When I was a kid, my parents brought me a four-month-old puppy (小狗). My family named the puppy Dusty. Although I wanted to lay only claim to her affections, in a family of seven kids, no one lays permanent claim to the family pet.
Dusty was our dog, not “my” dog. We soon realized that she had patience. My baby sister often transformed Dusty’s warm fur into a naptime pillow — falling asleep on the carpet. Like a protective mother, Dusty waited — without moving — until my sister woke.
Dusty doubled as a school crossing guard, too. Monday through Friday she’d walk us kids two blocks to St. Patrick’s Parochial, looking both ways to check for the traffic before allowing us to cross the street. We’d wave good-bye as we entered the door, knowing Dusty would be waiting at the school door to claim us at the close of the school day.
Of all the contributions Dusty made to our family, one incident stands out far above all others.
Late one night, Dusty rushed to my parents’ bedroom. She barked and barked. When she got no response, Dusty raced upstairs to my bedroom and my brothers’ bedroom and barked again and again. When she failed to fully wake us, she flew back down the steps and returned to my parents’ room. Finally, she got Mom’s attention.
“What are you doing, Dusty ” Mom said, still halfway in dreamland. Dusty persisted (坚持). Finally my mother gave in. “Okay, what is it ”
Dusty rushed out of Mom's room. Thinking the dog needed to be let out to relieve herself, my mother followed Dusty to the front door.
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When Mom opened the door, Dusty tore across the street, not stopping to do her business as my mother had assumed.
My mother called the fire department immediately.
一、文章大意 小时候,父母给“我”带回一只四个月大的小狗Dusty。在有七个孩子的家庭里,Dusty是大家的宠物。它非常有耐心,宝宝妹妹常把它的毛当枕头睡觉,它也静静等待妹妹醒来。Dusty还像学校的交通协管员,每天陪孩子们上下学,确保过马路安全。一天深夜,Dusty先冲向父母卧室狂吠,没得到回应后又上楼到“我”和哥哥们的卧室,反复如此,最终引起妈妈注意。妈妈以为它要出去方便,便跟着它来到前门。
开端:“我” 家迎来小狗 Dusty,它成为家庭一员,展现出有耐心、守护孩子上下学等特点。
发展:深夜 Dusty 异常举动,不断在各房间狂吠,试图叫醒家人。
高潮:妈妈跟着 Dusty 来到前门,Dusty 的行为出乎妈妈意料,它没有去方便。
结局(预测):Dusty 成功引导家人发现危险(如邻居家着火等),家人及时报警,避免了严重后果。
尾声(预测):家人对 Dusty 的英勇行为十分感激,Dusty 在家庭中的地位更加特殊,它的故事成为家人间温暖的回忆。
伏笔 1:Dusty 对家人的守护,如陪孩子上下学。回应:在续写中,Dusty 深夜的行为也是对家人及邻居的守护,体现它一直以来守护家人的本能延续。
伏笔 2:Dusty 的聪明,能理解一些日常行为(如过马路等)。回应:它能通过反复行动引起家人注意,并且准确引导妈妈到危险地点,展现其聪明才智。
伏笔 3:Dusty 的坚持,在叫不醒家人时反复行动。回应:在妈妈误解它要方便时,依然坚持引导妈妈,最终成功让妈妈发现危险。
伏笔 4:深夜 Dusty 的异常行为。回应:是为了引出后面的危险情况,如邻居家着火,解释它异常行为的原因。
伏笔 5:妈妈跟着 Dusty 到前门以为它要方便。回应:与 Dusty 实际冲向危险地点形成反差,增加故事的戏剧性。
第一段:着重描写 Dusty 冲过马路后的具体行为,比如它对着某户人家或某个危险区域狂吠、用爪子抓门等,以及妈妈看到这些行为后的惊讶和疑惑,还有周围环境的一些细节,如是否有异常气味、声响等。
第二段:详细描述妈妈报警后的情况,消防部门的反应速度,到达现场后的救援行动,以及家人对 Dusty 的感激和赞扬,突出 Dusty 的英勇行为带来的积极影响。
起初家人对 Dusty 是喜爱和依赖,Dusty 也忠诚守护家人。深夜 Dusty 异常举动时,家人先是疑惑不解。当发现危险后,家人转为震惊和紧张。在 Dusty 成功引导妈妈并避免严重后果后,家人对 Dusty 充满感激和敬佩,情感在这个过程中不断升华,体现了人与动物之间深厚的情感纽带。
Dusty 来到 “我” 家,成为家庭宠物,展现守护家人的特点。
深夜 Dusty 异常举动,在各房间狂吠。
妈妈跟着 Dusty 到前门,Dusty 冲过马路。
Dusty 引导妈妈发现危险(如邻居家着火)。
家人对 Dusty 的英勇行为表示感激,Dusty 成为家庭英雄。
A dog's loyalty and love can transcend language and understanding, showing us the true meaning of selfless protection.(狗的忠诚和爱可以超越语言和理解,向我们展示无私守护的真正含义。)
In the face of danger, the bond between humans and animals can be a powerful force that saves lives and warms hearts.(在危险面前,人类与动物之间的纽带可以成为一股强大的力量,拯救生命,温暖心灵。)
Sometimes, the most unexpected heroes are the ones who have been by our side all along, like our furry friends.(有时候,最意想不到的英雄就是那些一直陪伴在我们身边的,比如我们毛茸茸的朋友。)
A dog's instincts and determination can lead to remarkable acts of bravery, reminding us of the hidden powers within our animal companions.(狗的本能和决心可以带来非凡的勇敢行为,提醒我们动物伙伴身上隐藏的力量。)
The love and protection of a pet are not just for daily companionship but can also be a crucial lifeline in times of crisis.(宠物的爱和守护不仅仅是日常陪伴,在危机时刻也可以是至关重要的生命线。)
When Mom opened the door, Dusty tore across the street, not stopping to do her business as my mother had assumed. Instead, she dashed straight to the neighbor's house and started barking wildly, jumping up and down, her paws scratching at the door. Mom was shocked and confused at first. Then, she noticed a faint smell of smoke in the air. Peering through the window, she saw a small fire starting in the kitchen.
My mother called the fire department immediately. She also tried to wake up the neighbors by knocking loudly on the door. In no time, the fire trucks arrived. The firefighters quickly put out the fire. The neighbors were saved from the potential disaster. Everyone was filled with gratitude towards Dusty. Our family was especially proud of her. From that day on, Dusty became a hero not only in our family but also in the neighborhood, and her story was told and retold as a heartwarming tale of a dog's loyalty and bravery.
When Mom opened the door, Dusty tore across the street, not stopping to do her business as my mother had assumed. She ran around the corner house, barking non - stop. Mom followed closely, her heart pounding with curiosity. As she got closer, she heard crackling sounds. To her horror, she realized that the garage of the house was on fire. Flames were starting to lick the walls.
My mother called the fire department immediately. She shouted for help, trying to wake up the sleeping residents. The neighbors rushed out, panic - stricken. Minutes later, the fire trucks roared in. The firefighters worked efficiently, and soon the fire was under control. The family whose house was on fire was extremely grateful. Dusty was praised and petted by everyone. Our family felt a deep sense of pride in our beloved pet. It was a night none of us would ever forget, a night that proved Dusty's love and loyalty to our family and the whole community.
When Mom opened the door, Dusty tore across the street, not stopping to do her business as my mother had assumed. Her paws pounded the ground, not a moment wasted as she raced, her tail streaming behind her like a triumphant banner. Then Mom discovered what Dusty already knew. The house across the street—where my best friend, Marianne, and her family lived — was on fire! All of Dusty’s middle-of-the-night craziness had served a purpose: she’d been trying to call for help.
My mother called the fire department immediately. Soon, the firemen in their trucks roared up the street, put out the fire, saved my best friend’s family from harm and their house from total ruin. My mother refused to take credit. “It was Dusty, ” I put my arms around my dog’s neck and kissed her square on the tip of her wet nose. “Thank you for saving Marianne, ” I whispered into Dusty’s black ear. “You’re the bravest dog I’ve ever known. ”