It was the Easter holidays, and school was closed for two weeks. For me, the Easter holidays were so boring that it was impossible to find something fun to do. My mom had suggested that I do some studies since the promotion test was coming up. However, I didn’t follow my mother’s suggestion. Instead, I went outside to seek out my friends to play with. When I had successfully contacted some of my friends, none of them seemed to be much in a playful mood, but one friend Jimmy agreed to play with me. He suggested we go down to the river and just relax there. The river was not far from my home, and we arrived there quickly.
Just relaxing on the river bank with nothing but some waste logs, it wasn’t fun for us at first. Clearly what was on our minds was to jump into the river and just take a swim in the clear cool water. So we took off our clothes down to our underwear and walked into the shallow part of the water. The water was truly cool and refreshing and we were starting to have fun then, playing and laughing, as we splashed the cool water onto each other’s faces.
Then we started to chase each other around on the river bank and then we ran straight into the river. We were having so much fun that we didn’t notice danger was around the corner. Before Jimmy could know it, and before he could do anything to keep his balance, he lost his footing on a tree branch, which was in the shallow part of the water, and slipped, bringing his whole entire body into the deep water. He tried to resurface from the water but found it extremely hard to keep his head above the water.
I was scared to see him struggling in the water but I knew I must rescue him.
After a while, Jimmy recovered from panic and thanked my mom and the neighbors.
开端:复活节假期 “我” 找朋友玩,和 Jimmy 来到河边,起初觉得无聊,后来在浅水区游泳嬉戏。
发展:两人在河岸追逐后冲进河里,玩耍时未注意危险,Jimmy 因踩到树枝滑倒跌入深水区,陷入危险。
高潮:Jimmy 在深水区挣扎,生命受到威胁,“我” 面临是否救援以及如何救援的抉择,这是故事的紧张时刻。
结局(待续写):通过 “我” 的救援行动以及后续 Jimmy 恢复后的情节,展现事件的解决和人物的成长,构成故事结局。
河水离 “我” 家不远:暗示救援可能相对便捷,在续写中,“我” 或许能快速获得外界帮助,如跑回家呼喊大人。
起初觉得在河边无聊,后来才开始玩耍:体现孩子们对危险的忽视,在续写中,会因之前的放松警惕而凸显此刻危险的严重性,也可能促使 “我” 反思自己的行为。
在浅水区玩耍很开心:与 Jimmy 跌入深水区形成鲜明对比,在续写中,“我” 可能会凭借在浅水区积累的对水的熟悉感,尝试救援 Jimmy。
没注意危险就在身边:为 Jimmy 的遇险埋下伏笔,在续写中,会围绕 “我” 如何应对这突如其来的危险展开,比如 “我” 会采取什么紧急措施。
Jimmy 在深水区难以浮出水面:直接引出 “我” 的救援行动,在续写中,将详细描述 “我” 的救援过程,以及救援成功后的情况。
第一段:着重描写 “我” 看到 Jimmy 挣扎时的心理活动,虽害怕但坚定要救他的决心。然后详细描述 “我” 的救援行动,如迅速游向他,可能会回忆起学过的救援知识,尝试抓住他并将他带向岸边,过程中遇到的困难,如 Jimmy 因惊慌挣扎导致救援难度增加。
第二段:描绘 Jimmy 恢复后的场景,他向妈妈和邻居表达感谢,大家对此次事件的反应,如妈妈的后怕和对 “我” 的叮嘱,邻居的称赞。最后阐述从这次经历中 “我” 和 Jimmy 得到的教训,如以后玩耍要注意安全,增强安全意识。
起初,“我” 和 Jimmy 在河边玩耍,心情轻松愉快,尽情享受假期的欢乐。当 Jimmy 突然跌入深水区挣扎时,“我” 瞬间被恐惧笼罩,但责任感让 “我” 鼓起勇气去救援,内心充满紧张与担忧。在救援过程中,随着困难出现,“我” 愈发焦虑。成功救援后,“我” 感到如释重负。Jimmy 恢复后,大家的关心让 “我” 感受到温暖,同时也因这次经历而更加懂得生命的珍贵和安全的重要性,内心多了一份成熟与警惕。
复活节假期 “我” 找朋友玩,和 Jimmy 来到河边,起初无聊,后在浅水区玩耍。
两人在河岸追逐冲进河里,Jimmy 踩到树枝滑倒跌入深水区。
Jimmy 在深水区挣扎,难以浮出水面。
“我” 虽害怕但决定救 Jimmy,采取救援行动。
“我” 成功救起 Jimmy,将他带到岸边。
Jimmy 恢复后感谢大家,“我” 和他从中吸取教训。
This incident taught us that in the face of danger, courage and presence of mind can make a life - saving difference, and we should always stay alert to potential risks.(这次事件教会我们,在危险面前,勇气和镇定能起到救命的作用,我们应时刻对潜在风险保持警惕。)
Through this experience, we not only learned the importance of safety but also realized the power of friendship and the responsibility we have for each other.(通过这次经历,我们不仅懂得了安全的重要性,还意识到了友谊的力量以及我们对彼此的责任。)
The accident by the river served as a wake - up call, reminding us that carelessness can lead to unexpected consequences and that we must always prioritize safety in our daily lives.(河边的事故敲响了警钟,提醒我们粗心大意会导致意想不到的后果,在日常生活中我们必须始终将安全放在首位。)
In the end, what could have been a tragic event turned into a valuable lesson, teaching us to cherish life, be cautious, and always be ready to lend a hand to those in need.(最终,原本可能是一场悲剧的事件变成了宝贵的一课,教会我们珍惜生命、保持谨慎,随时准备向有需要的人伸出援手。)
Our experience at the river emphasized that even in the midst of fun and relaxation, we should never let our guard down, as safety is the foundation of every enjoyable moment.(我们在河边的经历强调,即使在欢乐和放松的时候,我们也绝不能放松警惕,因为安全是每一个愉快时刻的基础。)
I was scared to see him struggling in the water but I knew I must rescue him. My heart was pounding wildly, and my hands were shaking. However, without hesitation, I took a deep breath and swam towards him as fast as I could. When I reached him, he was flailing his arms desperately. I tried to hold him tightly, but his panic made it difficult. I remembered the rescue skills I had learned and managed to get him in a stable position. With all my strength, I dragged him towards the shore. It was an exhausting battle, but finally, we made it.
After a while, Jimmy recovered from panic and thanked my mom and the neighbors. My mom hugged me tightly, her eyes filled with tears of relief. Jimmy was still a bit shaken, but he managed to say thank you to everyone who had helped. The neighbors praised my bravery. Jimmy and I both realized how dangerous it was to play without paying attention to safety. From that day on, we always made sure to be careful whenever we went out to play.
I was scared to see him struggling in the water but I knew I must rescue him. Fear gripped me, but I knew I couldn't let my friend down. I quickly swam towards Jimmy, yelling at him to stay calm. As I got closer, I saw the fear in his eyes. I grabbed his arm firmly and told him to stop struggling. Using the current of the river to my advantage, I slowly pulled him towards the shallower area. It was a long and difficult process, but finally, we reached the bank safely.
After a while, Jimmy recovered from panic and thanked my mom and the neighbors. My mom was so proud of me, and Jimmy's gratitude made me feel warm inside. The neighbors told us stories about similar accidents and emphasized the importance of safety. Jimmy and I listened attentively, vowing never to be so careless again. This experience taught us a valuable lesson that we would always remember.
I was scared to see him struggling in the water but I knew I must rescue him. I took a deep breath to keep calm. Looking around, I found a waste log, I threw it to him immediately and asked him to hold it and not to give up. At the same time I yelled for help, hoping someone could come to our rescue. Luckily, my mom heard my cries, rushed out of the house and raced towards us. She jumped into the water and reached out her hands to pull him. Several neighbors also quickly joined the rescue. They managed to get Jimmy out of the water. Finally, Jimmy was saved, pale and shivering.
After a while, Jimmy recovered from panic and thanked my mom and the neighbors. We hugged each other in tears. I thought my mom would scold me. But she just held us in her arms tightly. She warned us it was dangerous to swim in the river. Both of us felt ashamed and promised never to do that again. This was really a special Easter, one I would never forget. For Jimmy, he had a narrow escape from drowning. For me, I felt the kindness of my neighbors.