备战2025年高考英语二轮复习专题6: 读后续写 第1讲 破解读后续写2大策略课件(共48张PPT)


名称 备战2025年高考英语二轮复习专题6: 读后续写 第1讲 破解读后续写2大策略课件(共48张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 2.9MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2025-01-11 14:45:01



第1讲 破解读后续写2大策略
策略一 熟知评分标准
策略二 遵循4步解题
目 录 索 引
卷别 年份 原文文体 主题 原文词数
主题语境 主题内容 新课标Ⅰ/Ⅱ卷 2024 记叙文 人与社会 与出租车司机的诚信之约 325
2023 记叙文 人与自我 老师帮助作者培养写作兴趣 318
2022 记叙文 人与自我 鼓励残疾学生参加越野赛跑 308
策略一 熟知评分标准
档次 评分标准解读
第七档 (22—25分) ①内容新颖、丰富,富有逻辑,续写完整,与原文情境融洽度高;
第六档 (18—21分) ①内容丰富、合理,较有逻辑性,续写较为完整,与原文情境融洽度较高;
档次 评分标准解读
第五档 (15—17分) ①内容合理,有一定的逻辑性,续写基本完整,与原文情境相关;
第四档 (11—14分) ①内容完整,有些情节不合理或逻辑性不强,与原文基本相关;
档次 评分标准解读
第三档 (6—10分) ①内容和逻辑上有一些重大问题,续写不够完整,与原文有一定程度脱节;
第二档 (1—5分) ①内容和逻辑上有重大问题,内容抄自原文,续写不完整,与原文基本脱节;
第一档 (0分) 未作答;内容太少,无法评判;所写内容全部抄自原文或与题目不相关。
策略二 遵循4步解题
It was the day of the big cross-country run.Students from seven different primary schools in and around the small town were warming up and walking the route(路线) through thick evergreen forest.
I looked around and finally spotted David,who was standing by himself off to the side by a fence.He was small for ten years old.His usual big toothy smile was absent today.I walked over and asked him why he wasn’t with the other children.He hesitated and then said he had decided not to run.
What was wrong He had worked so hard for this event!
I quickly searched the crowd for the school’s coach and asked him what had happened.“I was afraid that kids from other schools would laugh at him,” he explained uncomfortably.“I gave him the choice to run or not,and let him decide.”
I bit back my frustration(懊恼).I knew the coach meant well—he thought he was doing the right thing.After making sure that David could run if he wanted,I turned to find him coming towards me,his small body rocking from side to side as he swung his feet forward.
David had a brain disease which prevented him from walking or running like other children,but at school his classmates thought of him as a regular kid.He always participated to the best of his ability in whatever they were doing.That was why none of the children thought it unusual that David had decided to join the cross-country team.It just took him longer—that’s all.David had not missed a single practice,and although he always finished his run long after the other children,he did always finish.As a special education teacher at the school,I was familiar with the challenges David faced and was proud of his strong determination.
We sat down next to each other,but David wouldn’t look at me.
I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners.
步骤一 读透文本
原文展示了故事的“冲突”部分,续写两段分别为故事的“行动”和“解决”部分。故事围绕David是否参加越野跑展开。越野跑是故事的情节线索之一。根据原文,David 因害怕被嘲笑而决定不参加越野跑,但事实上他在赛前刻苦训练,为越野跑全力以赴,经过“我”的鼓励,David决定直面挑战并成功完成比赛。
David的情感变化是故事的另一个情节线索,从跑前到跑后,David 有以下情感变化:determined(训练时)→afraid of being laughed at(越野跑前) →determined(经过“我”的鼓励)→proud(越野跑后)。
在原文中,David虽因脑疾无法像其他孩子一样正常跑步,但每次练习都全力以赴、做到最好。该情节(He had worked so hard for this event!...He always participated to the best of his ability in whatever they were doing...David had not missed a single practice,and although he always finished his run long after the other children,he did always finish.)为David最终成功完成越野跑埋下了伏笔。
续写第一段中“我”对David 的鼓励应与原文中David想参加越野跑但害怕被嘲笑的情节呼应。续写第二段中 David越野跑中的具体表现应与原文中他因脑疾而跑步困难的情节呼应。
根据原文和续写两段的段首句可知,David 和“我”是故事的主要人物,二人是师生关系;教练和其他同学是次要人物。
根据插叙内容(David had a brain disease which prevented him from walking or running like other children...)与David的外貌(He was small for ten years old.)、动作(his small body rocking from side to side as he swung his feet forward)和神态(His usual big toothy smile was absent today.),可以总结出David“身残志坚”的人物形象。
根据原文中关于“我”(walked over and asked,quickly searched the crowd for the school’s coach,bit back my frustration,was proud of his strong determination)和次要人物(the coach meant well,his classmates thought of him as a regular kid)的描写,可以总结出大家对David的关爱。
在续写中,应根据主次人物的特点进行合理的人物刻画。David 在前文中的形象是“身残志坚”,续写中可以从这一人物特点出发设计David 比赛过程中的具体表现。
根据原文和续写段首句可知,故事的“冲突”和“行动”部分发生在孩子们去参加越野跑经过的常绿林(evergreen forest)中,故事的“解决”部分发生在越野跑线路上。
步骤二 构思情节
根据故事的主题、情节、人物和环境分析,原文呈现了故事的“冲突”部分:David 怕被嘲笑,决定不参加越野跑。续写两段分别是故事的“行动”和“解决”部分:在“我”的鼓励下,David决定勇敢面对挑战,参加越野跑(行动) →David经过努力,成功完成越野跑(解决)。
Paragraph 1:We sat down next to each other,but David wouldn’t look at me.
②根据第二段段首句可知,在第一段结尾处,David 改变想法,决定参加越野跑。
Paragraph 2:I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners.
①What did I say to encourage David to join the cross-country run
②How did David react to my encouragement
③What was David’s decision after the talk
根据以上问题,续写第一段的具体情节可以是:“我”通过分析David很想参加越野跑却害怕被嘲笑的心理,鼓励他勇敢面对挑战、超越自我→David 在“我”的鼓励下由消极变得积极→David下定决心参加越野跑(坚定)。
①What difficulty did David have in the cross-country run
②How did people react to David’s performance in the run
③What was the result of the cross-country run
步骤三 打磨写作
We sat down next to each other,but David wouldn’t look at me.I knew he feared that others might laugh at him.I comforted and encouraged him.After hearing my words,David made his decision to run.
I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. Some students from other schools looked at him curiously.David’s schoolmates welcomed him.David fell over because of the slippery mud but he got up and continued.Finally he crossed the finishing line and I was proud of him.
We sat down next to each other,but David wouldn’t look at me.His confidence was in danger of bursting like a bubble.It was clear that he feared he would be judged for his appearance rather than his character.Knowing David trusted me,I cleared my throat and said,“Beautiful forest,isn’t it ” Slowly and curiously,he raised his head and looked around.I continued,“That’s because those trees never stop reaching for the sky,regardless of their position or shape.They never let others define them.”On hearing this,David got up without a word.But there was a sparkle in his eyes.He had made a decision.
I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. He received curious glances from runners from other schools but a warm welcome from his schoolmates.Then came a shot from the starting pistol and David dashed forward.The slippery mud threw him off balance,but he got up with determination.Seeing him disappear into the woods,I headed for the destination with the school’s coach.Many runners withdrew from the race along the way,but not David.He bounded and hobbled and plodded towards the finishing line,where the audience cheered loudly as he crossed.I felt proud to see that big,toothy smile back on his face.
1.初稿第一段开头提到David的担心的状态。优化后的内容使用了比喻的修辞手法,形象生动地展现了David 对自己没有信心的状态(...was in danger of bursting like a bubble)并加入了 “我”的心理描写 (It was clear that he feared...),使得David和“我”的人物形象更加真实饱满。
2.优化后的第一段中,非谓语动词结构“Knowing David trusted me”的使用,描写了“我”的内心感受。此处非谓语动词作伴随状语,提升了句式多样性。
3.初稿第一段中描述“我”安慰和鼓励David时写到“I comforted and encouraged him.”,这是概括性的叙述。可以将这一场景展开,加入一些细节描写,如“I cleared my throat”并展现“我”在安慰和鼓励David 的过程中说的具体内容:“我”以常绿林为例,鼓励David不要被他人定义。要像这些树一样努力成长。整个过程十分应景,与前文内容联系自然紧密。
4.优化后的第一段加入了在“我”安慰和鼓励David的过程中,David 的动作描写(...he raised his head and looked around;David got up without a word)和神态描写(But there was a sparkle in his eyes)。通过这些侧面描写展现了David在整个过程中的情绪变化,画面感很强。
5.初稿第二段开头,在看到David入场后,外校学生和本校学生有不同的反应。优化的内容在展现外校学生的反应时加入了神态描写(curious glances),呼应了前文,优化后的第二段在表现David的比赛过程时,从最开始的David向前冲“dashed forward”到后来摔倒“The slippery mud threw him off balance”再到最后坚定地站起来“got up with determination”,一系列的动作描写将David参赛的过程展现得栩栩如生,也凸显了David不惧困难、坚定的性格特点。
6.优化后的第二段中,非谓语动词结构“Seeing him disappear into the woods”的使用,自然衔接了前后的场景变化(赛场上和赛场下),使得内容过渡自然。
7.优化后的第二段使用多个动词展现了David冲过终点线的场景,例如“bounded”“hobbled”“plodded”,将整个画面呈现在读者面前,同时也表现出David 跑步时的艰难状态,呼应了前文中David的跑步状态“...his small body rocking from side to side as he swung his feet forward.”。
8.优化后的第二段结尾,通过“我”的心理描写“I felt proud to see...”升华了主题,同时照应了前文中“我”对David 的看法“...proud of his strong determination”。而最后David的脸上又有了他的“big,toothy smile”更是呼应了前文中“His usual big toothy smile was absent today.”的情节,使得整个文章的内容前后非常连贯。
步骤四 认真誊写
We sat down next to each other,but David wouldn’t look at me.I reached out my hand and patted him on the shoulder gently,saying that he was a great boy with a strong determination and that faced with difficulties he always tried his best to overcome them.David gradually raised his head.Looking him in the eye,I told him not to give up after he had trained a lot.He nodded with gratitude and stood up.I hugged him tightly and then he walked away slowly but firmly.
I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. When the run began,he looked back over his shoulder and waved at me with confidence.At the same time,his usual big toothy smile appeared on his face again.Though he ran slower than others,he kept on running and running.No kids from other schools made fun of him.Instead,all present cheered him on and admired his courage and strong will.To my relief,it was through this run that David became much stronger.
I met Gunter on a cold,wet and unforgettable evening in September.I had planned to fly to Vienna and take a bus to Prague for a conference.Due to a big storm,my flight had been delayed by an hour and a half.I touched down in Vienna just 30 minutes before the departure of the last bus to Prague.The moment I got off the plane,I ran like crazy through the airport building and jumped into the first taxi on the rank without a second thought.
That was when I met Gunter.I told him where I was going,but he said he hadn’t heard of the bus station.I thought my pronunciation was the problem,so I explained again more slowly,but he still looked confused.When I was about to give up,Gunter fished out his little phone and rang up a friend.After a heated discussion that lasted for what seemed like a century,Gunter put his phone down and started the car.
Finally,with just two minutes to spare we rolled into the bus station. Thankfully,there was a long queue(队列)still waiting to board the bus.Gunter parked the taxi behind the bus,turned around,and looked at me with a big smile on his face.“We made it,” he said.
Just then I realised that I had zero cash in my wallet.I flashed him an apologetic smile as I pulled out my Portuguese bankcard.He tried it several times,but the card machine just did not play along.A feeling of helplessness washed over me as I saw the bus queue thinning out.
At this moment,Gunter pointed towards the waiting hall of the bus station. There,at the entrance,was a cash machine.I jumped out of the car,made a mad run for the machine,and popped my card in,only to read the message:“Out of order.Sorry.”
I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news.

Four days later,when I was back in Vienna,I called Gunter as promised.

I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news.Learning that the cash machine was out of order,he thought for a while and cracked a smile,saying, “Forget the fare,please.Just catch your bus.” His words hit me just like a ray of sunshine on the cold and wet evening.I just didn’t know how to describe my feelings.Filled with excitement and gratitude,I expressed my sincere thanks to him and promised that I would repay him after returning to Vienna after the conference.And then we exchanged phone numbers and waved goodbye.
Four days later,when I was back in Vienna,I called Gunter as promised. After he answered my phone,I told him without his help,I would have missed my conference.Hearing I wanted to see him and repay the taxi fare,Gunter said, “You are an honest man.But please keep the money.” I insisted.So he said if I really desired to repay him,next time I saw others in need and gave them a helping hand.Frozen with great shock,I was moved by his gesture and made a decision that I would pass on his kindness to make the world full of love.
Possible version 1
I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news.I explained to him the urgency of catching the bus,emphasizing that otherwise I would be forced to stay overnight and buy a new ticket the next morning.Ultimately,I suggested,“I will return to Vienna in 4 days.If it’s OK with you,I can pay you then,with an additional 10 euros as a gesture of my gratitude.”Following an uncomfortable pause,he simply nodded,saying,“I agree to this arrangement and trust you.”I thanked him with the biggest smile you can imagine,and we exchanged contact information before I got on the bus.
Four days later,when I was back in Vienna,I called Gunter as promised. We arranged to meet at the airport,and upon our arrival,we hugged each other like long lost friends.When I gave him the extra ?10 I had promised,he didn’t accept.“Buy me a beer next time you are in Vienna,”he said with a warm smile. Then we parted ways with a firm handshake and a promise to keep in touch. Gunter’s kindness had turned a potentially disastrous evening into a memorable story I would cherish for years to come.
Possible version 2
I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news.He looked at me in disbelief.Feeling guilty,I begged him for a delayed payment.“If I miss this last bus to Prague,I’ll be late for an important conference,” I explained anxiously. “May I have your phone number I promise I will call you and return the money I owe you and give you a generous tip!”I added.Then the impossible happened.He nodded his head simply,saying,“It’s cool.I accept this solution and trust you.” A feeling of gratitude washed over me as I heard his words. Giving him a firm handshake,I jumped out of the car,made a mad run for the bus,and jumped onto it just before its departure.
Four days later,when I was back in Vienna,I called Gunter as promised. Beaming a warm smile at him,I gave him a big hug the moment I met him.I told him that thanks to his generosity and timely help,everything had gone smoothly.I gave Gunter the money and the extra tip I had promised,but he did not accept the tip.I had no choice but to give him an attractive souvenir I had bought at Prague,which he accepted with delight.In this way,we became good friends and kept in touch with each other regularly.I was blessed with such a warm-hearted friend like Gunter who has a heart of gold.