I was backpacking and planned to climb a volcano called Volcan Baru. At 3,474m, it is the highest peak in the country and one of the only places on Earth from where you can see the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans at the same time. It is an active volcano, but last erupted around 1550.
I set off before sunrise. It was a little cold, so I had pulled on tights under my trousers. I intended to reach the top by midday, and then return before dark to get a lift to my hotel.I’ve always felt safe travelling as a woman on my own, which I’ve done since my 20s. I love the freedom. When I got to the base of the volcano at 7 in the morning,the ranger disagreed to let me go alone, but said OK because an American couple were behind me.
The first part of the climb was beautiful. It was not dry as you might imagine a volcano might be — there were trees and flowers all around, and a dirt road for the farmers who worked around there.I walked for an hour and reached a fair height. The views were impressive, so I stopped to take a photograph.
Suddenly I heard violent barking behind me. I turned and saw two dogs running aggressively (挑衅) towards me. I expected them to stop, but they didn’t. As they got closer, I could see their teeth looked sharp, and that they looked angry. There was nowhere for me to run. I tried to keep calm, but my heart was racing. I’d never been bitten by a dog, and I couldn’t help but fear what would happen. They stopped a dozen feet from where I stood and kept barking. I knew they could move fast, so I didn’t want to try to outrun them.
Terrified, I slowly kept walking, saying, “Come on, good dogs!”
Just at this critical moment, a pickup appeared, driven by the ranger.
“我” 独自背包旅行,计划攀登海拔 3474 米的巴鲁火山,它是该国最高峰,也是能同时看到大西洋和太平洋的少数地方之一,虽为活火山,但上一次喷发在 1550 年左右。“我” 在日出前出发,早上 7 点到达火山底部时,护林员本不同意 “我” 独自登山,因有一对美国夫妇随后才放行。登山初期景色很美,并非想象中火山的干燥模样,有树木、鲜花和供周边农民行走的土路。“我” 登了一小时到达一定高度,停下来拍照时,突然听到身后有狗狂吠,两只狗气势汹汹地向 “我” 冲来,“我” 十分害怕,不敢逃跑,只能站在原地,试图让自己冷静下来。
开端:“我” 独自背包去攀登巴鲁火山,到达火山底部后因有美国夫妇随后,护林员同意 “我” 独自登山。
发展:登山途中景色优美,“我” 在拍照时,两只凶狗突然出现并向 “我” 逼近,“我” 陷入恐惧与危险之中。
高潮:狗一直对着 “我” 狂吠,“我” 不敢轻举妄动,内心极度紧张,不知道如何应对,危险持续升级。
结局(待续写):在极度危险的时刻,出现转机,可能是护林员或其他人帮助 “我” 摆脱危险,“我” 成功脱险,继续完成登山之旅,或者对这次经历有深刻感悟。
护林员不同意 “我” 独自登山,后因美国夫妇同意:在续写中,美国夫妇可能会在关键时刻出现,比如他们听到狗叫声赶来帮忙,或者在 “我” 脱险后,与 “我” 一起完成登山,回应这个伏笔,让故事更加完整。
“我” 独自旅行且热爱自由,一直感觉安全:与后面被狗攻击形成反差,在续写中,脱险后的 “我” 可能会对独自旅行的安全有新的认识,或者更加珍惜这种自由但又充满挑战的旅行经历,使人物形象更加丰满。
登山途中景色描述:续写中可能会在脱险后,“我” 对这些景色有更深的感受,比如觉得之前忽略的美景此刻格外珍贵,或者因为这次经历,这些景色有了不一样的意义,让故事更具感染力。
狗突然出现并攻击 “我”:是故事的转折点,续写中围绕 “我” 如何摆脱狗的攻击展开,如通过自己的智慧、他人的帮助等方式,推动故事发展。
提到活火山但长时间未喷发:在续写中,可能会在 “我” 脱险后,继续攀登火山时,遇到与火山相关的情况,比如看到火山口独特的景象,与前文呼应,丰富故事内容。
第一段:详细描述 “我” 在狗的威胁下继续行走时的心理状态,如极度恐惧、时刻警惕;动作细节,如缓慢且小心翼翼地移动;还可描述狗的反应,是否继续紧逼,“我” 尝试用言语安抚狗的效果等。
第二段:着重描写护林员出现后的场景,他如何赶走狗,“我” 的反应,如从紧张到放松的情绪变化;与护林员的交流,护林员对 “我” 的关心或提醒;之后 “我” 是否继续登山,以及对这次经历的初步感受。
起初,“我” 独自旅行充满自由与期待,心情轻松愉悦。当狗突然出现并攻击 “我” 时,恐惧瞬间笼罩,心跳加速,内心极度紧张,时刻担心被咬伤。在与狗僵持的过程中,恐惧不断加剧,几乎绝望。护林员出现时,“我” 的心情从极度恐惧转为惊喜和放松,充满感激。脱险后,可能会对这次经历心有余悸,也可能会因这次惊险而对旅行有新的感悟,更加珍惜安全的旅行时光。
“我” 独自背包前往巴鲁火山,在护林员同意后开始登山。
登山途中景色优美,“我” 停下来拍照。
两只凶狗突然出现并攻击 “我”,“我” 陷入恐惧,不敢逃跑。
“我” 在狗的威胁下,缓慢行走并试图安抚它们。
“我” 与护林员交流,决定是否继续登山,对这次经历有所感悟。
This encounter with the dogs not only tested my courage in the face of danger but also taught me that even in the most beautiful and seemingly peaceful journeys, unexpected challenges can arise, reminding me to always be prepared.(这次与狗的遭遇不仅考验了我在危险面前的勇气,还让我明白,即使在最美丽、看似最平静的旅途中,也可能会出现意想不到的挑战,提醒我时刻做好准备。)
Through this terrifying experience, I realized that the freedom I cherish in solo traveling comes with risks, and it is the ability to stay calm and face difficulties head - on that truly defines a remarkable adventure.(通过这次可怕的经历,我意识到我在独自旅行中所珍视的自由伴随着风险,而真正定义一次非凡冒险的是保持冷静并直面困难的能力。)
The appearance of the ranger at the critical moment not only saved me from the dangerous situation but also made me feel the warmth of human kindness in a foreign land, highlighting the importance of looking out for one another during travels.(护林员在关键时刻的出现不仅使我脱离了危险境地,还让我在异国他乡感受到了人性的温暖,凸显了旅行中相互关照的重要性。)
This incident on the way to the volcano taught me that nature, with its beauty and unpredictability, is a powerful reminder of our vulnerability and the need to respect its every aspect, whether it's the majestic volcano or the wild animals.(在前往火山途中的这次事件让我明白,大自然既美丽又不可预测,它有力地提醒着我们的脆弱,以及尊重它的每一个方面的必要性,无论是雄伟的火山还是野生动物。)
After this harrowing experience, I came to understand that every challenge we face during our travels is an opportunity for growth, and it is through these trials that we become more resilient and appreciative of the wonders of the world.(在这次痛苦的经历之后,我开始明白,我们在旅行中面临的每一个挑战都是成长的机会,正是通过这些考验,我们变得更加坚韧,也更加珍惜世界的奇妙之处。)
Terrified, I slowly kept walking, saying, “Come on, good dogs!” My voice trembled, barely audible over their fierce barking. With each step, I prayed they wouldn't lunge at me. Their eyes were fixed on me, and I could feel their hostility. I tried to look confident, but my legs were shaking uncontrollably. I remembered reading that showing fear could make the situation worse, so I forced myself to keep moving forward, though my heart was pounding in my chest.
Just at this critical moment, a pickup appeared, driven by the ranger. He honked the horn loudly, and the dogs were startled. They turned their heads towards the vehicle, their aggression momentarily distracted. The ranger jumped out, shouting and waving his arms. The dogs, intimidated by his actions, finally backed off and ran away. I let out a long - awaited sigh of relief. The ranger came to me, asking if I was okay. I nodded, still a bit shaken. He advised me to be more careful and offered to accompany me for the rest of the climb. Gratefully, I accepted, and we continued our journey together, with my heart gradually calming down.
Terrified, I slowly kept walking, saying, “Come on, good dogs!” But they didn't seem to be affected by my gentle words. Instead, they growled even louder, getting closer with each passing second. I could smell their foul breath and feel their hot stares on me. My mind was racing, thinking of any possible way to escape. I considered throwing my backpack at them as a distraction, but I was afraid it would only enrage them more. Every nerve in my body was on edge, and I was on the verge of breaking down.
Just at this critical moment, a pickup appeared, driven by the ranger. He quickly sped towards the dogs, making a sharp turn to block their path. The dogs were startled by the sudden arrival of the vehicle and stopped in their tracks. The ranger got out with a stick in his hand and chased the dogs away. I stood there, frozen in shock for a few seconds. Then, I rushed towards the ranger, tears welling up in my eyes. “Thank you so much,” I said, my voice filled with gratitude. The ranger patted me on the shoulder, saying, “It's okay now. You're safe.” After a short rest, I decided to continue my climb, more determined than ever, but also with a newfound respect for the unexpected dangers that could lurk during my travels.
Terrified, I slowly kept walking, saying, “Come on, good dogs!” Suddenly, one dog dashed up towards me, sinking his teeth into my leg. “Oh, my God, I’m in a dog’s mouth and he’s trying to swallow me,” I thought to myself, with the pain taking my breath away as I felt his teeth in my flesh. I picked up a rock to fight him off, but was nervous that he would go for my neck or that the other one would come to attack me together. Facing these two aggressive dogs,I desperately felt at a loss. Hardly could I step out of the trouble on my own.
Just at this critical moment, a pickup appeared, driven by the ranger: Seeing the state I was in, he immediately stopped his pickup, opened the door, and signaled to me to get in. When we reached the base, he helped me bandage the leg up, earnestly reminding me that safety comes first while travelling. I felt relieved and grateful. And from then on, I travel carefully as well as cautiously. After all, nothing is more precious than life.