My knees started shaking(发抖), yet my body froze(冻结/呆住). It felt as though my soul departed (离开) my body and I had no control over it. Anxiously, I looked through the roster (名单) posted on the wall of the locker room. My heart was beating harder and harder as I slowly saw all my friends' names on that list but could not find mine. At that moment, I froze. I just could not accept that all my friends were on the basketball team while I was not.
I believed there was a mistake that I went and found the coach. “Hey, couch, are you sure that he roster(名单) you posted is correct ” I asked anxiously, dreading (担心) his answer.
“Yes, the names on the list are finalized. Sorry if you did not make it this year, there is always next year,” the coach replied.
I could feel the hot, bitter(痛苦的) tears filling my eyes, and I ran out of the room as fast as I could. Trying to forget about the situation, I headed over to the cafeteria(食堂/餐厅) to buy some food. I felt dead inside, like nothing mattered. Walking was such a burden (负担) that it felt as if I had a 100-pound weight tied to my backpack(背包). My mind was also blank for the rest of the school day. Everything my teachers said went in one ear and out the other.
After school, as I walked to the parking lot (停车场) to get picked up, I saw all my friends gathered near the back of the lot; celebrating and joking around. I detoured (绕道) around the side of the school to avoid them, trying not to think about being the only one in our friend group failing to make the team.
I saw my father’s red car pull up(停车) near the school lot(场地). I walked up to the car and got in. He smiled at me, turned on the radio, and started driving home. And soon he noticed my sad face, and asked me what was wrong. “Nothing. Well, it’s just that all my friends made the school team. Everyone! Except me...” I stammered (口吃). “Well, what are you going to do about it Are you just going to sit there and wait ” he asked. Surprised, I didn’t know what to say.
I just shook my head and went into my room. ____________________________________________
After almost a year of practicing and training, I tried out for the team again. ____________________
文章讲述了 “我” 在篮球校队选拔中落选,看到朋友都入选而自己不在名单上,内心痛苦又失落。向教练确认后,“我” 难过地跑开。放学后看到朋友庆祝,“我” 选择绕道避开。父亲询问后,他的话让 “我” 意识到不能坐以待毙。此后一年,“我” 每天刻苦训练,再次参加选拔时全力以赴,最终成功入选,明白了只要有决心和努力,一切皆有可能。
开头:“我” 查看篮球校队名单,发现自己落选,内心极度失落。
发展:找教练确认,得知名单已定,跑开后心情低落,放学避开庆祝的朋友,父亲询问引发 “我” 的思考。
伏笔:“我” 看到朋友名字都在名单上而自己没有,内心无法接受。回应:激发 “我” 努力训练的决心,想要和朋友一样成为校队一员。
伏笔:教练说今年没入选还有明年。回应:暗示 “我” 还有机会,为 “我” 后续努力训练参加下一次选拔做铺垫。
伏笔:父亲的提问 “Are you just going to sit there and wait ” 回应:促使 “我” 行动起来,开始刻苦训练。
伏笔:“我” 在学校一整天都心不在焉。回应:体现落选对 “我” 的打击之大,更凸显后来成功入选的喜悦与不易。
伏笔:“我” 看到朋友庆祝选择绕道避开。回应:强化 “我” 落选后的自卑与失落,与后文入选后的自豪形成鲜明对比。
第一段:着重描写 “我” 决定行动后的具体训练过程,包括遇到的困难、内心的挣扎以及如何克服。比如训练初期体力不支,技术提升缓慢等,通过心理描写和动作描写展现 “我” 的坚持。
起初,“我” 因落选极度失落、痛苦,内心充满自我怀疑和沮丧。父亲的话让 “我” 开始反思,燃起一丝希望并决定努力。在训练过程中,面对困难有过动摇,但最终坚持下来。再次选拔时,紧张与期待交织。当看到自己入选,自豪、喜悦和成就感涌上心头,情感从低谷走向高潮,完成了从失落者到成功者的情感转变。
Through perseverance and unwavering effort, we can turn our dreams into reality.
Setbacks are not the end but stepping - stones to greater achievements.
The journey of achieving our goals is filled with challenges, but it is our determination that lights the way to success.
When we face failure, it is not the end of the road but an opportunity to prove our strength and resilience.
With hard work and a positive mindset, we can overcome any obstacle that stands in our path to success.
I just shook my head and went into my room. Throwing myself onto the bed, I stared blankly at the ceiling, thoughts racing. The disappointment was overwhelming, but my father's words kept echoing. I knew I had to change. The next day, I got up early and headed to the playground. Running was tough at first, my legs felt like lead, and I was out of breath quickly. But I didn't give up. Every day, I pushed myself a little further. When practicing shooting, I missed countless times, but I analyzed each shot and adjusted my technique. Weekends that were once for fun were now filled with hours of training.
After almost a year of practicing and training, I tried out for the team again. As I walked onto the court, the familiar smell of the gym and the sound of bouncing balls made my heart race. I saw some of the previous teammates looking confident. But I was ready. I dribbled past opponents with ease, passed the ball precisely, and my shots were accurate. When the roster was posted, my hands trembled as I scanned the list. There, among the names, was mine. I let out a scream of joy. This victory wasn't just about making the team; it was about believing in myself and never giving up.
I just shook my head and went into my room. Sinking into the chair, I was in a state of despair. But then I remembered what my father said. I couldn't let this failure define me. I started by making a strict training plan. Every afternoon after school, I would run for 30 minutes to build my endurance. Then, I spent hours at the park court, perfecting my dribbling skills. Sometimes, it rained, but I still practiced under the eaves. There were moments when I felt like giving up, thinking it was too hard. But I gritted my teeth and continued.
After almost a year of practicing and training, I tried out for the team again. The tryout was intense. Everyone was showing their best. I focused on every move, every pass. When the coach announced the results, my heart was in my throat. Finally, I heard my name called. I was on the team! I looked around at the court, filled with a sense of accomplishment. This experience taught me that as long as we have the courage to face difficulties and the determination to keep going, we can overcome any hurdle in life.
Paragraph 1:
I just shook my head and went into my room. I thought hard and realized that nobody was going to give me a place on that team. I would have to earn it. Having decided to work toward my goal of making the team, I biked to the gym near my school every day after school and trained for two hours. There were moments when I didn’t think I could keep on going, but I powered through it.
Paragraph 2:
After almost a year of practicing and training, I tried out for the team again. “Believe in yourself,” I said to myself. “Hard work pays off.” After the tryout, I felt confident and congratulated myself. Regardless of the outcome, I knew that I had worked hard and learned something about mental toughness. The next day, I found out I made the team. Seeing my name printed in large bold letters, I felt as though all my dreams came true. The greater the effort, the sweeter the reward, and by making the team, I had officially made a turnaround.