Unit2 let' s play a game
1、Listening and speaking :Good morning! How are you I am fine. Let’s play a game. Use model phrases to communicate with other learners.
.2、Words:head, eye, ear, nose, mouth, . Introduce these parts of
由于在A部分的look and listen 中涉及了数字,我就把数字的
1. 教师准备数字1-10的卡片(词卡和图卡,图卡可设计成扑克牌)。
2. 教师准备Let's do 中的有关动作的图卡。
3. Old MacDonald, duck, cat, pig 的头饰。
1. 热身/复习(Warm-up/ Revision)
教师播放“Hello,Hello! ”的歌曲,学生分成两大组,一组唱turtle的歌词,另一组唱bird的歌词,边拍手边唱。
2. 新课展示(Presentation)
(1) 教师用手指教数字1-10。教师举起一个手指说:one, one。学生举起他们的手指,不跟读。教师用同样的方法教到数字10。
(2) 教师用手指做示范:Show me 1 and 2. 让学生跟着做。
(3) 让学生看碟,跟读并要求学生用手指表示相应的数字,力求做到“眼到、手到、口到、心到”。
3. 趣味操练 ( Practice)
(1) 教师用拍手表示数字,拍一下手,说:one, 让学生跟读。
(2) 让学生练习从1数到10, 再从10数到1。然后按1,3,5,7,9(基数)或2,4,6,8,10(偶数)来数,也可1,拍手,3,拍手,5,拍手,7,拍手,9 来练习,或者两个数字中隔2个数字用拍手来表示,看谁说得又快又好。
(3) 教师将表示1-10的扑克牌(扑克牌的A表示1)举起,让学生读1- 10的数字,然后扑克牌面朝下放在讲台上,请学生上讲台,任意抽出一张扑克牌,并说出数字是什么,正确的同学可为本组赢一分。
(4) 游戏:划拳
学生两人一组, 分别用单只手出拳,伸出几个手指就代表是什么数字,要求必须伸出手指,谁先说出两人所出数字的和,即为胜利者。
(5) 让学生听录音,边说边做活动。
把学生分成两组站成两行。教师向每组的第一个学生耳语一个指令,如 Show me one and two. 每组的第一个学生又依次向组里的第二个学生耳语这个指令。每行最后一个学生快步跑到讲台,根据指令做动作,谁又快又正确将为他们组赢一分。然后,每组的第一个学生站到每组的队尾。
4. 课堂评价 (Assessment)
5. 课外活动(Add- activities)
(1) 听录音,仿读句子。
(2) 将所学的数字1-10说给家长听。
1. Look and listen
Listen and try
2,Headgears of Amy, Andy, Zhou lin, Wang li
An apple with eyes, ears, nose and mouth。.
三、Teaching steps
1、Warm-up / Revision
a. Sing the song "Hello".
b. T and Ss greeting each other.
c. Act out the dialogue of "Listen and try ", Unit 1.
a. Draw a rising sun.
T: Good morning. ---Ss: Good morning, Miss Liu.
b. T:Good morning. I’m Miss Liu. What’s your name S: My name’s…
T: Nice to meet you.
c. Imitate: Nice to meet you.
d. Invite one student to perform with me.
T: Good morning. What’s your name
S1: My name’s …
T: Nice to meet you.
(to class):This is…
g. Listen to the recording and repeat.
a. (wearing the headgear of apple)
T: Good morning. What’s your name
S1: My name’s Miss/ Mr. Apple.
T: Nice to meet you.How are you
(T and S exchange the roles)
Ss:I am fine.
b. Work in pairs: One wears the headgear of Andy,Amy. The other says: This is…
Ss: Nice to meet you.
c. Passing the ball one by one.
S1:How are you . S2:I am fine.
d. Introduce Snoopy, Minnie, Mickey, Donald by "This is… "
Ss: Hello! Nice to meet you. How are you
4、 Assessment
a. Listen to the recording and try to use it in everyday life.
b. Greeting teachers with "Good morning." in the morning.
c. Using "How are you " to greet friends and parents.
1. Listen ,circle and say Words: ear, eye, nose, mouth.
2. Look and listen
Cards of ear, eye, nose, mouth
二、Teaching steps
1、Warm-up/ Revision
a. Let’s chant of Unit 1.
b. Perform the dialogue of Part 1
a. T:(wearing the headgear of Zoom) Good morning!/ Hello! / Hi! I’m Andy . Look at me. This is my eye.The same way to teach ear, nose and mouth.
b. (point to my own head):my head, (point to the student's head):your eye. My nose your mouth; my book, your book.... to understand "my, your".
c. To learn to “touch”. Touch my head. Touch your head.
d. Listen to the recording and repeat.
a. Read the cards.
b. Divide the students into two groups. One find the picture, the other find the word.
c. A game: draw a nose/mouth, ...
d. Tacts, Ss say the command.
e. Let's do. Touch your...
f. A game. Pass the command one by one. The last comes to the front and acts out.
g. Look and tell. One student looks at the teacher and tell the others to act like the teacher.
a. Listen to the recording and repeat.
b. Tell the parents the names of the body.
1.listen and try
2. listen and say
3 play a game
4 trace the letters H I J K LM N h I j k l m n
二、Teaching steps
1、Warm-up / Revision
a. Show the back of the cards to the students. Guess, what is it
b. Touch your... See who acts faster.
a. Touch your ….. Act out.
b. Touch your eyes. Act out.
c. Learn to say " Touch your nose, Touch your eyes ".
a. Act out two actions at the same time.
b. what is your name my name is Andy.
c. Let's chant let’s play a game.
三,play a game
Work in pairs or groups. Use the cards from activity 4
One student picks out a card from four cards, then answer the question on the card. For example: what is your name
The student should say my name is
四trace the letters.
1. look listen and try
2 listen and tick
3 do some activities.
4 sum up the main points of the unit 2
二、Teaching steps
1、Warm-up / Revision
a. let’ s chant :let’s play a game
b. Perform the dialogue of Part 7.
One, touch your nose.
Two, touch your eyes.
a. Good morning。
How are you I am fine, thanks.
b. Learn to say "let’s play a game."
c. Listen to the recording and imitate.
a. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.
b. Perform the dialogue.
c. Arrange the dialogue according to the pictures or sentence cards.
d. Let's play.
A: How are you B. I am fine, thanks.
A, let’s play a game. Touch your nose.
B: ok
Workbook page 13
a. Listen to the recording and repeat.
b. Make a dialogue according to "look, listen and try".
三.Things I can do
How are you B. I am fine.
Let’s play a game.
Touch your nose
One, two , three ,four.