高二—人教版—英语选择性必修二—第二单元 Bridging Cultures
Lesson One Reading and Thinking 教学设计
语篇类型:新闻报道特写 (features) 授课时长:20 分钟
该阅读语篇是一篇刊登在伦敦一所大学校报上的文章, 讲述中国商科留学 生 Xie Lei 初到国外时遇到种种困难和挑战, 并逐渐适应新环境的经历。Xie Lei 面临的问题分为生活和学业两方面, 具体表现为语言障碍、想家、学术要求以及 中外教学方式的差异带来的挑战。文章叙述了Xie Lei 适应国外学习和生活的过 程, 伴随她一系列情感体验的变化, 即离开祖国和家人朋友, 飞往陌生国度时的 兴奋、紧张与迷茫(excited 、nervous 、don’t know what to expect),与寄宿家庭 相处过程中获得的安慰(comforted ), 听到导师提出的学术要求时的困惑 (confused),在学业上取得进步后的惊喜(surprised),作报告成功后重获的自 信(confident),以及逐渐适应新生活后内心的轻松自在(feel at home)。这是文 章的一条线索。
文章的另一条线索是 Xie Lei 参与文化沟通与交流的经历, 既包括体验、适 应当地文化,也包括向身边的人介绍中国文化。前者主要表现在 Xie Lei 努力适 应全新的文化环境,包括交通、问路、向寄宿家庭求助语言问题、积极参与英国 文化活动、丰富社交生活;后者主要体现在 Xie Lei 向寄宿家庭介绍中国、教 Laura 做中餐、在班上作中国传统艺术的报告、与英国人分享中国文化。第七段中“I’m learning about business, I’m also acting as a cultural messenger building a bridge
between us. ”是文 章 的 点 睛之笔, 呼应文 章标题 Business Student Building Bridges。
从文章结构来看, 上述两条线索交织在一起。作者叙述的内容有明显的时间 顺序, 文章中关键的时间点有 six months ago、at first、after just a few weeks、now halfway through her exchange year 、later 、for now 。同时, 文章内容的安排又具有 逻辑性。文章前两段叙述 Xie Lei 留学的背景和原因,中间第三段至第七段叙述 了 Xie Lei 克服困难适应留学生活的过程。文章最后一段收尾,对 Xie Lei 致以 祝福。
从文章体裁来看,该语篇类似新闻报道中的特写(features)。此类文章标题 一般浓缩概括全文的中心实质问题,本文标题 Business Student Building Bridges 便点出了文章的主题内涵,即文章旨在挖掘留学生在文化沟通和交流中的角色和 作用。在叙述中,作者引用了不少 Xie Lei 的原话,使得叙述更生动、真实、可 信,这也是此类文章的特点。例如,“‘I was very excited but also quite nervous. I didn’t know what to expect, ’ Xie Lei recalled ”。此外,文章的末段是新闻文体典型 的表达法(We’ll follow Xie Lei’s progress in later editions, but for now, we wish her all the best.)。
高二的学生通过义务阶段及高一的学习,已经了解了一些中外文化差异的知 识,具备一定的跨文化交际意识和能力,但对中外优秀文化的精神内涵感悟还不 是很深,缺少对文化现象背后所反映的价值取向的分析及鉴别能力。另外,学生 没有专门学习过新闻特写这类文章,对这类文章的文体特征可能相对陌生。
1. 掌握新闻特写的结构和写作特点;
2. 理解文章内容和主旨,并梳理文章两条主要线索——Xie Lei 从初到新环 境到最终适应国外学习和生活的情感体验变化,以及她参与文化沟通与交流的经 历,从努力适应全新文化环境到向当地传播与分享中国文化的变化;
3. 思考并归纳中外教育环境、教育方式的差异;了解在国外学习可能会遇到 的困难以及能够提前做的准备;明确留学生在文化传播中的角色。
引导学生理解文章的内容和主旨,把握文章的结构和写作特点;引导学生深 入思考留学生在文化传播中的角色以及中外文化环境和教学模式的差异。
探究主人翁 Xie Lei 行为背后的原因,思考留学生可能遇到的挑战以及应当 提前作好那些准备。深入理解及思考留学生在文化传播中的角色以及中外文化环 境和教学模式的差异。
教学资源:教材、多媒体课件 教学流程:
步骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动 时间
Introduction of Unit 2
Step 1 Ss observe the topic of the unit, look at the pictures and then answer questions. To arouse Ss ’ attention and interest in this topic. To enable Ss to relate their own experience to it. 2 min
Step 2 T introduces the follow-up learning activities in this unit.
Step 1 T presents pictures of Chinese students studying abroad and oversea students studying in China on exchange programs. To introduce the topic of the unit and provide background information about exchange programs. 2 min
Step 2 Ss look at the title and picture. Guess: 1. Who is Xie Lei 2. Who said “Welcome, Xie Lei” To enable students to make predictions about the text based on the title and picture. 2 min
3. Where is the article from 4. What aspects about Xie Lei’s experience on an exchange programme will be talked about
Step 1 Ss skim the text for the main idea of each paragraph and answer the questions 2-4 before reading. 1. To check whether the predictions are correct. 2. To help the students have a grasp of the main idea of the passage. 3. To guide students to look for relevant expressions to tell the text type and its text features. 5 min
Step 2 Ss scan the text to look for Xie Lei’s change in feelings during her year studying abroad and the reasons behind. Then draw a curved line on a diagram to show the changes. 1. To practice students ’ skill of reading for details. 2. To deepen their understanding of the content. 3 min
Step 3 Ss scan the passage again to complete the table about the challenges Xie Lei faced in daily life and study, and also the measures she took to deal with them. 1. To summarize and classify Xie Lei’s challenges and solutions 2. To prepare the students for the follow-up questions. 5 min
Step 1 Ss answer the following questions 1. What other challenges do you think students studying abroad like Xie Lei might face How can students prepare to handle these challenges before going abroad 2. What bridges did Xie Lei build and how has she helped to build them 3. Why does Xie Lei need to act as a cultural messenger 4. What makes a good cultural messenger 1. To shift attention from Xie’s experience to their own to think about the potential challenges and ways to deal with them if they study abroad one day 2. To inspire students to develop their own insight into cross-cultural communication. 5 min
Step 2 T makes a summary of the main To help students review
idea of the passage and the text feature of a feature from a newspaper. what they have learned
Homework (After class) Give an oral presentation - Suppose you are Xie Lei. You are asked to share your experience in London with your Chinese friends, what would you say 1. To help students retell what they have read based on their comprehension. 2. To provide a chance for them to improve their understanding of studying abroad. 1 min