Unit 1 People of Achievement Reading and thinking
的人物”(Describe people of achievement), 学生通过阅读屠呦呦获诺贝尔奖的专题新闻报道,了解屠呦呦及其团队发现并提炼出青蒿素来治疗疟疾的主要过程。学生阅读语篇,归纳屠呦呦及其团队获得成功的原因,概括介绍屠呦呦发现青蒿素并成功治疗疟疾的过程。在此过程中,学生可以感受到屠呦呦及其团队的艰辛和伟大,了解传统中医药对人类健康和世界发展的突出贡献和价值,进而反思自我,为成为“有价值之人”做好未来职业和人生的规划。
该语篇的体裁属于专题新闻报道(news story )。这种文体时效性强,2015 年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获得者名单于 2015 年 10 月 5 日颁布,本文发布时间设在 2015 年 10 月 6 日。专题新闻报道的内容比简单的新闻播报更加丰富。语篇以“TuYouyou Awarded Nobel Prize”为标题,向读者报道了这一重要消息,并介绍了屠呦呦的生平经历和她带领团队为治疗疟疾发现并提取青蒿素的过程,给读者提供了比简单的新闻播报更为详细的信息。从新闻报道层面来看,语篇内容客观、准确,使用具体数据来说明屠呦呦及其团队的科学研究过程的艰辛和发现青蒿素的伟大价值。此外,从故事层面来看,本文注重通过描述人物的具体事迹,包括对物语言的直接引用,来刻画人物形象。这些语言特点能加深读者对屠呦呦获诺贝尔奖这一新闻事件,以及对屠呦呦这一人物的认知。与一般人物描写类文章不同的是,新闻故事中的人物描写强调以客观事实说话,尽量不加入报道者的情感,但读者能够通过语篇内容了解人物品质。从叙事结构层面来看,语篇首先报道发生的重大新闻事件,与标题呼应,然后再详细报道其他相关的重要信息,如人物生平、事件发生的过程等。
该板块的活动设计旨在帮助学生解读语篇,掌握专题新闻报道的语篇特征。活动 1 旨在激发学生思考“什么样的人能获得成功”“这些取得重大成就的人物通常具有什么品质”“天赋与努力,哪一个更重要”等问题。同类问题在本单元多次出现,旨在鼓励学生借助不同的语篇材料,深入探讨单元的主题意义。活动 2 要求学生寻读语篇,找出描述人物特征的语言,通过解读语言特点来探究主题意义。这也是本单元学生学习人物描写时应该关注的目标策略。活动 3 包含三个选择题,帮助学生理解专题新闻报道的特征,包括语篇体裁、目标读者、选材标准和语言特点等。活动 4 中的问题引导学生理解语篇内容、把握语言特点。其中,第四问需要学生综合理解语篇内容并结合已有知识,探讨和理解屠呦呦被认为伟大的原因。活动5要求学生利用流程图,复述屠呦呦及其团队发现青蒿素的过程。这个活动是训练学生从语篇的可理解性输入到可理解性输出的转化能力。流程图是思维可视化训练的有效工具之一,有助于将语篇信息结构化。教师利用流程图能有效地帮助学生发展逻辑思维能力。
本节课授课对象为高二年级的学生。在“描述卓有成就的人物”(Describe people of
achievement)这个话题上,学生的认知可能会受到他们所处的文化背景和教育水平的影响。虽然在以往的学习中也有所接触,比如必修一第三单元 living legend 里的郎平和乔丹,必修三第四单元 space exploration 里的杨利伟和刘洋,以及必修三里的林巧稚等,但对于这些人物成就背后的深层次理解可能还比较欠缺。总的来说,学生在如何描述卓有成就人物方面的认知可能还比较局限,需要通过学校的教育和自主学习来拓展视野,增加对不同其的了解和尊重。可以通过阅读相关的书籍、参加文化交流活动、观看相关的纪录片等方式来增加对卓有成就的人物的认知。另外,学生的语言学习习惯差异大,基础参差不齐。善于记忆,学习态度端正,问题在于欠缺主动获取文化知识、理解内涵的意识。缺乏分析、综合、评判、创造等高阶思维活动,语言学习局限在识记、理解层面。对学习策略和学习能力缺少元认知思考。
1. 了解、熟悉专题新闻报道的语篇特征,掌握按时间顺序叙述人物经历的方法。
2. 积极探索屠呦呦获得成功的多方面原因。
3. 谈论和分享自己对于 achievement 的理解,树立正确的人生价值观。
1. 了解、熟悉专题新闻报道的语篇特征,掌握按时间顺序叙述人物经历的方法。
2. 积极探索屠呦呦获得成功的多方面原因。
谈论和分享自己对于 achievement 的理解,树立正确的人生价值观。
教学步骤 教学活动设计 活动设计意图 活动层次
Step 1 Lead-in 回顾高一必修课本中所学的卓有成就的人物,利用诗经“呦呦鹿鸣,食野之蒿。”引出本课要讲的人物屠呦呦。 How gaily the deer, while eating southernwood. --Xu Yuanchong 激活学生相关背景知识的同时,降低学生学习的难度,为接下来的学 习理解做好准备。 获取与 梳理; 感知与 注意
Step 2 Pre-reading Activity: 2. If you were the journalist, what aspects would you write about according to this title 1. Where would you most likely find this text A. In a blog. B. In a book. C. In a letter. D. In a newspaper. The title Tu Youyou Awarded Nobel Prize 6 October 2015 The event Tu Youyou was awarded the Nobel Prize on 6 October 2015. If you were the journalist, what aspects would you write about according to this title Tu Youyou Awarded Nobel Prize 6 October 2015 专题新闻报道 (a news story),报道了屠呦呦获得诺贝尔生理学或医学奖的事迹。新闻报道语篇的语体特点 (features):新闻报道的标题中常省略某些词类,以期产生精炼感。包括冠词、连词、语法引导 词、连系动词、助动词等。 学生通过读 题目和图片了解、 熟悉专题新闻报 道的语篇特征。通过活动二预测文 章内容,为接下来的阅读理解做好准备。 感知与注意; 分析 与判断
Step 3 While reading First reading: Activity 1 Let’s read the text and check weather these information are covered in the text or not. A A quote from Tu Youyou. Para 4 B The details of how artmisinin was discovered. Para 3 C Tu Youyou’s important contributions other than the discovery of artmisinin. D Tu Youyou’s personal life. E Tu Youyou’s road to discovering artmisninin. Para 2 & 3 F What Tu Youyou was awarded Para1 G Why artmisinin is an important discovery. Para1 Activity 2 The structure of the text. 帮助学生抓住文本内容主线,即每个段落的段落大意。并了解、熟悉专题新闻报道的语篇特征与结构。 获取与梳理;推理与论证;概括与整合
Second reading: Activity 1 Read Para 2 & 3 and complete the flow chart. Tu Youyou's team examined _1_, and evaluated _2_. They found a medical text suggesting _3_. They tested _4_. They tried _5_, but _6_. The medicine became _10_ for malaria. Tu Youyou's team examined _1_, and evaluated _2_. They found a medical text suggesting _3_. They tested _4_.They tried _5_, but _6_. They used a _7_ the sweet wormwood extract. They tested the medicine _8_ to see if safe They tested the medicine on _9_. Activity 2 Read paragraph 1 and find why the discovery of Arteminisinin are significant. The Process of Discovering the artemisinin Tu Youyou’s team examined ___________ and evaluated ______________. They found a medical text suggesting ____________. They tested______________.(over) 2,000 old medical texts 280,000 plants (for their medical properties) using the extract from sweet wormwood to treat a fever (a collection of) dried wormwood leaves They tried _______________,but ___________. They used a ________ sweet wormwood extract. They tested the medicine ____ to see if safe. lower temperature to draw out on themselves They tested the medicine on _______. The medicine became ____ for malaria Activity 3 Critical thinking:What numbers are mentioned in the text What do they suggest This year's Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine has been awarded toTu Youyou (co-winner), whose research led to the discovery of artemisinin, a crucial new treatment for malaria. Artemisinin has saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and has led to improved health for millions of people. Over 200 million people around the world get malaria each year, and about 600,000 die from it. Artemisinin has become a vital part of the treatment for malaria, and is thought to save 100,000 lives a year in Africa alone 抓住文本的关键信息和重要细节 获取与梳理;推理与论证;概括与整合
Step 4 After reading Activity 1 What kind of person is Tu Youyou Tu Youyou’s qualities Modest creative brave and selfless committed and patient A. Their project got stuck. However, Tu Youyou would not acknowledge defeat. B. The honor is not just mine. There is a team behind me, and all the people of my country. C Using a lower temperature to draw out the extract, she found a substance that worked. D Tu Youyou and her team members even insisted on testing the medicine on themselves to make sure that it was safe 巩固阅读内容,帮助学生积极探索屠呦呦获得成功的多方面原因 获取 与梳理
Activity 2 Discussion: Based what we have learned about Tu Youyou, what’s your understanding of achievement 学生进行语言输出,巩固所学 迁移与创新
Activity 3 Summary: Summaries what we have learned today . 学生利用所学知识和已有知识进行语言输出 迁移与创新
Homework Based what we have learned, write a short passage to introduce TU Youyou. 迁移与创新