出发,通过“蛇吞象”的两幅绘画作品和其他领域的知识,表明孩子对世界的理解与成人对世界的理解有很大的差异,将儿童的本真和成人的功利心进行了对比。读写部分的范文是一篇有关《小王子》的书评,作者从一位读者的角度讲述了自己对这个故事的理解。本板块旨在启迪学生深入思考成长的意义与得失,培养正确的人生态度,进一步提升语言能力和思维品质。
教学目标 在本板块学习结束时,学生能够: 通过阅读对《小王子》作者生平介绍的短文,了解作者及小说的写作背景; 理解课文内容,获取语篇的主要观点与信息;明确作者对成年人的态度并在文中寻找依据予以证明; 深入思考人在成长过程中的得与失,以及如何保持自己的初心与童真; 运用所学语言知识写一篇书评。
教学重点 带领学生把握文章大意,明确作者的态度并找出依据; 引导学生学习范文,掌握书评的主要构成要素,并独立完成一篇书评。
教学难点 学会通过看插图和阅读课文了解作者对成年人的态度与看法,理解反讽这种修辞手法; 学会用英语阐释观点并表达自己对成年人的看法,加深对单元主题意义的认识。
教学策略 P-W-P模式
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Activity 1 Teacher asks students to read the introduction to Antoine de Saint-Exupéry individually and answer the two questions. Teacher invites some students to share the answers. Students read the introduction to Antoine de Saint-Exupéry individually and answer the two questions. Some students share the answers with the class. To offer students the background information about the novel.
Activity 2 Teacher asks students to look at the three drawings in the passage, describe the contents of them and predict what the story is about. Teacher invites some students to share their prediction and asks others to make comments. Teacher asks students to read the passage quickly and check their prediction. Students look at the three drawings in the passage, describe the content of them and predict what the story is about. Some students share their prediction and others make some comments. Students read the passage quickly and check their prediction. To strengthen students’ ability to observe and predict.
Activity 3 Teacher asks students to go through the three sentences in this activity and make sure of their meanings. Teacher asks students to read the passage again and choose the correct sentence expressing the author’s attitude. Meanwhile, the teacher encourages students to find evidence to support their choice. Teacher invites some students to share the answers and give their reasons. Then the teacher asks other students to make some comments. Teacher asks students to work in groups and discuss how to find evidence to indicate the author’s attitude. Teacher chooses one or two groups to share their results with the class. Students go through the three sentences in this activity and make sure of their meanings. Students read the passage again and choose the correct sentence expressing the author’s attitude and find evidence to support their choice. Some students share the answers and give their reasons. Other students make some comments. Students work in groups and discuss how to find evidence to indicate the author’s attitude. One or two groups share their results with the class. To help students understand the author’s attitude and learn to find evidence to support their choice.
Activity 4 Teacher asks students to read the sentences from the passage and understand the meanings. Teacher divides students into groups and asks them to answer the two questions. Teacher invites several students to share the answers and others to make comments. Teacher asks students to pay attention to “Learning to learn” and helps them have a better understanding of irony. Students read the sentences from the passage and understand the meanings. Students work in groups and answer the two questions in this activity. Some students share the answers with the class and others make comments. Students pay attention to “Learning to learn” and have a better understanding of irony with the help of the teacher. To help students get the meanings of the sentences. To help students understand the function of irony.
Activity 5 Teacher divides students into groups and asks them to discuss whether they agree with the author’s attitude towards grown-ups and give the reasons. Teacher invites some students to share their opinions. Teacher asks students to think of some examples to support their opinions, make notes and then exchange their views in groups. Teacher asks students to prepare for the talk. Teacher invites several students to give their talk to the class and others to make comments. Teacher asks students to think about their performance during the group discussion and how well they actively participate and contribute ideas. Students work in groups and discuss whether they agree with the author’s attitude towards grown-ups and give the reasons. Some students share their opinions with the class. Students think of some examples to support their opinions, make notes and then exchange their views in groups. Students prepare for the talk. Several students give their talk to the class and others make comments. Students think about their performance during the group discussion and how well they actively participate and contribute ideas. To make students learn how to give a talk and express their attitude towards grown-ups and growth.
Think and Share Teacher asks students to think about the questions and discuss them in groups. Teacher invites some students to give answers. Students think about the questions and discuss them in groups. Some students give answers. To enhance students’ understanding of growing up. To encourage students to show their own opinions.
Activity 6 Teacher asks students to read the book review and find the information about the five elements listed on the right side of this page. Teacher invites some students to share the answers. Students read the book review and find the information about the five elements listed on the right side of this page. Some students share the answers with the class. To help students get the basic information of the novel.
Activity 7 Teacher asks students to read the book review again and think about the three questions. Teacher divides students into groups. Then the teacher asks them to discuss the three questions and find the answers. Teacher invites some students on behalf of their groups to give the answers and other students to make comments. Students read the book review again and think about the three questions. Students work in groups, discuss the three questions and find the answers. Some students on behalf of their groups give the answers and others make comments. To help students get the main plot of the novel. To help students learn the key elements included in a book review.
Activity 8 Teacher asks students to work in groups and talk about one book that means a lot to them. Teacher asks students to plan a review of the book and make notes. Teacher asks students to share the notes or content with their partners and make some adjustments. Teacher asks students to finish the book review individually. Students work in pairs and talk about one book that means a lot to them. Students plan a review of the book and make notes. Students share the notes or content with their partners and make some adjustments. Students finish the book review individually. To help students make a preparation for a book review.
Activity 9 Teacher divides students into pairs and asks them to make improvements to each other’s book reviews. Teacher invites some pairs to share their book reviews and others to make comments. Teacher makes proper evaluation. Students work in pairs and make improvements to each other’s book reviews. Some pairs share their book reviews with the whole class and others make comments. Students listen to the teacher’s evaluation. To instruct students how to cooperate with others. To encourage students to learn from their partners.
Presenting ideas & Reflection板块教学设计
课型 Speaking
主题语境 人与自我——认识自我、丰富自我、完善自我
内容分析 本板块引导学生先根据活动提示进行思考,初步制定一年的自我提升规划,并小组讨论如何制定该规划,然后列出自己的具体目标及实施策略,最后在全班展示。本板块旨在促进学生相互合作,引导学生通过对观点的思考与表达,在真实情境下对所学知识加以运用和实践。 Reflection板块引导学生回顾本单元所学知识,及时对自己的学习行为和效果做出评估和判断,反思自己并进行改进。
教学目标 在本板块学习结束时,学生能够: 制定未来一年的自我提升规划; 在与同伴交流与互助中,细化自我提升规划,学习分析问题、解决问题; 明确自我提升的目标,形成良好的自我管理意识。
教学重点 引导学生制定自己未来一年的自我提升规划,并列出包含哪些方面和具体做法; 引导学生与同伴进行交流,提出合理建议并完善自我规划。
教学难点 引导学生深入理解成长的意义及自我规划的重要性; 引导学生从文本、语言、文化、学习策略和方法、分析和解决问题等多方面进行自我评价和总结,并写出自我反思日志。
教学策略 任务型教学法、交际教学法
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Presenting ideas
Activity 1 Teacher divides students in groups and asks students to discuss how to make a one-year self-improvement plan based on the four aspects in this activity. Teacher invites one or two groups to share their answers with the class and others to make comments. Students work in groups and discuss how to make a one-year self-improvement plan based on the four aspects in this activity. One or two groups share their answers with the class and others make comments. To help students understand the way of making a self-improvement plan.
Activity 2 Teacher asks students to brainstorm their specific goals and action in the plan together. Teacher asks students to complete the table by themselves to draft their plan. Students brainstorm their specific goals and action in the plan together. Students complete the table by themselves to draft their plan. To make students think deeply about how to make a one-year self-improvement plan.
Activity 3 Teacher divides students in groups and asks them to share their own draft. Teacher asks students to suggest ways to make improvements to each other’s plan. Teacher gives students some time to modify their draft. Students work in groups and share their own draft. Students suggest ways to make improvements to each other’s plan. Students take some time to modify their draft. To instruct students how to give suggestions and help each other to make improvements.
Activity 4 Teacher asks students to prepare a short presentation considering the structure and useful words, expressions and structures. Teacher asks students to share their presentation with the other group members. Teacher asks students to give suggestions and make improvements to their presentation. Students prepare a short presentation considering the structure and useful words, expressions and structures. Students share their presentation with the other group members. Students give suggestions and make improvements to their presentation. To help students prepare for the presentation more effectively.
Activity 5 Teacher asks each group to choose one student to give the presentation. Teacher and other students make comments, and the teacher gives an evaluation. Teacher encourages students to check their self-improvement plan one year from now to see if they have achieved their goals. Each group chooses one student to give the presentation. Other students make comments and the teacher makes an evaluation. Students check their self-improvement plan one year from now to see if they have achieved their goals. To encourage students to express their opinions. To help students correctly understand the unit theme.
Teacher asks students to rate their performances in this unit, summarise what they have learnt and think about what they need to improve. Teacher asks students to write a reflection. Students rate their performances in this unit, summarise what they have learnt and think about what they need to improve. Students write a reflection. To help students evaluate their performances, review the unit, and think about ways to improve.