Life was peaceful in the town of Willow Creek.But one chilly autumn morning,a new neighbor moved in across the street.He was a college student.He had brought with him a beer-pong table,which was set on his front lawn.
The beer-pong table was within full view of my kitchen window.It was a tool for the noisy,late-night parties by college students.I knew that all too well from once living near a university.
Remembering the sleepless nights caused by the sound of bouncing balls and the noises,I felt a burst of anger bubbling up like a storm.So I walked right up to the student's house,and knocked on the door.I told him that it had to go.Instead of apologizing,he returned my anger in kind.“Who the hell are you ”he asked.“And what gives you the right to make such a ridiculous demand ”
His challenging gaze and aggressive tone added fuel to the flames of my anger.My sharp and cutting words hung in the air.I could feel the heat of my anger,and a red veil clouded my face.
The next day,I felt ashamed.Why didn't other women get angry like me Why couldn't I keep it altogether Why couldn't I find some useful way to release the aggression
I thought of the cookies I had made recently—big,peanut butter chocolate cookies.I had made them to apologize to a friend.Some of the dough was still in the freezer.I hadn't intended to save the cookie dough balls for future apologies.But it was handy to have them sitting there,waiting to make things right.I decided to bake the cookies and offer them to my neighbor as a peace gesture.As the cookies baked,the house was filled with a warm,inviting smell.I placed the cookies on a plate,took a deep breath,and walked across the street.
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The door opened,and I was greeted by a pair of curious eyes. We shared a smile,and I felt a weight lifted off my heart.
宁静的柳树溪镇迎来新邻居,一位大学生在自家前草坪放置了啤酒乒乓球桌,这让住在街对面、曾深受大学附近噪音困扰的 “我” 回忆起那些被噪音干扰的不眠之夜,愤怒涌上心头。“我” 上门要求他搬走桌子,他不仅没道歉,还态度强硬,双方发生激烈争吵。第二天,“我” 感到羞愧,想起之前做的饼干,决定烤好送给邻居作为和解的表示。“我” 带着饼干来到邻居家,故事在此处续写。
开端:大学生新搬来,放置啤酒乒乓球桌,引发 “我” 的不满。
发展:“我” 上门理论,与大学生发生争吵,双方互不相让。
高潮(待续写):“我” 带着饼干去道歉,大学生的反应以及两人后续的交流互动,决定矛盾能否化解。
结局(待续写):两人化解矛盾,关系缓和,可能成为朋友,“我” 也从这次经历中获得感悟。
“我” 曾受大学附近噪音困扰:在续写中回应为 “我” 在与大学生交流时提及这段经历,让大学生理解 “我” 愤怒的原因,从而更易接受道歉,达成和解。
大学生的强硬态度:续写中可体现他因之前的强硬而在面对 “我” 的道歉时有些尴尬、不自在,通过他态度的转变,展现和解的过程。
“我” 的愤怒与羞愧:在续写中,“我” 的羞愧促使 “我” 主动道歉,推动情节发展,而之前的愤怒则成为和解后两人交流时的话题,增进彼此了解。
饼干的出现:是和解的关键道具,在续写中,大学生因饼干感受到 “我” 的诚意,从而放下防备,与 “我” 友好交流。
“我” 决定送饼干和解:续写中围绕送饼干后的场景展开,如大学生的反应、两人的对话等,体现和解的过程和结果。
第一段:着重描写 “我” 送饼干时的紧张心情,大学生开门后的惊讶表情和最初的防备态度。接着写 “我” 真诚道歉,大学生态度逐渐缓和,接受饼干,两人开始简单交流。
第二段:描述两人进一步深入交流,分享生活点滴,“我” 了解到大学生的情况,大学生也理解了 “我” 的诉求。最后以双方和解,关系改善,甚至成为朋友作为结尾,升华主题。
起初,“我” 因噪音对大学生充满愤怒,争吵后又陷入羞愧。带着饼干去道歉时,内心紧张不安。大学生开门时的防备让 “我” 更忐忑,当他接受饼干并道歉时,“我” 感到一丝欣慰。交流过程中,随着彼此了解加深,“我” 的心情逐渐放松,最后两人和解,“我” 收获了轻松和喜悦,还多了一份友谊。
“我” 带着饼干来到大学生家门口,敲门。
“我” 道歉并送上饼干,大学生接受。
大学生邀请 “我” 进屋,两人开始聊天。
This encounter taught me that a little kindness and understanding can go a long way in mending broken relationships and turning conflicts into friendships.(这次相遇让我明白,一点善意和理解就能在修复破裂关系、将冲突转化为友谊方面发挥巨大作用。)
Through this experience, I realized that rather than letting anger consume us, taking the initiative to reconcile can open the door to unexpected connections and a more harmonious community.(通过这次经历,我意识到与其被愤怒吞噬,主动和解能为意想不到的联系和更和谐的社区打开大门。)
It wasn't just a plate of cookies that bridged the gap between us; it was the courage to admit mistakes and the willingness to listen that created a new beginning for our relationship.(不仅仅是一盘饼干弥合了我们之间的差距,更是承认错误的勇气和倾听的意愿为我们的关系创造了新的开始。)
This story serves as a reminder that in every conflict lies an opportunity for growth and connection, and a simple act of goodwill can transform a tense situation into a beautiful friendship.(这个故事提醒我们,每一次冲突中都蕴含着成长和建立联系的机会,一个简单的善意之举就能将紧张局势转化为美好的友谊。)
As I left my neighbor's house that day, I carried with me the valuable lesson that compassion and communication are the keys to building a warm - hearted and friendly neighborhood.(那天当我离开邻居家时,我学到了宝贵的一课:同情和沟通是构建一个温暖友好社区的关键。)
The door opened, and I was greeted by a pair of curious eyes. The college student's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and his body tensed instinctively. I swallowed hard, my hands trembling slightly as I held out the plate of cookies. "Hi, I... I came to say sorry for yesterday," I stammered. "I was way too harsh." He blinked several times, his eyes fixed on the cookies. After a long moment of silence, he reached out and took the plate. "Thanks," he said, his voice softening. "I was a jerk too."
We shared a smile, and I felt a weight lifted off my heart. He invited me in, and we sat on his couch, a bit awkward at first. But as we started talking, the ice gradually melted. He told me how stressed he was with his studies and how he used the beer - pong table to unwind. I shared my concerns about the noise and my past experiences. Before I knew it, we were laughing and chatting like old friends. When I left, we exchanged numbers, promising to hang out soon. It was incredible how a simple apology could turn a difficult situation around.
The door opened, and I was greeted by a pair of curious eyes. The college student looked at me warily, his expression a mix of confusion and suspicion. I forced a smile, trying to appear friendly. "I'm really sorry about the other day," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "Here, I made these for you." He stared at the cookies, then at me, and his rigid posture relaxed a little. "Oh, thanks," he mumbled, taking the plate.
We shared a smile, and I felt a weight lifted off my heart. He gestured for me to come in, and we sat down in his living room. We talked about his life in college and my love for the neighborhood. I explained how much peace and quiet meant to me, and he promised to be more considerate. By the end of our conversation, all the tension was gone. As I walked home, I realized that sometimes, all it takes to resolve a conflict is a little courage and a lot of empathy.
The door opened, and I was greeted by a pair of curious eyes. The college student looked surprised to see me, and a hint of defensiveness flashed across his face. I forced a smile and held out the plate of cookies. "I'm really sorry about yesterday," I said, my voice a bit shaky. "I was out of line. These cookies are for you." He stared at the cookies for a moment, then at me. Slowly, the tension in his shoulders eased, and he took the plate. "Thanks," he mumbled, a bit awkwardly. "I should have been more understanding too."
We shared a smile, and I felt a weight lifted off my heart. He invited me in, and we sat on his couch, chatting about our lives. He told me about his studies and how much he loved the town. I shared some stories about the neighborhood. As we talked, I realized he was just a young guy trying to have a good time. Before I left, he promised to keep the noise down, and I said I'd love to have him over for dinner sometime. It was amazing how a simple plate of cookies could turn a tense situation into a new friendship.