Unit 1 词汇学案
Understanding ideas部分
pose 词块:pose for, pose a threat / challenge / danger / risk to sth
grocery grocer (n 食品杂货商) + -y (名词后缀)
词块:grocery store
fascination fascinate (v 使着迷) + -ion (名词后缀)
词族:fascinate, fascinated, fascinating, fascination
fashion fash- (make, do 做) + -ion
词块:in / out of fashion, in (a) … fashion
uncomplicated un- (否定前缀) + complicate (v 使复杂化) + -ed
faraway 合成词 far + away
celebrity celebr (honor 荣誉) + -ity (名词后缀)
anthropologist anthropology (人类学) + -ist (……学家)
trial try (v 尝试、试验) + -al (名词后缀)
词块:a (free) trial period, by trial and error, on trial
craftsmanship craftsman (n 工匠) + -ship (名词后缀,表示某种关系、状态或技能)
atomic atom (n 原子) + -ic (形容词后缀)
词块:atomic bombs
back down back down on / from sth
back down 为英式英语,美式英语为 back off
spotlight 合成词:spot (n 点) + light (n 光)
词块:in / under the spotlight, turn the spotlight on sth
prosperous prosper (v 使繁荣) + -ous (形容词后缀)
词块:a moderately prosperous society
词族:prosper, prosperous, prosperity
pose v
① vi (为画像、拍照等)摆好姿势;佯装:
Every member of New York’s wealthy high society wanted nothing more than to pose for this man.
After the graduation ceremony we all posed for a photograph.
② vt 造成(威胁、问题等):
pose a threat / challenge / danger / risk (to)
n [C] 姿势;姿态;假装
fashion n
① [U] & [C](服饰等的)流行式样;最新款式:
Long skirts were in / out of fashion last year.
follow / keep pace with (the) fashion
② [C](谈吐、行为等的)时尚:
As he saw it, fashion belonged to the people, not just to high society and big brands.
People’s lifestyle are fixed by generational habits and fashions.
③ [U] 时装业:
a fashion show / designer
in (a) … fashion 以……的方式:
He behaves in a strange fashion.
fashionable adj 流行的;时髦的:
fashionable clothes / ideas
old-fashioned adj 老式的;过时的;(人)守旧的
构词:try (v 尝试、试验) + -al (名词后缀)
① 试用;试验:
a (free) trial period
New cars have several severe trials before they are put on the market.
② 审判;审讯:
In a trial, a judge must decide which eyewitnesses to believe and which not to believe.
on trial 在试用中;在受审:
The clerk was employed on trial.
He’s on trial for theft.
by / through trial and error 反复试验;不断摸索:
Although Walnut Creek was not where these drought-resistant plants grew naturally, Ruth managed to grow them by much trial and error.
In November 1972, through trial and error, Tu and her team successfully discovered qinghaosu.
1. After the graduation ceremony we all posed for a photograph.
2. Long skirts were in / out of fashion last year.
1. The winning team posed for photographs. ___________
2. Chemicals in our drinking water could pose a serious threat to public health. ___________
3. Peter adopted a relaxed pose for the camera. ___________
1. School learning is a must for fashion designers. ____________
2. My mother is 61 and she wears the latest fashions in a way she would never have done ten years ago. ____________
3. Fashion brands are more important than well made clothing. ____________
4. We tend to be traditional rather than fashion-forward in our designs. ____________
5. Old-fashioned phones matter when wireless networks break down in disasters. ____________
1. Those skirts ______________________________(重新流行了起来)this season.
2. ______________________________ (好的时装设计取决于)understanding the details.
1. They succeeded in the experiment on the fifteenth trial. __________
2. The case is now under trial. __________
3. She agreed to employ me for a trial period. __________
4. Trial and error is the source of our knowledge. __________
5. The robots have been on trial for the past year. __________
6. He was on trial for theft. __________
Developing ideas部分
courtyard 合成词:court (n 庭院) + yard (n 院子)
precious 词源同 price 和 prize;词块:be precious to
restoration re- (back 回) + store (储存) + -ation (名词后缀) → 重新放回储存 → 修复;整修
词族:store, restore, restoration
workplaced 合成词:work (n 工作) + place (n 地方)
maximum 词块:at a maximum, a maximum of, to the maximum
workshop work (n 工作) + shop (n 工厂、车间)
polish 隐喻:具体的“擦亮”→ 抽象的“润色”
bark 词块:bark at sb / sth
exaggeration exaggerate (v 夸大) + -ion (名词后缀)
nonetheless 来自 none the less;近义词:nevertheless
artisan art (skill 技巧) + -is (名词后缀) + -an (名词后缀,表示人)
preserve pre- (before 前、先) + serve (to keep safe 使安全) → 提前保持某物的安全 → 保护;保存
词块:preserve one’s eyesight
apt 词块:be apt to do sth
近义词:tend to do sth
timeless time (时间) + -less (无、没有)
modest 词族:modest, modestly, modesty
essay 词块:an essay on / about sth
dominate domin- (house 家) + -ate (动词后缀) → 做一家之主 → 控制、支配
architecture architect (n 建筑师) + -ure (名词后缀)
architect:archi- (chief 主要的) + tect (builder 建造者) → 主要的建造者 → 建筑师
ambitious 构词:ambition — ambitious
associate as- (to 去) + soci (to unite with 联合) + -ate (动词后缀);基本义:联合、联系
词块:associate with
词族:associate, associated, association
analysis ana- (up, throughout 向上、始终) + lysis (a loosening 解开、松开) → 解开、松开 (问题) → 分析
词块:carry out / do an analysis of sth
派生:analyse / analyze
comprise com- (together 共同) + pris (to seize 抓) + -e (动词后缀) → 全部抓在一起 → 包括
正式用语 (对应 make up)
词块:be comprised of (对应 be made up of)
modest adj
① 谦虚的;谦逊的:
Mr Wang and his colleagues sedately piece together the past with skilful hands and modest hearts.
Wherever you go, do be modest and honest.
② 些许的;不太大的;不太贵的 not very great, big or expensive:
a modest price
She has saved a modest amount of money.
The living quarters are modest, with few luxuries, but cosy.
n [C] & [U] 野心;雄心;抱负:
Until all is over ambition never dies.
ambition to do sth / ambition of doing sth:
She had finally achieved / realized her ambition to become / of becoming a famous writer.
ambitious adj
① 有抱负心的;野心勃勃的:
an ambitious young lawyer
They were very ambitious for their children.
② 宏大的;艰巨的:
Each generation of the Lei family conscientiously learnt their craft and undertook ambitious projects, many of which took years to complete.
They have an ambitious plan — to expand their business by opening more chain stores.
■ v
① vt 把……联想 / 联系起来 to connect sb or sth in your mind with sb or sth else:
Their great works are associated more with the imperial court than with them.
I associate Switzerland with the Alps.
We tend to associate fresh air with health care.
② vi 交往;结交 to spend time with sb, especially sb that other people disapprove of:
I don’t like you associating with such people. 、
■ n [C] 同事 (colleague);(生意)伙伴:
business associates
■ adj 副的 having fewer rights in a particular profession or organization:
an associate editor / professor
associated adj 有关的;相关的;有联系的;联合的:
Some people say that classical music is associated only with old people.
【派生词】association n (选必一 Unit 3)
① [C] 协会;联盟;社团:
the National Basketball Association (NBA)
② [C] & [U](与人或团体的)关联;交往:
His English improved rapidly because of his association with British people.
We are working in association with a local company to raise money for the homeless.
③ [C] 联系;联想:
There is a proven association between passive smoking and cancer.
Disneyland has all kinds of happy associations for people.
n [C] & [U] (pl analyses) 分析:
carry out / do an analysis of
Blood samples were sent to the laboratory for analysis.
【知新】选必三 Unit 4 analyse / analyze R3 vt 分析:
analyze the data
With his help, we’ve learned how to analyze and settle problems.
The main body of an expository essay comprises paragraphs with supporting evidence and facts.
The house comprises two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living room.
The United Kingdom is comprised of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
■ vt
① 磨光;擦亮:
The only sound to break the silence in Wang Jin’s workshop is the chiming melody of the repaired and polished clocks.
polish one’s shoes
② 修改;润色:
polish an article
■ n [C][单数]抛光;擦亮;[C] & [U] 上光剂
1. She had finally achieved / realized her ambition to become / of becoming a famous writer.
2. They were very ambitious for their children.
3. We tend to associate fresh air with health care.
1. The more learned a man is, the more modest he usually becomes. __________
2. Grandma’s happiness came from modest expectations of life. __________
3. I bought the house at a modest price. __________
4. They live in a modest house, considering their wealth. __________
5. Young girls must be modest in speech, dress and behavior. __________
ambition & ambitious
1. 我的志向是当律师。(ambition)
2. 如果你努力,你的抱负是可以实现的。(achieve one’s ambition)
3. 攀登珠穆朗玛峰是我的夙愿。(ambition to do sth)
It has always been _________________________ Mount Qomolangma.
4. 她终于达到目的,成为了一名电影导演。(ambition)
5. 有抱负的学生才能取得最好的成绩。(ambitious)
1. Many people associate dark clouds with depression. _____________
2. I don’t like the people you associate with. _____________
3. Mr Tan is an associate professor at a university in Beijing. _____________
4. I’ve got a new job and a new set of work associates. _____________
1. Foreigners always associate China ___________ the Great Wall.
2. I benefited much from my ___________ (associate) with him.
3. Bamboo plants are ___________ (associate) with health, abundance and a happy home.
1. We ___________________________(对……作分析)the way that government money has been spent in the past.
2. Let’s ______________________(分析问题) and see what went wrong.
1. His __________ (analysis) were always so convincing.
2. They collect blood samples __________ analysis at a national laboratory.
3. Can you __________ (analysis) the structure of the sentence for me
1. Twelve departments comprise this university. __________
2. The committee comprise ten persons. __________
1. I polished my buttons with a handkerchief. __________
2. Your essay is good. You just need to polish it a bit. __________
3. I’ll just give my shoes a quick polish. __________