Book 2 Module 4 Stage and Screen
When Hamlet Meets Peking Opera
Learning objectives:
1. Enable students to summarize the main idea and understand the detailed information of the author's changing feelings and the reasons behind.
2. Enable students to learn how to do "Reading circles" and apply it in reading novels or stories.
3. Enhance students’ sense of identity and national pride of traditional Chinese culture, and stimulate the sense of mission of inheriting and carrying forward traditional Chinese culture.
Key points:
1. Master the English expressions of different art forms.
2. Comprehend the artistic charm of Peking opera based on the text and enhance the sense of identity and national pride of traditional Chinese culture.
Difficult points: Describe their favorite art forms.
Teaching procedures:
Procedures Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Rationale
Pre-class 引导学生分组并挑选角色,为阅读圈活动做准备; 学生预习文章。 分组并挑选适合自己的阅读圈角色; 预习阅读文本,扫清词汇障碍。 为课堂阅读做铺垫
Step1 Lead-in Teacher shows students a video of Peking opera and a poster of Shakespeare's Hamlet and asks: 1. What do you know about Peking opera 2. What do different colors of facial masks stand for 3. When Hamlet meets Peking opera, what will happen Students watch the video ,look at the picture and think of some information they have, and then answer the questions. 创设情境,引入主题,利用视频和图片,激活学生已有的关于京剧的知识,激发兴趣,为阅读文本做好铺垫。
Step2 Reading Circle Reading Teacher asks students to read the passage. Teacher offers help and monitors the class. Students read the passage. 运用阅读圈进行文本的解读。
Reading Tasks Text summarizer: 1. How many parts can we divide the passage into 2. What are they and summarize each part of the story Students finish their own tasks independently. Read between the lines,学生能够获取文章基本信息。
Character analyzer: Analyse the feelings of the author and give your reasons. 引导学生提取京剧特点以及作者在看表演过程中的感受。考查学生快速查找具体信息的能力。引导学生感受京剧的魅力,了解中西方文化的差异。
Cultural ambassador: 1. Is it a good idea to use Peking opera to convey the same things as western operas Why or why not 2. What should we do to spread Chinese culture and pass it down to late generations 引导学生体会文化的多样性以及差异与融合性,read beyond the lines
Step3:Discussion Teacher works as the discussion leader and lead the students to discuss. Students discuss in groups and add information for other group members. 培养学生的合作学习能力。
Step 4:Presentation Teacher asks students to share their ideas in class. The same characters in other groups add information. Students share their ideas in class. Students add information for other students.
Step 5: Summary Teacher guides the students to look at the title again and ask students to answer the question raised at the beginning of the class "When Hamlet meets Peking opera, what will happen " Students answer the question: “When Hamlet meets Peking opera, what will happen " 回扣文章题目,加强德育浸润,迁移创新。
Step6: Homework 教师设置情境: Next week,some exchange students will come to our school, we want to introduce Peking Opera on our school notice board to let them know Chinese culture, so design a poster to introduce Peking opera and voice your opinions about the integration between Peking opera and western art forms. Students figure out their tasks. 本环节将课堂上学习到的语言和信息迁移到现实生活中,培养学生语言表达能力,引导学生探究京剧与西方艺术形式融合的看法,加深文化自信,拓宽国际视野。