高中新课标3000词 强化检测 第42天
一、 写出下列单词释义及其拓展词汇。(每个单词读两遍)
__________ n. 记者 → n. 新闻学 __________
__________ n. 旅行,行程 → 复数 __________→ n. 旅行者 __________
__________ n. 快乐,喜悦,令人喜悦的事 → adj. __________ → adv 开心地 __________
→ adj. 不开心的 __________
__________ n. 法官,v判断 → n. 评判 __________ → adj. 好评判的 __________
→v. 错误评判 __________
__________ n. 丛林,尔虞我诈的环境
__________ adj. 年少的,低年级的 → adj. 高级的__________
__________ n. 正义 → adj. __________
__________ v. 证明...是正当的 → n. 正义,公正 __________
__________ n. 袋鼠 → 复数 __________
__________ n. 水壶
__________ n. 幼儿园
__________ n. 王国 → adj. 像国王的 __________
__________ n. 工具包,装备 → n. 工具箱__________
__________ n. 实验室 → adj. 费力的 __________ → n. 工人 __________
__________ n. / v.标签,标记 →adj. 标签化 __________
__________ n. / v. 劳动,工作 → n. 劳动者 __________ → adj. 辛苦的__________
__________ v. / n.缺乏 → adj. 缺乏的 __________
__________ n. 羔羊 → adj. 小羔羊 __________
__________ n. 灯
__________ n. 风景,景观
二、 短语习练(每个短语读两遍)
纯粹的快乐 __________________ 6. seek justice __________________
2. 首席法官 __________________ 7. electric kettle __________________
茂密的丛林 __________________ kingdom of heaven __________________
初级员工 __________________ first aid kit __________________
资源缺乏 __________________ bedside lamp __________________
三、 翻译下列句子,听录音核对答案。(每个句子读两遍)
1. 这段旅程漫长而疲惫,但风景让一切变得值得。
连读示例: "made it" 可读作 "/me d t/"
连读示例: "great sense of" 可读作 "/ɡre t s ns v /"
3. 我们深入到丛林深处,周围被异国的植物和动物包围。
连读示例: "deep into" 可读作 "/dip ntu/"
连读示例: "for all" 可读作 "/f rɑl/"
连读示例: "experiments in 可读作 "/ k sp r m nts n/"
连读示例: "housing in" 可读作 "/ ha z n/"
四、 根据提示词完成以下两篇短文
A 主题语境:人与社会(记者的作用)
In the field of journalism, the role of the _____________ (journal) has changed significantly over the years. Aspiring _____________ (journey) can face various challenges, especially when they need to make ethical ________________ (judge) about the news they report. The sheer volume of information can sometimes make people feel like in the _____________ (jungle), making it difficult to find the truth. Despite these difficulties, the _____________ (joyful) of revealing the facts to the public remains a powerful motivator for all those involved.
The _____________ are sacred places for researchers, where every detail counts. Their _____________ often goes unnoticed by the public, but it is through this relentless effort that we witness advancements in science. Occasionally, due to a temporary _____________ of resources or ideas, progress may slow down. Yet, these scientists never give up, inspired by the pioneering spirit of those who came before them, much like a small _____________ finding its way through the fields, undeterred by obstacles.
journalist n.记者 → n. 新闻学 journalism
journey n. 旅行,行程 → 复数 journeys → n.旅行者 journeyer
joy n.快乐,喜悦,令人喜悦的事 → adj. 令人喜悦的 joyful → adv 开心地 joyfully
→ adj. 不开心的 joyless
judge n. 法官 v. 判断 → n. 评判 judgment → adj. 好评判的 judgmental
→ v. 错误评判misjudge
jungle n. 丛林,尔虞我诈的环境
junior adj. 年少的,低年级的 → adj. 高级的 senior
justice n. 正义 → adj. 仅仅 just
justify v. 证明...是正当的 → n. 正义,公正 justification
kangaroo n. 袋鼠 → 复数 kangaroos
kettle n. 水壶
kindergarten n. 幼儿园
kingdom n. 王国 → adj. 像国王的 kingly
kit n. 工具包,装备 → n. 工具箱 toolkit
lab/laboratory n. 实验室 → adj. 费力的 laborious→ n. 工人 laborer
label n./v. 标签,标记 → adj. 标签化 labeling
labour/labor n. /v.劳动,工作→ n. 劳动者 laborer → adj. 辛苦的 laborious
lack v./n.缺乏 → adj. 缺乏的 lacking
lamb n. 羔羊 → adj. 小羔羊 lambkin
lamp n. 灯
landscape n. 风景,景观
二、 短语习练(每个短语读两遍)
纯粹的快乐 pure joy 6. seek justice 寻求正义
2. 首席法官 presiding judge 7. electric kettle 电热水壶
茂密的丛林 dense jungle kingdom of heaven 天堂
初级员工 junior staff first aid kit 急救包
资源缺乏lack of resources bedside lamp 床头灯
1. 这段旅程漫长而疲惫,但风景让一切变得值得。
翻译:The journey was long and exhausting, but the view made it worthwhile.
连读示例: "made it" 可读作 "/me d t/"
翻译:He felt a great sense of joy when he heard the good news.
连读示例: "great sense of" 可读作 "/ɡre t s ns v /"
3. 我们深入到丛林深处,周围被异国的植物和动物包围。
翻译:We ventured deep into the jungle, surrounded by exotic plants and animals.
连读示例: "deep into" 可读作 "/dip ntu/"
翻译:The committee is dedicated to ensuring justice for all victims of crime.
连读示例: "for all" 可读作 "/f rɑl/"
翻译:The scientists conducted experiments in the newly equipped laboratory.
连读示例: "experiments in 可读作 "/ k sp r m nts n/"
翻译:There is a lack of affordable housing in the city.
连读示例: "housing in" 可读作 "/ ha z n/"
四、 根据提示词完成以下两篇短文
A 主题语境:人与社会(记者的作用)
In the field of journalism, the role of the journalist (journal) has changed significantly over the years. Aspiring journeys (journey) can face various challenges, especially when they need to make ethical judgments (judge) about the news they report. The sheer volume of information can sometimes make people feel like in the jungles (jungle), making it difficult to find the truth. Despite these difficulties, the joy (joyful) of revealing the facts to the public remains a powerful motivator for all those involved.
The labs are sacred places for researchers, where every detail counts. Their_labour often goes unnoticed by the public, but it is through this relentless effort that we witness advancements in science. Occasionally, due to a temporary lack of resources or ideas, progress may slow down. Yet, these scientists never give up, inspired by the pioneering spirit of those who came before them, much like a small lamb finding its way through the fields, undeterred by obstacles