课题 2024广东听说真题testB 2月 日 主备教师: 二次备课教师:
课型 听说课 使用对象 高三 班
学习目标 基于2024年广东高考听说考试真题B卷,重点提升故事复述部分的笔记记忆与逻辑表达。
学习重点 掌握Part A模仿朗读、Part B角色扮演、Part C故事复述的答题技巧。 重点提升Part C故事复述的听力笔记策略与复述能力。 通过模拟训练提高应试综合能力。
学习难点 Part C故事复述的听力笔记策略与复述能力;如何快速缩略记笔记;如何根据个人笔记短时复述
教学过程 pre-listening: 复习Part C 技巧策略: 听力笔记技巧 1. 关键词提取:记录事件、人物、人物相关的动词和名词、转折词(如but, however)。 2. 符号与缩写:用“→”表因果,“△”表关键点,缩写(如“w/”代替with)。 3. 分层结构:将故事分为“开端-发展-结局”三部分,每部分记录3-4个要点。 4. 逻辑连接词:复述时使用First, Then, Finally等衔接词。 Predicting:how to be a singer what happened between tom and the director 二、while-listening:播放真题故事音频,教师示范笔记方式,学生练习笔记并复述(限时5-10分钟): 展示优秀笔记范例(见图表),分析符号与逻辑分层。教师也可带着学生做笔记。 Part C 听力原文笔记符号与关键词复述逻辑框架1.Tom was born with a beautiful voice and loved singing very much. T born with a beau 声 T love singing开端: T born with a beau 声 T love singing2.He dreamed of becoming an opera singer one day, but he couldn't afford any formal training. T dream to be singer But afford formal 练But 转折3.Not giving up his dream, he managed to get a job as a cleaner in a big opera house. In this way, he had a lot of opportunities to watch the performances of famous singers. × give up And manage to work as cleaner in opera house So have chance see 表演And So 4.He also practiced a lot in his spare time. As time went by, he was able to sing very well. Some of his co-workers even said that he was singing like a professional.T practiced a lot So sing well Even 同 said 专业So/even 5.One night, after an opera performance, Tom did the cleaning on the stage as usual. Seeing that the hall was empty, Tom couldn't help walking to the center of the stage and started to sing.One night,T clean the stage and couldn’t help walking to sing on the stage after an opera 表After 6.He was singing wholeheartedly like a real opera singer. The moment Tom finished his singing, a woman walked towards him clapping her hands.T was singing like a real opera singer A woman walked in,clapping handsThe moment7.She was the director of the opera. She was very impressed and offered Tom a role in the opera. Tom was overjoyed.She was director Impressive Offer a role to T T was overjoyed同主语简写8.His first performance in the opera was a great success. From then on, Tom started his career as an opera singer.T’s 1st 表—great success T started his career as a singerFrom then on
根据笔记内容,抽取学生复述文章句子内容; 抽取优秀学生朗读原文材料,其他同学记笔记并再次复述;分组复述练习,互评内容完整度与连贯性。
课后作业 熟读今天课上part C 的篇章内容,老师或课代表抽查;适当点人解释大意; 完成3套听说模拟题(重点训练Part C笔记与复述)。