单元名称:What’s the matter
姓名 学科/年级/设计者 英语 /八年级/
教材 人教版Go for it! 对应章/课时 Unit 1/5
你敢挑战吗? 想象一下,我们的身体是一部复杂的机器,而各种不适和疾病就像是它发出的“警报声”。在本单元,我们将化身为“健康侦探”,一起探索并解读这些“身体的语言”。
期望你学会什么? 能够在医院、校医室等真实情境中正确使用“have+(a)+病症”结构、情态动词should,以听、说、读、看、写等方式理解他人所谈论的健康问题和恰当表达自己的建议;(语言能力) 能够通过谈论健康与安全问题并提出简单建议,激发英语学习兴趣,通过多渠道学习英语,逐渐形成主动学习的意识;通过英语学习方法和策略的感悟和学习,积极调适、自我提升,养成良好的学习习惯。(学习能力) 通过听说读看写等训练,能够准确获取有关健康与安全问题的信息,在此基础上联系自身实际,有逻辑、辩证地、创新性地表达个人看法,提出简单、恰当、合理的建议,实现知识与思维能力的迁移;(思维品质) 能够学会关心自身和他人身体健康,提出一些建议,了解珍爱生命、健康生活的重要性;能够具备一定的互助精神,热心待人,必要时施以援手;树立顽强的意志品质和果敢独立的精神,热爱生活、珍惜生命、永不放弃;(文化意识)
给你支招 在阅读记叙类文章的时候,你要学会通过绘制时间轴的可视化思维工具来理清文章的脉络,这可以帮助你更直观更透彻的理解文章。 在阅读文章的过程中,你要学会根据情境及上下文来推测生词的词性及词义,通过阅读词典寻找合理的词义,这可以降低你词汇学习的难度,很好的扩充你的词汇量。 文章越来越长了,你要做好预习工作,上课的时候才不会掉队。下面是给你的一些预习小建议,要尝试运用哦: 快速浏览一遍文章,了解文章的主题、结构和基本情节,对文章的主旨和框架有个大致把握; 细读文章,用彩色笔标注出文章不认识的单词和不懂得短语,查阅字典,记录下他们的中文意思、词性以及例句,减少阅读障碍; 逐句读文章,尝试用自己的话翻译课文,检验自己的理解程度; 对于文中理解不了的句子,尤其是长难句,做好标记,上课时重点听老师讲解; 找到与文章的听力视频或音频,观看或收听,并跟着模仿朗读、增强语感; 完成老师下发的预习清单。 此外,你还可以阅读宁教云平台的微课程,了解更多学习小妙招。
授课教师 班级 姓名
What’s the matter 第一课时 听说课(一)
【学习目标】 通过情境体验学习,能够记住不同身体部位,并用英语描述疾病症状和应对措施(学习理解) 通过听力训练,能够听懂有关身体健康的对话并使用听力预测策略(应用实践) 通过创编对话,能够了解人们对保持健康重要性的看法,形成正确的健康意识(创新迁移) 【本课重难点】 学习重点:掌握不同身体部位的英文表达,并用英语表述对疾病看法及应对措施。 学习难点:能够对疾病原因进行认真分析并提出合理建议,正确运用目标语言进行对话创编。
Task 1. Learn about our body parts. Step 1. Listen to the song of body parts. Step 2. Finish 1a. Match the words with the body parts. 【学法建议:该任务请小组合作完成,需要你们学会正确朗读每一个单词,并能够将单词与所代表的身体部位正确匹配。】 Task 2. Learn to talk about health problems. Step 1. Look at the picture in 1a again and think of the following question. Where might these people be Why are they being there Step2. Please read the conversations in 1a and talk about the health problems of these people. 【学法建议:请你认真朗读1a主题图中的对话,谈论图中人物的健康问题,,要学会根据已有表述进行推测并正确表达。】 Task 3. First listening and speaking. Step 1. Finish 1b. Listen and number the names with the people. 【学法建议:呈现答案的时候,请你使用下列句型,如:Sarah has a cold. David...】 Step2. Listen again and complete the following chart. NameproblemReason/ ResultSarahhas a cold when it got windyDavidgot a stomachache at his friend’s birthday partyBengas a really sore back when playing soccerNancyhas a toothache last nightJudyhas a very sore throat and didn’t
Step 3. Finish 1c. Make conversations using the information in the chart. 【学法建议:请你根据表格中的信息,结合1c的范例和你的同伴大声地进行对话练习。】 Task 4. Second listening and speaking. Step 1. Look at the pictures in 2a and talk about their problems. Step 2. Listen and finish 2a. Listen and number the pictures. Step 3. Listen and finish 2b. Match the problems with the advice. Step 4. Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b.
Task 5. Finish 2d. Step 1. Further thinking. I played computer games all the weekend and I sat in the same way for too long without moving. What would happen to me 【学法建议:请你认真思考这个问题,结合自己的生活经历,想一想这种情况下我会发生什么?大胆说出来吧。】 Step 2. Listen and complete the chart. Step 3. Retell the chart. You can begin like this: Hello, everyone. Let me tell you something about Lisa’s health problems. She ...
Task 6. Reporting. Suppose you are a school nurse and a lot of students come to you to talk about their health problems. Please listen carefully and complete the following diagnostic manual.(诊断说明书)Then make a report. Step 1. Work in groups of 4 and make plete the diagnostic manual. Step 2. Make a report about students’ health problems. Eg. eg. Hi, everyone. I’m a school nurse of JC No.1 Middle School. Here is the report of my patients(病人) today. xxx________________________.(症状)He/She might _________________________. I think he/she should______________________. xxx_____________________.(症状)He/She might _______________________. Maybe he/she need to ___________________. ...
【课后作业】 根据Task 6中的诊断说明书写一篇诊断报告。 抄写、翻译并背诵2d对话。
授课教师 班级 姓名
What’s the matter 第二课时 阅读课
【学习目标】 能够了解新闻特点,梳理并归纳出本新闻的主要信息,理解文章细节(学习理解) 能利用时间轴理清事件的先后顺序并复述文章。(应用实践) 能够学会如何在帮助他人的同时保护自己,形成正确的价值观。(创新迁移) 【本课重难点】 重点:归纳梳理语篇关键信息并正确复述 难点:运用所学语言正确描述设置目标的相关信息,有理有据,条理清晰。
Task 1. Watch a video and think of the following question. Will you help the old woman if you were him 【学法建议:请你认真观看视频并结合自己的生活实际去思考:如果你是他,你会帮助这个老奶奶吗?为什么?】 Task 2. Reading Step 1. Predicting. Look at the picture and complete the following sentences: An old man is ________________________________________________. A woman is __________________________________________________. A bus driver is ________________________________________________. 【学法建议:请你认真观察3a中的图片,根据图片中三个人物正在做的事情补全句子。】 Step 2. Skimming. Finish 3a. 【学法建议:预习P3课文,判断文章体裁并在文中画出依据】 Step 3. Let’s think. 【学法建议:观察P3-3a课文标题并思考:这个标题在语法上有问题吗 有什么问题呢?】 Step 4. Fast reading. Read the passage quickly and match the subtitles with each paragraph. Para.1 The result of the story and people’s views on it. Para.2 How the bus driver and passengers saved the old man. Para.3 There was something wrong with an old man. Step 5. Careful-reading. Read Para. 1 and fill in the chart. Read Para. 2 and complete the storyline(故事线). Then answer the question below. Q: Why was Wang Ping surprised that passengers agreed to go to the hospital with him A: ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3.Read paragraph 3 and complete the mind map. Then answer the questions below. Q1: Did the passengers think Wang Ping did the right thing How do you know A1:____________________________________________________________________________________ Q2: What do you think of the bus driver A2: ________________________________________________________ Step 6. Finish 3b.
Task 3. Retelling. Retell the passage according to the 3 mind maps above. 【学法建议:请你结合上述三个思维导图,对文章内容进行复述。】
Task 4. Further thinking. Task 4. Let's discuss. 1. Do you agree that people often do not help others because they don’t want to get into trouble Why or why not _______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. How should we protect(保护) ourselves when we help others ①__________________________________________________ ②__________________________________________________ ③__________________________________________________
大声朗读并背诵文章内容。 2. 摘录文章中的重点词汇并造句,至少十个。
授课教师 班级 姓名
What’ the matter 第三课时 语法课
【学习目标】 通过观察例句,梳理归纳语法点; 通过归纳,能够掌握如何询问病症、用have表达病症、情态动词should以及反身代词相关用法。3. 通过练习,能够灵活运用have表达病症、情态动词should以及反身代词,提高交际能力。 【本课重难点】 重点:掌握描述疾病和事故伤害的语言特征。 难点:正确使用should和反身代词。
Task 1. Let’s watch a video. Task 2. Let’s talk.[学法建议:2人角色扮演,A同学为医生,B同学为病人,根据图片进行对话] ▲Task 3. Complete the sentences.[学法:预习p4完成下列句子。] 1.--(你)怎么了?What’s ______ ________ --我胃疼。I _____ ____ _________. --你下次不应该吃太多。You ________ eat ___ _____ next time. 2. --本怎么了?______ the _____ ____ Ben --他伤到自己了。他后背酸痛。He ______ ________. He ____ a _____ back.--他应该躺下休息。He should ______ ______ and rest. 3. --你发烧了吗?Do you _____ ___ ______ --是的,我发烧了。/不是,我没发烧。/我不知道。Yes, ____ ____./No, ____ ____./I _____ ______. 4. --他牙疼吗?Does he _____ ___ _________ --是的,他牙疼。Yes, __ _____.--他应该去看牙医拍X光片。He ______ see a _______ and ___ an X-ray. 5. --她应该做什么?_____ should she ____ --她应该量体温。She ______ take her ______________. 6. --我应该给上面放点药吗?_______ I ___ some ________ on it --是的,你应该放。/不是,你不应该。Yes, ___ _______./No, ___ _________..
▲Task 4. Grammar Learning ▲(1)Ask(询问病情)[学法建议:观察GF句式,结合自己的了解总结] 询问“怎么了”可以用以下句型: ①What’s the ________ (with you) ②___________________________ ③___________________________ ④___________________________
▲(2)Describe(描述病情)[学法建议:如有遗忘可复习第一课时学历案完成] 描述病情可以用以下句式结构: ①主语+ _______+ ______ + _______ ②主语+ _____+___+________-_____ ③主语+ _______+ __ + _____ +___________
▲(3)Advice(对病情给予建议)[学法建议:观察GF句式以及p2 2d中相关语句总结] ①主语+_______________________... ②主语+_____________________...
▲(4)情态动词should用法 ①情态动词should基本定义及用法:should为__________动词,意为_________。其后接动词_________,没有_______和_______的变化。其否定形式为______________。 ②情态动词should的句型变化: 肯定句:You should lie down and rest. 否定句:__________________________________ 一般疑问句:_______________________________ 肯定回答:_________________________________ 否定回答 :_________________________________ 特殊疑问句:_________________________________ ③情态动词should的用法:[学法建议:根据填空下方例句总结填空] 表示__________和__________,意为“应该”。 e.g. You should read this book. 表示______、______等,意为“应该,应当”。 e.g. You should respect(尊敬) your teachers. 表示______,意为“按理说,应该”,肯定又留有余地的推测。 e.g. The train should arrive soon. 用于______句中,表示______、______等情绪,意为“竟然”。 e.g. How should I know
▲(5)反身代词 反身代词是一种指代自身的代词,表示反射或强调。 ①常见反身代词: ②反身代词的用法: 作_______语e.g. She could teach herself English when she was young. (动宾) e.g. Sally is talking to herself. (介宾) 作_______语 e.g.She herself is a teacher. 作_______语 e.g. She is not herself today. 反身代词的常见搭配: 独自____ oneself 玩得开心______ oneself 自学_______ oneself 自便_____ oneself
▲Task 5. Let’s practice[学法建议:预习完成书p4 4a-4b习题。]
Task 6. Finish 4c [学法建议:小组中一位同学表演病症,另外的同学猜,参考书上的例子进行对话]
【学后反思】 通过对本课的学习,我收获了什么呢?我是否还有什么疑惑呢?听我来给自己讲一讲。 【课后作业】 Grammar Focus句子1:1; 将task 6的对话写下来 完成下列人任务: 1). You should leave your hometown. (改成否定句) ____________________________________________ 2). You should finish our homework on time. (对划线部分提问)___________________________________ 3. You should wash your hands before eating. (改成一般疑问句)_________________________________ 4. I have a headache. (对划线部分提问)__________________________________________________
授课教师 班级 姓名
What’s the matter 第四课时 听说课
【学习目标】 通过情景体验学习,能够用不同短语、情态动词should等描述事故伤害,提供急救建议。(学习理解) 通过听力练习,能够听懂谈论事故伤害和急救的对话,掌握听力预测策略。(应用实践) 通过能够学会关心自身和他人身体健康,遇事冷静沉着,提出恰当急救建议,树立顽强的意志品质,热爱体育运动、健康生活。(迁移创新) 【本课重难点】 重点:有关日常生活中事故伤害的简单谈论;关于急救建议和措施的清楚表达; 难点:清楚区分不同事故伤害的动词搭配;针对不同事故伤害提出合理建议,能有逻辑地、清楚地表达。
Task 1. Learning. Step 1. Watch a video and answer the questions. What’s the matter with Peppy Pig What did Madam Gazelle do Step 2. Learn some expressions about health problems and accidents according to the pictures. 流鼻血 2. 刮破膝盖 3. 割伤自己 4. 伤到背 5. 发烧 6. 头被砸 7. 感到恶心 【学法建议:请你认真观察图画,用英语描述图片中人物的健康问题,并把短语写在横线后面。】 Step 3. Finish 1a. Read and put the actions in order.
Task 2. Listening and speaking. Step1. Finish 1b. Step 2. Finish 1c. Step 3. Listen again and fill in the blanks. Teacher: Hello, Jenny! You look ______. Nurse: Well, today was a busy day in my office. One boy ____________ in P.E. class. Teacher: What ___________ Nurse: He was running under the hot sun and then he ________ and _________. Teacher: Yes, the weather is very hot today. Nurse: He _____________, so I washed the cut and put some medicine on it. Then I put a bandage on it. Teacher: Was the cut serious Nurse: Not really, but I also ________ his temperature. Luckily he didn’t have a fever. I told him he should rest. Teacher: What else happened Nurse: One girl _______________. I told her to put her head down and then ______ the sides of her nose. Oh, and another boy ________________ with a baseball bat. Teacher: That sounds bad. I hope he’s OK... Nurse: I hope so, too. He was taken to the hospital to get an X-ray.
Step 4. Finish 1d. Task 3. Retelling. Fill in the blanks and retell the conversation. 【学法建议:根据1b和1c表格内容填空,以护士的角度对下文进行复述(可适当润色)】 The first boy __________ in P. E. class because he was running under the hot sun and __________ and ___________. He cut his _______. I washed it and put some __________ on it. The second girl had a __________. I told her to ______ her head _______ and ______ the sides of her nose. The third boy __________ on the head. He was taken to the hospital to ______________.
Task 4. Make a report. 【学法建议:如果你是校报记者,要采访学校护士今日学生受伤以及处理情况,请采访对话后写成篇新闻报道(学生A为记者;学生B为护士,进行采访问答后由记者做口头报告,问答形式可参考听力对话)】 e.g. Today, the school nurse in JC No.1 Middle School has helped many students. The first...He/She...The nurse told him/her to...The second...He/She...The nurse asked him/her to...The third...
【学后反思】 通过对本课的学习,我收获了什么呢?我是否还有疑惑呢?想一想再和大家交流一下吧! 【课后作业】 润色Task4的报告并写在课堂作业本上。 写出以下短语并造句,写在课堂作业本上。 去医院 _________________ 休息几天 _______________ 敷上药 _______________ 把头低下_______________ 感觉恶心 _______________ 刮破膝盖 _______________ 头被击中________________ 量体温 _______________ 伤到背_______________ 发烧 _______________ 流鼻血 _______________ 伤到自己 _______________
授课教师 班级 姓名
What’s the matter 第五课时 阅读课
【学习目标】 能够梳理并归纳出Aron登山事件的时间线,理解文章的细节(学习理解) 能利用思维导图复述文章主要内容(应用实践) 能够正确认识紧急自救和坚持不懈的重要性,提升自己的信念价值观。(迁移创新) 【本课重难点】 重点:归纳梳理语篇关键信息并正确复述; 难点:运用所学语言正确描述设置目标的相关信息,有理有据,条理清晰。
Task 1. Watch a video and answer the questions. Task 2.Reading Step 1. Finish 2a. 【学法建议:预习书P6-2a,将ABC活动与可能会造成的伤害做匹配,将ABC分别填入横线】 Step 2. Read the passage quickly and match the subtitles. Para.1 An introduction of Aron.. Para.2 Things Aron did after the accident.. Para.3 Views on Aron’s story. Para.4 A serious mountain climbing accident. Step 3. Read paragraph 1 carefully and fill the chart. Step 4. Read paragraph 2 carefully and complete the storyline. Step 5. Read paragraph 2 again and answer questions. Why couldn’t Aron move ____________________________________ When did Aron realize that he should save himself ________________ How did Aron free himself ___________________________________ Step 6. Read paragraph 1 to 2 and complete the mind map. Step 7. Read paragraph 3 and answer the questions. What did Aron do after the accident ___________________________ What does “between a rock and a hard place” mean _______________ What does Aron tell us in his book ____________________________ Did Aron keep climbing after the accident Why _________________
Task 3. Practice. Finish 2c and 2e. Task 4. Fill in the blanks and retell Aron’s story according to the clues.
Task 4. Free talk. What do you think of Aron What’s his spirit What do you learn from him 【学法建议:通过阅读本文章,了解了Aron的故事,你觉得他是一个什么样的人?他有什么样的品质?从他的身上你学到了什么?】
【学后反思】 通过对本课的学习,我收获了什么呢?我是否还有疑惑呢?想一想再和大家交流一下吧! 【课后作业】 大声朗读并熟读长文章。 摘录文章中的重点词汇并造句,不少于十个。
三、单元学后反思 + 单元作业检测
【单元学后反思】 一、借助图表分类梳理本单元呈现的主要内容,包括话题、词汇、及重点语法知识。(共25分)
二、学完本单元后,你有哪些收获呢?有没有遗憾的地方呢?请你认真思考并撰写单元学后反思。 【单元作业检测】 一、单词拼写。 1.His leg ______ (受伤) badly when he fell off the ladder. 2.She has a ______ (发烧) and needs to see a doctor immediately. 3.The little boy ______ (咳嗽) all night and couldn't sleep well. 4.After running for a long time, I had a ______ (呼吸急促). 5.You should put some ice on your ______ (肿胀的) ankle. 6.I ______ (打哈欠) several times during the boring meeting. 7.There is a ______ (晒伤) on her back after she spent a whole day at the beach. 8.My grandfather often has ______ (关节疼痛) because of his age. 二、英汉互译 1.晒伤______ 2.冒险一试______ 3.放弃______ 4.对…… 感兴趣______ 5.照顾______ 6.have a toothache______ 7.take medicine______ 8.lie on one's back______ 9.get into the habit of______ 10.be harmful to______ 三、句型转换 1.I have a headache. (对划线部分提问) What's ______ ______ with you 2.You should go to bed early. (改为否定句) You ______ go to bed early. 3.They went to the hospital by car. (对划线部分提问) How ______ they ______ to the hospital 4.She does her homework every day. (改为一般疑问句) Does she ______ her homework every day 5.There is nothing wrong with my watch. (同义句) My watch ______ ______ wrong. 四、单句语法填空 1.It's important for us ______ (drink) enough water every day. 2.The doctor told him ______ (not smoke) anymore. 3.She kept ______ (cough) all night. It worried her parents. 4.My mother asked me ______ (buy) some fruit on my way home. 5.He is used to ______ (get) up early in the morning. 6.Try ______ (not be) late for school next time. 7.We decided ______ (have) a picnic in the park. 8.She seems ______ (be) tired. Let her have a rest. 五、单项选择。 1.— ______ the matter with your grandma — She has a cold. A. Who's B. What's C. How's 2.You ______ play football in the street. It's dangerous. A. shouldn't B. should C. must 3.If you have a fever, you ______ stay in bed and rest. A. can B. may C. should 4.— I have a sore throat. — You'd better ______ some hot tea with honey. A. drink B. to drink C. drinking 5.My sister is used to ______ a glass of milk before going to bed. A. drink B. drinking C. drank 6.He was so tired that he ______ walk anymore. A. could B. couldn't C. can't 7.— I'm feeling bad. — You need to ______ down and relax. A. lie B. lying C. lay 8.The doctor advised her ______ more exercise to keep fit. A. do B. to do C. doing 六、语法填空 Last Sunday, I went hiking with my friends. In the beginning, everything was fine. But later, something unexpected happened. I ______ (step) on a sharp stone and my foot started to ______ (bleed). It really ______ (hurt) a lot. My friends quickly helped me sit down and checked my foot. One of them had a first-aid kit, and he took out some bandages and medicine. He told me to ______ (clean) the wound first and then put some medicine on it. After that, he ______ (wrap) the bandage around my foot carefully. I was very grateful to them. But I also knew that if I had worn my hiking boots more carefully, this ______ (not happen). We decided to go back home. On the way, I still felt a bit of pain. I ______ (realize) the importance of being careful when doing outdoor activities. When we got home, my parents were surprised to see my foot. They told me to ______ (rest) well and not go out for a while. I nodded and went to my room to lie down. The next day, my foot was feeling a little ______ (better). I ______ (hope) it would heal completely soon. 阅读理解 A Dear Tom, I'm not feeling great these days. I have a strange pain in my chest and I often feel short of breath. I thought it might go away on its own, but it has been bothering me for almost a week now. I went to see the doctor yesterday. He listened to my heart and took my blood pressure. He also asked me a lot of questions about my lifestyle, such as how much I exercise, what I eat, and how much sleep I get. After the examination, he said that it might be related to my stress level. I've been really busy at work recently and have had a lot of deadlines to meet. He advised me to take some time off, relax, and do some light exercise like walking or yoga. I know he's right, but it's not easy to just take time off when there's so much work to do. What do you think I should do Best regards, Mike 1.What's wrong with Mike A. He has a headache and a stomachache. B. He has a strange pain in his chest and feels short of breath. C. He has a toothache and a cough. D. He has a fever and a sore throat. 2.What did the doctor do to Mike A. He gave him some medicine. B. He did a lot of tests. C. He listened to his heart and took his blood pressure. D. He asked him to drink more water. 3.Why does Mike think it's not easy to take time off A. Because he doesn't like his job. B. Because he has a lot of work to do. C. Because he doesn't trust the doctor. D. Because his friends don't support him. 4.What kind of exercise did the doctor recommend A. Running. B. Swimming. C. Walking or yoga. D. Weightlifting. 5.What does Mike want to know from Tom A. How to get a promotion at work. B. How to feel better quickly. C. How to make more friends. D. How to cook healthy food. B A group of students went on a school trip. During the trip, one of the students, Lucy, suddenly felt dizzy and her face turned pale. She couldn't stand up straight. Her classmates immediately surrounded her and called the teacher. The teacher rushed over and asked what was wrong. Lucy said she didn't know, but she just felt really bad. The teacher quickly decided to take her to the nearest hospital. On the way, the teacher kept asking Lucy questions to see if she could get any clues about what was causing her discomfort. When they arrived at the hospital, the doctor examined Lucy carefully. He checked her temperature, blood pressure, and other vital signs. After a while, he said that Lucy might have been dehydrated because she didn't drink enough water during the trip. The doctor gave Lucy some fluids intravenously and told her to drink more water in the future. Lucy started to feel better soon. The teacher and her classmates were relieved to see her recovering. They all learned the importance of staying hydrated during outdoor activities. 6.What happened to Lucy during the school trip A. She had a headache. B. She felt dizzy and her face turned pale. C. She had a stomachache. D. She had a backache. 7.Who took Lucy to the hospital A. Her parents. B. Her classmates. C. The teacher. D. A passerby. 8.What did the doctor do to Lucy A. He gave her some medicine. B. He did a lot of tests. C. He checked her temperature, blood pressure, and other vital signs. D. He asked her to lie down and rest. 9.Why did Lucy feel bad A. Because she ate something bad. B. Because she didn't drink enough water. C. Because she was too tired. D. Because she caught a cold. 10.What did the teacher and her classmates learn A. The importance of having a first-aid kit. B. The importance of staying hydrated during outdoor activities. C. The importance of following the teacher's instructions. D. The importance of wearing comfortable shoes.