Unit 1 Lesson 1 Reading Class教案
Subject English Grade Level Senior High Grade 1 Total 4 periods
Textbook BNU Press Senior High School English Compulsory 1 Class Type Reading Class Period 1
Textbook Analysis
Textbook Analysis
This lesson is from Unit 1 of BNU Press Senior High School English Compulsory 1. It focuses on the theme of relationships, particularly the relationship between a teacher and a student. The reading texts, "My Teacher" and "My Student," provide insights into the impact of a good teacher on a student's life and vice versa. The texts highlight the importance of understanding students, building confidence, and using practical examples to make learning engaging.
Student Analysis
Students at this level have a basic understanding of English and can comprehend simple texts. However, they may struggle with complex vocabulary and nuanced themes. They are generally curious and eager to learn, but may lack the confidence to express their thoughts in English. The teacher should use interactive activities to engage students and build their confidence.
Lesson Objectives
1. Identify key qualities of a good teacher from the text.
2. Explain how Mr. Jenkins influenced Graham's life.
3. Participate in group discussions to deepen understanding.
4. Write a short paragraph about a teacher who has impacted their life.
Teaching Focus and Difficulties
1. Understanding the qualities of a good teacher.
2. Analyzing the impact of a good teacher on a student.
3. Enhancing reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.
1. Interpreting complex vocabulary and themes.
2. Engaging students in meaningful discussions.
3. Encouraging students to express their thoughts confidently in English.
Teaching Methods and Preparations
Teaching Methods
Lecture, Group Discussion, Question and Answer
Teaching Aids
Textbook, PPT, Markers, Projector
Teaching Procedure Teacher Activities Student Activities
Warm up (10 minutes) Activate and Share
(1) Greet the students and introduce the topic of the lesson: the qualities of a good teacher.
(2) Divide the class into pairs and ask them to discuss the qualities they think a good teacher should have, using the provided phrases as guidance.
(3) Provide each pair with a worksheet to record their ideas.
(4) After 5 minutes, invite pairs to share their ideas with the class.
(5) Write the key qualities on the board.
(6) Summarize the qualities and emphasize their importance in a classroom setting. 1. Introduce themselves and discuss the qualities of a good teacher with their partner.
2. Record their ideas on the worksheet.
3. Share their ideas with the class.
Reading and Exploring (20 minutes) Read and Explore
(1) Distribute the reading texts "My Teacher" and "My Student" to the students.
(2) Ask students to read "My Teacher" silently and underline any unfamiliar words or phrases.
(3) After reading, ask students to discuss in pairs what the text is mainly about and why it was written.
(4) Invite volunteers to share their thoughts with the class.
(5) Guide the class to identify key points, such as Mr. Jenkins' teaching methods and their impact on Graham.
(6) Write the key points on the board. 1. Read "My Teacher" silently and underline unfamiliar words or phrases.
2. Discuss the main points of the text with their partner.
Comprehension Questions (15 minutes) Read and Answer
(1) Ask students to read "My Student" and complete the information chart provided in the textbook.
(2) After completing the chart, ask students to answer the following questions:
Q1: What was Mr. Jenkins' impression of Graham before they met
Q2: What is Mr. Jenkins' attitude towards students
Q3: What are Mr. Jenkins' beliefs in teaching
(3) Provide 5 minutes for students to work individually and then discuss their answers in pairs.
(4) Invite volunteers to share their answers with the class.
(5) Provide feedback and clarify any misunderstandings.
(6) Write the correct answers on the board. 1. Read "My Student" and complete the information chart.
2. Answer the questions individually and then discuss with their partner.
3. Share their answers with the class.
Group Work (15 minutes) Think and Share
(1) Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with a set of discussion questions:
Q1: Mr. Jenkins said, "…it's important to understand that there's no such thing as a good or a bad student." How did he do Find evidence from the texts to support your opinion.
Q2: What made Graham a successful person Find evidence from the texts to support your opinion.
Q3: What made Mr. Jenkins a good teacher Write down one or two of his qualities and give your reasons.
(2) Allow 10 minutes for group discussion.
(3) After the discussion, ask each group to present their findings to the class.
(4) Encourage other groups to ask questions and provide feedback.
(5) Summarize the key points from each group's presentation.
(6) Write the key points on the board. 1. Discuss the questions in small groups and record their findings.
2. Present their findings to the class.
3. Listen to other groups' presentations and provide feedback.
Conclusion (5 minutes) Summarize and Reflect
(1) Summarize the main points of the lesson, emphasizing the qualities of a good teacher and the impact of a good teacher on a student.
(2) Ask students to reflect on the lesson and share one thing they learned.
(3) Provide feedback and encouragement.
(4) Announce the homework assignment. 1. Listen to the summary and reflect on the lesson.
2. Share one thing they learned.
Evaluation Tasks Q1: What was Mr. Jenkins' impression of Graham before they met ☆☆☆
Q2: What is Mr. Jenkins' attitude towards students ☆☆☆
Q3: What are Mr. Jenkins' beliefs in teaching ☆☆☆
Design Intentions The warm up activity helps students activate their prior knowledge and engage in the topic. The reading and exploring section allows students to practice reading comprehension and critical thinking. The comprehension questions ensure that students understand the key points of the texts. The group work encourages collaboration and deeper understanding. The conclusion helps students reflect on the lesson and solidify their learning.
Homework Assignment
Reading and Writing
1. Read the additional text "A Great Teacher" and answer the comprehension questions provided in the textbook.
2. Write a short paragraph (100 150 words) about a teacher who has impacted your life. Include specific examples of how the teacher helped you and what qualities you admire in them.
3. Prepare to share your paragraph in the next class.
Board Design
Qualities of a Good Teacher
Understand students
Be patient
Be creative
Make friends with students
Make students feel confident
Explain things with practical examples and in simple language
Key Points from "My Teacher"
Mr. Jenkins made science interesting
Used practical examples and simple language
Built a rocket with students
Made Graham feel confident
Asked Graham to give a presentation
Key Points from "My Student"
Mr. Jenkins understood Graham's potential
Changed Graham's attitude towards learning
Believed every student has strengths
Emphasized the importance of building relationships with students
Teaching Reflection
Areas for Improvement
1. Some students struggled with the vocabulary in the texts. In future lessons, I will provide more vocabulary support and pre teaching activities.
2. A few students were hesitant to participate in group discussions. I will implement more ice breaker activities to build confidence and encourage participation.
3. Some students did not fully understand the concept of the past perfect tense. I will review this grammar point in the next lesson and provide more practice exercises.