1.他很困。 概括描写:He is very sleepy.
细节描述:He covered his mouth to hide his yawn(捂住嘴不让人看见他打哈欠).
2.我们很惊讶。 概括描写:We are very surprised.
细节描述:Our mouths dropped open in surprise (惊奇地张大嘴巴).
3.她非常生气。 概括描写:She was very angry.
细节描述:She folded her arms and glared at him (交叉双臂,怒视着他).
4.她非常兴奋。 概括描写:She was very excited.
细节描述:She jumped to her feet with joy (高兴地跳起来) at the news.
1.她非常小心谨慎。 概括描写:She was very cautious/careful.
细节描述:She picked her way cautiously/carefully (小心地走着) along the stream.
2.他很不安。 概括描写:He was very upset/uneasy.
细节描述:He paced back and forth (来回踱步) in the room.
3.她非常害怕。 概括描写:She was very frightened.
细节描述:She screamed that there was a snake (尖叫着说有一条蛇).
1.happy adj. 愉快的,高兴的;美满的2.joyful adj.欢乐的 3.pleased adj. 欣喜的,高兴的,满意的 4.delighted adj. 欣喜的,高兴的 5.cheerful adj. 快乐的 6.excited adj. 兴奋的
7.thrilled adj. 兴奋的;激动的 8.be in high spirits 精神高涨
9.be excited with joy at the success 为成功而欣喜 10.be on top of the world 心满意足
11.a mixture of excitement and happiness 既兴奋又开心 12.be wild with delight 欣喜若狂
概括描写:When his mother kissed him on the cheek,the baby was very happy.
细节描述:When his mother kissed him on the cheek,it seemed as if the baby were on top of the world(非常开心).
概括描写:He was very excited,and it was long before he calmed down.
细节描述:His heart was thumping with excitement(他激动得心怦怦跳),and it was long before he calmed down.
3.听到你成功的消息我非常高兴。 概括描写:I was delighted to hear the news of your success.
细节描述:On hearing the news of your success,I danced with joy and sweetness(我欢欣雀跃).
1.他一看见娜塔莎就开心。 概括描写:As soon as he saw Natasha,he was pleased.
细节描述:As soon as he saw Natasha,his face was full of smile (他的脸堆满笑容) and his bright smile lit up the room(笑容照亮房间).
概括描写:When the host announced that she won the prize,she felt thrilled.
细节描述:When the host announced that she won the prize,her eyes twinkled with excitement(她激动得两眼放光).
3.当他听说那消息时很高兴。 概括描写:He was highly delighted when he heard the news.
细节描述:He was wild with delight(欣喜若狂) when he heard the news.
1.weep v. 无声地流泪 2.sob v. 啜泣,抽噎 3.yowl v. 大哭大叫 4.tear n. [常复]眼泪,泪珠
5.sorrow n. 悲痛; 忧伤 6.desperate adj. 绝望的 7.sadness n. 悲伤, 忧愁
8.grief n. 悲痛 9.a broken spirit 意志消沉 10.cry one’s heart out 悲痛欲绝
11.with a heavy heart 怀着沉重的心情 12.fall into despair 陷入绝望
1.一听到那个坏消息,她悲伤不已。 概括描写:Upon hearing the bad news,she felt extremely sad.
细节描述:Upon hearing the bad news,her heart ached,tears streaming down her cheeks(心痛;眼泪直流).
2.这个小姑娘在哭泣。 概括描写:The little girl was weeping.
细节描述:The little girl stood silently, tears rolling down her cheeks(默默地站着;眼泪顺着面颊流了下来).
3.他看着凯瑟琳,充满了忧伤。 概括描写:He looked at Katherine, full of sorrow.
细节描述:He looked at Katherine, numb with grief,had trouble speaking(悲伤到木然;不能开口说话).
1.看到这个悲惨的场景,我很悲伤。 概括描写:Seeing the terrible scene,I felt very sad.
细节描述:Seeing the terrible scene,I cried my heart out (悲痛欲绝).
2.斯嘉丽感到绝望。 概括描写:Scarlett felt desperate.
细节描述:Scarlett fell into despair but she is not immersed in grief (陷入绝望但她并非沉浸在悲痛之中).
3.查理对这个消息感到伤心。 概括描写:Charlie felt sorrowful about the news.
细节描述:On hearing the news,Charlie felt like he was floating in an ocean of sadness (自己漂浮在悲伤的海洋里).
1.annoyed adj.恼怒的,气恼的 2.cross adj. 生气的,不高兴的 3.rage/fury n. 愤怒
4.glare v. 对……怒目而视 5.anger n. 生气 6.blow up 勃然大怒
7.flame with anger 气得满脸通红 8.get mad/cross at sb 对某人勃然大怒
9.stamp one’s foot in anger 愤怒地跺脚 10.tremble with rage 因愤怒而颤抖
11.run out of the room in a burst of anger 怒气冲冲地跑出房间
12.He could hardly/scarcely contain his anger. 他几乎控制不住怒火。
1.谢尔登感到非常生气。 概括描写:Sheldon felt very angry.
细节描述:Sheldon felt so angry that he stormed out of the room,slamming the door furiously behind him(冲出房间;狠狠摔门).
2.他的态度使我极为恼火。 概括描写:His attitude made me extremely annoyed.
细节描述:His attitude made me filled with anger,unable to utter a single word(充满愤怒;说不出话).
概括描写:Though she said nothing,her eyes were full of anger.
细节描述:Though she said nothing,her eyes were full of anger and she could hardly contain her rage(几乎控制不住怒火).
1.得知他的车被人砸了,他怒火中烧。 概括描写:Learning that his car was smashed,he got mad.
细节描述:Learning that his car was smashed,he could hardly/scarcely contain his rage (几乎控制不住怒火).
概括描写:When he heard she was going to quit school,he simply blew up.
细节描述:When he heard she was going to quit school,he stamped his foot in anger (愤怒地跺脚).
3.她气得发抖。 概括描写:She was trembling with anger.
细节描述:Boiling with rage (怒火中烧),she shook her fist at me(对我挥舞拳头).
1.frightened adj.害怕的;恐惧的 2.scared adj.害怕的;恐惧的 3.fear n. & v. 害怕,恐惧
4.scare sb to death 吓死某人 5.I’m afraid of snakes. 我害怕蛇。 6.I was scared silly. 我被吓傻了。
7.My blood ran cold. 吓得我不寒而栗。 8.It gave me goose bumps. 吓得我起了一身鸡皮疙瘩。
9.That horror movie made my hair stand on end. 那部恐怖电影吓得我头发都竖起来了。
10.We were horror-stricken when we saw the accident. 我们目睹了那起意外,都吓坏了。
1.看了这部恐怖片,她吓坏了。 概括描写:After seeing the horror film,she got scared.
细节描述:After seeing the horror film,she was too scared to go to sleep(她吓坏了,根本睡不着).
2.我感到紧张和害怕。 概括描写:I was nervous and frightened.
细节描述:I was nervous and had my heart in my mouth(吓得心都提到嗓子眼了).
3.她害怕得动弹不得。 概括描写:She couldn’t move for fear.
细节描述:She got so frightened that it scared her out of her wits(吓得她魂不附体) and stood still there(站在那儿一动不动).
1.当看到那只凶恶的狼时,我感到很害怕。 概括描写:At the sight of the fierce wolf,I felt very scared.
细节描述:At the sight of the fierce wolf,I was scared silly,too scared to move an inch(我都吓傻了,不敢动弹).
2.那部恐怖片吓得我心惊肉跳。 概括描写:That horror film made me full of fear.
细节描述:That horror film made my blood ran cold(吓得我不寒而栗),my hair standing on end(我的头发都竖起来了).
3.当时,我吓坏了。 概括描写:At that time,I was horror-stricken.
细节描述:At that time,I was seized by a strong sense of horror and my palms were sweating(被强烈地恐惧感所控制,手心出汗).
1.beautiful adj.美丽的 2.fairyland n.仙境 3.splendid adj. 辉煌的 4.fantastic adj. 奇异的,极好的
5.landscape n. 景色 6.cloudless sky 无云的天空 7.elegant adj. 优美的 8.a sea of 大量,茫茫一片
1.我全然被这种力量镇住了。 一般句:I was held entirely in their power.
提升句:The dark,rainy evening,the wind,the thundering clouds(漆黑的雨夜,风雨交加,电闪雷鸣) held me entirely in their power.
2.世界一片黑暗。他瘫倒在扶手椅上。 一般句:The world was dark. He collapsed into his armchair.
提升句:The wind was howling dreadfully and the rain was pouring from the heaven,whipping against the branches of lined trees(狂风呼啸,大雨从天上倾泻而下,鞭打着林立的树枝).The world was burdened with a sea of darkness(被黑暗的海洋所笼罩).Sad and exhausted(既伤心又筋疲力尽),he collapsed into his armchair.
1.我沐浴在阳光中。 一般句:I was bathed in the sunlight.
提升句:When I was bathed in the sunlight,it felt like the amber-like sunshine was kissing every inch of my skin(琥珀色的阳光亲吻着我每一寸肌肤).
2.小农场和村庄位于山里。 一般句:Small farms and villages were in the mountains.
提升句:Mist-covered mountains were dotted with(薄雾覆盖的山脉点缀着) small farms and villages.
3.只有芦苇陪伴着我。 一般句:Only the reeds accompanied me.
提升句:The sound of my footsteps(我的脚步声) was accompanied only by the gracefully waving reeds (优雅摇曳的芦苇).