Unit 4 Information Technology Reading Club 1 Wearable Technology
教学目标 教学活动与步骤 设计意图 评价要点 时间与互动模式
(中文:与具体教学活动和设计意图对应。体现如何落实目标,如何收集学生学会的证据,证据是什么,如何确保收集到。实现教学评一体化。特别是在实践应用、思维和迁移创新层面) CW/GW/PW/IW 5’
初步梳理广告类文本的结构及语言特点。 Step 1 T shows a video advertisement of Huawei GT2 smartwatch and asks Ss two questions: What type of video is it What information have they got from the video Ss may say it is a piece of advertisement video and recall the key information such as 50m waterproof, multimode sports, pulse and so on. 视频导入,激发学习兴趣,同时引出本节课的话题——产品介绍类广告文本阅读。 学生能够说出它的体裁是广告,记录并说出视频中的关键信息。初步感知广告的语言及内容。 2’ CW
Step 2 T tells Ss that by the end of this lesson, they are expected to design and write an advertisement for their ideal smartwatches. 明确学习目标,创设问题情境,引出要解决的问题,激发学习期待。 学生能够知道最后需要解决的问题。 1’ CW
Step 3 T activate Ss’ previous knowledge about product advertising from the following three aspects: What is the purpose of an advertisement What kinds of information might be included in an advertisement What kind of language style will an advertisement uses Ss may use their previous experience and knowledge to come up with the answers to the above questions and T write down their answers on the blackboard in the form of a mind-map as shown in Mind-map 1. Mind-map 1 激活学生关于产品广告类文本的已有知识,同时发现未知,为阅读学习做准备。 思维品质: 培养学生利用思维导图组织、整合信息的能力。 学生能够说出关于产品介绍类广告的已有知识,并在笔记中通过思维导图将所记录的信息结构化。 4’ CW
获取有关“智能手表”的事实性信息,包括主要特点、应用程序及其功能 Step 4 T directs Ss to skim the passage summarize the main idea of this text and its writing purpose. Ss may answer the text introduces a wearable technology—smartwatch fitness tracker from the perspectives of features and apps/functions. Its purpose is to introduce the smartwatch and attract people to buy it. T may take notes of Ss answers on the original mind-map to make it completer and more accurate as shown in Mind-map 2. Mind-map 2 引导学生通过快速阅读,获取文章的主要内容及写作目的,关注文章体裁,了解文章结构,为提取和归纳细节信息做准备。 语言能力: 训练学生在语篇中提取概括信息的能力。 学生能够概括并说出文章介绍主要内容及写作目的,并在笔记中进一步完善之前的思维导图,形成新的认知结构。 3’ IW/CW
Step 5 T guides Ss to read for more details. Firstly, T asks Ss to read Part 1 of the text and answer two questions: What is special about this watch What the purpose of using three questions in the beginning of the text Ss may conclude that it stresses that this smartwatch is tough, stylish, and easy to use. And the use of three questions is to attract readers’ attention. 引导学生通过精读,获取文章的主要事实性信息,借助不同思维图示完成信息的比较、归纳、和梳理。 思维品质: 培养学生分类和类比的思维能力。 学生能够在文中画出并说出描述手表特点的三个形容词,同时理解并说出三个疑问句使用的目的。 5’ IW/GW
Step 6 T askes Ss to read Part 2 of the text and classify the six features in terms of tough, stylish and easy-to-use, by completing Diagram 1. Diagram 1 Ss may work in groups and discuss with each other to get the answer. 学生能够完成六个特色的分类并以树形图的形式呈现和说出来,需要时订正自己的错误。 8’ IW/GW/ CW
Step 7 T directs Ss to read Part 3 of the text and summarize the function of each app by completing Diagram 2. Diagram 2 Ss may work in groups and discuss with each other to get the answers and then share in the whole class. T listens to Ss’ ideas and make some corrections. The possible answer may as show in Diagram 3. Diagram 3 学生能够写出并说出每一个应用程序的功能。 10’ IW/GW/ CW
总结广告类文本的语言特点 Step 8 T directs Ss to work in groups and summarize the language style of this advertisement and give evidence with the help of Diagram 4. Diagram 4 Ss works in groups to summarize the language style and share their ideas to the whole class. T may take notes and correct some and complete Diagram 4 into Diagram 5. diagram Diagram 5 深度分析语言特点,语境中关注词汇和语法结构的选择,以及如何使用文字和非文字手段描述事物特征。 思维品质: 在语言学习的同时,培育学生批判性地审视语篇内容的能力。 学生能够归纳本文的语言特点,填写在气泡图中并说出来,同时结合文中例子进行解释说明。 5’GW/CW
Step 9 T directs Ss’ attention to the diverse forms of attributes used in this text and summarize them. T may take notes and add some and finally come to the conclusion as show in Diagram 6. Diagram 6 学生能够写出并说出相应定语的形式,并说出文中的实例。 5’ GW/CW
课程总结 Step 10 T guide Ss to have a review with what they have learnt in this lesson with the help of Mind-map 3. Mind-map 3 总结所学内容,建立结构化的知识体系和思维认知。 语言能力: 帮助学生理解宣传手册文本的基本格式、结构及语言特点。 学生能够口头输出本节课的学习学习内容,并进一步完善笔记。 2’ CW
课后作业 Ss design and write an advertisement for their ideal smartwatches. 拓展话题内容,巩固、运用课上所学。 语言能力: 训练学生在语境中,根据不同主题,运用词汇及不同定语形式描述特征的能力。 学生能够运用所学的结构及语言,迁移创新到新的情境中。 IW
Mind-map 1
Mind-map 2
Mind-map 3