北师大版(2019)必修第三册Unit 9 Learning The World's Oldest First Grader 教学设计(表格式)


名称 北师大版(2019)必修第三册Unit 9 Learning The World's Oldest First Grader 教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 1.9MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 北师大版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2025-01-27 16:41:22



学习 主题 Unit9 Learning The World’s Oldest First Grader
学科 英语 年级 一 时长 45 分钟
背景 分析 一、指导思想及理论依据 ( 一) 指导思想 《普通高中英语课程标准 (2022年版) 》和《义务教育英语课程标准 (2022 版) 》共同强调要培养学生的核心素养,即语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力四位 一体的教学理念,使得英语教学不再局限于课本知识,而是更加注重学生的全面发展。通过 “以主题为引领选择和组织课程内容”的课程理念, 以学科大概念为核心,推动实施单元整 体教学,促进学生核心素养综合表现的达成。新版课程标准在评价方式上倡导多元评价、过 程评价和表现性评价等理念,推动“教- 学-评”一体化实施, 旨在更加全面、客观地反映学 生的学习情况,激发学生的学习积极性和自信心。 因此,在两版课标的共同指导下,本节课的教学设计基于单元整体大概念“Learning”, 深入挖掘“Lifelong Learning”的理念。并且通过任务引领学生的学,以表现性任务作为学生 的评价方式,落实“教学评一体化” ,全面提高学生的核心素养。 (二) 理论依据 1. 英语学习活动观 英语学习活动观是指学生在主题意义引领下,通过学习理解、应用实践、迁移创新等一 些列体现综合性、关联性和实践性等特点的英语学习活动。根据英语学习活动观的指导,教 师要创设尽量真实的情境,注意与学生已有知识和经验的紧密联系;要利用思维导图等多种 工具和手段,使学生的零散信息和新旧知识之间建立连结,归纳提炼基于主题的新知识结构; 要通过问题链设计,引导学生的思维由低阶向高阶稳步发展。 因此,本课学习活动设计以PWP 教学模式为基本框架,各学习阶段通过问题链的设置层 层递进,从基于文本的信息输入,到深入挖掘文本的输出应用,最后到超越文本的迁移创新, 引导学生开展主题意义探究和解决真实任务,从而落实英语核心素养目标。 2. UbD 逆向设计法 美国教育专家格兰特 · 维金斯和杰伊 · 麦克泰格所著的《追求理解的教学设计》一书 中 指出,为了帮助学生真正“理解”,以学生的素养为导向,要从教师的“教”走向学生的“学”, 从而提出教学的 UbD (Understanding by Design) 逆向设计的教学设计方法,即先确定预期结
果,再确定合适的评估证据,最后设计学习体验和教学。这种设计方法有助于教师更清晰地 明确教学目标,更有效地设计教学活动,更准确地评估学生学习成果,更好地落实“教- 学- 评一体化” 。 因此,本单元的整体教学设计思路遵循逆向设计的三阶段理念。 3. 产出导向法 文秋芳教授提出的“产出导向法” (Production-Oriented Approach ,简称 POA) 理论强调 从学习者的实际需求出发, 以产出任务为导向,通过完成真实的语言交际任务来提高学习者 的语言运用能力,学用一体、学有所获、学有所成。 本课以该理论为指导, 以本课时产出任务“Give an award presentation speech to introduce Kimani Maruge”为导向,发挥学生的主导作用,“从教走向学” ,让学生在具体语境中学习 和运用英语,提高学生学习兴趣,综合发展核心素养。 二、教材分析 ( 一) 单元教学背景分析 1. 单元主题:Learning 本单元基于北师大版必修三教材 Unit9 Learning ,选取新课标“生活与学习”主题群中的 “乐于学习、善于学习、终身学习” 子主题。在该主题的基础上整合了各版本教材及课外语 篇资源,构成了如下语篇结构:
在该主题语篇的基础上构建了如下单元教学内容关联图及核心任务设计: (二) 课时文本分析 What:主题意义及主要内容分析 本模块为第6 课时的读写课,属于“人与自我”范畴主题群。子主题涉及“终身学习、 乐于学习”及“正确的人生态度” 、“生命的意义与价值”等。本课是一篇记叙文,讲述了 肯尼亚一位名叫基马尼 · 马鲁格的老人成为世界上最老的一年级学生的感人故事。文章主要 介绍了马鲁格老人尽管年事已高,但仍然坚持追求自己的梦想,克服了重重困难,最终成功 进入小学学习的事迹。他通过自己的努力和坚持, 向世界证明了年龄并不是学习的障碍,每 个人都有受教育和追求梦想的权利。 Why :写作意图分析 文章通过讲述肯尼亚老人基马尼 ·马鲁格 (Kimani Maruge) 的真实故事,来传达多重深 刻的教育意义和社会价值。具体来说,文章的写作意图可以分解为以下几个方面:①激励学 生珍惜教育机会:通过介绍马鲁格在晚年依然坚持追求知识的决心和行动,作者希望激励广 大学生珍惜年轻时的学习时光和现有的教育资源。②强调教育的力量:文章展示了知识如何 改变一个人的生活态度和精神面貌。马鲁格通过学习不仅提升了自 己,也影响了周围的人, 这种正面的影响力是教育带来的无形财富。③呼吁社会对教育的重视:通过马鲁格这一非凡 的案例,作者间接地向社会发出呼吁,提醒公众关注教育问题,尤其是那些可能因种种原因 错过教育机会的人群。④终身学习的价值观:马鲁格的故事是对“活到老,学到老”这一积 极学习态度的生动诠释。 综上所述,该篇文章有利于培养学生的健全人格,具有较强的育人价值。 How:文体结构呈现 语篇文本条理清晰,结构明确,主要分为三大部分,第一 自然段通过对基马尼 · 马鲁格 老人开学第一天的简单描写,引出文章的主题和主要人物;第二至五自然段详细描述了马鲁
格作为最老小学生的求学经历, 阐释了时代背景、面临的挑战, 以及他是如何克服这些挑战 的;第六、七 自然段总结了马鲁格故事的意义和影响,强调了教育的重要性和终身学习的理 念。 三、学情分析 1. 学生已有储备: 本单元以“学习”为主题。对于该主题,学生在初中阶段已有所接触。本单元从“乐于 学习” 、“善于学习” 、“终身学习”三个方面进行了进一步探索。其中,“终身学习” 子 主题下有两课时。本课时为“终身学习” 子主题的第二课时。前一课时的学习中,学生对文 章 The Importance ofLife-long Learning 进行了深入挖掘,对终身学习的重要性有了初步思考。 2. 学生学情特点: 授课学生为英语高阶班学生,学生英语语言能力较好,在 4 月月考中,本班学生优秀率 (85 分以上) 达到了 56% , 良好率 (70 分以上) 达到了 100% 。整体上看,该班级学生学 习英语积极性高,班级气氛活跃。 但仍存在少部分同学在英语学习上有所懈怠,对英语的学习积极性不高;部分同学课堂 参与度不高,缺乏自信;部分同学语言能力强,但因口语训练少, 口语表达能力弱; 同时, 部分学生阅读文本不擅长深入思考,缺乏迁移创新等高阶思维品质。 因此,本课教学设计中 重点关注了学生的高阶思维品质,并提供了丰富的口语表达的机会。
学习 目标 按照布鲁姆的教学目标分类法 (Bloom’s taxonomy) 和英语学习活动观确定本节课的学习目 标:
问题 框架
方法 策略 学生存在问题 教学方法策略 具体实施内容
部分同学英语学习内动力 不足,学习积极性不高。 任务驱动式 学习法 创设单元真实情境任务,激发学生学习热情。 在完成任务的同时掌握各项素养。 (帮助达 成目标 4 ,也是本课教学难点之一。)
部分同学思想深度有待加 强,缺乏迁移创新等高阶 思维品质。 问题链引导法 通过贯穿课堂环环相扣的问题链设置,从获 取信息到故事重述,再到人物品质分析,最 后到文化意义思考,一步一步为学生搭建台 阶,引导学生走向高阶思维。 (帮助达成目 标 3 ,也是本课教学难点之一。)
部 分 同 学 课 堂 参 与 度 不 高,缺乏自信。 合作学习法 通过同学之间合作交流,缓解课堂压力,在 思维碰撞中引发思考,迁移创新。
部 分 同 学 口 语 表 达 能 力 弱。 情境学习法 通过情境演绎 Roleplay 以及模拟颁奖词的形 式,给学生提供口语表达的机会,激发学生 表达兴趣。 (帮助达成目标 2 和 4 ,也是本 课教学重难点。)
课前学 习活动 学习目标 I can memorize the new words in this lesson.
学习内容 1. 通过学习文章 The Importance ofLife-long Learning ,对终身学习的意义有 了初步思考。 2. 通过课前线上小测,熟悉本课单词。
课堂教 学活动 活动 1 目标 I can clearly understand the task of this unit and this lesson.
环节步骤 Introduction to the task of this lesson [3mins]
教师活动 1 T guides the students to review the performance task of this unit in order to make them clear the function of the text in the whole unit. T presents the task of this lesson--make an award speech with the posters Ss are going to make. Examples of the poster are shown to the students as well as the steps included to finish the task. 学生活动 1 Ss listen to the teacher carefully to review the performance task of this unit and get to know the task they are going to finish in this lesson.
活动意图说明: To get students prepared for the class and to help them have a clear understanding of the task they are going to perform. Through the sub-task of the unit, to awaken students’ metacognitive system and arouse students’ learning interest in this course. (乐学与善学)
支撑材料 An example of the poster they need to create at the end of this lesson:
活动 2 目标 I’m able to be familiar with the background knowledge of the topic. I can think proactively and ask questions before reading.
环节步骤 Leading in the topic [3mins]
教师活动 2 T shows some pictures of Kenya and plays a movie clip of Kimani Maruge to equip the students with the background information of the text. T asks the following question: What other information do you need to know about Kimani Maruge in order to make an award speech 学生活动 2 Ss look at the pictures of Kenya and watch a movie clip of Kimani Maruge to get to know the background information of the text. Ss think about the question “What other information do you need to know about Kimani Maruge in order to make an award speech ” and express their opinions.
活动意图说明: To help students get to know the background knowledge of the topic and pave way for the following general comprehension of the text. Through students’ independent questions, to mobilize students’ thinking. (乐学与善学)
学习评价 教师提问+课堂观察
支撑材料 A clip of the movie “The First Grader” 附件 1:Movie clip.mp4
活动 3 目标 I can scan the passage quickly and figure out the structure through the subtitles. I can predict the main content of each part of the passage.
环节步骤 General comprehension of the text [3mins]
教师活动 3 T let Ss scan the passage quickly and figure out the basic stucture of the passage and guide the students to pay attention to the subtitles. Then let the students predict the main content of each part. 学生活动 3 Ss scan the passage quickly and predict the main content of each part.
活动意图说明: Ss will have a general comprehension of the text, which is vital for them to finish the following task. 【学习理解类活动】 (习得与建构)
学习评价 教师提问+课堂观察
活动 4 目标 I can read for and list the main plot with the help of the timeline framework. (学习 目标 1)
环节步骤 Second-time reading of the text [8mins]
教师活动 4 T let Ss read each paragraph in detail and work in groups to draw a timeline on the poster with no more than 6 words to demonstrate what happened to Kimani Maruge. T invites the Ss to talk about the key words, and writes them on the white board. 学生活动 4 Ss read the passage carefully and work in groups to draw a timeline on the poster with no more than 6 words for each title. Ss share the key words concluded by their group.
活动意图说明: By drawing the timeline and listing the key words, Ss will read the test in detail and get fully prepared for the next part: role play. 【学习理解类活动】 (习得与建构)
学习评价 课堂阅读学案完成情况+教师提问+课堂观察
支撑材料 时间轴模板: (学案上呈现)
活动 5 目标 I can put myself in the shoes of the main character and retell the story according to the timeline. (学习 目标 2)
环节步骤 Role play [5mins]
教师活动 5 T let Ss retell the life story of Kimani Maruge within the group based on the timeline they’ve just made (in the first-person perspective). Based on the key words listed on the time-line, T invites 3 students to the stage and play the role of Kimani in his adolescence, middle age, and his 80s, respectively. 学生活动 5 Ss retell the the life story of Kimani Maruge within the group based on the timeline they’ve just made (in the first-person perspective). Three students come to the stage and give a role-play.
活动意图说明: Through role play, students can internalize the language and output it flexibly. 【应用实践类活动】 (表达与交流) (感悟与内化)
学习评价 Roleplay 小组互评表:
Roleplay 成功标准
Content Does his/her performance show Kimani’s learning condition at different ages Yes/No
Is his/her performance based on the evidence that can be inferred from the text Yes/No
Language Does he/she state in the first person Yes/No
Does he/she speak fluently and accurately Yes/No
支撑材料 Setence patterns for the roleplay: (学案上呈现) e.g. “Good morning, everyone, I’m Kimani, I’m 15. I was born in ... ” “I’m 50 now, I... ” “Now I’m 80 years old, ... ”
活动 6 目标 I can analyze the character’s qualities based on the details of the article. (学习 目标 3)
环节步骤 Character Analysis [8mins]
教师活动 6 T guides the students to make an analysis of Kimani Maruge’s good qualities in the form of mini world coffee. Requirements: Use as many words or phrases as possible to summarize Maruge’s personal quality. Give your reasons and find evidence to support yourjudgement. T invites Ss to choose the role they are going to play in their group. 学生活动 6 Ss work in groups to make an analysis of Kimani Maruge’s good qualities and find the evidence to support their judgement. After the discussion, the representatives of each group share the ideas with other classmates.
活动意图说明: To achieve the goal of analyzing and extracting the qualities of the character. 【应用实践类活动】 (归纳与推断)
学习评价 表现性任务:人物品质词将呈现在海报上,通过组间巡展小组互评
支撑材料 Setence patterns for quality analysis: (学案上呈现) e.g. He is determined. Despite facing significant challenges and obstacles in his life, such as poverty and limited educational opportunities, he never gave up on his dreams. 人物品质范例: (学案上呈现) 小组角色分配表: (学案上呈现)
活动 7 目标 I can create a review of the biography by making an award speech introducing the main character. (学习 目标 4)
环节步骤 Making an award speech [15mins]
教师活动 7 T guides Ss to write an award speech based on the posters they have made. An example is provided by the teacher as a reference for the students. After Ss sharing their award speech in groups, T posts the posters of each group on the white board and invites 3 Ss to come up to the stage to make the award speech 学生活动 7 Ss write an award speech based on the posters they have made. Then, Ss share their award speech in groups. Three Ss come up to the stage to make an award speech
活动意图说明: This part evaluates whether Ss have grabbed what they’ve learned in the text and offers them a chance to use the knowledge they learned. 【迁移创新类活动】 (感悟与内化、表达与交流)
学习评价 表现性任务:生生互评
支撑材料 颁奖词模板: (学案上呈现) Title: The Light ofMy Heart: A Life-long Learner The Inspiration Awardfor Unwavering Commitment to Learning The Pioneer ofEducational Equality Award The Lifetime Achievement Awardfor __________ The Award
Example: Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we are gathered here to celebrate a truly exceptional individual whose life story has inspired us all. It is my great honor to introduce to you the recipient(领奖人) ofthis year's ____________(Name of the Award) - the remarkable Kimani Maruge. Tonight, we honor Kimani Marugefor his unwavering determination to personal growth. Despitefacing significant challenges and obstacles in his life, such as poverty and limited educational opportunities, he never gave up on his dreams. His example teaches us that age, background, or circumstances should never be barriers to learning and personal growth.
课后 作业 学习目标 I can retell the story of Kimani Maruge, and summarize his good qualities. I can write an award speech with proper language and clear structure.
作业要求 Refine your poster and your award speech.
支撑材料 网页资源:How to write an award speech https://uark.pressbooks.pub/speaking/chapter/award-speech/ https://www.judgify.me/l/blog/anchoring-script-for-an-award-ceremony/
技术 融合 数字技术融 合点 1. 视频等多媒体配合教学。 2. 电子海报的制作与展示。 3. 课前线上词汇学习与测试。
使用描述及 使用的意图 1. 通过视频吸引学生学习兴趣,促进学生对文本的理解 2. 电子海报为学生提供子任务范例。 3. 通过线上词汇学习与测试,学生能够随时随地熟悉生词,教师能够及时掌 握学生的单词识记情况。
课程 思政 课程思政元 素 健全人格: 本课讲述了肯尼亚一位名叫基马尼 · 马鲁格的老人成为世界上最老的一 年级学生的故事。该真实事例是“终身学习” 的生动体现,强调了教育带来 的无形财富。 同时,也激励学生珍惜年轻时的学习时光和现有的教育资源。 通过马鲁格这一非凡的案例,作者也间接地向社会发出呼吁,提醒公众 关注教育问题,尤其是那些可能因种种原因错过教育机会的人群。
融入过程 本课教学中,学生能够通过阅读文章, 了解基马尼 · 马鲁格终身学习的 人生故事以及他给社会带来的积极影响。结合感人至深的电影片段,学生能 够获得心灵的触动。 同时,学生通过逐步分析,概括出基马尼 · 马鲁格身上的优秀品质,通 过为其撰写颁奖词,深入体会这些优秀品质的体现及意义,并能够将其作为 模范,引领学生的未来发展。
支撑材料 1:课文文本
The World’s Oldest First Grader
1. On January 12th, 2004, Kimani Maruge knocked on the door of the primary school in his village in
Kenya. It was the first day of school, and he was
ready to start learning. The teacher let him in and
gave him a desk. The new student sat down with the
rest of the first graders — six- and seven-year-old
boys and girls. However, Kimani Maruge was not an
ordinary first grader. He was 84 years old — the
world’s oldest first grader.
Fighting to Stay in School
2. Kimani Maruge was born in Kenya in 1920.
At that time, primary education in Kenya was not free
and Maruge’s family didn’t have enough money to pay for school. When Maruge grew up, he worked hard as a farmer. In the 1950s, he fought with other Kenyans against the British colonists. After years of fighting, Kenya became independent in 1963.
3. In 2003, the Kenya government began offering free primary education to everyone, and Maruge wanted an education, too. However, it wasn’t always easy for Maruge to attend school. Many of the first grader’s parents didn’t want an old man in their children’s class. School officials said that a primary education was only for children. But the school principal, Jane Obinchu, believed Maruge was right. With her help, he was able to stay in school.
4. Maruge was a motivated and successful student. In fact, he was one of the top five students in the first grade class. In second grade, Maruge became the school’s student leader. He went as far as seventh grade, the final year of primary school. Over the years, Maruge studied Swahili, English and math. He wanted to use his education to read the Bible and study veterinary(兽医) medicine.
5. In 2008, there were problems in Kenya after an election. People were fighting and burning houses in Maruge’s village. Maruge moved to a refugee( 难 民 , 避难人) camp for safety and lived in a tent. However, even during those difficult times, he continued to go to school. Later in that year, he moved to a home for the elderly. He continued to go to school, and even taught other residents of the home to read and write.
Inspired to Learn
6. In 2005, Maruge flew in plane for the first time in his life. He traveled to New York City, where he gave a speech at the United Nations. He spoke about the importance of education and asked for help to educate the people Kenya. Maruge also wanted to improve primary education for children in Africa.
7. Maruge died in 2009, at age 89. However, his story lives on. The 2010 movie The First Grader showed Maruge’s amazing fight to get an education. Many older Kenyans decided to start school after seeing The First Grader. One of those people was 19-year-old Thomas Litei. Litei said, “I knew it was not too late. I wanted to read, to know more language, so I came to school to learn. That is why it is important for his story to be known.”
支撑材料 2:课时学案
支撑材料 3:学生课上生成作品