Unit 4 Life on Mars Integrated skills练习(含答案) 牛津译林版九年级下册


名称 Unit 4 Life on Mars Integrated skills练习(含答案) 牛津译林版九年级下册
格式 docx
文件大小 30.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津译林版
科目 英语
更新时间 2025-01-29 14:31:00



Unit 4 Integrated skills
About twenty year ago, I was on a very long flight, during which a voice from the speaker said, “We won’t 1 drinks or the meal because we are facing a storm ahead. Please make your seat belts fastened.”Many passengers became 2 , talking about it with each other. At once it became 3 in the plane.
Soon, lightening lit up the darkening skies, and within moments the 4 was like a boat on waves in the storm. One moment it was lifted up by the storm; the next, it was thrown as if it were to 5 onto the ground. All the passengers were frightened. Some cried. Some prayed (祈祷). The 6 seemed hopeless. I wondered if we could make it through the storm.
Then I noticed the little girl next to me. Surprisingly, the storm seemed to mean 7 to her. She was 8 , looking through a picture book. Sometimes she closed her eyes, then she would __9 again, but she never showed an expression of worry or fear. The little girl wasn’t afraid at all 10 all the adults were scared to death. Finding me watching her, the girl smiled at me and said, “Don’t worry. My 11 is the pilot. He is taking me home. Take it easy. He will take us home 12 .” When the plane was 13 danger, I smiled at the girl and she gave me a big smile in return. “I said my father would take us home safely.”
Many kinds of storms may 14 us “diseases, difficulties.... ” They can easily darken our skies and throw our planes into hard times. Let us 15 : Love is the pilot. It will help us out of trouble. So take it easy.
( )1. A. serve B. like C. get D. buy
( )2. A. happy B. excited C. nervous D. comfortable
( )3. A. noisy B. quiet C. warm D. cold
( )4. A. ship B. plane C. sky D. seat
( )5. A. fly B. jump C. land D. drop
( )6. A. weather B. question C. future D. action
( )7. A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing
( )8. A. calm B. funny C. sad D. disappointed
( )9. A. talk B. read C. play D. sleep
( )10. A. so B. and C. while D. since
( )11. A. uncle B. father C. brother D. grandpa
( )12. A. carefully B. quickly C. safely D. easily
( )13. A. in B. on C. from D. out of
( )14. A. trouble B.encourage C. help D. stop
( )15. A. wonder B.remember C. explain D. ask
rapid, agree, compare with, challenge, devote, aware, carry out, possible, control, planet
Stephen Hawking was a great scientist. He ____1____ his life to the study of space. Although he passed away, he left behind a lot of valuable wisdom.
All the time, people are wondering if there are signs of life on other ____2____. So lots of research ____3____ to look for aliens in space. But Hawking warned us not to contact with the aliens so ____4____ if we got an alien signal(信号). He said that the aliens could be invaders(侵略者). Once they find the Earth is rich in resources, there is a ____5____ that they’ll invade the Earth. So we shouldn’t reply to their signals without thinking.
Hawking also mentioned that if we didn’t ____6____ the climate(气候) change, the Earth might become as hot as Venus(金星) and humans would feel very uncomfortable. That would destroy the Earth. However, some scientists aren’t in ____7____ with him. They think the temperature won’t become so high because the Earth is farther away from the Sun ____8____Venus.
But we should be ____9____ that the global warming is becoming more serious. Protecting the Earth is a ____10____ task, but we have to do our best. After all, the Earth is the best place for humans to live in.
1____________2____________3_____________4_____________ 5______________
6____________7____________8_____________ 9_____________10_____________
Do you want to celebrate your birthday in space It would be very different from what you might do on earth. For example, your birthday cake would be flying. The candles could not be lit because astronauts cannot start a fire in the spaceship. 1 .Voices are almost the only things that are not changed by being weightless, which means that everything has almost no weight in space.
Some astronauts feel sick for the first few days in space. Some feel as if they have a cold all the time. That’s because without gravity, the fluids(液体) in their bodies move towards their heads. Their faces look a little fatter. __ 2 .
And because gravity is not pressing on the spine(脊椎). The spine relaxes and stretches(舒展). _3_ .But when they come back on earth, they shrink(收缩) to their regular height.
Since nothing has weight, astronauts can lift heavy objects easily. _4 .However, it is harder to stay still in space than to move around, so the astronauts always hold onto something or tie themselves to something. _5 .
A.There are pieces of Velcro to stick things in order to keep them from floating around.
B.Your friends could still sing Happy Birthday to You.
C.Astronauts grow one or two inches in space.
D.In space, bone and muscles get weaker.
E.They can even lift each other.
F.For the same reason, their waists get smaller and their chests get bigger.
Are we there yet The question drives people m____1____ during a trip. If you’ve ever driven to a far place for a vacation, you know that long trips in the car can get boring. If you’re b____2____ with long trips, you might not want to be an astronaut. Travelling to outer space r____3____ much more patience.
The US has sent astronauts to the Moon. Many space enthusiasts(狂热爱好者) dream of the day when there will be a manned(载人的) f____4____ to Mars.
The Earth is sometimes referred to the “third rock from the Sun”, which would make Mars the f ____5____ rock from the Sun. Though it’s the next p____6____ over, it’s still a long way away.
Like the Earth, Mars c____7____ around the Sun. Every 26 months, Mars reaches a point which is called opposition(冲日). At opposition, Mars gets c____8____ to the Earth. So, if you want to travel to Mars, it would be not so far at opposition.
If you want to take the first manned flight to Mars, be p____9____ for a long trip. Scientists say a trip to Mars and back would take 400-450 days. Would you be w____10____ to spend over a year in a spacecraft You would say “Are we there yet ” for months!
1____________2____________3_____________4_____________ 5______________
6____________7____________8_____________ 9_____________10_____________
Dear Ms. White,
I used to have a lot of problems and I always tried to fix (修正) them. I used to do badly in English. To fix it, I read English newspapers and went to the school English corner to improve it. Now I’m quite good at it. I used to be weak. To fix it, I ate right and joined a sports club. I’m strong and healthy now. I used to be afraid of speaking in public. To fix it, I took part in all kinds of school activities. Now I’m outgoing and everyone likes making friends with me.
But now I have a problem that I can’t fix. I have the ugliest nose in the whole world. It’s not only fat but also big! I want to have a nose job(鼻子整形), but how can I get my parents to agree
1.What did Ann use to do when she had a problem
2.In Ann’s letter, how many problems has she fixed
3.How did Anne fix it when she used to be afraid of speaking in public
4.What is Anne like now
5.What does Anne want to fix her nose
A:飞机上通常会提供饮料和餐食,这里说因为前方有风暴所以不提供了,“serve” 表示 “提供”,所以选 A。“like” 喜欢;“get” 得到;“buy” 买。
C:遇到风暴,许多乘客会变得紧张,“nervous” 表示 “紧张的”,所以选 C。“happy” 开心的;“excited” 兴奋的;“comfortable” 舒服的。
A:乘客们变得紧张并互相交谈,所以飞机上变得吵闹,“noisy” 表示 “吵闹的”,所以选 A。“quiet” 安静的;“warm” 温暖的;“cold” 寒冷的。
B:这里说的是飞机在风暴中像波涛中的小船,“plane” 表示 “飞机”,所以选 B。“ship” 船;“sky” 天空;“seat” 座位。
D:飞机被风暴抛起,好像要掉到地上,“drop” 表示 “掉落”,所以选 D。“fly” 飞;“jump” 跳;“land” 着陆(通常指有计划的降落)。
C:在这种情况下,未来似乎没有希望,“future” 表示 “未来”,所以选 C。“weather” 天气;“question” 问题;“action” 行动。
D:根据后文小女孩的表现,风暴对她来说似乎没什么,“nothing” 表示 “没有什么”,所以选 D。“something” 某事;“everything” 每件事;“anything” 任何事(常用于否定句和疑问句)。
A:小女孩很镇定,在看图画书,“calm” 表示 “镇定的”,所以选 A。“funny” 有趣的;“sad” 悲伤的;“disappointed” 失望的。
B:前文说她在看图画书,这里说有时她闭上眼睛,然后又继续读,“read” 表示 “读”,所以选 B。“talk” 谈话;“play” 玩;“sleep” 睡觉。
C:小女孩一点也不害怕,而所有成年人都吓得要死,“while” 表示对比,“而”,所以选 C。“so” 所以;“and” 和;“since” 自从,因为。
B:根据后文 “I said my father would take us home safely.” 可知她爸爸是飞行员,所以选 B。“uncle” 叔叔;“brother” 兄弟;“grandpa” 爷爷。
C:她相信爸爸会安全地把他们带回家,“safely” 表示 “安全地”,所以选 C。“carefully” 仔细地;“quickly” 快速地;“easily” 容易地。
D:当飞机脱离危险时,“out of danger” 表示 “脱离危险”,所以选 D。“in danger” 表示 “处于危险中”;“on” 在…… 上面;“from” 从。
A:许多风暴会给我们带来麻烦,“trouble” 表示 “麻烦”,所以选 A。“encourage” 鼓励;“help” 帮助;“stop” 停止。
B:让我们记住,爱是飞行员,它会帮助我们摆脱困境,“remember” 表示 “记住”,所以选 B。“wonder” 想知道;“explain” 解释;“ask” 问。
devoted:devote one's life to... 表示 “把某人的一生致力于……”,这里说霍金把一生致力于太空研究,用一般过去时,所以填 devoted。
planets:根据语境,人们一直想知道其他星球上是否有生命迹象,“planet” 用复数 “planets”,所以填 planets。
has been carried out:许多研究已经被开展来寻找太空中的外星人,“carry out” 表示 “开展”,这里用现在完成时的被动语态,所以填 has been carried out。
rapidly:霍金警告我们如果收到外星信号不要那么快地与外星人联系,“rapidly” 表示 “快速地”,修饰动词 “contact”,所以填 rapidly。
possibility:there is a possibility that... 表示 “有可能……”,所以填 possibility。
control:如果我们不控制气候变化,地球可能会变得像金星一样热,“control” 表示 “控制”,所以填 control。
agreement:be in agreement with... 表示 “同意……”,这里说一些科学家不同意他的观点,所以填 agreement。
compared with:地球与金星相比离太阳更远,“compared with” 表示 “与…… 相比”,所以填 compared with。
aware:我们应该意识到全球变暖变得越来越严重,“be aware that...” 表示 “意识到……”,所以填 aware。
challenging:保护地球是一项具有挑战性的任务,“challenging” 表示 “具有挑战性的”,修饰名词 “task”,所以填 challenging。
B:前文说在太空过生日和在地球上不同,生日蛋糕会飞,蜡烛不能点燃,这里说朋友们仍然可以唱《祝你生日快乐》,因为声音几乎是唯一不受失重影响的,所以选 B。
F:前文说在太空宇航员的脸看起来更胖,这里进一步说因为同样的原因,他们的腰变细,胸部变大,所以选 F。
C:后文说回到地球会缩回到正常身高,这里说在太空宇航员会长高 1 - 2 英寸,所以选 C。
E:前文说在太空宇航员能轻松举起重物,这里说他们甚至能举起彼此,所以选 E。
A:前文说宇航员总是要抓住什么东西或把自己绑在什么东西上,这里说有魔术贴来固定东西防止它们飘来飘去,所以选 A。
mad:“drive sb. mad” 表示 “使某人发疯”,这个问题在旅行中会让人发疯,所以填 mad。
bored:be bored with... 表示 “对…… 感到厌烦”,如果你对长途旅行感到厌烦,你可能不想成为宇航员,所以填 bored。
requires:前往外太空需要更多的耐心,“require” 表示 “需要”,主语是 “Travelling to outer space”,一般现在时,用第三人称单数形式 “requires”,所以填 requires。
flight:许多太空爱好者梦想有一天会有载人飞往火星的航班,“flight” 表示 “航班”,所以填 flight。
fourth:地球被称为 “太阳的第三颗行星”,那么火星就是第四颗,“fourth” 表示 “第四”,所以填 fourth。
planet:虽然火星是下一颗行星,但仍然很远,“planet” 表示 “行星”,所以填 planet。
circles:火星像地球一样围绕太阳转,“circle” 表示 “环绕”,主语是 “Mars”,一般现在时,用第三人称单数形式 “circles”,所以填 circles。
closer:在冲日时,火星离地球更近,“close” 的比较级是 “closer”,所以填 closer。
prepared:be prepared for... 表示 “为…… 做好准备”,如果你想首次载人飞往火星,要为长途旅行做好准备,所以填 prepared。
willing:be willing to do sth. 表示 “愿意做某事”,你愿意在宇宙飞船里度过一年多吗?所以填 willing。
She tried to fix it. 从 “I used to have a lot of problems and I always tried to fix (修正) them.” 可知答案。
Three. 文中提到她修正了英语不好、身体虚弱、害怕在公众场合发言三个问题,所以答案是 Three。
By taking part in activities. 从 “To fix it, I took part in all kinds of school activities.” 可知答案。
She's outgoing. 从 “Now I’m outgoing and everyone likes making friends with me.” 可知答案。
Because it's ugly. 从 “I have the ugliest nose in the whole world. It’s not only fat but also big! I want to have a nose job (鼻子整形)” 可知答案。