高中新课标3000词 强化检测 第27天-2025届高三上学期英语一轮复习专项
1. __________ n. 影响,结果,效果 adj. 有效的,生效的 __________ → adv. 有效地 __________ → 反义:adj. 无效果的 __________
2. __________ adj. 效率高的,有功效的 → adv. 效率高地 __________ → n. 效率,效能 __________ → 反义:adj. 效率低的 __________
3. __________ n. 努力,艰难的尝试,尽力 → adj. 不需费力的;容易的 __________
4. __________ adj. 年纪较大的,上了年纪的(婉辞) → n. elder __________(pl.), adj. __________
__________ n. 选举,推选,当选 → v. 选举,推选,选择 __________
__________ n. 电;电能
__________ adj. 电子的,电子设备的 → adj. 电的,电动的 __________ → adj.电的,用电的,与电有关的 __________
__________ adj. 精美的,讲究的,文雅的 → n. 优雅 __________
__________ n. 要素,基本成分 → adj. 初级的,基础的,基本的 __________
10. __________ adv. 在别处,去别处
11. __________ adj.窘迫的,尴尬的 → adj. 令人尴尬的 __________ → n. 窘迫 __________
12. __________ v. 出现,浮现,显露 → n. 出现 __________
13. __________ n. 突发事件,紧急情况 → adj. 紧急的,新兴的 __________
14. __________ n. 感情,情感,情绪 → adj. 感情的,有感染力的,情绪激动的 __________
15. __________ n. 皇帝 → n. 帝国 __________
16. __________ n. 强调,重视,重要性 → v. 强调,重视,使突出 __________
17. __________ v. 使用,应用,雇佣 → n. 雇佣,就业 __________ → adj. 失业的,下岗的 __________ → n. 雇主 __________ → n. 雇员 __________
18. __________ v. 使能够,使可能 → adj. 能,能够;有才能的 __________ → 反义:adj. 未能,无法 __________
19. __________ v. 偶然碰到,遇到 n. 邂逅,遭遇
20. __________ adj. 精力充沛的,充满活力的 → adv. 精力充沛地 __________ → n. 能源,能量,精力 __________
二、短语习练 (附短语跟读及听写音频,每个短语读两遍)
对……有……影响 __________________ come into effect __________________
2. 充满活力的 __________________ make efforts (to do sth.) __________________
不遗余力做某事 __________________ put/lay/place emphasis on sth. __________________
令某人难堪的是 __________________ the elderly __________________
使某人做某事 __________________ electric shock __________________
可再生能源 __________________ be employed in doing sth. __________________
1. 在一个新的学习阶段,学生往往会遇见很多挑战。
连读示例: "in a new period of" 可读作 "/ n nju pi ri d v/"
连读示例: "emphasis on" 可读作 "/ mf s s n/"
连读示例: "full of energy" 可读作 "/ f l v n rd i/"
连读示例: "come into effect" 可读作 "/k m n tu f kt/"
连读示例: "stand out" 可读作 "/st nda t/"
A 主题语境:人与自我(自我认识与完善)
请用effect, efficient, effort, emotion, energy的正确形式完成下面的短文
Once, I was often _____________ and easily affected by bad moods, which led to low _____________ in learning. Recognizing my shortcomings, I set clear goals and made great _____________ to control my emotions. As a result, my moods stabilized(稳定), and I regained my _____________, feeling more focused. Tasks that once overwhelmed me no longer seemed tricky. Now, I am an _____________ learner.
B 主题语境:人与社会(热点话题)
请用electronic, embarrassed, emphasis,employ的正确形式完成下面的短文
In today’s China, job seekers are facing a transformed _____________ market driven by the widespread use of _____________ devices. With jobs increasingly demanding tech skills, those lacking these skills may find themselves in an _____________ situation. This shift towards a digital economy means that to stay competitive, job seekers must _____________ the development of technological skills. Doing so, they are more likely to seize job opportunities.
1. effect n. 影响,结果,效果 adj. 有效的,生效的 effective → adv. 有效地 effectively → 反义:adj. 无效果的 ineffective
2. efficient adj. 效率高的,有功效的 → adv. 效率高地 efficiently → n. 效率,效能 efficiency → 反义:adj. 效率低的 inefficient
3. effort n. 努力,艰难的尝试,尽力 → adj. 不需费力的;容易的 effortless
4. elderly adj. 年纪较大的,上了年纪的(婉辞) → n. elder 长者、长辈(pl.) adj. 年纪较长的
election n. 选举,推选,当选 → v. 选举,推选,选择 elect
electricity n. 电;电能
electronic adj. 电子的,电子设备的 → adj. 电的,电动的 electric → adj.电的,用电的,与电有关的 electrical
elegant adj. 精美的,讲究的,文雅的 → n. 优雅 elegance
element n. 要素,基本成分 → adj. 初级的,基础的,基本的 elementary
10. elsewhere adv. 在别处,去别处
11. embarrassed adj.窘迫的,尴尬的 → adj. 令人尴尬的 embarrassing → n. 窘迫 embarrassment
12. emerge v. 出现,浮现,显露 → n. 出现 emergence
13. emergency n. 突发事件,紧急情况 → adj. 紧急的,新兴的 emergent
14. emotion n. 感情,情感,情绪 → adj. 感情的,有感染力的,情绪激动的 emotional
15. emperor n. 皇帝 → n. 帝国 empire
16. emphasis n. 强调,重视,重要性 → v. 强调,重视,使突出 emphasize/emphasise
17. employ v. 使用,应用,雇佣 → n. 雇佣,就业 employment → adj. 失业的,下岗的 unemployed
→ n. 雇主 employer → n. 雇员 employee
18. enable v. 使能够,使可能 → adj. 能,能够;有才能的 able → 反义:adj. 未能,无法 unable
19. encounter v. 偶然碰到,遇到 n. 邂逅,遭遇
20. energetic adj. 精力充沛的,充满活力的 → adv. 精力充沛地 energetically → n. 能源,能量,精力 energy
短语习练 (附短语跟读及听写音频,每个短语读两遍)
对……有……影响 have a(n) ... effect on... come into effect 开始实施/生效
2. 充满活力的 be full of energy make efforts (to do sth.) 努力(做某事)
不遗余力做某事 spare no effort to do sth. put/lay/place emphasis on sth. 强调/重视某事
令某人难堪的是 to one’s embarrassment the elderly 老人
使某人做某事 enable sb. to do sth. electric shock 触电,电击
可再生能源 renewable energy be employed in doing sth. 从事/忙于做某事
1. 在一个新的学习阶段,学生往往会遇见很多挑战。
翻译:Students often encounter many challenges in a new period of learning.
连读示例: "in a new period of" 可读作 "/ n nju pi ri d v/"
翻译:His emphasis on previewing and reviewing has made him an efficient learner.
连读示例: "emphasis on" 可读作 "/ mf s s n/"
翻译:He is full of energy and always faces the challenges in life with a positive attitude.
连读示例: "full of energy" 可读作 "/ f l v n rd i/"
翻译:School's new regulations regarding the use of electronic devices have come into effect.
连读示例: "come into effect" 可读作 "/k m n tu f kt/"
翻译:He emphasized that only through continuous self-improvement can one stand out in a competitive society.
连读示例: "stand out" 可读作 "/st nda t/"
A 主题语境:人与自我(自我认识与完善)
请用effect, efficient, effort, emotion, energy的正确形式完成下面的短文
Once, I was often emotional and easily affected by bad moods, which led to low efficiency in learning. Recognizing my shortcomings, I set clear goals and made great efforts to control my emotions. As a result, my moods stabilized(稳定), and I regained my energy, feeling more focused. Tasks that once overwhelmed me no longer seemed tricky. Now, I am an effective learner.
B 主题语境:人与社会(热点话题)
请用electronic, embarrassed, emphasis,employ的正确形式完成下面的短文
In today’s China, job seekers are facing a transformed employment market driven by the widespread use of electronic devices. With jobs increasingly demanding tech skills, those lacking these skills may find themselves in an embarrassing situation. This shift towards a digital economy means that to stay competitive, job seekers must emphasize the development of technological skills. Doing so, they are more likely to seize job opportunities.