Unit 1 Cultural Heritage单元练习(含解析)2024-2025学年人教版高中英语必修第二册


名称 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage单元练习(含解析)2024-2025学年人教版高中英语必修第二册
格式 docx
文件大小 32.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2025-02-13 15:07:43



years.Howeverttoes were a center of Buddhist life and some of the world’s great cultures for hundreds of years.However,by the late Qing Dynasty they had been abandoned and nearly forgotten and many of the caves had becomeelements.Aroundresearchers.Unfortunatelyelements.Around 1900,with the discovery of a library of thousands of ancient documents,the caves received new interest from Chinese and foreign researchers.Unfortunately,this resulted in tens of thousands of items from the caves being taken to foreign museums.
In the 1940s,many researchers and artists visited the area to study traditional Chinese art.Copies of some of the artwork painted by respected artists such as Zhang Daqian and Guan Shanyue helped people all over the country learn about Dunhuang.These artists were also inspired by the artwork they saw in the caves and it began to influence their painting styles.Others staved in the desert for much longer.Chang Shuhong stayed for the rest of his life—struggling to record the cultural treasures and protect them from the weather.As a result of their efforts the Dunhuang Academy was formed to protect and study the Mogao Grottoes.
In 1987,the Mogao Grottoes were named a UNESCO World Heritage Site.While the caves are open to the public,access is now limited in order to protect the artwork.However,the caves can be seen online in digital form so that people around the world can study and enjoy them.
Despite its remoteness,the Mogao Grottoes continue to draw visitors.And just as the sand and desert have survived largely unchanged through the centuries,this small art gallery in the desert has also survived largely unchanged providing an amazing look at a world long ago past.
1.When did the Mogao Grottoes regain the world’s attention
A.Hundreds of years ago.
B.In the late Qing Dynasty.
C.In the late eighties of the 20th century.
D.Around the beginning of the 20th century.
2.What is the author’s purpose in mentioning the artists in the 1940s
A.To learn about their works.
B.To show how hard they worked.
C.To compare their different styles.
D.To appreciate their contributions.
3.When people have no access to visiting the caves,   .
A.they can do researches online
B.they can enjoy the digital versions
C.they can watch copies in art galleries
D.they can study them in foreign museums
4.Which of the following can be a suitable title for the text
A.The Mogao Grottoes—Center of Buddhist Life
B.The Mogao Grottoes—Art Gallery in the Desert
C.Respected Artists—Protectors of the Mogao Grottoes
D.An Amazing Tourist Attraction—The Mogao Grottoes
The Roman Colosseum(罗马圆形大剧场),built around two thousand years ago,survived a 14th century earthquake and most of the 150-some foot high building is still standing.It has seen the rise and fall of enormous structures as well as the Roman Empire.Why could the ancient structure stand the test of time while many modern constructions fall apart after a few decades Scientists believe the ancient Romans used a specific concrete which may account for its super-long existence.
Previous discoveries have confirmed the components of the Roman concrete:volcanic material,limestone(石灰石) and water.Architects suppose the volcanic material is what makes the building strong.But this is not enough to explain the architecture’s durability.A team of researchers recently discovered a magical power of the Roman concrete:self-healing.And the key actually lies in the tiny pieces of limestone.Worth mentioning is that researchers had taken them as impurities(杂质) due to the limitation of ancient technology.But it turned out that ancient Romans seemed to have discovered the secret.
When the Romans made the mixture,they heated up the limestone to turn it into quicklime,a very reactive chemical.Quicklime reacted with water and produced heat that set up a chemical foundation to strengthen the building material.Meanwhile,it would “wear” a hard “shell”,forming limestone pieces.It was these pieces that stopped the cracks(裂缝) from becoming bigger.When there was rain,the pieces reacted with water again,quickly filling the cracks.
For material scientist Ainissa Ramirez,this new understanding of ancient Roman concrete is a welcome discovery.“This is one way that the material can be greener,” says Ramirez,“The Romans made the material.We had to kind of figure out how they did it so that we can make better materials—and then,you know,in turn,be better guards of our environment.”
5.Why could Roman Colosseum still exist according to the text
A.It was rebuilt constantly.
B.It met few natural disasters.
C.It contained a special material.
D.Its shape increased the stability.
6.What is the function of the limestone pieces
A.To purify the concrete.
B.To react with volcanic material.
C.To make the structure water-proof.
D.To enable the building to repair itself.
7.What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 3 refer to
A.The rainwater.
B.The foundation.
C.The quicklime.
D.The limestone.
8.What can be inferred from Ainissa Ramirez’s words
A.Architects can get inspiration from ancient structures.
B.The Romans’ building method remains a secret till now.
C.Romans’ wisdom throws light on eco-friendly architecture.
D.Scientists are exploring how to guard the ancient civilization.
In northern Vietnam,in thick forests in the North Annamite Mountains,there is a wildlife park called Vu Quang.In 1986,the area was made an official forest reserve.In 2002,550 square kilometers of the area were declared a National Park. 1 .It is in an area that is hard to get to,for one thing.And it’s an area that’s difficult to walk through because the rocks are covered with algae and are very slippery.
 2 .In the last twenty years,several new species of animals that have never been seen anywhere in the world before have been discovered there.Some of them are so new that scientists haven’t given them official names yet!
The new animals discovered at the park include the Vu Quang ox or Saola,a “slow” deer,a giant muntjac (the world’s largest,in fact),a black deer and a “holy” goat. 3 ,as well as two species of amphibians and 15 species of reptiles.
The Saola was the first new species of large mammal to be discovered in more than fifty years,so it caused a lot of excitement in the scientific world.It is a strange goat-like creature that looks as if it is somehow related to cattle.It has horns that can be between one and two feet long,and that seem to come out of the animal’s head at slightly different angles. 4 .
The creature had hidden safely for generations in the Vu Quang area.But once it was discovered,it was in danger. 5 .Sadly,the Saola is now being hunted and may well end up as another endangered species.
A.That’s why it attracts hunters
B.Vu Quang is no ordinary park,though
C.Hunters have no respect for new species
D.But that’s not all that is unusual about Vu Quang
E.Five new species of fish have also been found there
F.This was the first time so many new species had been found in this area
G.That’s why it is called “Saola”,meaning “spinning wheel posts” in Vietnamese
Huizhou enjoys a time-honored history.In 2000,Xidi and the nearby Hongcun village were declared World Heritage sites by UNESCO for their outstanding preservation of rural architecture 1.     (date) back to the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
Huizhou houses are often wooden structures with brick walls,which require a lot of maintenance.Moreover,daylight is valued in Huizhou houses,which is reflected in the building of open interior courtyards,2.     (allow) sunshine to enter the rooms.Now,walking along the bluestone streets there,visitors can appreciate the distinctive Huizhou-style houses featuring white walls,dark tiles(瓦片) and layered horse-head roofs,3.      feel like they are immersed in a traditional Chinese ink painting.
The tourism boom helps to protect and breathe life into the ancient village.A 4.     (symbol) paifang,standing at the entrance to Xidi,5.     (build) in the 16th century in memory of Hu Wenguang,6.      Ming Dynasty official born in the village who made great 7.     (contribute) to local education and livelihoods.It is the local people’s desire to protect the local historical characteristics that leads to the buildings 8.          (preserve) to this day.Besides ancient dwellings and paifang,there stand some ancestral halls 9.      clans(宗族,家族) will gather to make sacrifices to their ancestors.With their own unique and marketable value,all these old Huizhou buildings are giving full play 10.      their distinctive cultural charm.
1.D 细节理解题。根据第一段的“Around1900,withthediscoveryofalibraryofthousandsofancientdocuments,thecavesreceivednewinterestfromChineseandforeignresearchers.”可知,大约在20世纪初,莫高窟重新引起了中外研究人员的兴趣。
2.D 推理判断题。根据第二段“Inthe1940s,manyresearchersandartists...wasformedtoprotectandstudytheMogaoGrottoes.”可知,20世纪40年代,许多研究人员和艺术家通过他们的努力,让人们了解了敦煌。由此推知,文章提及20世纪40年代的艺术家们是为了赞赏他们在传承莫高窟文化上的贡献。
3.B 细节理解题。根据第三段的“Whilethecavesareopentothepublic,accessisnowlimitedinordertoprotecttheartwork.However,thecavescanbeseenonlineindigitalformsothatpeoplearoundtheworldcanstudyandenjoythem.”可知,为了保护艺术品,现在莫高窟被限制进入,然而,人们可以在网上以数字模型的形式看到、研究和欣赏它们。
4.B 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章在第一段讲述了莫高窟重新获得人们关注的原因;第二段提及20世纪40年代的艺术家们在传承莫高窟文化上所做的努力,赞赏了他们的贡献;第三段讲述莫高窟被列为联合国世界文化遗产;第四段讲述了莫高窟的艺术价值。因此,本文主要介绍了沙漠中的艺术长廊——莫高窟。故选B项。
【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了罗马斗兽场,它建于大约两千年前,在14世纪的一场地震中幸存下来,大部分150多英尺高的建筑仍然屹立不倒。它见证了巨大建筑和罗马帝国的兴衰。为什么古代建筑能经受住时间的考验,而许多现代建筑在几十年后就倒塌了 科学家认为,古罗马人使用了一种特殊的混凝土,这可能是它长久存在的原因。
5.C 细节理解题。根据第一段的“ScientistsbelievetheancientRomansusedaspecificconcretewhichmayaccountforitssuper-longexistence.”可知,罗马斗兽场还能存在的原因是它含有一种特殊的材料。故选C项。
6.D 细节理解题。根据第二段的“AteamofresearchersrecentlydiscoveredamagicalpoweroftheRomanconcrete:self-healing.Andthekeyactuallyliesinthetinypiecesoflimestone.”可知,石灰石的功能是使建筑能够自我修复。故选D项。
7.C 词义猜测题。根据第三段的“Quicklimereactedwithwaterandproducedheatthatsetupachemicalfoundationtostrengthenthebuildingmaterial.”以及画线单词所在句中的“Meanwhile”可知,画线单词it指的就是上文提到的生石灰。
8.C 推理判断题。根据最后一段的“Wehadtokindoffigureouthowtheydiditsothatwecanmakebettermaterials—andthen,youknow,inturn,bebetterguardsofourenvironment.”可知,从AinissaRamirez的话中我们可以推断出罗马人的智慧为环保建筑提供了启示。
1.B 由下文“Itisinanareathatishardtogetto,foronething.Andit’sanareathat’sdifficulttowalkthroughbecausetherocksarecoveredwithalgaeandareveryslippery.”和普通公园易到达的常识可知,武广国家公园难以到达,和普通公园不一样,B项“然而,武广不是一个普通的公园”切合语境。
2.D 由上文“Itisinanareathatishardtogetto,foronething.Andit’sanareathat’sdifficulttowalkthroughbecausetherocksarecoveredwithalgaeandareveryslippery.”可知,武广国家公园难以到达,不同寻常,下文“Inthelasttwentyyears,severalnewspeciesofanimalsthathaveneverbeenseenanywhereintheworldbeforehavebeendiscoveredthere.Someofthemaresonewthatscientistshaven’tgiventhemofficialnamesyet!”介绍武广国家公园里面发现了一些闻所未闻的新物种,这也是不同寻常之处,由此可知,该空应该进一步提及武广国家公园的不平凡之处。D项“但这并不是武广国家公园的全部不同寻常之处”切合语境。
3.E 由上文“ThenewanimalsdiscoveredattheparkincludetheVuQuangoxorSaola,a ‘slow’ deer,agiantmuntjac(theworld’slargest,infact),ablackdeeranda ‘holy’ goat.”和下文“aswellastwospeciesofamphibiansand15speciesofreptiles”可知,该空和上下文列举了武广国家公园里面发现的新物种,E项“在那里还发现了五种新的鱼类”切合语境。
4.G 由上文“TheSaolawasthefirstnewspeciesoflargemammaltobediscoveredinmorethanfiftyyears,soitcausedalotofexcitementinthescientificworld.Itisastrangegoat-likecreaturethatlooksasifitissomehowrelatedtocattle.Ithashornsthatcanbebetweenoneandtwofeetlong,andthatseemtocomeoutoftheanimal’sheadatslightlydifferentangles.”可知,此段对Saola的外貌进行描述,故该空应承接上文继续介绍Saola的相关情况,G项“这就是为什么它被称为‘Saola’,在越南语中的意思是‘纺车桩’”切合语境。
5.C 由上文“ThecreaturehadhiddensafelyforgenerationsintheVuQuangarea.Butonceitwasdiscovered,itwasindanger.”和下文“Sadly,theSaolaisnowbeinghuntedandmaywellendupasanotherendangeredspecies.”可知,Saola处于危险之中,空格处和下文构成因果关系,正是因为猎人不尊重新物种,Saola才会被猎杀,C项“猎人不尊重新物种”切合语境。
1.dating 考查非谓语动词。句意:2000年,因为对明清时期乡村建筑的出色保存,西递和附近的宏村被联合国教科文组织宣布为世界遗产。dateback意为“追溯到”,和逻辑主语architecture构成主动关系,所以应用现在分词形式作后置定语。故填dating。
2.allowing 考查非谓语动词。句意:此外,徽州房屋重视日光,这体现在开放的室内庭院的建筑上,这可以让阳光进入房间。动词allow意为“允许”,和逻辑主语“openinteriorcourtyards”构成主动关系,所以应用现在分词形式。故填allowing。
3.and 考查连词。句意:现在,走在那里的青石街道上,游客可以欣赏到独特的徽州风格的房子,白墙、黑瓦、分层的马头屋顶,感觉自己沉浸在一幅传统的中国水墨画中。“canappreciate”和“feellike”构成并列关系,故填and。
4.symbolic 考查词性转换。句意:16世纪,为纪念明朝官员胡文光,西递村入口处有一座象征性的牌坊,胡文光出生于西递村,为当地的教育和生计做出了巨大贡献。此处作定语应用形容词。故填symbolic。
5.wasbuilt 考查一般过去时的被动语态和主谓一致。根据“inthe16thcentury”可知,此处应用一般过去时。动词build意为“建立”,和主语构成被动关系。主语paifang为第三人称单数。故填wasbuilt。
6.a 考查冠词。official意为“官员”,为可数名词,此处“MingDynastyofficial”为第一次出现,所以应用不定冠词表示泛指。Ming的开头发音为辅音,故填a。
7.contributions 考查名词复数。makecontributionsto意为“对……做出贡献”,故填contributions。
8.beingpreserved 考查非谓语动词。句意:正是当地人希望保护当地历史特色的愿望,使得这些建筑得以保存至今。leadtosbdoing意为“导致某人做某事”,为固定搭配,动词preserve意为“保存”,和逻辑主语buildings构成被动关系,所以此处应用动名词的被动语态形式。故填beingpreserved。
9.where 考查定语从句。句意:除了古老的民居和牌坊,还有一些宗祠,宗族会聚集在那里祭祀他们的祖先。在定语从句中不缺少主语、宾语或表语,且先行词为ancestralhalls,所以应用关系副词where。
10.to 考查介词。句意:这些徽州老建筑以其独特的市场价值,充分发挥着其独特的文化魅力。givefullplayto意为“充分发挥”,故填to。