教学课题 北师大版(2019)高中英语必修三 Unit 7 Art Masterpieces (Lesson 1)
主题语境 人与社会
主题群 文学、艺术与体育
语篇类型 说明文
授课时长 80分钟(两课时)
教材分析 本课Masterpieces 在本单元是第二个课时,任务量较大,需要两节课(1.阅读课+2.语法课)来完成教学任务。本节课主要介绍了三幅画,并且引出了名词性从句,让学生在学习西方著名画作的同时对名词性从句有个初步的认识。 在教学中,教师要设计不同的活动,创设有趣的情景,激起学生学习语法的兴趣。 What: 该语篇是一篇说明文,由三部分构成,每部分分别有三个自然段,分别是从画内容、灵感及影响介绍了梵高的《星空》(第一部分)、爱德华·蒙克的《呐喊》(第二部分)及马格利特的《光明帝国》这三幅画; Why: 该语篇的深层涵义是让学生深入了解这三幅画,不仅知道其作者,也知道画的构成元素及所传达的意义,让学生认同优秀的外国文化,从这几幅画的意蕴美中获得积极的人生态度和价值观启示,有助于促进英语学科素养的行成和发展。 How: 该语篇是一篇典型的说明文,从不同的方面介绍了三幅画,主要涉及的语法点是名词性从句,让学生学会在语境中使用名词性从句。
学情分析 原有基础:高一年级学生已经具备基本的听说读写能力,大多数同学思维活跃,上课积极主动,有合作意识。 对于本节课将要学习的内容:大多数学生可能对画感兴趣,但一些学生可能不太了解这三幅西方画作;同时,学生第一次接触名词性从句,有些学生可能学起来较为困难。 (教师要设计不同的活动引起学生的兴趣,也要再阅读中注重穿插与名词性从句相关的活动,引起学生的重视) 学生存在的问题:学生阅读速度、口语基础、认知能力有差异,多数学生再整合知识,评判评价方面的能力比较欠缺
教学目标 学完本课后,学生能够: 语言能力:通过阅读,分析语篇结构,文体特征,提炼语篇传递的主题意义,并且运用所学的单词、短语及语法介绍三幅画; 文化意识 :通过图片展示,理解和欣赏三幅画的意蕴美,感悟中外名画的差异及优秀的精神内涵; 思维品质:通过对三幅画的评价,培养学生对不同画作的批判性思维,形成正确的审美观; 学习能力:通过思维导图等活动,激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生良好的学习习惯和学习策略。
教学重点 运用所学的单词、短语及语法介绍三幅画
教学难点 如何在真实语境中运用名词性从句
教学方法 Activity-based Method Multimedia Assistance Cooperative Learning Approach
Step 1-Pre-reading
Activity 1: Brainstorming+watch a video(Chinese paintings)
-How many famous Chinese paintings do you know
-To mobilize students' background knowledge about the art form of painting. Many students should be more familiar with the famous Chinese paintings, taking it as the first question to introduce can liven the classroom atmosphere, and then ask what are the famous Western paintings, which is more natural
Activity 2: Guess and describe
Answer a question- How amny western paintings do you know
Finish the information card and present[Name(creat by students): Describe: ]
-To predict the content of the following text and lay a good foundation for the following text reading by background information0
Step 2: While-reading
Activity 3: Fast reading
What’s the name of each painting and its artist
What’s the picture of each painting
(To make Ss understand the general idea and structure of the article)
Painting Artist What’s the painting is about (key words)
The Starry Night
The Scream
The Empire of Light
Activity 4:Careful reading(the first pare will be taught by teacher and the last two parts will be taught by students)
The Starry Night The Scream The Empire of Light
What does the painting show
What may have inspired the painter
What’s the influence
Activity 5: Sort the expressions into the correct columns
Step 3-Post-reading
Activity 6:Draw a mind map(A sample will be provided by teacher)
-To make students summarize the content
Activity 7: Introduce the painting(Group Work)
(Imagine you are a volunteer at an art exhibition and you are asked to introduce one of the paintings.(According to the pictures and mind-map)
Activity 8: Evaluating
What’s your favorite painting And why (Individual Work)
-To exercise students' critical thinking and guide them to form correct aesthetics
Activity 9: Summary
(To consolidate the word and phrases Ss learnt.)
Write a passage to introduce your favorite painting (group1+3+4);
Write a passage to introduce one of the three western paintings we have learnt(group2+5+6)
Preview the grammar- Watch the micro-course on nominal clauses(all Ss)
Appreciate Chinese and Western paintings online and make an English hand-copied paper to introduce different paintings(if you are interested in painting)
Blackboard Design