故事续写George家庭故事续写 讲义 -广东省佛山市顺德区高中第四联盟2024-2025学年高三上学期联考英语试题


名称 故事续写George家庭故事续写 讲义 -广东省佛山市顺德区高中第四联盟2024-2025学年高三上学期联考英语试题
格式 docx
文件大小 23.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2025-02-16 14:26:31



George was a driver and he spent so much time at his work that he could hardly have a meal together with his wife and three children. In the evenings he attended classes, seeking to get knowledge that one day would help him to find a better paying job.
George’s family often complained that he was not spending enough time with them, but his only answer was, “I am doing all this for you and I work hard to provide my family with the best that I can.”
Soon after George had passed his exams, he received a good job offer with a salary, which was significantly higher than he had before. So now George could provide his family with more expensive clothes, some luxury items or vacations in foreign countries. It was like a dream come true, but family still did not get enough attention from George, as he continued to work very hard and often, he did not get to see his family for most of the week.
Time passed and George’s hard work paid off-he was promoted. He decided to relieve his wife from domestic works, so he hired a maid. He also decided that their flat was not big enough for their family and they needed a more spacious one. Thus he needed to work even harder and, moreover, he continued his studies, so that he would be promoted again. George worked so hard that sometimes he even had to spend his Sundays with his clients instead of his wife and children. And again, whenever family asked for his time and complained that they did not spend enough time together, he answered he was doing all this only for them.
A bit later George was promoted, and he could buy a spacious house with a beautiful view. On the first Sunday evening at their new home, George told his wife and kids now he decided not to take any studies or work not so hard so that he could spend more time with his beloved family.
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The next morning, George suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach.
The day finally came when George recovered from his illness.
第一段续写要点:细致描绘 George 突发胃痛时的具体表现,如他捂住肚子的动作、脸上痛苦的神情,以及发出的痛苦声音,以增强画面感。详细叙述妻子发现后的一系列行动,包括她的惊慌失措、打电话时的焦急语气。在医院里,补充医生与家属交流病情的细节,如医生严肃的表情、使用的专业术语,让读者更能体会情况的严重性。着重刻画家人的担忧,如孩子的哭泣、妻子的默默流泪,以及 George 此时内心的懊悔,回忆自己为工作忽略家庭的过往。
第二段续写要点:具体描述 George 康复后决定改变生活的内心挣扎过程,如他在工作与家庭之间权衡时的心理活动。详细阐述他减少工作时间的具体做法,如拒绝加班、推掉不必要的应酬,以及拒绝额外学习的坚定态度。生动描写他与家人相处的温馨场景,如早餐时的欢声笑语、晚上游戏时的热闹氛围、周末野餐的快乐时光,突出家庭关系的转变。展现妻子和孩子对他改变的积极回应,如妻子的甜蜜笑容、孩子的欢呼雀跃,以及 George 内心的满足感。
第一段中,George 从毫无预兆的身体剧痛,到得知病情后的震惊与懊悔,情感从身体的痛苦延伸到对家庭的愧疚。家人则从发现 George 病痛时的惊慌,到在医院的担忧,情感始终围绕着对 George 的关心。第二段中,George 康复后,从坚定改变生活的决心,到与家人相处时的满足与幸福,情感逐渐趋于温暖。家人从最初的担忧转变为对 George 改变的欣喜与接纳,家庭情感氛围变得愈发浓厚。
努力工作忽视家庭:George 为给家人更好生活,努力工作、学习,长时间忽视家庭,家人多次抱怨。
事业晋升仍未改变:George 通过考试获得好工作,后又升职,家庭物质条件改善,但他依旧忙碌,未陪伴家人。
突发疾病陷入危机:George 突发胃痛,被紧急送往医院,确诊为严重胃病,家人十分担忧,他开始反思。
决定改变生活方式:George 康复后,下定决心减少工作和学习,将更多时间投入家庭。
积极陪伴家人生活:George 开始每天与家人共进早餐、晚上陪孩子游戏、周末一起活动,家庭氛围其乐融融。
领悟家庭真正价值:George 深刻体会到家庭的珍贵,明白家庭比事业晋升和物质财富更重要,从此珍视与家人相处的时光。
George's experience serves as a poignant reminder that in the relentless pursuit of career success and material wealth, we must never lose sight of the preciousness of family, for it is the source of true happiness and fulfillment.(George 的经历深刻地提醒我们,在对事业成功和物质财富的不懈追求中,我们绝不能忽视家庭的珍贵,因为它是真正幸福和满足的源泉。)
Through George's journey from overworking to realizing the importance of family, we learn that life's true meaning lies not in the accumulation of achievements but in the quality time spent with loved ones.(通过 George 从过度工作到认识到家庭重要性的历程,我们了解到生活的真正意义不在于成就的积累,而在于与亲人共度的美好时光。)
This story vividly demonstrates that no matter how ambitious our career goals may be, family should always remain at the core of our lives, as it provides the emotional support and stability that nothing else can replace.(这个故事生动地表明,无论我们的职业目标多么雄心勃勃,家庭都应始终处于我们生活的核心,因为它提供了其他任何东西都无法替代的情感支持和稳定。)
George's transformation from a work - obsessed man to a family - centered one shows that it is never too late to change our priorities and embrace the love and warmth of family, which can bring about a profound and lasting sense of contentment.(George 从一个痴迷工作的人转变为以家庭为中心的人,这表明改变我们的优先事项并拥抱家庭的爱与温暖永远不会太晚,这能带来深刻而持久的满足感。)
In the end, George's story teaches us that the most valuable currency in life is not money or status but the relationships we build and nurture with our family, and it is our responsibility to strike a balance between work and family to lead a fulfilling life.(最终,George 的故事告诉我们,生活中最有价值的财富不是金钱或地位,而是我们与家人建立和培养的关系,我们有责任在工作和家庭之间找到平衡,过上充实的生活。)
The next morning, George suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach. It was as if a vice was tightening around his abdomen, causing him to double over in agony. His face contorted with pain, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. His wife, startled by his sudden cry of pain, rushed to his side. She found him on the floor, writhing in discomfort. Panic stricken, she fumbled for her phone, her hands shaking as she dialed the emergency number. “Please, come quickly! My husband is in terrible pain,” she pleaded, her voice laced with fear. At the hospital, the doctors worked quickly, running tests and asking George a series of questions. The waiting seemed endless for his family. His children, who had always been so used to his absence, now huddled together, their eyes wide with worry. When the doctor finally emerged with the diagnosis, his wife's hand flew to her mouth in shock. “A serious gastric problem, caused by long - term stress and overwork,” the doctor explained. George lay in the hospital bed, his heart heavy with regret. He looked at his family, their faces filled with concern, and he realized how much he had sacrificed for his career.
The day finally came when George recovered from his illness. As he walked out of the hospital, he took a deep breath, feeling a new sense of purpose. He knew he had to make a change. At work, he had a long talk with his boss, explaining that he needed to cut down on his hours. His boss, understanding his situation, agreed. George also decided to put his further studies on hold. Every morning, he woke up early to prepare breakfast for his family. The kitchen was filled with the sounds of laughter as they sat around the table, sharing stories. In the evenings, he played board games with his kids, their shouts of joy filling the house. On weekends, they went on picnics in the park, enjoying the sunshine and each other's company. His wife watched him with a soft smile, her eyes filled with love. George felt a warmth in his heart that he had never experienced before. He realized that the simple pleasures of family life were far more valuable than any promotion or material possession. From that day on, he made a promise to himself to always be there for his family, to cherish every moment they had together.
The next morning, George suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He couldn't bear it and groaned loudly. His wife, hearing the noise, quickly called an ambulance. At the hospital, after a series of tests, the doctor told them George had a serious gastric problem due to overwork. His family was worried. His children, who used to complain about his absence, now held his hand tightly. George looked at them and felt sorry for not spending enough time with them.
The day finally came when George recovered from his illness. He decided to change. He cut down his work hours and stopped his extra studies. Every morning, he had breakfast with his family. In the evenings, he played games with his kids. On weekends, they went for picnics. His wife was happy to see the change. George knew family was more important than work. He would always put family first from then on.
The next morning, George suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He was so overwhelmed by the pain that he fell onto the ground, screaming, “Help! Help!” The wife was making up the bed upstairs when she heard the cry from the living room, and she dashed downstairs immediately. She tried hard to lift him up several times, but in vain. It seemed like George lost his body posing herself, the wife finally dialed 911. And soon George was rushed to hospital.
The day finally came when George recovered from his illness. He came to his wife and said, “How lucky I am to have you around me. I can’t imagine if something terrible really happened.” The wife smiled and gave him a hug, saying, “Our kids and I knew you tried your best to improve our life. If happiness and comfort are achieved at the cost of your health, how can we be happy ” George saw his wife’s tears streaming down from her cheeks, unable to speak a word anymore. He just wished to stay healthy and spend more time accompanying his family.