Unit 4 Using Language
Explore body language
Learning objectives
In this class ,you will
2. describe how people use body language to express meaning
3. practise listening to make inference.
1. identify different types of body language
Discuss what you think each person is communicating.
frown (皱眉), tightly shut eyes, tight-lipped
He could be in great pain.
He could be upset.
facial expressions & gestures:
facial expressions & gestures:
fingers crossed, eyes closed
He is hoping for good luck.
smile,hug, American Sign Language (hand gesture for love)
The woman in the photo is either deaf or is communicating with her husband who is deaf.
She is using American Sign Language, and the sign she is using means “I love you”.
smile, hold hands tightly
The two children seem quite happy.
Perhaps they have just won a table tennis match.
2 Discuss when and where people need to use body language to communicate effectively.
Body language often needs to be used in situations where people cannot talk to each other directly. This can include, for example,
deaf people using sign language
where you have to be silent
army soldiers on a mission
Activity 2: (P42 3)
Listen and answer
Listen to a conversation about body language.
Then answer the following questions.
1 How did the man get the idea of using gestures to
From an action movie.
2 What did the police leader tell his team by using
Man: In the movie, the police were trying to enter a house, but they had to be really quiet so they could take the criminals by surprise. So the police leader used hand gestures to tell his team what to do. For example, he used this gesture to tell them how many bad guys were in the house. Then he gave instructions on who should go where, and what they should do. I thought it was pretty cool how they used hand gestures to communicate.
3 What did the woman say about the acting classes
that she’s been taking
She said that right now they’re learning how to use
body language to express themselves.
4 What did the man mean by saying “It’s good
you tried” at the end of the conversation
He meant that even though she wasn’t very good at
it, her experience was still worthwhile.
Infer meaning
[ m t (r)] n.业余爱好者,外行
Infer meaning
Sometimes things are not said directly, and so you must guess the meaning, relationship of the people, or context. You can do this by:
drawing conclusions from the background information you already have.
looking at clues that tell you the context.
using logic to work out the meaning.
4 Listen to the conversation again. Are the following statements correct inferences from the conversation
1. The two speakers are married.
2. Making too many gestures in communication is not polite.
3. The police team were probably successful in catching the criminals.
4. Both speakers think body language is useful.
5. The woman is not very confident about her silent acting ability.
What did you mean by... In other words...
So you mean... What I meant was...
So did that mean... What I was trying to say was ...
What I don't quite understand is... Does that make sense
Could you explain... Is that clear
Could you give me an example I can tell that...
Asking for and giving clarification
Read the tapescript and learn the blue patterns
Sense group意义群组: a group of words which are united by having one basic meaning.
Sense Group
& Pause停顿
Pause 停顿
* (usually) at the end of a sense group
* whenever there is punctuation标点符号, such as a comma period, colon([ k l n] n. 冒号), or semicolon
* emphasis, before and after the words that they feel are more important
Life is a stage, and we are all actors. This is also true when you are in a foreign land. Acting can help you communicate even if you do not know the language. For instance, one day a Chinese lady who was babysitting her grandchild in America went to a supermarket to buy some beef. She was confused to see all kinds of meat there and did not know which ones were beef. She asked a clerk by putting both hands up and saying “Moo!Moo!” The lady got what she wanted even without saying a word of English.
Be a listener, a thinker and a speaker.