读后续写 过度热心帮朋友,干涉他人事务 讲义-大联考2024-2025学年高三上学期期末检测英语试卷


名称 读后续写 过度热心帮朋友,干涉他人事务 讲义-大联考2024-2025学年高三上学期期末检测英语试卷
格式 docx
文件大小 36.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2025-01-17 13:30:01



2024-2025 学年(上)高三年级期末检测
Being helpful is a very good quality, but sometimes being overly enthusiastic can also cause trouble to others.
It was the night before the summer break, and it was raining cats and dogs, but I wasn’t bothered because Justin, Wendy , Crystal, Kevin and I were texting each other about the upcoming trip to Niagara Falls. Everybody was so engaged in brainstorming ideas about what to bring along. Suddenly, Justin came up with a brilliant idea. He suggested that we should assign roles to each of us so that we could minimize everyone’s workload. I was assigned the babysitter’s role because I was the most careful person among us.
When the sun was right above our heads, we departed for our destination. On our way, I served as the babysitter. I collected hundreds of junk food wraps and guided us into every single rest station when needed. As Wendy and I were lining up for the washroom, I noticed how a little girl always got pushed out of the line, so I let her stand in front of me. When we all got back to the car, Wendy praised me as a kind and responsible member, which made me feel very proud of myself. I was happy. On the way, I saw Crystal holding something that looked like a sun hat. Justin asked Crystal what it was, but because I was too excited, I didn’t catch Crystal’s answer clearly. It seemed that she mentioned her mother.
When we arrived at our hotel, it was already six in the evening. Since no one was hungry, we decided to rest and get ready for next day’s adventure. However, I, as an exception, was too excited, thinking about spending the next few days. I couldn’t close my eyes. I decided to go to Crystal’s room since she was playing some music there. Crystal was weaving (编织) the thing that I saw in the car. As I was watching her weave, time passed by like an arrow, and Crystal unintentionally fell asleep before she finished her sun hat.
Paragraph 1: Seeing Crystal fall quickly into her dream, I suddenly came up with an idea.
Paragraph 2: Instead of receiving Crystal’s appreciation, I was awakened by a shake the next morning.
Being helpful is a very good quality, but sometimes being overly enthusiastic(非谓语动词短语做主语) can also cause trouble to others.
It was the night before the summer break, and it was raining cats and dogs, but I wasn’t bothered because Justin, Wendy , Crystal, Kevin and I were texting each other about the upcoming trip to Niagara Falls. Everybody was so engaged in brainstorming ideas about what to bring along(宾从). Suddenly, Justin came up with a brilliant idea. He suggested that we should assign roles to each of us(宾从) so that we could minimize everyone’s workload(目的状从). I was assigned the babysitter’s role because I was the most careful person among us(状从).
When the sun was right above our heads, we departed for our destination. On our way, I served as the babysitter. I collected hundreds of junk food wraps and guided us into every single rest station when needed(状从省略形式). As Wendy and I were lining up for the washroom(状从), I noticed how a little girl always got pushed out of the line(宾从), so I let her stand in front of me. When we all got back to the car(状从), Wendy praised me as a kind and responsible member, which made me feel very proud of myself(定从). I was happy. On the way, I saw Crystal holding something that looked like a sun hat(定从). Justin asked Crystal what it was(宾从), but because I was too excited(状从), I didn’t catch Crystal’s answer clearly. It seemed that she mentioned her mother(宾从).
When we arrived at our hotel(状从), it was already six in the evening. Since no one was hungry, we decided to rest and get ready for next day’s adventure. However, I, as an exception, was too excited, thinking about spending the next few days(非谓语动词做伴随动作). I couldn’t close my eyes. I decided to go to Crystal’s room since she was playing some music there(状从). Crystal was weaving (编织) the thing that I saw in the car(定从). As I was watching her weave(状从), time passed by like an arrow, and Crystal unintentionally fell asleep before she finished her sun hat.
Paragraph 1: Seeing Crystal fall quickly into her dream, I suddenly came up with an idea.
Paragraph 2: Instead of receiving Crystal’s appreciation, I was awakened by a shake the next morning.
1. 读后续写的分析
分析角度 内容 原文反应句
读后续写类型 该篇文章属于 “行动转折型” 读后续写。通过文章的开头,我们看到主人公的过度热情和对任务的过分投入,而续写部分应表现主人公如何在行为中做出自我反思与调整。 “I decided to go to Crystal’s room since she was playing some music there.”
思路构思 主人公对自己所做的事情过于兴奋,续写需要通过事件的转折来凸显情感的变化和人物的成长。首先,需说明主人公在看到Crystal睡着后产生的想法,并行动化这个思路;然后,续写应该表达主人公因过度热情导致的误解及相应的反思。 “Seeing Crystal fall quickly into her dream, I suddenly came up with an idea.”
布局与框架 1. 引入事件:描述主人公看到Crystal睡着后的反应及决定行动的过程;
2. 事件发展:突出主人公的过度热心与行为引发的后果;
3. 反思与情感转折:主人公从自己过于热心的行为中感受到的反思,情感从自豪转为内疚。 “Instead of receiving Crystal’s appreciation, I was awakened by a shake the next morning.”
承接原文事项 续写要承接原文中主人公为人负责、过于兴奋、并带有一些幼稚行为的特点。续写时要保持人物性格的一致性,同时注意叙事节奏上的自然过渡。 “I was happy. On the way, I saw Crystal holding something that looked like a sun hat.”
整体注意事项 1. 语言风格需与原文一致;
2. 留意人物内心的变化过程,确保故事的情感波动自然流畅;
3. 注意叙述逻辑,事件发展应顺畅而不突兀。 “I was assigned the babysitter’s role because I was the most careful person among us.”
巧妙设计内容 在续写过程中,通过设置主人公因过度热心而导致的不良后果来展示其成长与转变。可以加入与Crystal的互动,突出误会及随后的情感转折。 “I noticed how a little girl always got pushed out of the line, so I let her stand in front of me.”
续写的Story Mountain模式
引入(Introduction): 主人公在看到Crystal睡着后产生的想法,决定帮助她完成未完成的事情(“Seeing Crystal fall quickly into her dream, I suddenly came up with an idea.”)。
发展(Rising Action): 主人公的行动推进,继续展现过度热情的行为,可能会导致意外情况发生(例如,未能完成Crystal的作品,导致主人公错失机会)。
高潮(Climax): 主人公意识到自己的行为过于冲动,产生了后悔情绪。情感转折点来临,主人公反思自己的行为。
结局(Falling Action & Resolution): 主人公在第二天早晨被Crystal吵醒,意识到自己可能过度干预了别人事务,情感逐渐平复,最终得到教训。
2. 分析角度及内容表格
分析角度 内容 原文反应句
人物刻画 通过主人公过度热心的行为来刻画其责任感与幼稚,特别是在自己与Crystal的互动中表现出来。 "I was assigned the babysitter’s role because I was the most careful person among us."
情感层次 初时主人公因为过度热情获得认同,但随后由于误会产生反思,情感由兴奋转为内疚。 “I was happy. On the way, I saw Crystal holding something that looked like a sun hat.”
关键情节点 主人公决定去Crystal的房间,看到她睡着并未完成工作,这一情节推动故事进入转折。 “I decided to go to Crystal’s room since she was playing some music there.”
语言特色 文章中使用了直白的叙述风格,容易理解。情感词汇如“proud,” “happy”明确表达主人公的内心世界。 “Wendy praised me as a kind and responsible member, which made me feel very proud of myself.”
关键词分析 关键词如“babysitter,” “excited,” “responsible”反映了人物的性格和情感状态。 “I was too excited thinking about spending the next few days.”
心理描写 通过反复的内心独白和对自己行为的反思,突出了人物的成长过程。 "I was happy."
动作描写 描述了主人公收集垃圾、引导休息站等动作,显示其积极而负责的一面。 “I collected hundreds of junk food wraps and guided us into every single rest station when needed.”
环境描写 环境通过描述旅行、饭店等设置烘托了情感的变化。 “When we arrived at our hotel, it was already six in the evening.”
隐含主题 过度热心可能会带来麻烦,反映了在关心他人的同时也要顾及他人的感受。 “Being helpful is a very good quality, but sometimes being overly enthusiastic can also cause trouble to others.”
情感转折 从兴奋与自豪转向内疚和反思。主人公从过度的热心行为中逐渐意识到自己过于干涉他人的事务。 “Instead of receiving Crystal’s appreciation, I was awakened by a shake the next morning.”
空间转换 从车内到旅馆,再到Crystal的房间,空间的转换加强了故事的节奏感。 “I decided to go to Crystal’s room since she was playing some music there.”
时间过渡 时间从傍晚的休息时刻过渡到第二天早晨,推动了情节发展。 “Seeing Crystal fall quickly into her dream, I suddenly came up with an idea.”
3. 情境下动作、心理、环境描写的推荐英文例句
动作描写 (8个)
She moved swiftly across the room, her footsteps barely audible.
He grabbed the keys and dashed out of the door without a second thought.
I cautiously picked up the fragile vase, making sure not to drop it.
The car screeched to a halt as we approached the intersection.
She gently placed the letter on the desk, her hands trembling.
I hurriedly packed my things, eager to leave before anyone arrived.
He turned the knob and pushed the door open, revealing a dark room inside.
She walked over to the window, gazing out into the rainy night.
心理描写 (8个)
A sense of unease washed over me as I stepped into the unfamiliar room.
I couldn’t help but feel a surge of pride when I saw the finished project.
Doubt crept into my mind as I wondered if I had made the right decision.
A wave of regret hit me when I realized what I had just said.
I was filled with excitement as I thought about the upcoming trip.
Fear gripped my heart when I heard the strange noise from the other room.
The realization that I had been wrong struck me like a bolt of lightning.
A sense of calm washed over me as I sat down to reflect on my day.
环境描写 (8个)
The room was dimly lit, with shadows dancing on the walls.
The wind howled through the trees, making the leaves rustle in the night air.
The bustling street was filled with the sound of honking cars and chattering pedestrians.
The sky was a deep shade of blue, fading into a soft pink as the sun set.
The smell of fresh coffee filled the air as we entered the café.
The cold air stung my face as I stepped outside into the brisk morning.
The soft glow of the street lamps illuminated the empty sidewalk.
The waves crashed against the shore, the sound echoing in the quiet night.
4. 高中语法现象分析
语法现象 常见搭配 生词短语 词义 词性 近义词 反义词 例句
动词短语 "take part in" "take over" 参加 动词短语 join leave “She took part in the competition.”
连词搭配 "as well as" "not only…but also" 以及 连词 along with but not “She likes tennis as well as swimming.”
形容词搭配 "very careful" "extremely excited" 小心,兴奋 形容词 cautious reckless “I was very careful when handling the glass.”
副词搭配 "quite sure" "so excited" 确定,兴奋 副词 absolutely uncertain “I was quite sure about my decision.”
Possible Versions
Paragraph 1: Seeing Crystal fall quickly into her dream, I suddenly came up with an idea. I couldn’t let her hard work go to waste, so I quietly picked up the unfinished sun hat and started weaving it myself. As I worked(状从), I felt a surge of pride, thinking that I was being helpful(宾从). However, my excitement soon turned into anxiety when I realized I had no idea(状从) how to finish the delicate design(同位从). I tried my best, but the more I worked, the more frustrated I became. The sun hat didn't look anything like the beautiful piece Crystal had been weaving(定从). My hands trembled as I thought about what she might say when she woke up(状从+宾从). Would she be upset Would she even notice Despite these worries, I continued, hoping that my effort would somehow make up for the interruption(宾从).
Paragraph 2: Instead of receiving Crystal’s appreciation, I was awakened by a shake the next morning. "What did you do to my sun hat " she asked, her voice groggy(adj.柔弱无力,摇摇晃晃). I felt a wave of embarrassment flood over me as I realized my attempt to help had gone horribly wrong(状从). "I tried to finish it for you," I mumbled. Crystal smiled, though it was clear that the hat looked far from perfect(状从). "Well, I appreciate your effort, but next time, please just let me do it." I nodded, feeling ashamed but also relieved that she wasn't angry(宾从). The experience taught me a valuable lesson about patience and the importance of not overstepping boundaries. I learned that sometimes, the best way to help is by stepping back and letting others do what they do best(宾从).
“Suddenly came up with an idea” – 强调了突如其来的灵感。
同义词/替换: “came up with” → “thought of”, “suddenly” → “all of a sudden”
“I couldn’t let her hard work go to waste, so I quietly picked up the unfinished sun hat...”
搭配: “go to waste” – 浪费;“picked up” – 捡起;“unfinished” – 未完成的;
替换词: “let” → “allow”, “quietly” → “softly”
“Would she be upset ” – 假设语气,表现担忧。
同义词: “upset” → “disappointed,” “angry”
词汇: "anxiety," "pride," "frustrated," "embarrassment," "ashamed," “relieved”
例句: “I felt a surge of pride” (通过“surge”来强调情感的强烈变化)
词汇: "trembled," "tried my best," "continued," "picked up," "finished"
例句: “My hands trembled” (表现动作的细节,通过“trembled”突出情感的内心冲突)
Version 2:
Paragraph 1: Seeing Crystal fall quickly into her dream, I suddenly came up with an idea. Instead of just waiting around for the morning, I decided to make the most of the quiet time. I walked over to her side, carefully avoiding making any noise(非谓语动词做伴随动作), and picked up the half-finished sun hat. As I began to weave(状从), I felt a sense of purpose. For a moment, everything seemed to slow down. I wasn’t sure whether Crystal would appreciate my gesture(宾从), but the more I worked, the more confident I became. Each time I placed the yarn(n.纱线), I imagined how proud she would be(宾从) when she saw the finished product(状从). My hands moved faster, fueled by the excitement of surprising her with something meaningful(非谓语动词做原因状语). But as I reached the final stages(状从), I realized that I had no idea how to complete it properly(宾从+宾从). Despite my best efforts, the hat still looked incomplete.
Paragraph 2: Instead of receiving Crystal’s appreciation, I was awakened by a shake the next morning. “What happened to my hat ” she asked, looking confused(非谓语动词做伴随动作). I stammered, “I tried to help finish it for you.” She looked at the hat, and her expression softened. “It’s not what I expected(表从), but I can tell you really tried. Thanks for the effort.” I felt a mixture of guilt and pride. Even though the result wasn’t perfect(状从), I knew that my intention had been to help(宾从). Crystal, with her usual kindness, assured me that she wasn’t upset(宾从). “Next time, though, just ask if you’re unsure(宾从),” she said with a gentle smile. I nodded, appreciating her understanding and realizing that the true value of helping lies in knowing when to ask for guidance(非谓语动词做伴随动作+宾从).
“Instead of just waiting around for the morning” – 使用非谓语动词短语表示对比,突出行动。
同义词: “waiting around” → “lingering”
“I picked up the half-finished sun hat, which was lying on the floor.”
同义词/替换: “which was lying” → “that was left”
“It was my intention to help.” – 用强调句表达情感并突出了行动的动机。
同义词: “It was my intention” → “I truly wanted”
词汇: "guilt," "pride," "confidence," "softer"
例句: “I felt a mixture of guilt and pride.” (通过“mixture”来呈现情感的复杂性)
词汇: "carefully avoiding," "walked over," "moved faster," "stammered," "nodded"
例句: “I carefully avoided making any noise” (细致描写动作,强调小心谨慎)
Version 3:
Paragraph 1: Seeing Crystal fall quickly into her dream, I suddenly came up with an idea. It was clear that she had worked so hard on the sun hat(主语从句), and I didn’t want her efforts to be wasted. Quietly, I picked up the half-finished project and began to weave. As I did so(状从), I felt a rush of excitement. I wanted to surprise her, but at the same time, I felt a bit nervous. Was I doing it right Would it look as good as the original My hands moved quickly, but I kept second-guessing every stitch I made(定从). The more I tried to rush, the more frustrated I became. Despite my determination, the hat was far from what I had imagined(宾从). Still, I couldn’t give up. I worked harder, determined to finish it(adj做补语) before she woke up(状从).
Paragraph 2: Instead of receiving Crystal’s appreciation, I was awakened by a shake the next morning. “Why did you try to finish it ” she asked with a puzzled look. I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment. “I thought I could help(宾从),” I mumbled. Crystal glanced at the hat, and then at me. “I appreciate your effort, but next time, just let me do it,” she said kindly. Though her words were gentle(状从), I felt a sense of regret. I had meant to be helpful, but in the end, I learned that sometimes, the best way to help is by not interfering. I promised myself that I would ask for guidance(宾从) when needed(状从省略), instead of jumping into something I didn’t fully understand(定从).
“Would it look as good as the original ” – 使用虚拟语气表达对未来不确定的担忧。
同义词: “look as good” → “turn out as good”
“Determined to finish it before she woke up” – 过去分词做状语表示目的。
同义词: “determined” → “committed”
“I felt myself growing more frustrated” – 强调情绪的逐渐加剧。
同义词: “felt” → “sensed,” “growing” → “becoming”
词汇: "excitement," "nervous," "regret," "embarrassment"
例句: “I felt a rush of excitement.” (通过“rush”突出情感的突然涌现)
词汇: "picked up," "moved quickly," "kept second-guessing," "flush with embarrassment"
例句: “I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment.” (通过“flush”加强情感的表现)
5. 读后续写积累语料
“decided to” → “chose to,” “opted to”
“tried to” → “attempted to,” “made an effort to”
“excited” → “thrilled,” “overjoyed”
“nervous” → “anxious,” “uneasy”
“make up for” → “compensate for,” “atone for”
“let me do” → “allow me to do,” “permit me to do”
One possible version (官方)
Seeing Crystal fall quickly into her dream, I suddenly came up with an idea. I thought that I could help her to finish the sun hat, like a babysitter, and it would be a total surprise for her the next morning. So without hesitation, I took her hat, and walked out of her room as quietly as an ant. I was so focused on making it look nice that I didn’t even notice how much time had passed(宾从). At about 11:30 pm, I finally finished it and put it in Crystal’s room quietly. I couldn’t wait to see Crystal’s smiling face the next morning. I was very exhausted, so I fell asleep the second my head landed on my pillow(状从).
Instead of receiving Crystal’s appreciation, I was awakened by a shake the next morning. I quickly opened my eyes and saw Crystal standing beside my bed, her face red with anger(独立主格). She started yelling at me. Before she finished her first sentence(状从), I interrupted her and told her that I’d helped her finish the sun hat(宾从). Just at that moment, tears ran out of her eyes like a spring. She shouted angrily that it was not supposed to be as sun hat, but a basket for her mother’s birthday(宾从). She said I ruined everything she’d planned(宾从+定从). I felt so guilty and realized that being overly enthusiastic indeed caused trouble sometimes(宾从).