年级 八年级 册数 下册 作业类型(前置性、拓展性、巩固性) 巩固性作业 预计完成时间 25分钟
课题 Unit5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came Section A 3a-3c
学情分析 已有基础 本单元围绕“难忘的事件”展开,较能激发学生兴趣。且学生经过七年级和八年级上册的学习,也有一定的英语学习基础,英语学习能力已得到了增强。 而本单元的语法过去进行时,学生也已经在七年级下册学习过现在进行时,并学习了如何利用其描述日常活动,这为本单元的学习做了一定铺垫。
存在问题 八年级的学生优秀学生的数量较少,大多数是中等及偏下的学生,习惯较差,上课注意力易分散,上课效率低,不能积极回答问题。作业抄袭现象也比较突出,不能够自主完成作业。
发展需求 通过本单元的学习使学生学会用过去进行时谈论日常生活中难忘的事。
发展途径 设法调动学生的积极性,通过听读说写等途径,训练词汇和句型,在小组对话和同桌对话中夯实所学。
单元教 学目标 语言能力 能够在“故事分享”等情境中,正确使用过去进行时结构,以及连语词 when 和 while,以听说读看写等方式询问和讲述过去发生的难忘的事情; 通过谈论过去发生的事情,激发英语学习兴趣;
学习能力 能够合理、有效地利用多媒体等现代技术搜集学习资料; 通过恰当运用寻读的阅读策略,寻找关键信息所在处获取相关信息,提升阅读能力; 能够有意识地训练自己的英语思能力维,努力做到善学、乐学。
思维品质 通过情景介绍,听说读看写等训练,能够准确获取有关过去时间和正在做的事。
文化意识 促使学生养成勤于观察,勤于思考,和勤于记录的好习惯; 能够明白在面对灾害的时候,大家要互相帮助,团结一致。
课时教 学内容 Section A 3a 的这篇短文"The Storm Brought People Closer Together"向学生介绍 Ben 所记忆的暴风雨及他们一家人在那时所做的事情,主要讲遭遇暴风雨袭击后的人们互相帮助的事。增加了学生的阅读量,也训练了过去进行时。
课时教 学目标 语言能力 能够用所学的过去进行时表达在暴风雨来临前后的情景和人们所做的事情。
学习能力 学生能通过阅读进一步巩固过去进行时的用法,叙述过去某个时间或时间段正在发生的事情。并学习到一些在日常生活中可以用到的词语。通过略读,寻读等英语学习方法和策略的感悟和学习,积极调适、自我提升,养成良好的学习习惯。
思维品质 在老师的帮助下,通过思维导图,小组讨论的方式理清文章脉络。实现知识与思维能力的迁移。
文化意识 能够明白在面对灾害的时候,增强自我保护意识和应对能力;能够明白在灾难面前大家应互相帮助,团结一致。
作业目标 本课时作业设计主要为巩固性作业。 本课时的作业目标是让学生能通过欣赏共读,完成句子填空,思维导图等形式帮助学生再次理解故事发展的主要情节及主要人物,以及人们所做的活动。能就故事发展进行简单复述。
作业内容 欣赏共读。 内容:完成E听说阅读共读,选择自己较感兴趣段落进行朗读。录制语音。 要求:发音标准,语速适中。 预计完成时间:5分钟。 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 要求:正确填空,尤其注意过去进行时。 预计完成时间3分钟。 What _______when the rainstorm came 暴风雨来的时候你在做什么? ____________________,it felt like ________.外面没有光,感觉就像半夜一样。 Ben _________ his mom make dinner when the wind began to________.当雨点开始重重地打在窗户上的时候,Ben在帮他妈妈做晚餐。 He finally ________when the wind was ___________at around 3:00a.m.凌晨3点左右风渐渐平息,他才终于得于入眠。 When he woke up,the sun __________.当他醒来时,太阳正在升起。 内容:完成思维导图,结合思维导图完成复述,录制语言。 预计完成时间:17分钟。 The ______ winds_____ ______outside. Black clouds _____________ ___________. The sky was ___ _______,it felt like_______.The rain began to________________________ the window. The wind_______ ____________. The sun________ ____________. Ben’s dad______ ___________ pieces of wood over the windows. Ben’s mom __________ the flashlights and radio __________. Ben_____________ his mom make dinners. Ben’s family Tried to______, but_____to have fun. They found the neighborhood _________. ____________ ____________ And they ____________
参考答案(评价标准) 参考答案: 略。 What were you doing when the rainstorm came With no light outside ,,it felt like midnight. Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the wind began to beat heavily over the window. He finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down at around 3:00a.m. When he woke up,the sun was rising. The strong winds was blowing outside. Black clouds were making the sky very dark. The sky was very dark ,it felt like midnight.The rain began to beat heavily over the window. The wind was dying down. The sun was rising. Ben’s dad was putting pieces of wood over the windows. Ben’s mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working. Ben was helping his mom make dinners. Ben’s family tried to play a card game,but it was hard to have fun. They found the neighborhood in a mess. And they Joined the neighbors to help clean up the neighborhood together.
课文复述参考: There was a heavy rainstorm in Alabama. Before the rainstorm, Ben could hear strong winds outside his home. Black clouds were making the sky very dark. With no light outside, it felt like midnight. On that time,Ben’s dad was putting pieces of wood over the windows.Ben’s mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working.Ben was helping his mom make dinners. During the rainstorm,The rain began to beat heavily over the window.Ben’s family tried to play a card game,but it was hard to have fun. After the rainstorm,The wind was dying down.The sun was rising.They found the neighborhood in a mess.And they Joined the neighbors to help clean up the neighborhood together. Although the storm broke many things apart, it brought families and neighbors closer together. 作业评价: 评价标准小红花获得情况自评互评师评内容完整正确使用过去进行时态内容完整,正确使用过去进行时态,过渡词使用正确,且发音标准,表达清晰,流畅,自信