课题 2024广东听说真题testA 2月 日 主备教师: 二次备课教师:
课型 听说课 使用对象 高三 班
学习目标 基于2024年广东高考听说考试真题A卷,强化每部分各题型答题技巧,重点提升听说考试中的笔记策略与逻辑表达,提高学生听说理解能力和素养。
学习重点 掌握Part A模仿朗读、Part B角色扮演、Part C故事复述的答题技巧。 重点提升Part A模仿朗读能力、Part B角色扮演的听取识别关键信息能力。 通过模拟训练提高应试综合能力。
学习难点 Part B角色扮演的听取识别关键信息能力,理解三问五答的题目用意并快速反应正确作答。
教学过程 本节课主要内容和技巧策略: 具体教学过程: 一、Part A 模仿朗读 China has introduced a new, eco-friendly train called the Intelligent Rail Transit or IRT. Unlike traditional trains, the IRT doesn’t run on tracks. Instead, it moves on roads using electricity, making it pollution-free. It can speed up to 60 miles per hour and carry 100 passengers in each section, much more than a regular bus. The IRT communicates with traffic lights intelligently and uses sensors to follow road markers. This enables the vehicle to autonomously make its way through urban roads. Bringing IRT to cities in China helps reduce traffic and introduces a new way to travel in the future. 短文主题概述:智能轨道列车(IRT)的特点与环保优势。 播放Test A原声片段,学生整体跟读,分层次点读。 针对性纠正元音发音(如“sensor”/ sens r/),重难点单词更正发音(黑体单词部分);关注技术类词汇(如“pollution-free”“sensors”);发音模仿视频中的连读(如“speed up to”)。 分组练习朗读,男生组和女生组,座次分组等,教师点评。 二、Part B 角色扮演 根据所给主题任务预测话题内容,自由讨论 与朋友Tom谈论乡村墙画的话题;根据谈话内容回答另一朋友的提问。 (什么是乡村墙画?它有什么作用?可以画哪些内容?你想尝试一下乡村墙画吗?) 播放Test A part B原声片段,引导学生根据三问中文翻译练习,并记录回答问题中的关键信息。 再次播放Test A part B原声片段,提问学生;检查学生记录笔记。 W: Hi, Tom. Where are you going to spend the summer holiday M: In a village in southeastern China. I’m going there to finish a project. W: What’s the project about M: Painting pictures on the walls in the village. W: Sounds like a big project. You do it all by yourself M: No, it’s group work. I work with some other art students from a university. The project started last year. W: Oh, I see. How is it going M: Quite well. We have already painted over 100 walls in the village. W:你们通常画些什么呢?What do you usually paint? M:At first, we only painted pictures of villager’s daily life, like working in the fields or chatting in their yards. Later, we tried anything that came to our mind. The paintings of cartoon characters and famous buildings are the most popular. The wall paintings have not only made the village more beautiful, but also brought changes to people’s life there. W:村民们喜欢这些变化吗?Do the villagers like these changes M:Yes, they do. The wall paintings have attracted many people to the village. The villagers provide bicycles for the visitors to tour around. They also sell fresh eggs and farm chickens to the visitors. As a result, the villagers have increased their income. What’s more, our paintings have made the children in the village interested in art. W:孩子们跟你们学画画了吗?Do the children learn to paint from you M:Sure, whenever we painted something new on the wall, the children always gathered around and watched us painting. One boy followed us all the time. He even showed us his own drawings and asked for advice. He told us that he dreamed of becoming a painter and making more villages beautiful. I’m sure his dream will come true. 回顾技巧;分角色模拟对话,限时回答5个问题。: 1. 速记关键数字(如“100 walls”)。 2. 提问模板:“Could you explain how the project started ”(结合5W1H)。
课后作业 1.真题训练:完成2024年A/B/C/D卷模拟题(含答案参考) 。 2.工具推荐:使用“E听说”APP或者天学网进行AI评分,重点分析连读与语调问题